The Pilgrim Cook Book/Candies
Five tablespoons molasses, 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons water, 2 tablespoons butter; let boil until (when dropping a little in cold water it will be brittle). Put in a pinch of soda before taking off the stove, pour on buttered plates and when cool enough mark in squares.
One cup grated chocolate, 1 cup milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup molasses, piece of butter size of an egg. Boil until it drops hard; pour in buttered dish and before it cools mark off in square blocks.
One pound of maple sugar melted in a cup of sweet milk,add 1 tablespoon butter; boil until when a little is dropped in cold water it will be almost brittle. Turn out on butteredplates, and when cool enough mark in squares.—Hannah Albrecht.
Two cups white sugar, 1 cup light brown sugar, ½ cupvinegar, ½ cup water; boil as you would molasses candy. Afew minutes before taking it off the stove add 1 tablespoonbaking powder. Flavor with vanilla. Cool and pull.—Hannah Albrecht.
Take 2 pounds of confectioners' sugar, whites of 3 eggswell beaten, 2 tablespoons milk. Mix all together with hands.Make small balls; roll with hands. When still soft add a pecan, or walnut, candied cherry, stuff dates with same, roll an almond in same, let the rest lay an hour or more on paraffin paper, then dip in melted bitter chocolate.—Mrs. Louise M. Lafrentz.
Two cups granulated sugar, ½ cup Karo syrup, ½ cup boilingwater, 1 cup English walnuts, whites of 2 eggs, beaten stiff,vanilla. Boil sugar, syrup and water until a little hardens incold water. Add this slowly to the beaten whites, then addvanilla and nut meats and pour on a buttered dish. Cut insquares.—Johanna Kretchmer.
Boil until it colors ⅓ cup water, 1 cup sugar. Do not stirwhile boiling but just before taking from the stove stir in¼ teaspoon cream of tartar. Dip the figs in this syrup and layon buttered plates to dry.—Hannah Albrecht.
Two cups sugar, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons cocoa. Boil until it reaches the "soft ball" stage, then take from fire and add vanilla and a heaping tablespoon of butter. Set pan into a pan of cold water and beat until it begins to snap. Pour into buttered tins and cut into squares.—Mrs. H. A. Zorn.
Two cups sugar, ¼ cup water, 2 egg whites, 1 teaspoon vanilla, ½ pound dates cut fine. Boil sugar and water until it begins to spin a thread. Pour slowly over the beaten whites of eggs, whipping until the mixture begins to harden. Add vanilla and dates. Spread on buttered tins and cut into squares when cold.—Mrs. H. A. Zorn.
One cup cream, 2 cups sugar, 2 squares bitter chocolate, pinch of salt. Boil until a little dropped in cold water forms a soft ball. Then set aside for 3 minutes on back of stove. Butter a platter and cut about a dozen marshmallows in small pieces to cover the bottom of the platter. Take fudge from stove, beat for several minutes and pour over marshmallows. When cool, cut into squares.—Johanna Kretchmer.
Soak ¼ pound granulated gum arabic in ½ pint water until dissolved; this is best done by standing the covered bowl in a pan of hot water on the coolest part of the stove and stirring occasionally. Strain and put in a saucepan with ½ pound powdered sugar, set over hot water and stir over the fire until the mixture becomes thick and white; test by dropping a little into cold water; when it forms a firm ball take from fire and stir it into the whites of 3 stiffly beaten eggs. Beat for three minutes; flavor with vanilla or orange flower water and pour it into a pan which has been thickly dusted with corntarch and of such size that the paste will be in a layer one inch thicck. Stand in a cool, dry place over night, then turn out. Cut into squares, dust with confestioners' sugar or cornstarch.—Hannah Albrecht.
Two cups molasses, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon vinegar, a piece butter size of a walnut. Boil constantly for 20 minutes, stirring all the time. When cool enough, pull it quickly till it is white.—Hannah Albrecht.
Two small bags of peanuts, about 10 cents worth, fresh roasted. Shell and chop fine in wooden bowl. Measure, then take exactly the same amount of granulated sugar. Melt without water and soon as it becomes liquid (not allowing it to cook), turn in the nuts. Stir a moment, then put on a dripping wet bread board, and roll with a wet rolling pin very thin.—Mrs. R. Albrecht.
Melt in a new pan 3 ounces butter, 1 pound moist sugar. Stir well over a slow fire; boil 15 minutes. Pour out on a buttered dish and mark in squares.—Hannah Albrecht.
Three cups light brown sugar, 1 cup water, 1 tablespoon vinegar. Let come to boil slowly, stir only till sugar is dissolved; boil to the soft ball stage. Take off, and when it stops bubbling beat in 2 stiffly beaten egg whites and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat till it will hold its shape, then stir in quickly 1 cup finely chopped nuts. Drop in small pieces on oiled paper or pour into pan and cut in squares.—Miss M. Schneider.
Boil 2 cups brown sugar, ¾ cup sweet milk, butter size of walnut, till it forms a soft ball in water. Remove from fire, beat to a soft cream and add ½ pound cocoanut. Mix well. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered paper.—Alicia K. Steinhoif.