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The Pearl/Volume 7/Fowls and Pickled Pork.

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The Pearl
Printed for the Society of Vice
Fowls and Pickled Pork.
1429932The Pearl — Fowls and Pickled Pork.Printed for the Society of Vice

The wife of a City gentleman one day found in his pocket a billet from a ladylove of his, asking him to come that evening to supper, and that she had fowls and pickled pork.

The husband came home at his usual time, and told his wife that he had some particular business to transact that evening, which would keep him out rather late.

"Very well, dear, but you can't go out in that soiled shirt, come upstairs and change it," responded his tender better half.

She went with him to their bedroom, and with her jokes and larking soon gave him such a cockstand that he tossed her on the bed and had a good fuck.

Proceeding to finish dressing she again interrupted him with the remark that "he could not go out with such dirty stockings, now John let me pull them off and put on a clean pair for you."

This led to further dallying, especially when she remarked, "how silly his cock looked with its head hanging down, how she had taken the life out of it; la, I wonder if it can stand again dear," as she played with and kissed his limp concern. This led to another loving fuck, which ended by her giving him a rapturous kiss, as she exclaimed, "I believe, John, you have made me a baby at last. Now, my dear, I don't mind if you go and have the 'fowls and pickled pork.'"

But the husband declared "he would be damned if he did now."

N.B.- The Editor of THE PEARL would advise married ladies not to trust too implicitly in the belief "that if they fuck their husband well before he goes out, they may safely trust him." Our experience is that it only tends to make the men more excitable; we once knew a person (not ourself of course), who would have three different women on the way home from business, and then fuck his wife well when he went to bed, which he would not have thought of otherwise.