The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898/Volume 8/Account of the encomiendas

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A detailed account of the encomiendas in the island of Luçón and the other Philippinas Islands, both those belonging to his Majesty and to private individuals, pacified and hostile, with instruction and without it; with the names of the encomenderos, the number of tributarios in each encomienda, the number of ministers of instruction in them, and the number they lack and need; the capitals and the alcaldes-mayor established therein, who maintain peace therein, and govern them in peace, justice, and civilization, in their present condition. May the last, one thousand five hundred and ninety-one.[1]


The city of Manila is located in the island of Luzón. It is the capital of all the islands, and the usual residence of the governor and captain-general, his counselor, and his Majesty's army. This city has about three hundred citizens. It contains the cathedral and bishop's house, and the prebendaries—towit, dean, archdeacon, schoolmaster, treasurer, two canons, seven or eight clerical priests, and some, although few, who are to receive orders. The city has a monastery of Augustinian friars, usually with sixteen religious, counting those who are going and coming—eight of the number being priests, and the rest brethren and candidates for orders. There is one Dominican convent, with four or five friars; and another convent of the same order, with a Sangley hospital, in the Parián in the same city, with two religious. There is one Franciscan convent, which generally contains four priests and seven or eight brethren, counting the teacher and the novitiates. The Society of Jesus has also a professed house, with its father superior, three priests, and three brethren. There is a royal hospital for the Spaniards, and another for the Indians, under charge of two Franciscan lay-brethren. The number of paid soldiers is generally about two hundred, besides their officers. There are two chief constables, one city and the other government; two constables; a prison warden; the three judges; the officials of the royal estate—factor, accountant, and treasurer; an executioner; a notary; a probate judge; the municipal body of the city, with two alcaldes-in-ordinary, twelve regidors, and two secretaries—one of finance and war, the other of administration; six notaries-public, and two attorneys; and one constable to attend to vagabonds. There are many calling themselves captain, but only four have companies. This city contains the silk-market of the Parián, which is composed of Sangley merchants, who have two hundred shops. The Parián contains about two thousand Sangleys, more or less, with their judge and governor. In addition to these there are somewhat more than one thousand in the city, in Tondo, and throughout the islands, engaged in various occupations and trades. Inasmuch as this relation treats only of the ministers of instruction here and those necessary, I shall not discuss further details of Manila and the islands, in order to come to my purpose. Manila and its environs have sufficient instruction, and even more than enough; for the usual alms is given to the religious of the convents, and they are charged to administer the sacraments and to give instruction to the natives there, each convent in its own district. Therefore the ecclesiastics occupied in Manila and its immediate environs, where there are plenty of ministers, might be sent to other districts where ministers are lacking.

His Majesty—In the city of Manila are many Indians who are liable to duty, both in service and in other employments, who are continually shifting—so that, out of the three thousand tributarios that there should be, not more than five hundred tributes are collected for his Majesty. To administer the sacraments and give Christian instruction there is one parish priest for the Indians, and they attend mass at the hospital for Spaniards. They are under the jurisdiction of Manila, in affairs of justice.
Bagunbaya: His Majesty—His Majesty collects about three hundred whole tributes in the new village of Bagunbaya. This means one thousand two hundred souls. The convent of Sanct Agustin of Manila provides instruction for one-third of them, those nearest the city. The other two-thirds attend mass there. They are under the charge of the parish priest of the Manila Indians—that is, as far as the hermitage of Nuestra Señora de Guía ["Our Lady of Guidance "]. There mass is celebrated for them; while he who says it to the Indians of Manila says it in the hospital. There are many other churches where they may attend mass, for the parish priest assists at that of the hermitage, as it is a good settlement and outside of the city. These Indians are under the jurisdiction of Manila.
Laguio y Malate: His Majesty—His Majesty collects three hundred tributes, which represent one thousand two hundred souls, in the village of Laguio y Malate. They are instructed by one Augustinian religious, who has a church and house there. They are under the jurisdiction of Manila.
Longalo y Parañaque: His Majesty—In the village of Longalo y Parañaque—two places merged into one—are eight hundred tributes, which are collected by his Majesty; counting in those of other small hamlets, they represent, in all, three thousand two hundred souls. They are in charge of one Augustinian convent established there, with two religious. These religious visit the other small hamlets. Tondo exercises justice therein.
Cabite and others: His Majesty—In the village of Cabite and other neighboring hamlets, his Majesty has three hundred and seventy tributes, representing one thousand four hundred and eighty souls. One ecclesiastic residing there has them in charge. He visits in addition some small villages very near by, and the port of Cavite, where Spanish sailors are wont to be found.
Maragondon: His Majesty—His Majesty collects two hundred tributes, which represent eight hundred souls, in the village of Maragondón. Formerly the ecclesiastic of Cavite visited them, being assigned a special salary therefor. But he does not visit them now; and for three years they have been without instruction, through the bishop's negligence.
Dilao: His Majesty—In the village of Dilao his Majesty collects two hundred whole tributes, representing eight hundred souls, whose instruction is in charge of the convent of Sanct Françisco of Manila. They attend mass at this convent, as it is quite near.
Tondo: His Majesty—The town of Tondo, on the other side of the river, opposite Manila, is an encomienda of his Majesty, and is capital of a district, with its own jurisdiction and an alcalde-mayor. In Tondo, Nabotas, and Tambobo are collected one thousand five hundred whole tributes, which represent six thousand souls. It has one Augustinian convent with two ministers, who can give sufficient instruction.
Besides that, there is another convent of Dominicans, with two religious, who furnish instruction to forty Christian Sangleys, whose tribute is paid to his Majesty. They are under the civil jurisdiction of that town.
Zapa: His Majesty; Pedro de Chaves; a minor son of Velázquez—In the village of Çapa, an encomienda of his Majesty, are collected two hundred tributes. In Pandaca, an encomienda of Pedro de Chaves, are collected one hundred more. In other neighboring small hamlets, on the river above, belonging to the minor son of Velázquez, are collected two hundred more. Together these amount to four hundred [sic]. They are under the charge of one Franciscan religious who resides in Zapa and visits the other places.
Passi: Thomé de la Ysla—The encomienda of Passi belongs to Thomé de la Ysla. It has two thousand tributes, under the instruction of one Augustinian monastery with two ministers. On the uplands are two thousand more, among the Tingues above, who, although friendly, pay no tribute and have no instruction. They could be provided with two more ministers in due time.
Tagui: Captain Vergara—The encomienda of Tagui belongs to Captain Vergara. He collects there eight hundred tributes. It is provided with adequate instruction by Augustinians.

Thus the encomiendas of Manila, its coast, and the opposite shore of Tondo have nine thousand four hundred and ten whole tributes, which represent thirty thousand six hundred and forty souls, or thereabout. They have thirteen ministers of instruction, without counting that given by the monasteries, as above stated. Thus they are amply supplied with instruction, and even more than sufficiently. They are under the judicial and civil jurisdictions of Manila and Tondo, according to their districts.


Batán: Esguerra—The encomienda of Batán, belonging to Juan Esguerra, has about one thousand tributarios, who represent four thousand souls. There is one Dominican convent there, and justice is administered by a deputy.
Bitis y Lubao: King—The encomienda of Bitis y Lubao, which belongs to his Majesty, has about five thousand tributes, or twenty thousand souls. It has four Augustinian convents. Justice is exercised by one alcalde-mayor and his deputy.
Macabebe: Pedro de Chaves—The encomienda of Macabebe, belonging to Pedro de Chaves, has about two thousand three hundred tributes, or about nine thousand two hundred souls. It has one Augustinian convent. A portion of these Indians are instructed, however, by a friar—that portion of them settled in certain new arable lands in Araya. Justice is administered by the alcalde-mayor of Bitis y Lubao.
Candava: Don Juan Ronquillo; Don Gonçalo Vallesteros—The encomienda of Candava, belonging to Don Juan Ronquillo and Don Gonçalo de Ballesteros, has about two thousand tributes, or eight thousand persons. It has one Augustinian convent, but a portion of these tributarios are in charge of the religious in the above village of Araya. It is in the civil jurisdiction of the alcalde-mayor of Candava.
Apali: Minor daughter of Santos; Juan Lopéz; Cañedo; King—The encomienda of Apali, belonging to a minor daughter of Santos, has one hundred and seventy tributes, or six hundred and eighty persons. The encomienda of Cabanbangan, belonging to Juan López de León, has about three hundred tributes, or one thousand two hundred persons. The encomienda of the village called Castilla, belonging to his Majesty, has seventy tributes, or two hundred and eighty persons. Another village, called Capalangan, with seventy more tributes, or two hundred and eighty persons, belongs to Antonio de Cañedo. All these villages are instructed by one Augustinian friar, who lives in the above village of Apalí. All the above-named villages are near a river. It is in the jurisdiction of Candava and Calompit. In all, these amount to six hundred and eighty tributes or two thousand seven hundred and twenty souls.
Calompit: Juan de Morón [sic]—The encomienda of Calompit y Agunoy, belonging to Juan de Morones, has about three thousand two hundred tributes, or twelve thousand eight hundred souls. It has two Augustinian convents, and one alcalde-mayor.
Malolos: Tirado—The encomienda of Malolos, belonging to Tirado, has about nine hundred tributes, or three thousand six hundred souls. It has one Augustinian convent. Justice is administered by the alcalde-mayor of Bulacán.
Binto: Cañedo—The encomienda of Binto, belonging to Antonio Cañedo, has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. It is in charge of one Augustinian religious from the Malolos convent, which is close at hand. It is in the jurisdiction of the alcalde-mayor above, who visits it.
Guinguinto: Ligero—The encomienda of Guinguinto, belonging to Ligero, has about five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. Instruction and justice are administered from Bulacán.
Caluya: King—The encomienda of Caluya, belonging to his Majesty, has about seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It is under the charge of the convent of Bulacán, and is in the jurisdiction of that town.
Bulacán: Mariscal—The encomienda of Bulacán, belonging to the Mariscal [i. e., Gabriel de Ribera], has about one thousand two hundred tributes, or four thousand eight hundred persons. It has one Augustinian convent, and one alcalde-mayor. It is a capital town.
Mecabayan: Minor son of La Rea—The encomienda of Mecabayan, which belongs to the minor son of La Rea, has about seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It has one Franciscan convent. It is in the jurisdiction of Bulacán.

Thus the encomiendas of Pampanga have eighteen thousand six hundred and eighty whole tributes, or seventy-four thousand seven hundred and twenty souls, more or less. They have twenty-eight ministers of instruction, by whom, for the present, they are well instructed, and well governed in judicial and civil matters.


Lingayén: King—The encomienda of Lingayén, belonging to his Majesty, has one thousand tributes, or four thousand persons. It has one Augustinian convent. The inhabitants are peaceable, and have justice.
Sunguían: Vexarano—The encomienda of Sunguían, belonging to Vexarano, has six hundred tributes, or one thousand [sic] four hundred persons. It has justice and is pacified. There is no instruction. It needs one religious.
Magaldan: Axqueta—The encomienda of Magaldan belongs to Captain Christóval de Axqueta. It has eight hundred tributes or three thousand two hundred persons. It has both instruction and justice.
Labaya: King; Ximenez; minor son of Sandoval—The encomienda of Labaya, belonging his Majesty, Juan Ximénez del Pino, and the minor son of Alonso Hernández de Sandoval, has one thousand five hundred tributes, or six thousand persons. It has instruction and justice.
Tugui y Bolinao: Aguilar—The encomienda of Tugui y Bolinao, belonging to Alonso de Aguilar, has two thousand tributes, or eight thousand persons. Not more than one-half are pacified. They have no instruction. The magistrate visits them. They need at least three or four religious.

Thus the encomiendas of Pangasinán have about six thousand whole tributes, or about twenty-four thousand souls, who have eight ministers of instruction. They will need five more, which will make in all thirteen. The natives of this province will be sufficiently instructed with that number.


Bigan—The town of Bigan is called Villa Fernandina. Five or six Spanish citizens are settled there. It has one parish priest, one alcalde-mayor, and one deputy.

Baratao: Don Bernardino—The encomienda of Baratao, belonging to Captain Don Bernardino de Sandi, collects tribute from one thousand five hundred men, or six thousand persons. It has one Augustinian convent with two religious. It has justice. Two more religious are needed.
Purao: Guiral—The encomienda of Purao, belonging to Christóval Guiral, has two thousand tributes, or eight thousand persons. There is one Augustinian convent with two religious, and it has justice. It needs two more religious.
Dumaquaque: King; Don Alonso—The encomienda of Dumaquaque, belonging to his Majesty and to Don Alonso Maldonado, has nine hundred tributes, or three thousand six hundred persons. It has one monastery with two religious, and justice.
Candon: Aregue; Ribas—The encomienda of Candón, belonging to Juan el de Aregue and Ribas de Mendoça, collects nine hundred tributes, which means three thousand six hundred persons. They have justice, but no instruction. Two ministers are necessary.
Nabucan: The Mariscal—The encomienda of Nabucan, belonging to the mariscal Gabriel de Ribera, collects one thousand four hundred and ninety tributes, which means five thousand nine hundred and sixty persons. It has instruction, one ecclesiastic, and justice. It needs two more ministers.
MCCCC. [sic]
Narandán: Hospital—The encomienda of Narandán, belonging to the hospital for Spaniards, collects three hundred and ninety tributes, which means one thousand five hundred and sixty persons. It has instruction and justice. There is one minister in it.
Bigan: King—The encomienda of Bigan; his Majesty collects there eight hundred tributes, which means three thousand two hundred persons. It has one religious who takes care of it, and has justice.
Batay y Batanguey: King—The encomienda of Batay y Batanguey; his Majesty collects there one thousand tributes, which means four thousand persons. It has no instruction. It is at present visited from Bigan. It has justice. Two ministers are needed.
Panay: Don Pedro de Aguirre—The encomienda of Panay belongs to Don Pedro de Aguirre, a minor. He collects seven hundred tributes, which means two thousand eight hundred persons. It has justice, but no instruction. One minister is necessary.
Sinay y Cabugao: King—The encomienda of Sinay y Cabugao, belonging to his Majesty, pays one thousand tributes, which means four thousand persons. It has justice, but no instruction. It needs two ministers.
Barao: Don Juan de la Peña—The encomienda of Barao belongs to Don Juan de la Peña. He collects there seven hundred tributes, which means two thousand eight hundred persons. It has justice, but no instruction. One minister is needed.
Cacabayan: King; Gaspar Pérez—The encomienda of Cacabayan, belonging to his Majesty and Gaspar Pérez; two thousand one hundred tributes are collected there, which means eight thousand four hundred persons. It has one monastery with three religious, and justice.
Boncan: Hernán Gutiérrez—The encomienda of Boncan belongs to Captain Hernán Gutiérrez. He collects there three hundred and fifty tributes, which means one thousand four hundred souls. It is visited by the fathers from Ylagua. It has justice.
Ylagua: King—The encomienda of Ylagua belongs to his Majesty. He collects from it one thousand five hundred tributes, which means six thousand persons. It has three ministers, and justice.
Balleçillo: Piçarro—The encomienda of Balleçillo belongs to Andrés Piçarro, who collects there one hundred and fifty tributes, which means six hundred persons. It has no instruction, but has justice. It needs one minister.
El Abra de Bigan: Doña María Ron—The encomienda of El Abra de Bigan; Doña María Ron collects from it one hundred and fifty tributes, which means six hundred persons. It has no instruction, but has justice. It needs one minister.
Bacarra: Captain Castillo; Hermossa—The encomienda of Bacarra; one thousand tributes are collected in it by Captain Castillo and Andrés de Hermossa. This means four thousand persons. There are two Augustinian priests, and the people have justice.
Dinglás: King; María Bermúdez—The encomienda of Dinglás belongs to his Majesty and María Bermúdez. They collect there six hundred tributes, which means two thousand four hundred persons. It has no instruction, but has justice. One religious is necessary for this encomienda.

Thus in the province of Ilocos and its jurisdiction, there are seventeen thousand one hundred and thirty whole tributes, or sixty-eight thousand five hundred and twenty persons. It is in charge of twenty ministers of instruction, and needs about eleven other ministers for the districts where they are wanting, in all more than thirty ministers. With this number it would seem that there would be sufficient instruction in the gospel, as there is in peace and justice.


The city of Segovia—The city of Nueva Segovia is the capital of Cagayán, and its principal port. It has a number of Spanish citizens, with an alcalde-mayor, his deputy, and regidors. There is one Augustinian convent in charge of the Spaniards, with one priest, and his associate, a brother.

Cabicunga: Don Sebastián—The encomienda of Cabicunga is assigned to Don Sebastián Ruyz de Baeça. It has five hundred tributes, which represent two thousand souls. It has no instruction, but has justice. One minister will be needed there.
Pata: Vacant—The encomienda of Pata lies vcant. It has two hundred tributes, or eight hundred persons. It has instruction and justice, and is peaceful. The minister of Cabicunga could visit it, and it would have sufficient instruction.
Massi: Serpa; Vacant—The encomienda of Massi, belonging to Christoval de Serpa, has five hundred tributes, which represent two thousand persons.
On this river of Massi is another encomienda, called Bangal, with three hundred tributarios, which means one thousand two hundred persons. It lies vacant. They are both pacified and have justice, but no instruction. One religious to reside in Massi, and visit Bangal, will be sufficient.
Tulaque: Captain Castillo; Juan de la Feria—The encomienda of Tulaque, which belongs to Captain Castillo and Juan de la Feria, has one thousand five hundred tributarios, which means six thousand persons. The greater portion is pacified. They have no instruction. Two ministers will be necessary for the whole.
Camalayuga: King—The encomienda of Camalayuga belongs to his Majesty. He collects there five hundred tributes, which means two thousand persons. They are pacified. They have no instruction, but have justice.
Camanaguan: King—The encomienda of Camanaguan belongs to his Majesty. He collects there three hundred tributes, which means one thousand two hundred persons. Likewise Tocol, which has one hundred tributes, or four hundred persons. These tributes have been assigned to the repairs of the fortress of the city of Segovia. They are pacified and have justice. At present one minister, to reside in Camalayuga and visit the other villages, will suffice.
Gotot: Don Pedro de Espinosa―The encomienda of Gotot belongs to Don Pedro de Espinosa. It has six hundred tributes. One or two of its settlements are pacified. Justice is administered there. It has no instruction. One religious will be necessary there.
Maguín y Tabiran: King―The encomienda of Maguín y Tabiran belongs to his Majesty. It has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. There is one pacified settlement. Justice is administered from Cagaián. There is no instruction. One minister for the instruction of these settlements will be necessary.
Sinavanga: Juan Pablo―The encomienda of Sinavanga, belonging to Juan Pablo de Carrión, has one thousand tributes, or four thousand persons. It is hostile, and has no instruction. Two ministers are needed there.
Manacu: Don Sebastián―The encomienda of Manacú, belonging to Don Sebastián Ruyz de Baeza, has two hundred tributes, or eight hundred friendly persons. It has justice. The two ministers of Manacú are without instruction. The ministers of Sinavanga might care for those of Manacú, and it would be instructed.
Dumon: Sequera―The encomienda of Dumón, belonging to Juan de Sequera, has eight hundred tributes, which means three thousand two hundred persons. It is hostile. One religious might be stationed there when it is pacified.
Talapa y Gatara: Juan Vásquez; Argonça; Alonso Martin—The encomienda of Talapa y Gatara belongs to Juan Vásquez and Juan de Argonça. It has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. They are hostile. One religious might be stationed there, when they are pacified, and who can visit the estuary of Talapanga, which has fifty tributes, or two hundred persons, and belongs to Alonso Martín. It is hostile also.
Lobo: Don Rodrigo Ronquillo; Diego Ronquillo—The encomienda of Lobó, belonging to Don Rodrigo and Diego Ronquillo, has four thousand tributes, or sixteen thousand persons. It is all hostile. For its administration and instruction it requires six religious.
Bato and Masipín: Don Sebastián; Alonso Martin—The encomienda of Bato belongs to Don Sebastián Ruyz Baeza. It has four hundred tributes, and Masipín two hundred tributes, which means two thousand four hundred persons. It is all in rebellion. It might have one religious to minister to both parts.
Caralanga, Yaguan, Ygui, Tagoran, Pagamon: Francisca de Cárdenas; Alonso Vázquez; Alonso Sánchez; Don Sebastián—All the above encomiendas belong to Francisca de Cárdenas, Alonso Vázquez, Alonso Sánchez, and Don Sebastián Ruyz de Baeza. They have about six hundred tributes, or two thousand four hundred persons. All of them are hostile. They might have one religious to administer instruction in them all.
Nabugan: King—The encomienda of Nabugan belongs to his Majesty. It has seven hundred tributarios, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It is in rebellion. One minister to instruct them is needed.
Gabalatan, Gat, Tapia, Dudulique: Don Sebastián; Alonso Sánchez; Patiño—These encomiendas of Gabalatan, Gat, Tapia, and Dudulique, belong to Alonso Sánchez, Don Sebastián, and Patiño. They have six hundred tributes, or two thousand four hundred persons. They are all hostile. One minister is needed for them, who may live in Gabalatan and visit the other villages.
Tubigarao, Tabagar, Acuba: Henao; Alonso Vázquez—These encomiendas of Tubigarao, Tabagar, and Acuba, belong to Henao and Alonso Vázquez. They have seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. They are in rebellion. When pacified, one minister might instruct them. He could live in Tubigarao and visit the other villages.
Batano, Sulu, Rot, Lapugan: Bartholomé de Caravajal; Enrrique Martín—These encomiendas of Batano, Sulu, Rot, and Lapugan, belong to Enrrique Martín and Bartholomé de Caravajal. They have five hundred and fifty tributes, or two thousand two hundred persons, who are in rebellion. When the rebellion is suppressed, one minister can furnish instruction in all these villages.
Çimbus: Caravajal; Serna—The encomienda of Çimbus belongs to Bartholomé Caravajal and Estevan de la Serna. They have one thousand two hundred tributarios, or four thousand eight hundred persons. It is all in a state of rebellion. When pacified, two ministers can attend to the instruction there.
Nalaguan: Juan Vázquez—The encomienda of Nalaguan belongs to Juan Vázquez. It has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. It is hostile. One minister is necessary.
Bololutan: Caravajal; Juan Vázquez—The encomienda of Bolo y Lulutan, belonging to Bartholomé Caravajal and Alonso Vázquez, has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. Bolo is at peace but Lulutan is in rebellion. One religious can administer instruction in both parts.
Bataguan, Sugarro: Alonso Sánchez; Alonso Galindo—The encomienda of Bataguan and Sugarro, belonging to Alonso Sánchez and Alonso Galindo, has six hundred tributes or two thousand four hundred persons. It is all in rebellion. One religious can administer instruction, and can reside at Bataguan and visit Sugarra.
Balissi, Moyot, and Camiguil: Serna; Alonso Sánchez; Juan Vázquez—The encomiendas of Balissi, belonging to Estevan de la Serna, Moyot, belonging to Alonso Sánchez, and Camiguil, belonging to Alonso [sic] Vázquez, have five hundred and fifty tributes, or two thousand two hundred persons. They are in rebellion. One minister, who could live in Balissi and visit the others, could furnish instruction.
Purrao Culit: Miguel Núñez—The encomienda of Purrao Culit belongs to Miguel Núñez, and has about five hundred tributarios, or two thousand persons. It is in rebellion throughout. One minister could furnish instruction to all the inhabitants.
Taotao: Alonso Martín—The encomienda of Taotao, called otherwise Tingues de la Paxada, belongs to Alonso Martín. It has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. It is all in rebellion. One minister might instruct these encomiendas.
Yoguan: Luis Patiño—The encomienda of Yoguan has another village, called Togol, and both belong to Luys Patiño. They have four hundred tributarios, or one thousand six hundred persons. It is all in rebellion. One minister can instruct these villages.
Pugao: Juan Rodríguez de Mansilla and others—The valley of Pugao, which is in charge of Juan Rodríguez de Manssilla, at the headwaters of the Rio Grande; we are informed that it has two thousand tributarios. They are in rebellion. When they are pacified, they will require three ministers. This encomienda belongs to others together with Manssilla.
Babuianes: Alonso de la Serna; Francisco Castillo—This encomienda of the Babuyanes consists of two islands belonging to Estevan [sic] de la Serna and Francisco Castillo. From one to the other is a distance of two leagues. It has five hundred tributarios, or two thousand persons. They are all in rebellion. It might have one minister, living at Puga and visiting Aperri.
Calayan: Serna—This island of Calayan belongs to Estevan de la Serna. It has four hundred tributes, or one thousand six hundred persons. It is in rebellion. It needs one minister.
Camiguín: Alonso Martín—The island of Camiguín belongs to Alonso Martín. It has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. It is in rebellion. One religious might attend to the instruction there.

We have notice of other islands, although we have not seen them, and they remain yet to be allotted. Thus in the province of Cagayán and the islands of Babuyanes, there are twenty-four thousand whole tributes, or about ninety-six thousand souls. Notwithstanding that most of it is in rebellion, a great part of it is being reduced to the royal crown. In all the province there is not a single minister of instruction, and it will need thirty-eight religious, when it is wholly pacified. As to the administration of justice, in the part now pacified or being pacified, the encomienda and government of Nueva Segovia has it in charge. When all is pacified, more alcaldes-mayor will be needed, and will be provided.


Mirabago: Juan Gutiérrez—The encomienda of Mirabago, belonging to Juan Gutiérrez, has six hundred, nay, seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It has justice. The instruction of this encomienda located on the shore of the lake is in charge of the bridge[2]of Tabuco. One minister is needed for the tingues.
Tabuco: Don Luis Enrríquez—The encomienda of Tabuco belongs to Don Luis Enrríquez. It has one thousand tributes, or four thousand persons. The tingues of this encomienda live very far away, although the ecclesiastic in charge of this encomienda visits them. For this reason they will need one ecclesiastic.
Taitay: Juan Pacheco—The encomienda of Taitay, belonging to Juan Pacheco, has six hundred tributes. One Franciscan friar takes sufficient care of the instruction there.
Bay: Juan Pacheco Maldonado—The encomienda of Bay belongs to Captain Juan Pacheco Maldonado. It has two thousand one hundred tributes, or eight thousand four hundred persons. It has two Augustinian convents, and justice. It has sufficient instruction.
Pila: Captain Mercado; Peñalossa—The encomienda of Pila belongs to Captain Mercado and Ensign Peñalosa. It has one thousand seven hundred tributes, or six thousand eight hundred persons. It has justice; and two Franciscan convents furnish sufficient instruction.
Mahaihai: Captain Ossorio— The encomienda of Mahaihai belongs to Captain Ossorio. It has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. It has justice, and one Franciscan friar.
Lumban: King—The encomienda of Lumban belongs to his Majesty. He collects there one thousand seven hundred tributes, which means six thousand eight hundred persons. It has two convents of Franciscan friars, and is well instructed.
Tayaval: King—The encomienda of Tayaval belongs to his Majesty. It has seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It is sufficiently instructed.
Panguil: Minor son of Velázquez—The encomienda of Panguil, belonging to the minor son of Velázquez, has eight hundred tributes, or three thousand two hundred persons. It is instructed by Franciscans.
Sinaloa: Brito—The encomienda of Sinaloa belongs to Pedro de Brito. It has seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It is sufficiently instructed, although the tingues live very far away, and cannot come to the convent for mass. One more minister is necessary.
Moron: Hernando de Abalos; Hospital—The encomienda of Morón belongs to Hernando Ábalos and the royal hospital. They have one thousand tributes, or four thousand persons. They have instruction, but in order that all may have it, one more minister is needed.
Nayun: King—The encomienda of Nayún, belonging to his Majesty, has seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. They are sufficiently instructed.

Thus the province of La Laguna, which is the alcalde-mayoralty styled by itself Bay, has eleven thousand five hundred whole tributes, or forty-eight thousand four hundred souls. These are well instructed, for with its twenty-seven ministers, if the tingues were gathered in the settlements, and another four ministers were added, it would have sufficient instruction. Likewise it is all furnished with adequate justice.


Cáçeres: The town of Cáçeres is the capital. It has thirty Spanish inhabitants and one Franciscan convent with two religious, not counting those who come and go. There is one parish priest with his church, stationed by himself, to whom his Majesty gives a stipend of fifty thousand maravedis; and, with the balance given by the citizens, the sum amounts to more than three hundred pesos. There is one alcalde-mayor and his deputy.

Milarrit: Minor son of Torres—The village of Mirralit [sic], belonging to the minor son of Torres; in this encomienda there are five hundred and twenty whole tributes, or two thousand and eighty souls in all. This encomienda is one-quarter of a league from the town up the river. Two Franciscan religious from the convent of Cáçeres visit it, so that it is sufficiently instructed. The magistrate of Cáçeres administers justice there.
Minalava: King—His Majesty has control of the encomienda of Minalava, in which are six hundred and sixty-eight tributes, or two thousand six hundred and seventy-two souls. The villages of this encomienda are quite close to one another, so that they can hear the bell when it is rung, and assemble in this encomienda. There are two religious of the order of St. Francis—one a priest and the other a lay-brother—so that it is furnished with instruction. In addition, these religious visit the following encomienda.
Ynguinan: Doña María de Ron—These two religious visit the encomienda called Ynguinan, which has two hundred and six entire tributes, or eight hundred and twenty-four persons. By means of the above mentioned visitation, instruction is furnished.
Linaguan: Pedro de Salazar—These two religious visit Linaguan also. It belongs to Pedro de Salazar, who has in the said encomienda of Niguinan sixty whole tributes. It is one-half league from Minalava, its capital. There is another encomienda two or three leagues farther. At present these towns of Niguinan and Linaguan are not sufficiently instructed by this visitation. However, with the addition of one more minister they will have sufficient. Justice is administered in these encomiendas by the alcalde-mayor of Cáçeres, two or three leagues away.
Nabua: King—His Majesty has another encomienda also, Nabua by name, numbering one thousand and eighteen whole tributes, or four thousand and seventy-two persons. The villages of this encomienda are near together. They used to have four ministers, for they visit the two following encomiendas. There are in Nabua two Franciscan friars.
Bula: Doña Maria de Ron—The village of Bula belongs to Doña María de Ron. It is four leagues from Nabua. It has two hundred and six whole tributes, or eight hundred and twenty-four persons. It is visited from Nabua.
Bao: Minor son of Sebastián Pérez—These fathers of Nabua visit also the encomienda of the minor son of the late Sebastián Pérez, called Bao. It has one hundred and seventy-six tributes, or seven hundred and four persons. Like Nabua, the capital, it used to have four friars, but now has not more than two. These encomiendas are not well administered, but five religious would be sufficient for it.
Buy: Sebastián García—Likewise these fathers of Nabua visited and instructed the encomienda of Buy, which belongs to Sebastián García; but they say they can do so no longer. It is two leagues from Nabua, and can receive instruction from no other place. It has three hundred and twelve tributes, or one thousand two hundred and forty-eight persons, who will receive instruction, when Nabua, its capital, has the said five ministers.
Guás and Libon: Estevan Rodríguez—Captain Estevan Rodríguez has the encomienda of the villages of Guás and Libón, with one thousand one hundred and seventy-four whole tributes, or four thousand seven hundred and ninety-six souls. The settlements of these two capitals are near one another, except some located in the mountains six or seven leagues away, where there are many Christians. The said encomienda is instructed and visited with difficulty. Four religious of the order of St. Francis three priests and one lay brother—live there. They visit the following encomienda.
Polangui: Pedro de Salazar—Between Guás and Libón, Pedro de Salazar owns a village named Polangui, with six hundred and forty-one tributes, or two thousand five hundred and sixty-four souls. By means of the above-mentioned visitation, they are tolerably well instructed at present; but if more religious can be had, they might have two more, so that there might be two in Guás, two in Polangui, and two in Luyon, which would furnish sufficient instruction. Cáçeres rules it in affairs of justice.
Canamán: Gregorio Sánchez—Gregorio Sánchez has Canamán as an encomienda, with three hundred and six whole tributes, or one thousand two hundred and twenty-four persons, including adults and children. It receives instruction from two Franciscan friars—one a priest, and the other a lay-brother—so that it is well instructed.
Alimanán: Diego Díaz Marmolejo— Alimanán, the encomienda of Diego Díaz Marmolejo, lies on the way to Canamán. It has six hundred whole tributes, or about two thousand four hundred souls. There are two religious of the order of St. Francis in the said encomienda, who furnish sufficient instruction. Cáçeres administers justice therein.
Magarao: Pedro de Arçeo—The Canamán fathers visit likewise the encomienda of Magarao, which belongs to Captain Pedro de Arçeo. This encomienda has four hundred and fifty whole tributes, or one thousand eight hundred men. The villages of both these encomiendas [Canamán and Magarao] are quite near one another, being separated by little more than one-half league. These villages are well instructed, with the visitation of the two religious; although, if there were a good supply of priests, they might, in order to be thoroughly instructed, have one more for the administration of the sacraments. They are one league from the city of Cáçeres, from which place they are governed in civil and judicial matters.
Quipayo: Luys Brizeño—Captain Luis Brizeño has the village of Quipayo as an encomienda, with five hundred tributes, or two thousand souls. The villages of this encomienda are quite close together, being separated by only one-half league, or three-quarters at the most. It has two religious, priests of the order of St. Francis. It is well instructed and has the following visitation.
Caravanga: Sebastián Garcia—These two fathers visit the encomienda of Caravanga, belonging to Estevan [sic] García. There are three hundred tributes there, or one thousand two hundred persons. By means of the two above-mentioned religious, it is well instructed. Cáçeres governs it in judicial matters.
Labo y Aguette: King—His Majesty owns also another encomienda in this province, called Labo y Aguetet, having six hundred and forty-eight whole tributes, or two thousand nine hundred and ninety-two persons. The villages of this encomienda are close together, except six villages having seventy tributes, which are up the river, four or five leagues from the capital. One priest furnishes the instruction in this encomienda, namely the canon Paz; but he makes the following visits.
Batas: Minor son of Herñando de la Cruz—The encomienda of Batas, belonging to the minor son of Hernando de la Cruz, has three hundred whole tributes, or one thousand two hundred persons. The priest of Labo instructs it in visits.
Tarisey: Pablo García—Pablo García owns another encomienda, called Tarisey, lying between Labo and Batas. It has about eighty whole tributes, or three hundred and twenty persons, and is visited from Labo. Although the said minister of Labo is aided by another from Paracali who says mass, this latter does not know the language. In respect to the said visitations of Batas and Tarisey, it seems that, to have sufficient instruction, the said encomienda of Labo should have two friars. The alcalde-mayor of Cáceres administers justice to the natives of these encomiendas.
Paracali: Andrés Cauchela— The accountant Cauchela has five hundred and seventy tributes in Paracali. This means two thousand two hundred and eighty souls, all sufficiently instructed.
Maubán: King—In this province at Maubán, and on the island of Buyun, the island of Mandatto and Bisayas, his Majesty has one thousand two hundred tributes along twenty leagues of coast. It is not instructed and numbers four thousand eight hundred souls. Two religious are necessary.
Lagunoy: Brizeño—Captain Brizeño has an encomienda in the province of Lagunoy, at Mapoto, with two hundred whole tributes, or eight hundred souls. It has not instruction, and needs one minister.
Lagunoy: Rodrigo Arias—In the same province, Ensign Rodrigo Arias owns an encomienda of seven hundred whole tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It has no instruction. When instruction is furnished to the above encomienda, this one will have it.
Lagunoy: Doña María Ron—In the same province, Doña María de Ron has three hundred whole tributes, or one thousand two hundred souls, without instruction.
Lagunoy: Juan Rodríguez Lausor—In addition Juan Rodríguez de Lausor has three hundred whole tributes in the same province. There are one thousand two hundred souls living in fine settlements, near one another. This province and all the said encomiendas are without instruction. They might have four ministers, if there is a sufficient supply, for they are twelve leagues from the city of Cáceres, from which justice is administered to them.
Malinao: Briceño—In the province of Malinao and Cagarei, the said Captain Brizeño has four hundred whole tributes, or one thousand six hundred souls. They have no instruction, but below will be told how they can have it.
Albai: Brizeño—The said Captain Brizeño has another hundred and sixty whole tributes, which means six hundred and forty persons, in the province of Albay, without instruction.
Albai: Gregorio Sánchez; Diego de Montoro—Gregorio Sánchez and Diego de Montoro have between them one thousand five hundred whole tributes, or six thousand souls, in the same province of Albay. The settlements in this province are excellent, and located near together. Four or even three ministers might take care of these two provinces of Manilao and Albay, and instruct the said four encomiendas, which are under the civil jurisdiction of Cáçeres.
Camarines: Pedro de Arçeo—Captain Pedro de Arçeo has the province of Camarines as an encomienda. This has eight hundred and eighty tributes, or three thousand five hundred and twenty persons. They are all settled in one village, a condition which was brought about by two Franciscan friars who were there, but who left it about three and one-half years ago. Therefore they have no instruction. Two religious will be necessary at present.
Yguei: Alonso Pimentel—Alonso Pimentel has an encomienda in Yguei, with six hundred and seventy tributes, or two thousand six hundred and eighty souls. Two religious are needed there. The encomendero has taught them a great deal, for many of them know their prayers. The alcalde-mayor of Cáçeres administers justice there.
Bondo y Caporagua: Alonso Lopez—He owns the encomienda of the bay of Bondo y Caporagua, with five hundred whole tributes, or two thousand souls. They live on nine rivers along eight leagues of coast, the said rivers having one hundred, or one hundred and thirty or fifty, inhabitants. They might be collected on two of the rivers and be instructed by one priest. The magistrate of Camarines visits them.
Bondo: Manila Hospital—Manila Hospital owns five hundred and forty more tributes, or two thousand one hundred and sixty souls, in the said province of Bondo. It will need one more minister for instruction, for they have none. This encomienda, with the one above, belonging to Alonso López, will need three.
Lumanao in Ybalon: Saavedra—In the province of Ybalon, Diego López de Saavedra owns the encomiendas of Lumanao, with four hundred whole tributes, or one thousand six hundred persons. It has no instruction. It and the following will need three ministers, when there is a sufficient supply of them.
Ybalon: Christóval Sánchez—On the said bay of Ybalón, Christóval Sánchez has an encomienda of seven hundred and forty whole tributes, or two thousand nine hundred and sixty souls. They are without instruction, but can have it with the three ministers mentioned in the above encomienda—two here, and one there. The alcalde-mayor of Cáçeres visits these encomiendas.
Uban y Builan: King—His Majesty has seventy tributes along the river of Uban y Builan. They have no instruction, but can be visited from Ybalón. There are two hundred and eighty souls.
Coast opposite Ybalon: Pedro de Arnedo—Pedro de Arnedo has seven hundred and thirty-five whole tributes, or two thousand nine hundred and forty souls, on the coast opposite the said bay of Ybalón, in Baco y Busaigan. This encomienda, extending ten or twelve leagues along the adjacent coast, and occupying five settlements along the seacoast, might be reduced to two settlements, except one river on the strait and mouth of Bugaigan. One priest might be established here in this encomienda, and visit the following, as it is small.
Capul: Hernando Muñoz—Hernando Muñoz de Poyatos has three hundred and thirty whole tributes, or one thousand three hundred and twenty souls, in Capul, which is situated one league from the strait. It has no instruction, but will be visited from the above encomienda.
Catanduanes: Thomás Dato; Rodrigo Sarfate; Juan de Yepes; Antón Sánchez—The island of Catanduanes has three thousand tributarios, and more than fully pays its listed tribute. It has more than fifteen thousand souls, and belongs to four encomenderos: Thomás Dato, Rodrigo Sarfate, Juan de Yepes, and Antón Sánchez. The five scattered settlements might be reduced to two. With four more ministers it could be instructed. Cáçeres administers its justice, by visitation from Cáçeres. However, it will require a deputy, who should generally live there.

Thus the province of Vicor y Camarines, with the island of Catanduanes, has twenty-one thousand six hundred and sixty whole tributes, or eighty-six thousand six hundred and forty souls. For its entire instruction it has at present fifteen ministers. According to the allotment of the land, thirty-two more ministers are necessary, so that it may have sufficient instruction. In all it needs fifty-three, if there are sufficient. All the province has justice, which is administered from Cáçeres.

Masbate: Moral—The encomienda of Masbate is an island belonging to Francisco de Moral. It has about four hundred tributes, or one thousand six hundred souls. The people are peaceable. It has justice administered from Cáceres. It has no instruction, and needs one minister.
Burías: Captain Brizeño—This encomienda of Burías is another island, and belongs to Captain Brizeño. He collects there four hundred tributes. It has justice, but no instruction, and will need one minister.


Zebu—In the island of Zebú is the capital city, Sanctíssimo Nombre de Jesús, with more than thirty Spanish citizens, with its alcalde-mayor and magistracy. It has one ecclesiastic, who acts as vicar of the Spaniards.

Leite: Oseguera—The encomienda of Leyte belongs to Don Pedro de Oseguera. He collects there six hundred and twenty-six tributes, which means one thousand and five hundred and four persons. It has justice; and, that it may have instruction, needs one minister.
Gonpot y Cagayán: King—This encomienda of Gonpot y Cagayán belongs to his Majesty. He collects there seventy tributes. It has neither instruction nor justice, but needs them.
Butuan: Doña Lucía—Doña Lucía de Loarca owns the encomienda of the river of Butuan. She collects there one thousand two hundred tributes. It has justice, but no instruction. Two religious are necessary to take care of it, for it has four thousand and eight hundred persons.
Zampojar: Caravajal—Diego de Caravajal collects along this river of Sampójar, fifty-eight tributes. They are not well pacified, and have neither instruction nor justice, both of which they need.
Caraga: Juan Gutiérrez del Real; Francisco de Sancta Cruz—Juan Gutiérrez del Real and Francisco de Sancta Cruz collect eight hundred and ninety-two tributes in Caraga. This represents three thousand five hundred and sixty-eight persons. They have no instruction, and are not pacified; but when that shall be effected, it will need two ministers.
Dulaque: Francisco Rodríguez de Avila—Francisco Rodríguez de Avila collects tribute along the river of Dulaque from four hundred and eighty-two tributarios, who represent one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight persons. It has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Leyte: Sedeño—Pedro Sedeño collects tribute in the island of Leyte and along the river of Tambolo, from five hundred and sixty-three tributarios, who represent two thousand two hundred and fifty-two souls. It is peaceful, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Carigara: Juan de Truxillo—Juan de Truxillo collects tribute along the river of Carigara from four hundred and thirty-four tributarios, who represent one thousand seven hundred and thirty-six persons. It has justice, and is peaceful, but has no instruction. It needs one minister.
Barugo: Henao—Alonso de Henao collects four hundred and fourteen tributes on the river of Barugo. These represent one thousand six hundred and fifty-six persons. It is peaceful, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Abuyo: Reyes—Gaspar de los Reyes collects three hundred and four tributes on the river of Abuyo and the town of Guisan, in Ybabao. These represent one thousand two hundred and sixteen persons. It is peaceful and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Palo: Pedro Hernández—Pedro Hernández collects four hundred and ninety tributes from the encomienda of Palo. These represent two thousand persons. It is peaceful, with justice, but without instruction, and needs one minister.
Dulaque: Sauzedo—Domingo de Sauzedo collects from the encomienda of Dulaque six hundred and thirteen tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred and fifty-two persons. It is peaceful, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Abuyo Ebito: Ysla—Gaspar de Ysla collects four hundred and thirty-five tributes, which represent one thousand seven hundred and forty persons, in Abuyo Ebito, and Zebú. It is peaceful, with justice, but without instruction, and needs one religious.
Hinundanga: Abila—Francisco de Ábila collects five hundred tributes, which means two thousand persons, from the encomienda of Hinundanga. It is pacified and has justice, but no instruction. It needs at least one religious to take care of it.
Tilan: Sepúlbeda—Francisco de Sepúlbeda collects the tribute of the encomienda of Tilan, which has one hundred and forty tributes. He collects unjustly. Although it has justice, it has no instruction, and needs it.
Baybay and Zebu: Navarro—Pedro Navarro collects six hundred and fifteen tributes in Baybay and Zebú. This means two thousand four hundred and sixty persons. It has no instruction, but has justice. One minister is necessary.
Samay and Ybabao: Juan Méndez—The minor son of Juan Méndez collects one thousand tributes, which means four thousand persons, in Samay and Ybabao. It has peace and justice, but no instruction. It needs two ministers.
Tinagon and Burí: Soria; Núñez—Pedro de Soria collects two hundred and six tributes in Tinagón. These represent eight hundred and twenty-four persons. It has justice, but no instruction. This is needed between him and Francisco Núñez, who collects one hundred and ninety tributes in Burí.
Sámar, Ybabao: Molina—Francisco de Molina collects in Sámar, Ybabao, Siquión and Maripit, four hundred and seventy-seven tributes, which represent one thousand nine hundred and eight persons. It has no instruction, but has justice. It needs one minister.
Candaya: Francisco Martín—Francisco Martín collects from Candaya two hundred and fifty-five tributes, which represent one thousand and twenty persons. It has justice, but no instruction, and needs it.
Ybabao: Gonçalo Ximénez; Juan Gutiérrez—Gonçalo Ximénez and Juan Gutiérrez del Real collect, in the island of Ybabao, eight hundred and sixteen tributes, which represent three thousand two hundred and sixty-four persons. It has peace and justice, but no instruction. It needs, at the least, one minister.
Ybabao and Zebu: Carreño—Francisco Carreño collects, in Ybabao and Zebú, three hundred and thirty tributes, which represent one thousand three hundred and twenty persons. It has justice and is pacified, but has no instruction, which it needs.
Leyte, Masbate, and Ybabao: Moral—Francisco Moral collects, from Leyte, Masbate, and Ybabao, one thousand one hundred and sixteen tributes, which represent four thousand four hundred and sixty-eight persons. It has justice, and is entirely pacified. It has no instruction, and needs two ministers.
Bantayan: Minor son of Gamboa—The minor son of Gamboa collects, in Bantayan, one thousand six hundred and eighty-three tributes, which represent six thousand seven hundred and thirty-two persons. It has both justice and instruction.
Tanay: Ossorio—Ossorio collects, from the river of Tanay, one hundred and eighty tributes, which represent seven hundred and twenty persons. It has justice and peace, but no instruction, which it needs.
Tanay: Juan Martín—Juan Martín collects, from the river of Tanay and the island of Negros, five hundred and fifty-seven tributes, which represent two thousand two hundred persons. It has no instruction, but is pacified and has justice. It needs one minister.
Abuyo: Françisco Álbarez—Françisco Álbarez de Toledo collects, along the river of Abuyo, Vincay, and Maya, four hundred and eighty tributes, which represent one thousand nine hundred and twenty persons. It is pacified, and has justice, but no instruction, which is needed.
Camote and Matan: The city—The city of Sanctíssimo Nombre de Jesús has of its own, in Camote and Matan, two hundred and eighty-seven tributes, which represent one thousand one hundred and forty-eight persons. They are pacified, and have justice, but no instruction, which is needed. For this and the two following one minister is necessary.
Mindanao: Román—Alonso Román collects in Mindanao one hundred tributes, which represent four hundred persons. It is pacified, but has no instruction. It has justice.
Masagua y Payta: Espinosa—Christóval Espinosa collects, from the encomienda of Masagua y Payta, in Ybabao, one hundred and thirty-seven tributes, which represent five hundred and forty-eight persons. It is pacified, and has justice, but no instruction, which is needed.

Thus the tributes of the island of Çebú and its jurisdiction amount to fifteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-three whole tributes. This means thirty-five thousand [sic] persons, and for these there are but two ministers. Twenty-one ministers are necessary to furnish sufficient instruction. As to justice, the entire province is sufficiently governed by one alcalde-mayor and his deputy.


The town of Arévalo is the capital of this island of Panay, and contains more than twenty Spanish citizens. There is one alcalde-mayor and one corregidor for the river of Panay, besides its body of magistrates, and a parish which is in charge of an ecclesiastic.

Oton and Ymaral: Doña Luçia—Doña Luçía de Loarca collects, from the village of Otón and its tingues, the island of Ymaras, and the river of Hilo, one thousand six hundred tributes, which represent six thousand four hundred persons. Otón has instruction, and one of its two friars visits Ymaras and the tingues. There is no instruction in Hilo. It needs one more minister. Justice is had from Arévalo.
Xaro: Captain Arçeo—Captain Augustin de Arçeo collects, in the encomienda of Xaro and its tingues, one thousand three hundred tributes, which represent five thousand two hundred persons. It is cared for by one ecclesiastic, but needs another minister. Justice is had from Arévalo.
Araut: King—His Majesty collects, on the river of Araut, two thousand tributes, which represent eight thousand persons. It has justice, but no instruction. It needs four ministers.
Araut: Captain Juan Pablo—Captain Juan Pablo de Carrión collects, on the said river of Araut, two thousand tributes. It has justice, and two Augustinian friars who instruct it. It needs one other minister.
Araut: Diego López; Lope Rodríguez—Diego Lopez de Valdepeñas and the minor son of Lope Rodríguez collect, on the said river of Araut, one thousand six hundred tributes, which represent six thousand four hundred persons. They have justice, but no instruction. They need two ministers.
Axuí: King; Rivera—His Majesty and Françisco de Rivera collect, from the encomienda of Axuí, one thousand two hundred tributes, which represent four thousand eight hundred persons. It is pacified, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs two ministers.
Aranguen: Captain Sarmiento—Captain Pedro Sarmiento collects, along the river of Aranguen, three hundred tributes, which represent one thousand two hundred persons. It is pacified, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Panay: King—His Majesty has along the river of Panay and its branch, the Mayo, eight hundred and fifty tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred [sic] persons. They have instruction and justice.
Panay: Guarniço; Liévana—Captain Guarnizo and Ensign Pedro Guillén de Liévana collect, along the said river, two thousand three hundred tributes, which represent nine thousand two hundred persons. It has justice, and one ecclesiastic who furnishes instruction. It needs at least two more ministers.
Mambusao: Rivera; Morales—Francisco de Rivera and Gaspar Ruyz de Morales collect, along the branch river Manbusao, one thousand tributes, which represent four thousand persons. It is pacified, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Yguisan: Captain Sarmiento—Captain Sarmiento collects, along the river of Yguisan, ninety tributes, which represent three hundred and forty persons. It has justice.
Maharlu: Angulo—Álbaro de Angulo collects, in Maharlu, Damayan, the island of Tablas, and Cabuyan, six hundred tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred persons. It has justice, and is pacified. It has no instruction, and needs one minister.
Batán: Miguel Rodríguez—The encomienda of Batán belongs to Miguel Rodríguez. He collects there, at Moguín, Dunblón, Batón, and along the river of Hilo, one thousand two hundred tributes, which represent four thousand eight hundred persons. It has justice, and is pacified. It needs at least two ministers.
Aclán: Minor son of Antonio Flores—The minor son of Antonio Flores collects, along the river of Aclán, one thousand three hundred tributes, which represent three thousand two hundred persons. It has instruction and justice.
Ybahay: Captain Pedro Sarmiento—Captain Pedro Sarmiento collects, in Ybahai, Potolanbit, Buracay, and other islets, and along the large bay and river of La Lupa, two thousand tributes, which represent eight thousand persons. All of this territory has justice, but no instruction. It needs four ministers.
Bugason: Pedro Guillén—Ensign Guillén collects, in Bugason, two hundred and fifty tributes, which represent one thousand persons. It has instruction and justice.
Antique: Serna—Alonso de la Serna collects, from the encomienda of Antique, five hundred and fifty tributes, which represent two thousand two hundred persons. It has justice and instruction.
Amiagao: Minor son of Flores—The minor son of Antonio Flores collects, in Amiago [sic], three hundred tributes, which represent one thousand two hundred persons. It has instruction and justice, and is pacified.
Bongol: Augustín Ossorio—Augustín Ossorio collects, from the encomienda of Bongol, three hundred and fifty tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred persons. It is visited by a religious, and has justice.
Tibagua: Captain Estevan Rodríguez—Captain Estevan Rodríguez de Figueroa collects, from the encomienda of Tibagua, one thousand two hundred tributes, which represent four thousand eight hundred persons. It has justice and instruction, and is pacified.
Caraco: Pareja—Christóval de Parexa collects, from the encomienda of Caraco, six hundred tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred persons. It has no instruction, but is pacified. It needs one minister.
Bago: Albaro Pérez—Albaro Pérez collects, along the river of Bago, three hundred and fifty tributes, which represent one thousand four hundred persons. It has no instruction. It is pacified and has justice. It needs one minister.
Ynavaga: Herrera—Francisco de Herrera collects, along the river of Ynavaga, five hundred tributes, which represent two thousand persons. It has no instruction, but has justice and is pacified. It needs one minister.
Hilo: Trigo—Hierónimo Trigo collects, along the river of Hilo, one hundred and fifty tributes, which represent six hundred persons. It has no instruction, but has justice, and is pacified.
Hilo: Ysla—Gaspar de Ysla collects, along the said river, two hundred tributes, which represent eight hundred persons. It has no instruction, but has justice. One minister might care for this and the above encomienda.
Hilo: Mendía—Martín de Mendía collects, along the said river, five hundred tributes, which represent two thousand persons. It has no instruction, but has justice, and is pacified. One minister is needed.
Cuyo: Captain Juan Pablo—Captain Juan Pablo collects, in the island of Cuyo, one thousand tributes, which represent four thousand persons. It has neither instruction nor justice, and needs two ministers.

Thus, in the island of Panay and its jurisdiction, are twenty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety tributes, or sixty thousand [sic] souls. It has at present eighteen ministers, and needs twenty-five more, which will make in all thirty-eight [sic] with whom it will be well instructed. In regard to justice, it is quite sufficient throughout the island.

Lumbán: Sauzedo—The island of Lumbán belongs to Phelippe de Sauzedo, and has five hundred tributes, or two thousand persons. It is in the jurisdiction of Balayán. It has no instruction. It needs one minister to instruct it.
Mindoro: Sauzedo—The encomienda of Vaco y Mindoro belongs to Phelippe de Sauzedo. It has seven hundred tributes, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It is in charge of one religious, and is under the civil jurisdiction of Balayán. The opposite coast of this island has neither instruction nor justice.
Batangas: Francisco Rodriguez—The encomienda of Batangas belongs to Francisco Rodríguez. He collects there one thousand four hundred tributes, which represent five thousand six hundred persons. It has sufficient justice and instruction.
Bonbon: The mariscal Gabriel de Ribera—The encomienda of Bonbón belongs to the mariscal Gavriel de Rybera. He collects there four thousand tributes, which represent sixteen thousand souls. It all has sufficient instruction, and its justice is administered from Balayán.
Balayán: Cauchela—The encomienda of Balayán belongs to the accountant Cauchela, and his Majesty has there six hundred tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred persons. It has one alcalde-mayor, who is the judicial chief of the district. It has instruction, which is administered by one ecclesiastic.
[Tuley]: King—The lowlands of Tuley belong to his Majesty. Six hundred whole tributes are collected there, which represent two thousand four hundred souls. It has no instruction, and needs one minister.
Calamianes: Sarmiento—The islands of Calamianes belong to Captain Sarmiento. Tribute is levied, although not in all parts—about two thousand five hundred, counting the negrillos. Four ministers are needed for the whole encomienda. It has no justice.
Calilaya: King; Torres—Calilaya and Marinduque is a corregidor's district by itself. Half of the encomienda of Calilaya belongs to the king, and the other half to Torres. There are one thousand two hundred tributarios, or four thousand eight hundred persons. It has had instruction, and there are many Christians. It has justice. One ecclesiastic attends to the instruction. It needs two ministers.
Galván: Medrano—The encomienda of Galván belongs to Medrano. It has eight hundred tributes, or three thousand and some souls. It has had instruction, but has none now. It is visited from Batangas. It has justice, and needs one minister.
Mahubán: King—Mahubán belongs to his Majesty. On this coast of Manila he has eight hun-dred tributes, which represent more than three thousand persons. It has never had instruction, but has justice from Calilaya. One minister is needed.
Casiguiran: Françisco Garçia—The encomienda of Casiguiran lies on the same coast opposite Manila. It belongs to Françisco Garçía, who collects there five hundred tributes, which represent two thousand persons. Half of it is hostile, and more than half has neither justice nor instruction. One minister is needed.
Balete: Juan Martín—The encomienda of Balete belongs to Juan Martín Picón. He collects the half of five hundred tributes, for the other half is hostile and without justice or instruction. The magistrate of Calilaya administers justice to one-half of it alone. It needs one minister.

Thus Calilaya has five thousand five hundred tributes, or twenty-two thousand persons, who have but little instruction. Nine ministers are necessary now, so that it may have some instruction. With the nine ministers it will have sufficient instruction; but it has adequate justice.

Marinduque: Poyatos—The island of Marinduque, belonging to Captain Poyatos, has seven hundred tributarios, or two thousand eight hundred persons. It has justice, and needs one minister so that the people may be instructed.
Batán: Captain Esguerra—The encomienda of Batán belongs to Captain Esguerra, who is his own deputy. This said encomienda has one thousand tributes, or four thousand persons. It has one monastery, containing four Dominican friars.

Thus in the city of Manila, along its coast and the coast opposite, and in the provinces of Pampanga, Pangasinan, Ylocos, Cagayán, La Laguna, Camarines, Masbate, Zebú, Panay, Balayán, and Calilaya, which is all of Luzón and the other Philippinas Islands settled, there are one hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and three whole tributes. Each tribute includes husband, wife, and excepting the sons, the children. Therefore there are six hundred and sixty-seven thousand six hundred and twelve souls in the said provinces, besides the religious of the convents of Manila. One hundred and forty ministers—twenty of whom are ecclesiastics, seventy-nine Augustinians, nine Dominicans, and forty-two Franciscans—are divided among the provinces to instruct the natives and administer the holy sacraments. It appears from this relation that there is a lack of ministers through the departures above noted. It shows that one hundred and sixty-one more ministers are needed to furnish adequate instruction. These should be sent very soon, and even a greater number, for when they arrive here, one-fourth of these will have died. His Majesty has thirty-one encomiendas in the said provinces. Private individuals have two hundred and thirty-six. Of these, however, from many of those in Cagayán and some in other districts no tribute can be collected, because they are not pacified, while others are quite worthless or of slight importance.

The said provinces have twelve alcaldes-mayor, each with his deputy; and, in addition, are three who are their own deputies. In some of these districts it is impossible to go to administer justice, because of their distance from the capitals where the alcaldes-mayor live. This must be carefully looked into and these needs supplied.

Whole tributes
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Number of religious
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Religious still needed
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King's encomiendas
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Those of individuals
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Other deputies
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  1. The allusion to this document which appears in section 8 of Dasmariñas's letter to the king of June 20, 1591, which immediately follows this, shows that it was prepared by his order, to accompany the letter.
  2. Spanish puente, in Retana's text; apparently an error for some other word referring to the priest at Tabuco.