The Philosophical Review/Volume 1/Summary: Stumpf - Zum Begriff der Lokalzeichen

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The Philosophical Review Volume 1 (1892)
edited by Jacob Gould Schurman
Summary: Stumpf - Zum Begriff der Lokalzeichen by Anonymous

Z. f. Ps. u. Phys. d. Sinn. = Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane

Anonymous2658294The Philosophical Review Volume 1 — Summary: Stumpf - Zum Begriff der Lokalzeichen1892Jacob Gould Schurman
Zum Begriff der Lokalzeichen. C. Stumpf. Z. f. Ps. u. Phys. d. Sinn., IV, 1 u. 2, S. 70-73.

Lotze's theory of local signs underwent many modifications at its author's hands, and has been still further modified by Wundt. The editor of the Kleine Schriften has called attention to a late utterance of the writer's, in which he describes spaciousness as an attribute of sensation, comparable with quality or intensity. This is the view held by Stumpf and James. The former points out here that it is inconsistent with the general scheme of a local-sign theory. That Lotze inclined towards it, as he inclined in his Metaphysik to a hypothesis more nearly approaching those of Berkeley and Bain, is, he thinks, an indication of the necessity of a nativistic space-psychology.