The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898/Volume 9/Bibliographical Data
The royal decree of April 27, 1594, is taken from San Inés's Crónica, ii, p. 607; those of June 17, 1595, and March 20 and May 15, 1596, from Doc. inéd. Amér. y Oceanía, xxxiv, pp. 86-98 and 101-103. All the other documents in this volume are obtained from original MSS. in the Archivo general de Indias, their respective pressmarks being as follows:
- Second embassy to Japan.—First part: "Simancas—Secular; Audiencia de Filipinas; Cartas y espedientes del gobernador de Filipinas vistos en el Consejo; años 1567 á 1599; est. 67, caj. 6, leg. 6." Second part: "Simancas—Filipinas; descubrimientos, descripciones y poblaciones de las Yslas Filipinas; años de 1582 á 1606; est. 1, caj. 1, leg. 3|25, ramo 50."
- Letters from G. P. Dasmariñas.—June 20: The same as No. 1, second part (but no ramo). September 27: "Simancas—Filipinas; cartas y espedientes del presidente y oidores de dha Audiencia vistos en el Consejo; años de 1583 á 1600; est. 67, caj. 6, leg. 18."
- Memorandum of troops.—The same as No. 2, first part.
- List of Philippine villages.—"Simancas—Secular; Audiencia de Filipinas; cartas y expedientes del presidente y oidores de dha Audiencia vistos en el Consejo; años de 1583 á 1599; est. 67, caj. 6, leg. 18."
- Letter to king of Camboja, 1594.—The same as No. 4.
- Investigation of the hospital.—The same as No. 2, first part.
- Report by Ortega.—"Simancas—Eclesiastico; Audiencia de Filipinas; cartas y espedientes de religiosos misioneros de Filipinas vistos en el Consejo; años 1569 á 1616; est. 68, caj. 1, leg. 37."
- Reply to Japanese emperor.—The same as No. 1, first part.
- Letters from L. P. Dasmariñas, June, 1594.—The same as No. 4 (except that of June 22, the same as No. 1, first part).
- Letter from Carbajal.—The same as No. 1, first part.
- Letter from Morga, 1595.—The same as No. 4.
- Expedition to Camboja, and Instructions to Figueroa.—The same as No. 2 (letter of June 20).
- Reëstablishment of Audiencia.—"Audiencia de Filipinas; registros de oficio y partes; reales ordenes dirigidas a las autoridades y particulares del distrito de la Audiencia; años de 1568 á 1605; est. 105, caj. 2, leg. 11, libro 2, fol. 100a-101b."
- Letter from Dasmariñas, December 6, 1595.—The same as No. 4.
- Instructions for Tello.—The same as No. 13 (except fol. 146-170).
- Letters from Dasmariñas and others, June-July, 1596.—The same as No. 4.
- Pacification of Mindanao.—The same as No. 2 (letter of September 27). The last section (headed "The campaign"): "Simancas—Filipinas; cartas y espedientes del presidente y oidores de dicha Audiencia vistos en el Consejo; años de 1600 á 1606; est. 67, caj. 6, leg. 19."
- Memorial by Los Rios.—The same as No. 17, second part.
- Letter from Dasmariñas, June 28, 1597.—The same as No. 4.