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The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal/Volume 1/Number 9

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His Honour the Lieutenant Governor has thought proper
in the Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, signed
communications made to those persons to whom they may
to direct, that all public communications, which may appear
with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official


VOL. I.] [No. 9



AS Resident of this Town, it is probable that the Inhabitants generally may consider myself, and the Superintendents of Native Tribes, acting in conjunction with the Military Officers in Command, responsible in some degree, for the safety and protection of themselves and their properties. I therefore consider it to be my duty, to call their attention to the Government Notice, dated Feb. 18th, 1833, signed by the Honorable the Colonial Secretary.—It is moreover desirable, to impress upon the inhabitants, the very great necessity there is, for each individual very rigidly attending to, the cautions therein given, as every reasonable person must see the utter impracticability of carrying any plan into effect for the public good—if it be counteracted by those, who ought willingly, and cheerfully, to assist in this, and every such measure. It is particularly necessary to caution those persons who are in the habit of giving the natives money—not to do so, as it is evident, that plunder, and violence, must, and will follow, when they find, that money is the medium, through which they can procure food. As to the plea used by some individuals of the necessity for giving the the encouragement alluded to. in that notice, in order to secure their own personal safety, it is considered that any man, who would secure himself, at the risk of his neighbours, and in the defiance of a public notice, for the benefit of the community, is deserving of general reproach; and all persons should bear in mind, that every one so offending, is liable to indictment at the Quarter Sessions for misdemeanour, punishable on conviction, by fine, and Imprisonment. It may also be proper to remark that independent, of the prompt assistance of the Military, upon which the Inhabitants can safely rely at all times, there are always in my Office, sixty stand of arms, with a full supply of ammunition, for those who may require it, ready to inflict a prompt, and heavy punishment, on the natives, should their conduct at any time be considered to deserve it, by those, whose duty it is to judge, and to act, in such matters.

(Signed) J. MORGAN,
Perth, February 27th, 1833.

by private Contract,
at Mr. Joseph Harris's tent

A great variety of articles imported per Cygnet, of which a printed list is now ready for delivery.

Mr Harris being on the point of moving to his location on the Upper Swan, the Sale will only continue for a few days, and for Cash.

Perth, 22nd February 1833.

ESTATE of the late Charles Simmons deceased in administration

NOTICE is hereby given that a second dividend of ten Shillings in the pound will be paid by the above Estate, on the 6th day of March next, at the Office of the Registrar of the Civil Court at Perth, between the hours of 10 and 12 in the forenoon. Dated the 23. February 1833.

A. H. Stone.
Registrar Civil Court, &
Administrator in Ordinary.


Wanted, a quantity of Scantling, and Boards, of all sizes, delivered at the Jetty Perth.—Tenders specifying the description, and price per 100 feet, to be forwarded to

Architect, & Surveyor.

Perth, February 21st, 1833.


THE instantaneous relief experienced by the use of the NEW COLLYRIUM OR EYE WATER—having created a demand, the public are informed it may be procured at Mr. Walters' general Store, Perth, where persons may be referred to those who have been cured by its use.

Perth, and Fremantle, Jan. 24th, 1833

Cogniac Brandy
Jamaica Rum,
Cape Wine,
Dunbars Bottled Stout.
Ale in hogsheads,
Irish Prime Mess Pork,
Candles, Arrack,
Hops, Raisins,
Dried Fruits,
Apples, Pears,
Apricots, Peaches.
Prime Butter,
Snuff in Canisters,
Window Glass,
Brass Cocks,
Spades, Pick Axes,
Sickles, Nails,
Steel Mills,
Colonial Flour
Men's Strong Shoes
Cart and Waggon Wheels,
Corks, Cigars,
Crockery, Cloves,
Nutmegs, Pepper,
Shot, Iron and Steel in Bars,
London Mustard,
Tin Mugs, Pickles,
Pitch and Tar,
White, Black, and
Green Paint,
Mauritius Sugar,
Fine and Common
Black and Green Teas,
London Soap,
Seeds, Stationery
and Account Books,
Slops, Jackets,
Sadlery, Tobacco.

G Leake


THE Cutterrigged BOAT "SUCCESS" carrying 3 tons, with new Sails, Mast, chain Cable and Anchor,—Price 35 Guineas, Cash, or 40 guineas in barter for live stock, or useful articles of provisions.—Apply to

W. GIBBS, Perth

(At Mr. Wells's Stock-yard, Perth,)
On Wednesday the 6th Inst. at 12o'clock

By order of Mr. S. G. Henty, Agent for J. T. Gellibrand, Esq., of Hobart Town.

A quantity of Horned Cattle; also, three Horses, and a Foal.

by order of the Executors of the late
at Fremantle.
Mr Charles Smith Auctioneer.
On Monday, the 4th. of March.

A large and commodious Stone Store with sitting room, bed room, counting House and Stable, This Stone Store is well situated in the vicinity of Mr. Scott's Jetty. The rooms neatly furnished with French windows, Venetians, and Marble Chimney-piece, Standing on three Town Allotments, Nos. 88, 89. 90.—Possesion to be given on the 1st of August.

To the Editor,


Ï know not to whom His Majesty is indebted for the very able manner in which one or more of his Officers in Western Australia, have drawn up a specification for the bank across the Islands or Flats; but when they propose clay puddling on the deep mud, there existing, I can tell them they might as well at once throw their money into the said mud as expend it so uselessly. The Government I see propose only to do 100 rods—but unless the thing is properly and liberally done it had better not be attempted; this dribling of the Public money is far from being economical. The British Government is through our means making a valuable property in this Colony, and why should it not pay a fair price for it, by constructing public works for our accommodation. This leads me to observe, that I by no means agree with your remarks last week respecting the sale of land by the Crown—for, as to condensing the population, it would be a natural result in such neighbourhoods as are desirable without any interference; and if the lands to be granted were at a higher rate per acre on sums invested (say £I if necessary.) that would prevent estates being too large—the sale of lands by the first settlers is undoubtedly an advantage and one for their past sufferings they richly merit,—but why a person—after leaving "dear native country &c. &c.," is on his arrival here to pay into the hands of Government for that they never see or purchased a considerable sum, or be debarred the occupation of an estate, is what I cannot approve, it is at best an imposition, I cannot imagine a case to shew more strongly its injustice, than by supposing the £200 alluded to by you last week, to have (instead of going to an old settler,) passed into the Government chest, but observe for such a sum the gentleman must have been content, with at most 800 acres, and those the Lord knows where,—I say it is a shame for Government to dip their hands so deeply on any pretence into the pocket of the new comer, who will have need enough of it; fancy the change it would make in his prospects could he according to the old system lay out his ready cash in stock.

An old hand


Commissariat Office.
Perth, March 1st, 1833

By Lionel Samson, Government Auctioneer.
A quantity of Empty flour, pork, and beef Casks, belonging to the public.
John Lewis,
Dep. Asst. Commissary General


On the 27th Instant Arrived the Monkey, Capt Pace, from Java.—Assorted Cargo. We had begun to entertain some apprehension for the safety of this vessel, which we are happy to find, her arrival has removed. She has been out 3 Months; we regret we have not had an opportunity of obtaining an explanation of this unaccountably long passage, we will endeavour to procure it for our next.

Lying in Gages Roads.—The Cygnet,—The Jolly Rambler, and Monkey.

IMPORTS per MONKEY, Captain Pace.

90 half barrels Beef and Pork.—1 corn Mill,—2 packages Tea,—4 ton Rice,—3 cwt. Tobacco,—1 case Piece goods.

Stores not in the manifest but for Sale.—Sugar—cocoa nut Oil,—Candles,—tanned Hides,—Fishing lines,—and Hooks,—Soap,—Matts,—Rattans


The Natives are still in and near Perth encouraged to remain, we presume, by the distribution of rations, which are daily served out to them some distance from the town. We regret this encouragement has been given them, as it is an inducement for them to neglect their accustomed haunts, and leads to a greater intimacy than it appears to us advisable to cultivate; we reserve however any remarks, we may have to make, upon this point, until we are better informed as to the object proposed to be attained by it. A better opportunity for accomplishing any projected scheme, could not possibly present itself, we anticipate therefore in a short time we shall be enabled to report favourably of the progress made by the Superintendent of Native Tribes, and his assistant in the knowledge of the native language, as well as in establishing a friendly intercourse.

We consider it of the first importance, that the public should refrain from giving them either Money or Bread; it is true they are extremely importunate, and are becoming most accomplished beggars, but their importunities must be resisted, otherwise in the course of a short time force must be used, to effect that, which a determined line conduct would have accomplished, The privations these tribes are exposed to, are by no means so great as is generally imagined, they may be seen daily with loads of fish, whilst our fishermen return without any success;, we are surprized an attempt has not been made to bring the Natives into a system of barter instead of giving them bread &c whithout any return; their dexterity in spearing fish can at all times command any quantity their necessities may induce them to exercise sufficient energy to acquire, it is to be supposed therefore, that by giving a certain quantity of bread in proportion to the fish brought in, they would be stimulated to additional activity

Since writing the foregoing, a public notice has been transmitted to us for insertion, which will be found in another column, and to which we direct the attention of our Readers; we would remark however, although it may be a satisfaction to the public to know, that sixty stand of arms are in readiness to be produced on an emergency, still we have not hitherto seen, any occasion for apprehending danger and the treacherous method of revenge, practised by the Natives, in the event of its being provoked, would render a recourse to arms, when the mischief was done, as futile as ridiculous.

The improvements at Perth and Fremantle, have been for some time rapidly progressing, and from the substantial style of the buildings, the former being of brick, and the latter of stone, throw the earlier specimens of domestic architecture deeply in the shade. At Perth, the walls of the new barracks, are nearly completed; the carpenters work we understand is all prepared; in the course of a week or two we may expect therefore, to find this unsightly gat in the main street, filled up. The palings surrounding each Perth allotment according to the Government regulations, have a pleasing effect; and were the space of ground appointed for the barracks, and parade ground, inclosed, which we suppose will be done before long, a connected line of fencing will extend through the principal street. Several private buildings are in a state of forwardness, which we shall notice when their completion enables us to speak more decidedly of their respective merits. It is to be regretted that some steps are not taken to form a foot path, along St. George's Terrace, and Bazaar street, materials for the purpose are at hand, and we should conceive every householder would willingly subscribe towards a portion of the expense. The plan we should propose would be, first a layer of clay, secondly, upon this a well cemented brick causeway. We are open to any further suggestions relative to this subject, the consideration of which we submit to the earnest attention of our Readers. Great expense has been incurred at Fremantle in errecting stone walls, around each allotment, in order as it was supposed, to secure them from the drift sand; the object however, has been defeated, in many instances; and the unsightly appearence of these walls, we should hope will lead to the discontinuance of a regulation, which condemns the Inhabitants to perpetual imprisonment.

The difficulty genearlly felt in a new colony of obtaining suitable instruction for the youths, of the higher classes of the community, has been experenced here; we are happy to find however, this grand desideratum is likely to be afforded us, our esteemed colonial Chaplain having directed his attention to this desirable object.

Many families of respectability, we feel convinced, are detered from emigrating, in consequence of their reflecting that their children must of necessity run wild in the trackless woods of a new settlement; we rejoice, we are enabled to remove these scruples, as applied to us, by a reference to the establishment of a private Seminary at Perth, under the vigilant eye and guidance of a Gentleman of great ability, and considerable practical knowledge.

We have already noticed, the public institutions set on foot in the towns of Perth, Fremantle, and Guildford, which it gratefies us to report, all classes have been laudably zealous, and active in promoting; we augur much good irom the encouragement of these establishments, and trust they will continue to meet with the warm patronage, their objects so strongly recommend. At Perth we percieve some allotments are appropriated for the purpose of a School toom, and the building, we are informed is contracted for, and will soon be completed.

The Soldier Speared at Clarence

Last week we had only room to notice that Jenkins a Private of the 63d. who was speared by the Natives at Clarence, was recovering; we are happy to add, that he is expected before long to be in a state of convalescence. The particulars of the savage attack, are as follows; A party on their way to the Murray had casually put in at Clarence, where Jenkins was stationed, and requested him to let them have some water. He went to the well, for the purpose of procuring it, where he had to descend a small ladder; he had scarcely reached the bottom, when he heard a noise as he described it like the tramping of cavalry, at a short distance from him, and immediately afterwards received two spears in his back and shoulder; he mounted the ladder again with difficulty, and when at the top several more spears were hurled at him, two of which lodged in his side and arm. Thinking it is persuaded, that they had effected their diabolical purpose, they hastily retreated. From the manner in which the attack was made, there can be little doubt but this man was singled out as an object of revenge; and when we call to mind, that he was one of those stationed at Carnac to guard the native prisoners, we have no hesitation in affirming, that some acts of restraint, in the exercise of his duty have rendered him the victim of their displeasure. He perceived the whole of the tribe behind a hill at some distance from him, and, whether intentionally or not, it is difficult to determine, but the faces of those engaged in this brutal outrage were concealed so effectually by their hair being drawn over them, that Jenkins was unable to recognise any of their features. From this as well as many other instances, we have seen, that an injury once inflicted, upon any of the tribes, never is allowed to pass without retribution, we would therefore caution all those who come in contact with them, to be particularly circumspect in their conduct towards them, and to avoid what is termed larking, as such jokes may per chance be misinterpreted. Mr. Norcott we are informed had a narrow escape from that determined villian Yagan a few days ago, he happened to give him more than his share of biscuit, and endeavouring to take it away, when Yagan's ire was aroused, and his spear instantly pointed; this was done in the presence of several persons who restrained him. The reckless daring of this desperado who sets his life at a pin's fee, has been the subject of general observation, and we firmly believe for the most trivial offence even with a loaded musket at his breast, he would take the life of any man who provoked him. He is at the head and front of any mischief; it has been suggested that he should be again confined, but this we believe would only leave an opening for an equally daring successor. The chuckling style in which Yagan gives us to understand the manner in which they effected their escape from Carnac, is highly amusing; but a short time ago, he walked up to the door of the Jail at Fremantle, and after exchanging civilities with his late Keeper, marched off pointing significantly at the Jail, and then Carnac.

To the Editor of the Gazette


Having occasion to be in Perth a few day's on business, and influenced by that feeling, which has ever prompted me to take an interest in the welfare of the Natives, I wished to employ as many leisure mornings as I had to spare, in going out to Monger s lake to see the bread distributed and to embrace the opportunity of conversing with them. With this view. I called on Captain Ellis last Saturday morning, and stated my intention of accompanying him; but to my surprize he forbade me to do so. From Captain Ellis s rank, it is difficult to suppose he would have thus acted without special orders. I am therefore induced to ask what does the local Government mean? Does it intend to keep the natives as a game preserve, to be fed and shot at pleasure? Far be it from me to suppose that it has any such intention; the characters of those who compose it, forbid me to entertain such a thought for one moment: but until we have some explanation, I put it to themselves, upon reflection to say, whether it be possible for those who are utter strangers to the deliberations in council, to put any other construction upon the policy at present pursued. If Captain Ellis has acted in this matter without orders, let him explain, and free the local Government from all blame,

No one, be his prejudices and antipathies what they may, can if he pause to think, object to the humane act of giving a few rations for a time, to a people whom we have despoiled of their country; and every virtuous mind will approve of discouraging their coming into the towns, where in addition to their native vices, their intercourse with the lower orders of society, will impart to them all the moral deformity of the vices which have been imported from Europe. But that those who take an interest in their welfare should be forbiden to visit them in the bush, is one of the most unacountable proceedings that have yet been adopted. Can a people be governed without a knowledge of their language and their manners? or can there be any safety for the propertes and lives of settlers unless a friendly intercourse be established between them and the Native Tribes? surely it is time to have done with the purilities, I had almost said the fooleries which have been practised towards a people of whose language and manners, we know nothing; and that decisive and effectual measures were adopted in order to ameliroate the condition of the Aboriginal inhabitants.

I would take the liberty ot suggesting to Capt. Ellis, if report speaks truly, the impropriety of allowing Yagan to distribute the bread. The propriety of allowing any of the natives to do this at present, is, perhaps questionable. But the conferring this honor upon Yagan is a gross insult to Yellowgonga, who is the leading Chief on this side of the water. By the by it is reported that the distribution of rations to the natives, is to be shortly stopped. I trust the local Government will not again indanger the properties and lives of settlers by discontinuing this just and humane practice,

In the absence of representatives in the Legislative Council, the Settlers have no way of giving utterance on any measure affecting their common interest, but through the medium of a public Journal, I trust, therefore, you will not object to let this appear in the columns of the Gazette.

Perth, February 27th, 1833.

We have not heard whether the Civil Court, will hold its sittings on Thursday next the day usually appointed; but we should presume from the absence of the Civil Commissioner it will be postponed until his arrival from the Southward.

No less a number than 800 Chelsea pensioners have recently sold their pensions, for four years' purchase, to furnish themselves with the means of emigrating to the United States. A vast number of those men beyond the meridian of life, who emigrated last summer, have since returned, and, become chargeable to their respective parishes.

On Saturday, the 23rd Inst A Seaman belonging to the "Jolly Rambler," was taken before Mr. Leake, for ^subordination, on board the Cutter, and insolence to the Captain. He was committed to prison, until the Cutter is about to sail.

The Jetty at Perth during the summer season is a very inconvenient landing place indeed can only be approached in flats; unless considerably improved it is nearly useless, the advantage therefore, of constructing a Jetty in the neighbourhood of the Government Store House, would be great, and any individual forming a landing place of this description, by levying a trifling toll, would soon reimburse himself for his original outlay The present practice of landing passengers pickapack, the boatman being obliged to wade through mud for the extent of thirty or forty yards, is hazardous and unpleasant, and most persons we should imagine would readily pay a trifling sum to be relieved from. We strongly recommend either the extension of the old Jetty, or the formation of a new one on the sight we have proposed; those who have suffered as we have done, by two or three falls in the mud, we are convinced will as strenuously urge some improvement

A Mail is now open for England via India, per Cygnet, at the General Post Office, Perth.

The Perth Market has been indifferently supplied with fresh meat, for the last week, the prices still 1s 6d per lb. Fish continues scarce Vegetables abundant, Potatoes 6d. per lb Onions 10d. and 1s. Wild Birds, the Cockatoo, Duck, swamp hen Pigeons, &c. &c., have been offered for sale more generally of late, than usual.—Ducks 5s, the couple, Pigeons 1s. each, Cockatoos 1s. 6d.—Melons, water and rock 1s to 1s 6d Large sized Pumkins 1s. Rice and Flour are still high, the latter 6d. per lb. the former 7d. the importation per Monkey it is hoped, will reduce these articles to their proper levil.

We are informed our Fremantle Correspondent could not have been present at the commencement of the Sale, he alluded to, for it was distinctly stated, that the goods would not be sacrificed; but to avoid disappointment, each article would be put up at the invoice price, and knocked down to the highest bidder above it. With respect to the posting bills which stated "to be sold without reserve," we are further informed, should have been "to he sold at the highest bidding above the invoice price;"—but the bills being struck off, and circulated, before they were placed in the hands of the Auctioneer, prevented us correcting the error until the day of Sale, which was done as we have described.

Report of the West India Committee.—The fir report of the Select Committee on the commercial state of the West India colonies, which has been lately made, state that they have received abundant evidence of distress under which the West India planters labour, and have laboured for a long time, The immediate cause according to the West Indians is the inadiquacy of return. The cost of production of a hundred weight of Sugar is 15s 3d, The expense of bringing it to market is 8s 6d The market price is 23s 8d. thus leaving a deficiency of 6d. The report then adverts to the History of our colonial System—to the abolition of the Slave traffic in 1807—to the necessity of the planter to rear all his slaves, and maintain a large number of females who would not otherwise be required—to the continuance of the slave traffic in Cuba and Brazil—to the admission of the produce of foreign colonies into the British market, and to the inability of the West Indians to compete with the foreign colouies not enjoying the same advantages—to the high duty upon Rum and Sugar—to the increased cost of production, by reason of the abolition of the Slave trade the ameliorating orders, and the commercial restrictions—and to the exclusion of molasses by law from the distilleries and public breweries of the United Kingdom. These the West Indians contend are the artificial causes of the present distress; and they claim a compensation which will enable them to compete with the foreign grower. The report states, that some of the causes appear susceptidle of removal, which is a better remedy than compensation, One of the principal causes is the commercial restrictions. According to papers submitted to the board of trade, they impose an annual charge upon the West India colonies of 1,392,353l. The burden on Sugar 5s 6¾ a cwt. Take this burden away, cwt of sugar to market would be reduced to 18 7¼ (the cost is 24s 2d ) If the market price is 23s 8d then a balance of 5s. remains in favour of a planter instead of 6d against him

The following tribute of esteem to the memory of Captain Barker, of the 39th Regiment of foot, is highly creditable to Colonel Lindsay and his Brother Officers and was justly merited. Captain Barker was for some time at King Georges Sound after his removal from Melville Island, upon the Settlement being abandoned; and to him we are indebted for many improvments, which were effected during the time he was there; and for the amicable intercourse wnich has existed in that quarter with the Native tribes. It is melancholy to reflect that he fell a sacrifice in a cause, which his active exertions had tended so materialy to advance.

A very elegant monument and tablet has been erected at the expense of Colonel Lindesay, and the Officers of the 39th Regiment to the memory of Captain Barker, late Commandant of Western Port, who our Readers will remember, met a premature death in his zeal to extend our knowledge of the boundaries of the Colony. It is erected in St James s Church, opposite to the monument of a gallant veteran, in the naval Service, Sir Thomas Brisbane. The tomb is the work of Mr. Rennie, who has displayed much taste in its execution. The arrangement of the decorative parts is also highly pleasing. On the top of the tomb are wreaths of honeysuckle foliage, entwined with ribbands. On the side pilasters, are two torches reversed, and on the frieze above the tablet are darts, and split beads A Grecian leaf runs on the base below the tablet The whole presenting a tout ensamble highly creditable to the artist The tomb is 5 feet long, and the tablet 2 feet 9 inches. The following is the inscription which is at once affectionate chaste and elegant—

sacret to the memory of
captain collett barker
of his majesty's 39th regiment of foot,
who was treacherously murdered
by the aboriginal natives,
on the 30th of april, 1831,
while endeavouring, in the performance of his
duty, to ascertain the communication between
lake alexandrina and the gulf of st vincent
on the south west coast of new holland,
in token of esteem for the singular worth,
and in affectionate remembrance of rhe many
virtues of the deceased,
this tablet is erected by


The Battalion of Bearded Officers—There has been for sometime in the service of Donna Maria, a battalion composed exclusively of officers of rank, all bachelors, who have made a vow never to shave or cut their beards until she shall be established on the throne of Portugal. When that event takes place, a field day is to be appointed, when a general shearing and shaving is to take place, and the various fleeces are to be formed into a mattrass for her M ost Sacred Majesty! Already the beard of some of this devoted battalion vie with that of the High Priest of all the Jews.

Such is the scarcity of employment, in England, amongst thousands of Carpenters and Bricklayer, that many master builders about the metropolis, being daily so much annoyed by numerous applications, have been under the necessity of placing men at their gates in order to give negative answers.

A granite column, it is said, is about to be erected in the metropolis, in honour of reform, and for which the Haytor company has offered to furnish one entire block, 10 feet square, and 90 feet high.

The peculiarity of the weather during the last two months, so different from that experienced in corresponding months in former years, still continues,

and has afforded us but little occasion to complain of any oppressive heat in the climate.

(From the Sydney Herald.)

There are few situations more entitled to general sympathy and to the beneficent patronage and aid of an enlightened public, than that of the British emigrant, landing for the first time on these shores, attended by a wife and family, without money and friends, in quest of a profitable mode of employing his labour for their benefit, and disappointed in his endavours. Home with all its endearing realities of liberty, has been abandoned for ever The cords of friendly intercourse have been dissevered, The stream of patronage flowing in the various channels of private and public benefit, for one's advantage, has been diverted from its course The handicraft of the workman, which secured competence in the Mother Country, is here unknown, or uncalled for; and the emigrant sets out afresh, as in the begining of life, his frail barque ill provided for the boisterous gales of adversity, in a foreign land, and surrounded with strangers in similar circumstances, compelled to procure his daily bread by contending against a host of competitors.

All emigrants experience these feelings, to a certain extent; but probably in no country is one exposed to a greater number of temptations, or greater variety of perplexing annoyances, than in this Colony. If he has amongst us to obtain a gratuitous grant of land, he finds himself disappointed. If merchandize, or manufactures, or agriculture, the useful or the ornamental arts be his object, he finds himself already forestalled in the market which he conceived was unprovided with artizans; and he is compelled to turn his industry into some other channel to secure himself the necessaries and comforts of life. Unused to the diversified modes of living amongst us, unacquainted with our customs and local institutions, a stranger to all our petty dissensions, and parties, which embitter the pleasures of Colonial Society, the emigrant discovers to his cost, that he has every thing to learn; and that the knowledge which books had furnished is worse than useless, for it had flattered only to betray. Unskilled in the many arts of deception employed by the vicious portion of our anomalous society, to overreach the ignorant, he finds, that though removed at an immense distance from the Mother Country, we have not forgotten to transport the very worst of her practices along with us. He finds that notwithstanding the nominal cheapness of provisions, he is unemployed, in the situation of the person, who boasted that in his country, potatoes might be purchased for sixpence a hundred weight, and being asked, why he left so prolific and plenteous a country to starve in a foreign land, replied, "But alas, where was the sixpence to be found?" Not overstocked with money on his arrival, elevated with the joy of escape from misery, oppression, or degradation at home, and delighted with the prospects of the country he is about to enter, his disappointment is the greater, when he finds that in fleeing from one evil, he has fallen under the power of another. Diffident and distrustful, industrious, but unemployed, poverty behind, and dread of disappointment in front, the harassing of a humble emigrant is worthy of our deepest commiseration, and assistance. There is no situation in which a virtuous man can be placed, that stands more in want of the countenance and direction of those already established in the Country, both for the benefit of the individual, and for the advantage of the community. By a little kindness, sympathy, and benevolent exertion, on the part of others, by a few disinterested suggestions, a helping hand over the style, in this quarter, and a push foreward into the ranks of industrious on the other, the future welfare of the individual, and eventually of his children, and all their progeny, in succeeding times, may be secured, which by a different procedure may be frustrated by neglect.

Our readers are aware that His Majesty's Government have made an offer to those pensioners who may be disposed to relish the proposal, of an advance of four years pension, in lieu of their permanent claims on the British public for past services. Several hundreds of these men have accepted these terms: and have removed with their wives and families to America. Others preferring the Southern Hemisphere have been transmitted to the Australian Colonies. The wealthier classes in certain parts of the Mother Country, reduced to poverty by the pressure of poor rates, have also bestirred themselves to throw off their surplus population, and at the present moment many parishes in England are making strenuous efforts to send out individuals, under their superintendence to these shores. If the Mother country were to be relieved of her burdens by throwing the amount of their pensions on us, the hardship would be of a most intolerable character. But this is not the case; and as there is not one person, young or old, who may not be made serviceable in this Country, it becomes the common duty of all to see that they are placed in such situations, as shall enable them to earn a decent competence, and prevent at the present, or at any future period, the dreaded alternative, which in any other mode of procedure, we have reason to anticipate.

We observe in some late papers, from Van Diemen's Land, that attempts are made to throw discredit on all such importations, from a supposition, that the persons sent out are not fitted to become settlers, nor to make themselves useful. We have more than once heard the same observations made in this Country, and have sometimes led, to call in question the propriety of the measure, from an imperfect consideration of its bearings. We should coincide in the opinion, also, were the charge of transmission to be defrayed by this Colony; a subject on which we have frequaintly expressed our sentiments. But if we take into view, in our estimates, the mass of intelligence, and of successful enterprise, and labour which must be thrown into the Colony, and the tendency which every importation effects to place us in independence of prison labour, and at the same time call to mind the benefit arising from a numerous population in all pastoral and agricultural countries, we are disposed to throw out of view all such questions as depend on the expediency or policy of the measure, from a conviction of its several excellencies. We should endeavour to neutralise the evils of the system, by our strenuous exertions to turn it to good account. It appears to us that this may be the best effected by an association of respectable, benevolent, disinterested individuals, who shall take up the emigrant on his arrival, and shall not only furnish him with such information as shall be useful in directing his course, but shall enable him to find out the most profitable means of employing his mechanical agricultural knowledge to the best advantage. As many of these persons are well qualified to conduct the affairs of small farms, or to become settlers by renting land, such information shall be supplied through the medium of this society, as should at once bring master and servant, landlord and tenant into contact, by which a great portion of that time which is spent in seeking out situations might be saved to both.—The work would be one of the highest benevolence and philanthropy, and it would amply repay with conscious satisfaction of duty fulfilled, the exertions of any wellwishers of this Country, who may be disposed to embark in the patriotic undertaking.

We propose, therefore that an Emigration Society should be formed in Sydney, whose object should be to render every assistance to emigrants on their arrival, in regard to lodging, employment, transmssion to the interior, &c; and that it should render a similar service to settlers in the interior, by acting in such manner for the interest of each, as should prove conducive to their mutual benefit. Such a Society should be provided with a Secretary, paid by a small salary, for the purpose of devoting his time to the duties of his office, who shall correspond with gentlemen in the interior, who might be instrumental in procuring situations amongst settlers, for such individuals as were unable otherwise to provide themselves situations in Sydney. The expense attending such a Society would be small; and if it were productive of general good, there can be little doubt that Government, in the same manner as it exercises a laudable and liberal extension of patronage to the Benevolent Asylum, would also extend its aid to a Society so well deserving its protection, when confined to a purpose so truly philanthropic.

Such a Society has for a long time existed in Canada. The Settler, immediately on his arrival, is taken up by the Society. Accommodation, advice, and assistance are rendered with the utmost liberality, and the easiest and cheapest modes of pursuing his journey to the interior are pointed out. By this means many individuals, with a few pounds in their pocket, are placed in comparative independence, upon portions or locations of ground, and soon acquire a competency, who under a different management might have exhausted their finances in Quebec or Montreal, and become paupers, and perhaps criminals, lost to themselves, and lost to the society. What is useful in Canada would be of infinitely greater advantage in this Country, where the tone of morals is less strict, the Country less densely inhabited, and the portions of land fit for cultivation, less numerous, and productive. We think that in anticipation of the numerous drafts about to arrive, no one can hesitate in approving of the proposal. The Government of the Colony for the protection of its own interest, is bound as much as any private individual at once to promote and patronise such a proceeding, which must be effected sooner or later, if emigrants come amongst us in such numbers as render it imperative to provide them with work, or with maintenance. We regret they should come amongst us, and in any instance experience disappointment We should feel pleasure, as far as assistance can be supplied by our journal, in forwarding their views; and if a nominal list of persons and occupations is forwarded to us, of those who arrived in the last ships, or who may arrive at any future period, we shall willingly publish it, to give the Country at large a knowledge of the artizans, who may prove useful.

We shall conclude these observations by stating our opinion that if we had a Society to correspond with the Emigration Committe, it appears clear to us that more good would be effected in the way we propose, than ever can be done through a correspondence with Government. We have witnessed in the English, and particularly in the Cape Papers, errors quite unpardonable respecting this Country. By the institution of such a Society, with an active agent, the false impressions would be removed, and thousands of emigrants about to take wing, would flee to this Country, to our great benefit, in consuming our wheat and our beef, and the produce of our flocks No person will suppose that these observations are made, to throw discouragement in the way of the emigrants lately arrived, or of others now on their way to these Colonies, whether males or females. We are sure the whole Colony is glad of their accession, and only regrets that the expedient had not been in force for many years. We cannot help congratulating the Colony on the event as an important era in its history, commencing with the arrival of the Stirling Castle, and capable of being carried to an extent to which we cannot set any limits. We witness in these individuals the parents of our future Legislators, Statesmen, and heroes, As the predecessors of the moat distinguished Americins left their native country under similar circumstances, we witness in those who now arrive amongst us, the patriarchal predecesors of the Washingtons and Franklins, the Pitts and Foxes of future independance, These have left a reputation in the annals of fame, which malice or detraction cannot tarnish; and that which might have been said of the forefathers of the American people, may with equal truth be declared of those who are now flowing in to swell the amount of our industrious and virtuous population

At the Stores of the undersigned.

Strong Scotch Ale, Pale Ale, and London double brown Stout in wood and bottle, Brandy, Rum, Hollands, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Claret, and other wines. Sugars, of all qualities,—Tobacco, Segars, Vinegar, Pickles, Chocolate, Raisins, Starch, Blue, Gentlemens Boots, Coats, Waistcoats, and Trowsers, Ladies Bonnets and Scarfs. Writing Paper, &c &c. &c. Masts, Topmasts, Yards, Chain Cable and Anchor for a Ship of 500 tons, the hulk of the Ship Rockingham. Also to be let, or sold, a fine boat of 12 tons, and 3 neat Cottages near the Cantonment.

William Lamb

Fremantle January 30th. 1833.


That valuable Perth Allotment L. No. 39, next to the one occupied by Mr. Mews, Apply to

William Lamb

Edited, Printed, and Published by CHARLES MACFAULL. at the Gazette Office, Perth

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