The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803/Volume 4/Documents of 1576–78
Relation of the Filipinas Islands. Francisco de Sande; June 7, 1576.
Relation and description of the Phelipinas Islands. [Francisco de Sande]; June 8, 1577.
Bull for erection of the diocese of Manila. Gregory XIII; February 6, 1578.
Letter to Felipe II. Francisco de Sande; July 29, 1578.
Indulgence to those who visit Franciscan churches; Gregory XIII; November 15, 1578.
Sources: These documents are obtained from MSS. in the Archivo de Indias, Sevilla, excepting the papal decrees; the first of these is from Doc. inéd. Amér. y Oceanía, xxxiv, pp. 72-79, the second from the Crónica de la provincia de San Gregorio of Fray Francisco de Santa Inés (Manila, 1892), i, pp. 215, 216.
Translations: The first document is translated by Rachel King; the second, by José M. Ascensio; the third and fifth, by Rev. T. C. Middleton, O.S.A.; the fourth, by G. A. England.