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The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal/Volume 1/Number 15

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266455The Perth gazette and Western Australian journal, Volume 1 — Number 15 (13 April 1833)

His Honour the Lieutenant Governor has thought proper
in the Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, signed
communications made to those persons to whom they may
to direct, that all public communications, which may appear
with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official


VOL. I.] [No. 15

SATURDAY, APRIL 13th, 1833


Colonial Secretary's Office
Perth, Feb. 5th, 1833

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to grant Permission to William Temple Graham, Esquire, to act as 'Notary Public' in this Colony.

By His Honor's Command

Peter Brown,
Colonial Secretary


Colonial Secretary's Office
Perth, March 20th, 1833.

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor directs the following List of the Magistrates of this Colony, to be published for general Information.

The Honorable W. H. Mackie, Esquire, Chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions

George Leake, Esquire

Edward Barrett Lennard, Esquire

John Morgan, Esquire

John Bussell, Esquire

Henry Bull, Esquire

The Rev. J. B. Wittenoom

Thomas Peel, Esquire

William Nairn, Esquire

William Tanner, Esquire

William Lockie Brockman, Esquire

T. T Ellis, Esquire

J. Molloy, Esquire

Alexander Collie, Esquire

Frances H. Byrne, Esquire

Peter Pegus, Esquire, and

Joshua Gregory, Esquire.

By His Honor's Command

Peter Brown,
Colonial Secretary.


Colonial Secretary's Office
Perth, 20th March, 1833,

His Honor the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to direct the Publication of the general Objects of the following Bill, now under the consideration of the Legislative Council.

"An Act to enable the Governor or other Officer administering the Government of Western Australia, to grant exemptions from the payment of License Duty under special circumstances."

WHEREAS by an Act of the Governor and Council (No. 8) of the second year of His present Majesty, intituled "An Act to regulate the sale of spiritous and fermented Liquors by Retail:" it is enacted, that all Publicans in any part of the Colony of Western Australia shall pay to the use of His Majesty &c. certain yearly Duties therein mentioned, and no Provision is therein made for exempting Publicans under any circumstances from such payment; AND whereas it appears expedient for the Public convenience, and probably conducive to the ultimate increase of His Majesty's Revenue in the said Colony that the erection or opening of Houses for the shelter and refreshment of Travellers in certain remote, and thinly peopled Districts or Thoroughfares, and the formation and repair of Roads without expense to the public, should be encouraged by granting such Exemptions as aforesaid, it is proposed

That power be conferred on the Governor to issue, with advice of Council, Licenses free of Duty, to persons proposing to keep Public Houses in certain situations: or to construct certain public works at their own expense.

That the duration of such License shall not continue or be in Force for any longer period than twelve calendar Months, and shall not be granted to any person without first obtaining and producing a Certificate signed by two Magistrates of the said Colony.

That on Violation of the conditions upon which such License shall be granted the same shall be forfeited.

By His Honor's Command,

Peter Brown,
Colonial Secretary,

without reserve

Mr. Richard Lewis begs to offer to the Public on Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1833, at the Perth HOTEL at 12 o'clock.—

2 superior 2 year old Heifers heavy in calf.

1 Excellent double wheel Plough, 1 ditto Kentish foot ditto, 1 Pair of Harrows, 1 superior Whale Boat, with masts, sails, and oars complete, 1 Light Cart not quite complete, &c., &c., &c.

Fremantle, April 12th, 1833.

Weekly Cargo Boat to Perth.

J. LUKIN respectfully informs the Public, that his boat, the Fanny will leave Fremantle every Thursday for Perth, and will return every Saturday morning, wind and weather permitting.—Goods landed at Perth, at 30s. per Ton, carriage at Fremantle included. Under half a ton—charge will be made according to the size of the package.

*** Timber, Bricks, Hay, and colonial produce conveyed to Fremantle on the most reasonable terms.

Fremantle, 11th April, 1833

Flour has been selling at Fremantle Wholesale at two pence half penny; 18 Tons were disposed of at this price a few days ago; by the bag at Perth it is still 5d., we shall hear more of this traffice in the course of a few days. Bread the 4lb. loaf, is reduced to 16d.

On Thursday, the 18th Instant,
at 12 o'clock
Will sell by AUCTION

At the STORE lately occupied by Mr. A. Curtis, the following valuable articles consisting of—

1 Large size superior spanish mahogany telescope dining table, 1 smaller ditto, 1 double barrel back percussion gun, 1 ditto flint gun, 1 single ditto back action percussion, 1 superior flint rifle with bayonet &c., 2 brace of pocket pistols, 5 fusees with bayonets, 1 superior Carbine, and various other articles too numerous to mention, which will be sold without reserve.


Flour in bags and barrels,
Split Peas
Sein Twine
Arrow Root
Hams and Bacon
Bullocks Bows and Chains
Bran and Pollard
Tripe in small kegs
Salmon in barrels, &c., &c.


150 Fine wool SHEEP.

F. Downing.


Before G. F. Moore, Esq., Civil Commissioner

Anderson v. Hall. This case which was adjudged to be left to the decision of two arbitrators, Messrs Lamb & Scott of Fremantle, was again brought forward in consequence, of Mr. Lamb's declining to act. After a long discussion it was arranged that Mr. Scott should supply the place of Mr. Lamb.

Hall v. Leake. This case was ordered to stand over for discussion upon the points of law until next court day.

Keats v. Smith. Mr. Clark opened the case. Various transactions had passed between the Plaintiff and the Defendant, and on the 28th December a balance was struck, the Defendant engaging to rectify any errors which might be discovered. It had subsequently been found out that sums had been received, for which the Plaintiff had not had credit. Johnson who was present at the settlement, deposed to this effect, which was further corrobated by the testimony of J. Thomas, Mr. Butler who appeared for the Defendant, handed in a receipt which was given at the time of settlement. The Commissioner remarked, that the nature of the defence, was exceedingly unsatisfactory, and he was surprised that the Defendant should stake his reputation upon, the production of a receipt, which f explained, would not speak much in the Defendant's favour. It was to be regretted that the Defendant was not present for his own sake, in order that he might remove by some explanation, so serious an imputation. Mr. Butler, said he had received his instructions but a few minutes previously to the case being called on, and he, in the hurry, had not seen the difficulty which now presented itself.

The Commissioner: Did not like to say so much as the case appeared to call for; it was desirable to give the defendant an opportunity of acquitting himself, the case had therefore, better stand over until the following day.

It was explained by the Agent of Mr. Smith, that he was prepared to lay open his books for the purpose of their being investigated, which was accordingly agreed to, and the balance was ordered by the Court to be struck and returned within a week.

Collins v. Lennard.—To recover £20. 14s. 3d. for goods sold and delivered

It appeard that Mr. Collins had sold to E. B. Lennard, Esq., 14 pigs, at £2. each, and an agreement was drawn up by the Defendant, in which it was stated, that they should be delivered at his farm: the Plaintiff however, transcribed the agreement, and omitted—at the farm—which the defendant perceiving, expressed a wish to have it inserted; the plaintiff declined, observing, 'He was sure they would not have any difference.'—As the defendant was riding away he perceived several natives in the neighbourhood, and upon this, remarked to the Plaintiff, that provided any of the pigs were speared, he must deduct £2 for each whether large or small. They escaped from the natives, but unfortunately one died in the boat, on its way up The defendant construing the agreement to mean, a delivery at the farm, refused payment, and this action was accordingly instituted. The defendant said he called on one occasion upon the Plaintiff to offer to bear half the loss, but he behaved so insolently that he (the Defendant) had come to the determination, of submitting the case to the decision of the Court.

The Commissioner was of opinion that as the Plaintiff payed half the freight, he made himself liable for half the loss, and—Judgment was given accordingly.

The Plaintiffs temper in the course of the inquiry frequently got the better of him, he had however, the candour to admit, (on being sharply reproved) that it was a matter of difficulty, for him to restrain, that 'humour which his mother gave him.'

Curtis v. Mason. The Plaintiff stated his case He had been in the habit of doing business with the Defendant, and made a bargain to sell her 8 half casks of pork, at 50s. per ½ barrel; 2s. to be allowed for freight from Fremantle. His part of the agreement had been performed, but the Defendant although she had boiled a piece of the pork in his presence and perfectly satisfied with it, (two other vessels arriving in the mean time,) she had declined taking more than four casks

No agreement being proved,—Verdict for the four casks with the expenses.

Mac Dermott v. Cheyne. The decision in this case, which is merely one of interest to the parties concerned, was, 'that the property be placed in the hands of Mr. Samson and Mr. Henty, and that Mr. Mac Dermott should receive a document for his portion of interest on the ship Stirling, giving a security for the repayment, if the final adjustment of the accounts should call for it.'

Lyon v. Dixon. This case was opened with determined hostily, both parties indulging in such reflections, as compelled the Commissioner to insist upon the courts not being made the Arena for the display of the passions. The amount claimed was £395; a charge for labour on Mr. Dixon's farm, including £50. money advanced. The Commissioner confessed it appeared to him a strange case, it might be supposed what was meant by the following items, but it certainly read very strangely. '58 days 59 Sundays included, 4 month's contract labour, 103 days, 120 Sundays included' (roars of laughter). An agreement was put in between Mr. Dixon and Mr. Lyon, which stated, that for the consideration of 10 fowls, 2 geese, and 2 turkeys, Mr. Lyon covenanted to enclose 2268 acres of land within the time limited by the Government regulations; under a penalty of £1000. The Commissioner wished to know whether it was possible that they could have seriously and soberly intended to have carried this agreement into effect—Mr. Lyon replied, that they were mutually bound

Mr. Clark deposed, that the £50 was paid as part of the price of certain houses at Fremantle, Mr Dixon had taken possession. This Mr Dixon allowed, but it was in consequence of his not recovering the remainder of the purchase money. Mr Lyon maintained that it was agreed when Mr. Dixon was upon the point of leaving the Colony a short time ago, that he should be his Agent, and the £150 the balance of the purchase money, should go towards the improvements of the grant, on the Swan, as he considered, unless some property was left in the Colony, to pay the expenses of those improvements, the grant would revert to the Crown.

After a long altercation, the Commissioner decided that the claim for labour, was not brought before him in a shape which would admit of his entertaining the case; but as it was proved that Mr Dixon had taken possession of the property, of which by a deed he had produced, he reserved the right of disposal in the event of the money not being paid, he should give Judgment for the £50.

IMPORTS per the Schooner

Auranzau, Captain Jordan, from Owyhee one of the Sandwich Islands. & Singapore

40 barrels salt beef, 29 pork, 47 bags containing 50¼ piculs sugar, 39 do. 50 piculs rice, 29 10 caddy boxes green tea, 66 ditto black do., 35 bags containing 33½ piculs of coffee, 20 tubs sugar candy, 9 cases containing 30 doz. bottles brandy, 1 case ditto 40 boxes of 240 Bengal segars, 1 cases ditto 400 pieces yellow nankines, 1 ditto 80 ditto, 1 ditto ditto 28 patent boat cloaks, 413 travelling bags, 9 cases ditto 39 doz. bottles beer, 1 case ditto 60 boxes chinsurah segars, 800 manilla hats, 36 ditto 300 floor mats, 36 ditto large size, 4 bags coffee containing 3 piculs and 17 lbs., l8 cases piculs sago, 25 piculs and l8 lbs., 15 bags rice containing 21 piculs, 9 dittto black pepper, do. 5 piculs and 14 lbs., 4 jars fine Manilla biscuit.



On Tuesday, the 9th Instant—The Jolly Rambler, Captain Brignell, for Hobart Town.

On Wednesday, the 10th Instant—The Frances Charlotte, Captain Smith, for Singapore.

On Saturday, the 13th Instant—The Cygnet, Captain Rolls for Port Augusta and the Mauritius.

Lying in Gages Roads.—The Merope, and the Monkey

The Merope is expected to sail to-morrow for the Mauritius via the Straits of Balli.

In Cockburn Sound.—The Government Schooner Ellen, Captain Toby.


We received Mr. Butler's letter and enclosures on Friday afternoon, too late for insertion; as the documents in their present shape, are not sufficiently authenticated, they are left at our Office, at Mr. Butler's disposal,


On Monday the 1st of April at Fremantle the lady of James Mc.Dermott Esquire of a daughter.




The establishment of a Court of Civil Judicature in this Colony, was hailed with general satisfaction, but has tended to the diffusion of a spirit of litigation amongst us, which it is painful to see 'growing with our growth.' The list, last court day, comprised 22 unimportant cases, and occupied the time, of our highly esteemed Commissioner of the Court, for two days. In so small a community, it is a lasting reflection upon us; and we do hope to see 'every man his own lawyer,' before long every man his own friend, if he is not disposed to regard the strict injunction laid down for his conduct towards his neighbour. The consideration of this subject leads us to reflect upon the want of unanimity and friendly feeling which ought to actuate us in our transactions with those, who arrive here, and who embark their capital in the same adventure with ourselves; why not practice the disposition shewn in other colonies, to aid and assist the new comer? an exchange of civilities, surely would not be idly thrown away, and how many have the means of forwarding the views of a neighbour, by lending a team for a day, to plough up a portion of ground to enable him to supply his immediate wants, or by assisting in erecting a shelter for his property; and in many other ways which will suggest themselves to the well disposed. Let the Agricultural Meeting, a body of respectable gentlemen, look to this, it is time the seed of kindred feeling was sown amongst us;—it is even their interest to cultivate that, which can yield so abundant a return.

Grand Encounter at Preston Point.

Mr. Weavell has kindly furnished us with the following particulars, of this reported landing (a refinement upon our general rumours) of 200 natives, and spearing Mrs. Weavell and himself, the former in six places, (nothing like being accurate,) and killing the latter on the spot. But to the facts, 'About 80 natives were crossed this morning (Friday) at my ferry; they went to the point to fish, and prepare their repast; their fire spread to a considerable extent, which in addition to a rumour conveyed to Fremantle that Mrs. W. and myself had been speared, brought nearly every male inhabitant of Fremantle to my house, some with guns without locks, some with guns without ammunition, others with ammunition without guns, some with pistols, others with bludgeons; a fine scene!!—never was such a corps paraided in Western Australia; however, as so great an interest, was expressed, and such a disposition shown to render every possible assistance, I feel anxious to evince my gratitude, by the insertion of the enclosed letter, in your next number.'

A pretty rediculous piece of business the whole affair has proved; and will, we hope, tend to check the extravagant and absurd statements, which are daily got up in the absence of other 'Lies of the day.'

A report that Mr. and Mrs. Watson had been speared, we happen to know (from being a witness to the circumstance which gave rise to the rumour) is a malicious fabrication. Mr. Watson was standing at our gate, when Yagan who appeared enraged, came up to him. and used most violent, and threatening gestures; he however, hurried away, without raising his spear, further than to evince his determination of bringing it into exercise at some future period.

The only manner in which we can account for this threat, is, that Mr. Watson has frequently repeated to many of his tribe a determination to shoot him.

Preston Point, April 12th, 1833

To the Editor of the Perth Gazette,


I beg leave to avail myself of the opportunity, which your columns will, I trust, afford me of returning my sincere thanks to the inhabitants generally of Fremantle, as also to those gentlemen (from residents, but who happened to be there) for the very kind feeling evinced by their prompt aid and assistance this day on hearing the report of my premises having been destroyed, and Mrs. Weavell speared by the natives.—I regret exceedingly, a report so groundless should have been spread, thereby occasioning so much trouble, and probably inconvenience to many who instantanously left their homes and business, to render every assistance in their power, and shall at all times think of the circumstance with gratified rememberance.

I am Sir,
Yous "Respectfully

We are told it is in contemplation to form a station at the flats, in order to command the native pass. This is a wise and most essential measure.

CANNIBALISM.—Lord HOWICK moved for permission to bring in a bill to empower the Governors and Council of New South Wales to make such regulations as may be necessary to prevent outrages being committed by British subjects in the South Sea Islands, In reply to questions from one or two Members as to the object of this Bill, his Lordship stated that the courts of New South Wales had the power of punishing offences committed in the colony, but if an offence were committed in New Zealand they had no means of bringing the delinquent before them. And in fact, in consequence of this defect in the law, a most atrocious offender had escaped with impunity. The Captain of a British ship, who had not been able to get a cargo of slaves, assisted one tribe of savages in decoying another, and actually permitted them to be slaughtered and eaten on board British vessel. Owing to the want of power to bring this man before the Courts, he escaped unpunished. Leave was given to bring in the Bill.

We have given insertion to Mr. Lyon's "Glance at the manners, and language of the Aborigines" without venturing an opinion as to its accuracy, from a conviction of our inability justly to estimate his statements without submitting them to test of experience; however, in lending ourselves to the promulgation of his opinions, by no means let it be infered that we subscribe to the whole of his deductions. The subject of the treatment of the natives, necessary to effect the grand object of pacification, is one of infinite perplexity, and the most desirable method, can only be arrived at by a knowledge of their manners and language; to attain this end, we have opened our columns for the discussion, which we hope will tend to remove individual prejudices, and establish one general sentiment throughout the Colony. There is considerable merit due to Mr. Lyon, for his application and research, in this difficult, and complicated enquiry, consequently although we withhold our opinion upon the individual merits of his 'Glance &c.'—we still think the following anonymous contribution, by no means handles the subject with that minute criticism which can establish it, as an effectua, contradiction to his assertions

It must be allowed Mr. Lyon has taken great pains to collect materials to form a Vocabulary, and his deductions, whether from premises or not, it requires no magician to define, will merely be received as those of an individual, and estimated accordingly by the public, into whose hands we commit Mr. Lyon and his anonymous oponent, reserving any further remarks, gleaned from general opinion, until the whole has been submitted to that severe but accurate test.

Perth, April 9th, 1833

Mr. Editor,

In a 'Glance at the manners' &c. of the natives in your paper of the 30th March, we have abundance of assertion—deductions, I presume, from premises, but without any statement of these premises. And as the assertions are much at variance with what is generally reported, permit me to call to recollection a few well known facts.

The first or almost the first interview with the natives after the establishment of the Colony, was a furious and wholly unprovoked demonstration of every thing but amity and kindness, by a native near Woodman's Point to a party of officers of H.M. ships Challenger and Sulphur.

The first natives seen on the Canning seized and endeavoured to run off with a swan that was shewn to them.

Before the month of Nov., 1829, a corporal of the 63d Regt, who separated from his party and lost his way, was received by a number of natives in a most hostile manner, and only saved his life with his musket: and two boats far up on the Swan were beset in an inimical manner, and one of them attempted to be, if not actually robbed by those who are declared to be 'a harmless, liberal, and kind hearted race'

The second exploring party that entered the South branch of the Estuary of the Murray, had to defend themselves against an utterly unprovoked attack with their fire arms.

The first months after the establishment of the Settlement of King George's Sound were characterised by the hostility of the natives, and their deceitful stealing upon our people at work in the woods, for the purpose of spearing them.

The tribes in the vicinity of King George's Sound with whose manners and customs we are best acquainted, are well known to be generally thieves, liars, cheats. Their expertness and deception would not do discredit to the accomplished swindler. They secretly steal upon the unsuspecting, attack the old and infirm, or the young and powerless, in sacrificing, if we may call it so, to the mains of their departed relatives, and consequently without courageously risking their own bodies in open and fair battle. If one has done another an injury, revenge is sought by cunning and duplicity.

The deceit and impertinence of the natives are daily complained of by the inhabitants of Perth at this very moment.

I pass over many instances of ingratitude for good treatment, of requiting liberality and kindness with depredation and outrage, when opportunity served them, because in their common intercourse with us it is difficult to separate retaliation from wanton trespass and assault.

'Martial courage' is displayed by a native in the same way that a dog trampled upon, will instantly seize the offender, and will immediately slink away from fear.—It is not the martial courage of a declared foe we have to dread in the natives, it is the dastard duplicity of the secret assassin and incendiary.

For all this I do not wish to countenance the inhuman and more than savage treatment which the natives have too often experienced from individual persons. Nor do I mean to condemn the original possessors of the soil, unheard and untried. They are endowed with mental faculties which if properly directed, might be turned to our and their advantage. To give this direction, the power of interchanging ideas, is the first step. But those who may be appointed to obtain such power, should be more than linguists; they should possess a quick comprehension, a sound and cool judgment, and a fearless rectitude of action.


Ngooljar, a friend; a bosom friend. See Ngoolya Gaen, an acquaintance; one of the same tribe.

Nulboo, a girdle—made of the fur of the opossum

Dyrgee, a band round the head, also made of the fur of the opossum

Bidang, feathers, stuck in the hair ornamentally

Booka, a mantle; a kangaroo skin thrown over the shoulders

Wardogoodye, a woman's mantle fastened under the chin. See wardo. See also goodye

Goodoo, that in which the child is carried

Wardo-goodyenee, a diminitive evidently from the preceeding word; a child's mantle

Willong, a covering for either a house or a person; a shelter of any sort

Boorno, a pin of wood, by which the mantle is fastened under the chin. See Boorno

Woonda, a string of platted hair, fastening woman's mantle. See Wonda-ngoon

Moolyatut, an ornament for the nose; a bone, or feather, passed through between the nostrils. See moolya

Wilgee, a red pigment with which they adorn themselves

Gidye, a spear

Mun-gor, a barb; gidye-mun-gor, a barbed spear

Moolya, the point of a spear. See moolya

Meero, a womera; a board tapering at both ends, made to throw the spear

Koilee, a curved stick, with which they kill the cockatoo, and other birds

Ngardu, an ax, made of sharp stones; for the purpose of barking dead trees in search of grubs See ngardu

The handle, a plain piece of wood, is lined near the end, on one side with the gum of the red gum tree; and the sharp stones are set in the gum.

Mindat, sick

Baloomay, an operation performed on the patient, by rubbing the body near the part affected, and clapping the hands, or snapping the fingers. It seems to be intended to operate as a charm

Tabea, to die; to sleep; to lie down; to be buried. So also in English, to die, is only to sleep. See the New Testament in various places. This would lead us to suppose that they have some idea of a resurrection, and a life to come. In burying, the tribes of Derbal, fill in the grave in the usual manner. But the tribes to the southward, leave it open, arching it over with wood and place the body under the arch in a sitting posture, with the face towards the East. This is another proof that their ancestors came from the old world; and were probably descended from the Chaldeeans, or their neighbours. For the first idolaters were all worshippers of the sun; and, in the act, stood with their faces towards the East See cap. 16.

The spear and womera of the warrior, agreeable to the common practice of all the barbarous nations of antiquity, are planted by the grave.

Goaaween, to laugh

Moorangween, to weep. How like the English word, to mourn. See Moorat

Nynow, to sit down, properly with the hands folded

Boneetdngowl, to lie down with the knees crossed.

See Boneet

Windaween, to lie down

Beedjar, sleep. This is the term by which they reckon both time and distance. Not so many days; but so many beedjars; that is so many sleeps, or nights; night being the proper time for sleep. Low as these people have fallen in the scale of humanity, they have not yet become so mad as to violate the laws of nature, after the example of the fashionable world; who turn night into day and day into night. See Boodjar

Mingala, to close the eyes. See mingat

Boneelanugaween, to kneel down

Yeeramanugaween, to stand up

Derboween, to swim.

Bardoo, to walk

Goongoo, a path.

Yukameeroodyebit, to run

Titown-kanweeng, to dance.

Gagaloornee, to wash

Gagaloomee-naboing, to wash the face, or person

Dogalier? who is this? or what is this person's name

Uriarouree? how do you do? properly to shake hands

Nindyawnee, to kiss.

Ngandit, very bad

Booyee, to eat. See booyee

Doorguree, to drink. See doorgat

Maryn, food, victuals.

Boen, flesh, a piece of meat

Dadya, birds cooked. See dyeeda

Dooburn, disageeable to the taste; bad

Booranyak. hungry.

Mooradabeen, full

Garoo, in Beeliar, more.

Gan, upon Ganyak, in Mooro, more.

Yoolup, hungry

Ngoomon, full. See meea ngoomon

Quaba, very good. Appropriate when speaking of things

Quabelee, very good. Appropriate when speaking of persons

Younga, thank you.

Dunga, to hear

Meeal, to see.

Dunga-meela, to understand See dunga and meeal

Naga, cold

Goorgyng, to be cold; to shiver with cold

Banya, sweat,

Gyala, fire

Galanynee, heat.

Garrik, smoke

Nanee? what do you say?

Anyee-goreewadeen? are you going to dinner ?

Ngoonda, yonder.

Coóee! ho!

Yalga, now

Yalga, yuga, immediately

Eih-hearken, attend.

Beelenak, above

Begoory, below.

Boodalla, long

Gumo, round.

Kai in Monkbeelven {{xx-larger|| yes
Qua in Mooro

Wunanga, no

Booragaroo, wangoo, come

Gooriaina, let us go; literally let us tread the ground. See gooiara

Wuraloo, come back.

Waterboort, go away

Warra, beware; desist; stand off, pass on, go away. A term of hostility

Gidyal, to spear. See gidye

Googoomitle, the position, or leaping, preparatory to the throwing of the spear

Boomak, to throw.

Boomouit, to throw at, to kill

Boomabara, a wound.

Boruween, to cut, to divide

Borubara, a cut, a wound.

Badyang, a boil, a sore

Boorang-wadoonee, stand back; let it stand back; put it back

Boomeyagan, to knock; to strike; to beat on any thing; to beat time to music; to knock at the door

Wanellangen, to stoop, to go with a crutch

Wager to speak

Wager, wunanga, be quiet. See wunanga

Yaller-wungaween, to talk, to converse

Yeedewangowecn, to name.

Yalya, to dig

Boordaak, to write, to trace characters

Ngoonda, yonder.

Booramool, stop, hold, gently

Mam, let alone,

Mya, a house

Bardwit, the door or entrance to a house See bardoo

Boornoo, roof of a house; the ridge of a house. See boorno.

This seems to be the proper place to inform the reader, that though the word house occurs in the language it does not import what we generally understand by the term in English, a comfortable habitation in which man may dwell. The term is applied indiscriminately to a small piece of the bark of the Melaleuca made to hold small fishes, and frogs; or to a shelter made of small sticks, rudely stuck into the ground, and covered, with large pieces of the same material. A number of these together form an encampment, where all the tribe eat and sleep together.

The old men seem, on all occasions, night and day, to have the care of the women. When the men return to the camp at night, they are presented each with a cake by the women, apparently made of the fruit of the zamia and the flesh of frogs. After this the whole tribe sup together; but each on his own fish or fowls. On the kangaroo they meal in common. After supper singing commences; in which all join, men, women, and children, old and young. When the time for rest arrives, they lie down by separate fires in distinct parties; the men all together side by side by one fire; and the old men together with all the women, married and single, in the same manner, by another fire. During the night, the old men and women frequently get up, and employ themselves in making, sharpening, or barbing the spears.

The following terms must be new to the language

Wundaberee, a boat

Yareewa, a knife

Moonigan, to cut, to divide

Bangana, bread

Bidye, soup, gravy

Dangoolyaneen, sugar

Ngoonaween Goolaween, biscuit

Woondangoon, a jacket. See woonda

Widyee-bunda, a gun.

The term imports swiftness, literally. It bounds, with the swiftness of an emu. The latter part of the word seems to be formed by onomata-pœa. See Widyee

The settlers will long have cause to remember the following term

Magooroo, a pig

Bee, fish, a fish; the generic term

Calgutta, the whiting

Wandeloop, the skipjack

Goodinyal, the cobbler

Wooree, the salmon, or king-fish

Wolga, the old woman

Biabeda, the squid

Waraneen, the porpoise

Manyeen, a seal

Their dexterity in spear fishing is very great. Half a score of men will spear upwards of 200 fish in two or three hours

Dyeeda, a bird: the generic term,

Ganba, a wing

Ganbagara, wings

Gnawer, a feather

Eeralya, small feathers

Moolya, the beak of a bird. See moolya

Gooljak, the swan

Nieremba, the pelican

Goonana, a duck

Meedee, the diver; the shag

Weedee, the penguin

Nagala, large sea gull

Dydjeenak, white sea gull

Burgoonee, the curlew

Wardang, a crow

Gargal, a hawk

Widyee, the emu

Bibiiyoor, the wild turkey

Ngagarla, the black cokatoo

Minat, the white cokatoo

Gulyererang, small paroket

Kunameet, the swallow

Wooda, the bronze winged pidgeon


Yawart, the male

Waroo, the female See warloo. See also mooree

Bangup, wallabie

Goomal, the opossum

Doora, a dog

Bagan, to bite

Noordoo, a fly

Kara, a spider

Kara-mya, a spiders web Literally, the house of the spider. See mya

Nifditee, a small spider worm

Galelee, large ant

Nungoor, small ant

Gooloo, a louse

Woodadye, centipede

Booga, a grasshopper—colour—green

Ngangoor, an insect that creeps along, carrying its house with it; which consists of small pieces of grass

Yoondok, iguana

Woorgael, a frog

Dumbart, one

Goodjal, two

Wyal, three

Boola, four

Boolabel, five

Gaen, six

Murdaeen, seven

Valleh, eight

Mardyn, nine

Moordal, ten

Boona, wood

Boona, gyala, char-coal. See gyala

Nandoop, a tree

Karagoor, the truck of a tree

Geenara, the roots of a tree. See geena

Mongara, the branches, or limbs of a tree. See monga

Ngoombit, flowers; the flowers of the red-gum tree. See Ngoombart

Deelby, a leaf

Beelara, dry leaves

Eemba, bark. See eemba

Dyerral, Eucalyptus; mahogany

Gyrdan, Encalyptus; red gum

Gooloorda, Encalyptus; flood gum

Dootai Encalyptus; white gum; called by some box-wood

Beera, Banksia grandis

Boongura, Banksia; a swampy species

Goolee, casuarina; she-oak

Dyanda, Hakea; holly tree

Galung, Accacia; green wattle

Beerembera, Accacia; a prickly species

rowspan="2" | {{xx-larger|| Accacia. a triangular leaved species
Manee, in Beeliar

Wanilee, leptospermum.

This beautiful ornament of the lawn, is very tenacious of the coast; and is not to be found beyond Point Walter and fresh water bay

Balga, Xanthorea, the grasstree

Meelan, the spear of the xanthorea

Booriarup, the grass of the xanthorea

Dyergee, zamia spiralis; the ground palm

Biyoo, the fruit of the zamia

Kaboor, Jacksonia Scofara

Mandyarl-spinosa. Both tall shrubs; in folliage resembling furze

Kawer, Viminaria denudata; a species of broom

Mudrooroo, Melaleuca; Tea-tree They use the bark of the melaleuca, to cover their huts; and also for drinking cups

Gullel, Melaleuca; swamp oak

Yeedee, Melaleuca; another species, spear wood

Mutdhoor, Nuytsia; florae bunda; the cabbage tree

Yallamit, a prickly angular leaved plant

Moondangurnang, Pteris esculenta; fern

Waroorook, Sonchus; sowthistle; a new speces

Maunden, bush; the bush in general

Boora, a red root; very abundant It is eaten by them and seems to be much relished

Beean booraberang, Dioscorea. A species of yam, and tastes like the cultivated yam. Of this, they are very fond. But it is very deep in the ground; and is obtained with great labour. Most of the places where this grows are now in the occupation of the settlers

Goorgoogoo, rushes

Goorgeeba, reeds

Margynee, a flag leaved plant with fibres resembling in property New Zealand flax

Badjat, Cyperacea; a strong coarse grass; fit only for thatch

Golbooga, mesembryanthimum, the wild fig

Gilba, grass; the generic term

Booboo, grass, the fine grass which grows on the alluvial plains, and elswhere

Dek, flowers. How like the English word, deck! to deck; to adorn

(To be continued)


Fremantle, April 6th-Arrived the Sandwich Island Schooner, Auranzau, Capt. R. Jordon from Singapore consigned to Mr. Wm. Lamb with the following cargo, viz:—

Beef, pork, sugar, rice, green and black teas, in large chests, and caddy boxes, coffee, sugar candy, old brandy in cases, segars, nankins, patent boat cloaks, manila hats, black pepper, sago, manilla biscuit, coloured floor mats, &c small cordage, &c. &c. &c.


IRISH PORK, ditto Beef, Hams, Flour Oatmeal, Potatoes, Onions, Rice, Lard, Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Jamaica Rum, Brandy, Prime Gin, Wines, London Porter, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Pipes, Cape Skins, Slops, Shoes, Cloth Caps, Felt and other Hats, Combs, Tin and Earthenware, Starch, Stone Blue, Pearl Barley, Vermicelli, Mustard, Pickles, Ketchup, Soy Salad Oil, Salt, Pepper, and Spices, Stationery, Playing Cards, Shot, Copper, Caps, Corks, &c. &c, &c.



I HEREBY give notice, that a motion will be made to the Civil Court, on Tuesday the seventh day of May next to obtain an order for the property of Raphiel Clint, late of this colony, to be sold, and the profits arising from such Sale to be placed in the hands of the Court, for the benefit of his creditors,

Dated the 4th April 1833.
Geo. Fred. Stone.
Attorney for the Creditors.

Firm Footing.—A traveller on his return from a State of Ohio, where he had been to purchase a farm in that 'land of milk and honey,' gave his account of the state of promse:—'Sir, as I was driving my team, I observed, a hat in the path, I reached it with my whip-stick to take it up from the mud.'—' What are you doing with my hat?' cried a voice under it. I soon discovered under the hat a brother emigrant, up to his ears in the mire.' ' Pray let me help you out,' said I.—'Thank you' said the bemired traveller, 'I have a good long-leged horse under me, who has carried me through worse sloughs than this; I am only stopping to breathe my nag, as this is the firmest footing I have found in fifty miles.—American Paper.

Edited, Printed, and Published by CHARLES MACFAULL, at the Gazette Office, Perth

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