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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898/Volume 1/Bibliographical Data

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The Philippine Islands, 1493–1803, Volume 1
edited by Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson
3683188The Philippine Islands, 1493–1803, Volume 1Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson



Papal Bulls of 1493.—The originals of the bulls of May 3 and 4 exist in the archives of the Vatican; and authenticated copies are in the Archivo general de Indias at Seville, their pressmark being "Patronato, Simancas—Bulas; Est. 1, caj. 1, leg. 1." The Archivo Nacional of Lisbon (which is housed in the Torre do Tombo) has one of the originals of the Bull of May 4—pressmark, "Gaveta 10, maço 11, no. 16." The Inter cætera of May 3 was not known to be in existence until 1797, when it was discovered by Muñoz in the Simancas archives (from which many documents have since been transferred to the archives at Seville); in recent years it has been found in those of the Vatican also. There is in the British Museum a MS. copy (in Spanish translation) of the Bull of May 4—its pressmark being "Papeles varias de Indias, 13,977." The Bull of September 25 is known only through the Spanish translation made (August 30, 1554) by Grecian de Aldrete, secretary of Felipe II of Spain; this is at Seville, with pressmark as above. Harrisse could not find the Latin original of this document at Simancas Seville, or Rome. For the bulls of May 3 and 4 our translation is made from the Latin text given in Heywood's Documenta selecta et tabulario secreto Vaticano (Roma, 1893), pp. 14–26; that work contains also photographic facsimiles of the original bulls. Certain formal ecclesiastical phrases which Heywood only indicates by "etc." have been, for the sake of completeness, translated in full in the first bull. The bulls are also published in Raynaldi's Annales ecclesiastici (Lucæ, Typis Leonardi Venturini, MDCCLIV), xi, pp. 213–215; Hernaez's Colección de bulas, breves, etc. (Bruselas, 1879), i, pp. 12–16; Doc. inéd. Amér. y Oceania, xxxiv, pp. 14–21; and in Fonti Italiani (Roma, 1892), part iii. The bull Inter cætera of May 3 may also be found in Navarrete's Col. de viages, ii, pp. 23–27 (ed. 1825; or pp. 29–33, ed. 1859); Eximiæ of same date, in Solorzano's De jure Indiarum (Madrid, 1629), i, pp. 612, 613. Inter cætera of May 4 is also given in Solorzano, p. 610; Alguns documentos, (Lisboa, MDCCCXCII), pp. 65–68; and Calvo's Recueil complet de traités de l'Amérique latine (Paris, 1862), i (première période), pp. 1–15, in both Latin and Spanish versions. For the Bull of September 25 we have used the Spanish text, which Navarrete gives ut supra, pp. 404–406 (449–451, 2d ed.)—Solorzano's Latin version, which has been followed by Hernaez and other editors, being probably only a retranslation from the Spanish. For good discussions of these bulls and of the Demarcation Line, with abundant citations of authorities, see Bourne's "Demarcation Line of Pope Alexander VI," in Amer. Hist. Assn. Rep., 1891, pp. 101–130 (republished in Yale Review, May, 1892), and in his Essays in Historical Criticism (N. Y., 1901), pp. 193–217; S. E. Dawson's "Lines of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI, and the Treaty of Tordesillas," in Canad. Roy. Soc. Trans., 1899, sec. ii, pp. 467–546; and Harrisse's Diplomatic History of America (London, 1897).

Treaty of Tordesillas (June 7, 1494).—The original MS. of this document is in the Seville archives—pressmark, "Simancas—Bulas; est. 1, caj. 1, leg. 1." It is also found in the Torre do Tombo of Lisbon—its pressmark being "Gaveta 17, maço 2, no. 24;" there is another copy—pressmark "Gaveta 18, maço 2, no. 2 "—apparently a duplicate of the former. The text of the treaty is published in G. F. de Martens's Traités de l'Europe, Supplément (Gottingue, 1802), i, pp. 372–388; Navarrete's Col. de viages, ii, pp. 130–143 (147–162, 2nd ed.); Alguns documentos, pp. 69–80; Calvo's Recueil de traités, i, pp. 16–36; and Doc. inéd. Amér. y Oceania, xxxvi, pp. 54–74. Our translation is made from the version in Alguns documentos, as that most closely following the original; and in foot-notes are indicated some of the variations of Navarrete's text from that in Alguns documentos.

Compact between the monarchs of Spain and Portugal (April 15, 1495).—The original MS. of this document is in the Seville archives "Patronato Real." We translate from Navarrete, ut supra, ii, pp. 170–173 (192–195, 2d ed.). It is published also in Doc. inéd. Amér. y Oceania, xxxviii, pp. 336–341.

Papal Bull, Præcelsæ (Nov. 3, 1514).—The original of this bull exists in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon—pressmark, "Maço 20 de bullas, no. 18;" it is written on parchment, and covers twenty folios. It is printed in full in Corpo diplomatico portuguez (Lisboa, 1862), i, pp. 275–298; and a brief synopsis is given (in Portuguese) in Alguns documentos, p. 366. We present a similar synopsis, with a short extract from the bull.

Letters of Cárlos I (1523).—The originals of these documents are in the Seville archives, in "Patronato Real." We translate from the text in Navarrete, ut supra, vol. iv (1837), as follows: instructions to the ambassadors, pp. 301–305; letter to Zúñiga, pp. 312–320.

Treaty of Vitoria (Feb. 19, 1524).—The original is in the Seville archives—pressmark, "Papeles del Maluco, de 1519 à 1547, lego. io." The translation here published is made from Navarrete, ut supra, pp. 320–326.

Junta of Badajoz (April–May, 1524).—The originals of these documents are at Seville, in the "Patronato Real." The copies made therefrom by Juan Bautista Muñoz, in pursuance of orders given him by Cárlos IV to write a history of Spanish discovery and conquest, are in the library of the Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid. Our translations and synopses are made from Navarrete's text, ut supra, as follows: extract from the records of possession and ownership, pp. 355–368; opinions of Spanish astronomers and pilots, pp. 333–355; letters to Spanish deputies, pp. 326–333.

Treaty of Zaragoza (April 22, 1529).—The original of this document is in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon—pressmark, "Gaveta 18, maco 8, no. 29." Our translation is made from the text in Alguns documentos, pp. 495–512. This treaty has been published also in Navarrete, ut supra, pp. 389–406; and in Martens's Supp. Traités de l'Europe, i, pp. 398–421. It was appended to the treaty of 1750 between Spain and Portugal.

PAPAL BULL, EXIMIÆ (Nov. 16, 1501)

Our translation is made from Navarrete, ut supra, ii, pp. 408, 409 (454, 455, 2d ed.). The bull is published also in Hernaez's Col. de bulas, i, pp. 20–25; and in Doc. inéd. Amér. y Oceania xxxiv, pp. 22–29.


Our résumé of various contemporary documents is made from Navarrete, ut supra, iv (1837), pp. 110–406. The MS. of the letter of authorization to Falero and Magallánes is in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon—pressmark, "Gaveta 18, maço 8, no. 39." It is published in Alguns documentos, pp. 418, 419, from which our translation is made. The originals of the letters of 1519 (from copies of which we translate except instructions to Cartagena, from Alguns documentos) are in Torre do Tombo—their respective pressmarks as follows: letter of Cárlos I to Manuel, "Gaveta 18, maço 5, no. 26;" instructions to Cartagena, "Corpo chron., parte 3a, maço 7, no. 18;" letter of Cárlos I to Magallánes and Falero, "Corpo chron., parte 1a, maço 24, no. 64." These letters are published in Alguns documentos, pp. 422–430. The letter of 1522 is translated from a copy of the original MS. in the Simancas archives—pressmark, "Secretaria de Estada, leg. 367, fol. 94."

De Molvccis Insulis. The first edition of this book was printed in January, 1523, at Cologne, by Hirzhorn (Latinized as Cervicornus). In November, 1523, it was published at Rome by Minitius Calvus, also second edition February, 1524. There has been much controversy regarding the priority of the Cologne edition, some writers claiming that it was really issued in 1524; but the question is apparently settled by the fact that Johann Schöner cites the book in his letter (written in 1523) to Reimer von Stréitberg (Streytpergk); see Stevens's Johann Schöner (London, MDCCCLXXXVIII), pp. 99, 153. We reproduce here the translation made by the late Henry Stevens (ut supra, pp. 103–146); it is accompanied therein (pp. 57–90) by a phototypographic facsimile of the original print. Fuller details regarding this work will appear in the volume devoted to bibliography, which will be published at the end of this series.