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The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal/Volume 1/Number 18

From Wikisource



By his Honour Frederick Chidley Irwin Esquire, Captain in His Majesty's 63rd Regiment of foot, Lieutenant Governor, Commander in Chief, and Vice Admiral of the colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies.

Whereas it appears from information received that a Murder was committed yesterday between the hours of two and three o'clock, on the road from Fremantle to the Canning two miles beyond Bull's creek, on the Bodies of two white men named Velvick, servants to Mr Phillips of Maddington Farm on the Canning River, and as there is no reason to doubt that the Murder was committed by a party of Natives headed by a particular Native named "Egan or Yagan" supposed to be the chief perpetrator; NOW THEREFORE I the Lieutenant Governor do hereby, in virtue of the power in me vested, pronounce and declare the said "Egan" to be an outlaw deprived of the protection of the British laws, and I do hereby authorise and command all and every His Majesty's subjects residents in any part of this colony to capture, or aid and assist in capturing the body of the said "Egan" DEAD or ALIVE, and to produce the said body forthwith before the nearest Justice of the Peace: — AND I do further as an encouragement offer a Reward of THIRTY POUNDS to any Person or Persons so producing the said Body in manner as aforesaid.

AND whereas there is every reason to believe that two other Natives well known by the names of Midgegooroo, and Munday were present, aiding and abetting the said Yagan in the perpetration of the said Murder; — I do hereby further proclaim the said Midgegooroo and Munday to be outlaws, deprived of the protection of the British Laws, — and I do hereby offer a Reward of TWENTY POUNDS for the apprehension of either of them, the said Midgegooroo and Munday, dead or alive.


Given under my Hand and Seal at Perth, this first day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Three.

F. C. Irwin
Lieutenant Governor
By His Honour's Command
Peter Brown
Colonial Secretary
