The Pleasures of Memory (Rogers)
Chapters (not listed in original)
The large Illustrations in this volume are produced by a new method, without the aid of an engraver; and some little indulgence is asked for them, on the plea of the inexperience of the Artists in this process.
The drawing is made with an etching-needle or any suitable point, upon a glass plate spread with collodion. It is then photographed upon a prepared surface of wax, and from this surface an electrotype is formed in relief, which is printed with the type. By these means the Artists' own work is preserved; and though it may be impossible for this process to rival the delicacy of a good engraving upon wood, yet it can lay claim to an accurate fidelity which can only be equalled by etchings upon copper.

Mark yon old Mansion, frowning thro' the trees | Samuel Palmer | 10 |
And orphan-sorrows drew the ready tear | J. D. Watson | 11 |
The tangled wood-walk, and the tufted green | W. S. Coleman | 13 |
The Gipsy's faggot, there we stood and gaz'd | Alfred Cooper | 15 |
But hark! thro' those old firs, with sullen swell | E. M. Wimperis | 17 |
The smoke's blue wreaths ascending with the breeze | W. S. Coleman | 19 |
The hoary grandsire smiles the hours away | Charles Green | 21 |
Then did his horse the homeward track descry | Alfred Cooper | 23 |
When o'er the Hasted heath the day declin'd | E. M. Wimperis | 25 |
Like yon fair orb, she gilds the brow of Night | E. M. Wimperis | 30 |
And the bald veteran glowes with wonted fire | J. D. Watson | 35 |
As the stern grandeur of a Gothic tower | E. M. Wimperis | 37 |
High on exulting wings the heath-cock rose | J. W. Keyl | 39 |
And on the moor the shepherd penn'd his fold | E. M. Wimperis | 47 |
The wild deer, starting thro' the silent glade | J. W. Keyl | 48 |