The Pilgrim Cook Book/Yeast Breads
Four cups graham flour, 3½ cups flour, 2 tablespoons molasses, 3 cups lukewarm milk, 1 cake yeast, 1 heaping teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, ½ teaspoon soda, 2 tablespoons butter, ½ cup lukewarm water. Sift together the graham flour, wheat flour, brown sugar and salt, then rub in the butter. Add the molasses with the soda dissolved in it. Next add the lukewarm milk and lastly the yeast dissolved in the lukewarm water. Knead the dough well for 20 minutes and set it to rise covered up. After rising form it into two loaves, put them into pans and let them rise again. Graham bread requires longer to rise than white flour bread. Bake in a moderately hot oven for an hour and a quarter. If graham bread is baked too quickly it is apt to become doughy in the center. The above makes two loaves of bread.—Mrs. Ehlenfeld.
Two cups quaker oats, 5 cups flour, 2 cups boiling water, 1 cake yeast, ½ cup molasses, ½ tablespoon butter, small handful salt. Add boiling water to oats and allow to stand one hour. Add molasses, salt, butter, dissolved yeast and flour; let rise until double in bulk, beat thoroughly, turn into buttered pans, let rise again. Bake one hour in two loaves.—Mrs. O. Kleppisch.
Heat 1 pint milk and 1 pint water to boiling point, add 1 tablespoon lard, 1 tablespoon butter, ½ cup brown sugar, ½ cup corn syrup, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon caraway seed, 1 tablespoon anise seed. Beat in 2 quarts rye flour (beat hard). Dissolve 1½ cake yeast in a little warm water and add to above when luke warm, add enough white flour so you can knead, about 20 minutes. Let rise and knead again. Shape into loaves and brush top with egg white or butter. Bake in hot oven for 15 minutes, then decrease heat and bake until done.—Mrs. P. Weissbrodt.
Put 1 quart lukewarm milk or water in bread mixer, add 2 teaspoons salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons shortening, 2 cents worth of yeast which has been dissolved in ½ cup lukewarm water, and 3 quarts flour. Turn bread mixer about 5 minutes, let rise over night and form in loaves in the morning, when raised again bake 45 minutes. Have oven hot for 10 minutes, then turn gas down to medium.—Olga T. Bohnsack.
One-half cup water, 1½ cups milk, 1 yeast cake softened in ½ cup water, 4 tablespoons molasses, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ pound filbert meats, 4 cups entire wheat flour, 2 cups sifted white flour. Add the softened yeast cake to lukewarm milk and water, molasses, salt and nuts, and stir in the flour. A little more flour may be required. Knead the dough until elastic, then set to rise. When light, shape in loaves and when again light bake about 1 hour.—Olga T. Bohnsack.
Scald 1 pint of milk, dissolve in it 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon sugar and ½ teaspoon salt; when lukewarm add ½ of a yeast cake dissolved in 2 tablespoons of warm water and sufficient sifted bread flour to make a batter. Beat until smooth and set aside, covered in a warm place until light. Add more flour to make a soft dough, turn out on the board and knead until smooth and springy to the touch. Return to the bowl, cover and set away again until light. Take out portions of the dough about the size of a large egg and roll each out until as thick as the middle finger, then form into crescents or other, desired shapes; or all the dough may be turned out carefully on the board and rolled out an inch thick, then cut with cutters of various shapes. Lay an inch apart on greased pans, brush the top of each roll with milk and when light bake in a very hot oven.—Mrs. Albrecht.
Two cups scalded milk, ½ cup lukewarm water, 1 cake yeast, ½ cup melted butter, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar. Mix yeast with water; when milk is lukewarm add the yeast; to it add enough flour to make a thin batter; let rise until light; add sugar, salt, melted butter, flour enough to make a soft dough; knead for 20 minutes; let rise until doubled in bulk. Roll out ⅜ inch thick, cut with a biscuit cutter; press the handle of a wooden spoon across the center of each, making a crease, butter ½ slightly; fold the other half over on it; set in a pan some distance apart; let rise until light and bake from 18 to 20 minutes.—Miss Clara Wollerman.
One cup scalded milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons shortening, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 yeast cake dissolved in ½ cup water, 4 cups flour. Put the sugar, salt, and shortening in a mixing bowl; add scalded milk, when lukewarm; add yeast cake and 3 cups flour slowly. Beat to a light batter. Let rise to double its bulk, then add 1 cup flour; let rise again. Shape in biscuits form; let rise till light and bake in quick oven 25 minutes.—Mrs. Sodemann.
Scald 1 pint of milk, dissolve in it 1 scant teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon butter and 2 tablespoons sugar. When cool add ½ of a cake of yeast, dissolved in a little warm water, and sufficient flour to make a drop batter. Cover and set aside until light, add flour to make a soft dough and knead for 5 minutes. Return to the bowl, cover and set aside as before. When light turn out carefully on the well floured board and roll out ½ of an inch thick. Spread with softened butter, sprinkle with granulated sugar, cleaned currants and a little powdered cinnamon. Roll up tightly and cut in 2-inch slices. Put close together in well greased pans and when light bake in a moderate oven from 40 to 50 minutes. Turn out as soon as taken from the oven or they will stick. The excellence of these buns depends upon the amount of butter and sugar used when spread, the more the better.—Mrs. Albrecht.
One quart flour, 1 pint milk, ½ cup butter and lard, ½ cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cent yeast, salt. Add little salt to flour, dissolve yeast in a little of the milk slightly warmed, heat remainder of milk slightly, adding butter and lard. Mix milk, butter, lard with flour; add eggs and sugar and beat. Let rise until light. Put in pans, spread with melted butter, sugar and cinnamon. Let rise again and bake.—Mrs. L. C. Koebel.
Three cups flour, 1 cup milk, ⅔ cup sugar, ½ pound butter, 7 eggs, 2 cents yeast, ½ teaspoon salt, ¼ lemon peel (grated). Stir ½ of the flour with the yeast and milk. Cream the butter and add alternately eggs and flour. Also sugar, lemon and salt. Then stir the first part to it thoroughly, place in a buttered form and allow to rise. Bake 1 hour in a moderate oven.—Mrs. C. B. Moellering.
Three and one-half cups flour (sifted), 2 cents yeast, 1 cup warm milk, ¾ cup granulated sugar, ½ pound butter, 5 eggs (when eggs are cheaper take 7 and use less milk), 1 cup blanched and finely ground almonds, 1 cup seedless raisins, 1 pinch mace, ½ lemon rind (grated), ½ juice of lemon. Set sponge with the milk, yeast and 1½ cups flour. When light, cream the butter and sugar, add the well beaten eggs with yolks and mix gradually with the risen sponge, which has been beaten until bubbles appear (about 20 minutes). Pour in a well greased spring tube form and set to rise till about one inch from top of form. Bake in moderate oven about 1 hour.—Mrs. H. G. Thorns.
Heat 1 quart of milk, 1¼ cup sugar and 1¼ cup butter. When this is cool, add 3 quarts flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 cakes yeast, 3 beaten eggs, 10 cents worth of citron( cut fine), 1 pound light seedless raisins, 1 pound grated almonds, juice of ½ lemon and the rind of 1 lemon. Let this rise as you would bread, put in 4 bread pans, making in loaf forms, and when in pans let it rise again. Bake ½ hour. Frost as you would angel cake.—Mrs. Albrecht.
Four pounds flour, 1 quart milk, 4 eggs, 2½ ounces yeast, 1¼ pounds butter, 1 pound Sultana raisins, 1½ pounds sugar, ¼ pound chopped almonds, 6 ounces citron (chopped). In the morning make a sponge from part of the flour, add the lukewarm milk, beaten eggs, yeast and salt. Set in warm place to rise. It will rise very quickly. Then add softened butter, raisins, sugar, almonds, citron (flour the almonds, raisins and citron), and the balance of flour. Grate a little lemon rind into dough. Now let rise again, then mould into loaves and raise once more, when they are ready for the oven. Spread melted butter before putting in oven, and bake slowly for 1 hour or longer. Have every ingredient warm before you begin mixing.—Marie Doederlein.