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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898/Volume 1/Note on correspondence

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The Philippine Islands, 1493–1803, Volume 1
edited by Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson
3710697The Philippine Islands, 1493–1803, Volume 1Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson

[For lack of space, certain documents to and by Jaime Ferrer, regarding the line of demarcation, cannot be included in this series. These documents—a letter from the Cardinal Despanya, Archibshop of Toledo, Don Pedro de Mendoza, Barcelona, August 26, 1493; a letter from Ferrer to the Catholic sovereigns, Barcelona, January 27, 1495; Ferrer's opinion regarding the treaty of Tordesillas (undated, but probably in 1495); and a letter from the Catholic sovereigns, Madrid, February 28, 1495,—will be found in Navarrete, Coll. de viages, tomo ii, edition 1825, pp. 97–110; edition 1858, pp. 111–117, part of núm. lxviii; and a translation of all but the first in Dawson's Lines of Demarcation (printed in Translations of the Royal Society of Canada, 1899-1900, second series, vol. v, sec. ii, pp. 541-544,—also printed separately). Navarrete states that these documents were printed in Barcelona in 1545, in a now rare book compiled by Ferrer under the title Sentencias cathólicas del Divi poeta Dant. In the first letter, signed "El Cardenal," Ferrer's presence is requested in Barcelona; he is to take with him his mappamundo and all his cosmographical instruments.]