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The Plowman's Tale/Part II

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To accorde with this wordë “fal”No more English can I find;Shewe another now I shall,480For I have moche to say behind,How preestes han the people pynd,As curteys Christ hath me [y-]kend,And put this matter in my mindTo make this maner men amend.
485Shortly to shende hem, and shewe nowHow wrongfully they worche and walke;O hye god, nothing they tell, ne how,But in goddes word, †tell many a balke.In hernes holde hem and in halke,490And prechin of tythes and offrend,And untruely of the gospell talke;For his mercy, god it amend!
What is Antichrist to sayBut evin Christes advérsary?495Such hath now ben many a dayTo Christes bidding full contráry,That from the trouthë clenë vary;Out of the wayë they ben wend;And Christes people untruely cary;500God, for his pitè, it amend!
That liven contráry to Christes lyf,In hye pride agaynst mekenesse;Agaynst suffraunce they usen stryf,And angre ayenst sobrenesse;505Agaynst wisdom, wilfulnesse;To Christes tales litell tend;Agaynst mesúre, outragiousnesse;But whan god woll, it may amend!
Lordly lyf ayenst lowlinesse,510And demin all without mercy;And covetyse ayenst largesse,Agaynst trewth[e], trechery;And agaynst almesse, envy;Agaynst Christ they comprehend.515For chastitè, they maynteyn lechery;God, for his gracë, this amend!
Ayenst penaunce they use delytes,Ayenst suffraunce, strong defence;Ayenst god they use yvel rightes,520Agaynst pitè, punishments;Open yvell ayenst continence;Hir wicked winning wors dispend;Sobrenesse they sette in-to dispence;But god, for his goodnesse, it amend!
525Why cleymen they hoolly his powére,And wranglen ayenst all his hestes?His living folowen they nothing here,But liven wors than witles beestes.Of fish and flesh they loven feestes,530As lordes, they ben brode y-kend;Of goddes pore they haten gestes;God, for his mercy, this amend!
With †Dives such shall have hir doomThat sayn that they be Christes frendes,535And do nothing as they shuld doon;All such ben falser than ben fendes.On the people they ley such bendes,As god is in erthe, they han offend;Sucour for suchë Christ now sende us,540And, for his mercy, this amend!
A token of Antichrist they be,His careckes ben now wyde y-know;Receyved to preche shall no man beWithout[ë] token of him, I trow.545Ech Christen preest to prechen ow,From god abovë they ben send.Goddes word to all folk for to show,Sinfull man for to amend.
Christ sente the pore for to preche;550The royall riche he did nat so;Now dar no pore the people teche,For Antichrist is over-all hir fo.Among the people he mot go;He hath bidden, all such suspend;555Some hath he hent, and thinketh yet mo;But all this god may well amend
All tho that han the world forsake,And liven lo[w]ly, as god bad,In-to hir prison shullen be take,560Betin and bounden, and forth lad.Herof I rede no man be drad;Christ sayd, his [servaunts] shulde be shend;Ech man ought herof be glad;For god ful well it woll amend.
565They take on hem royáll powére,And saye, they havë swerdes two,Oon curse to hell, oon slee men here;For at his taking Christ had no mo,Yet Peter had [that] oon of tho.570But Christ to Peter smyte gan defend,And in-to the sheth bad putte it tho;And all such mischeves god amend!
Christ bad Peter kepe his sheep,And with his swerde forbad him smyte;575Swerd is no tole with sheep to kepeBut to shep[h]erdes that sheep woll byte.Me thinketh, suche shep[h]erdes ben to wyteAyen hir sheep with swerd that contend;They dryve hir sheep with greet dispyte;580But al this god may well amend.
So successours to Peter be they noughtWhom [that] Christ madë cheef pastour;A swerd no shep[h]erde usen oughtBut he wold slee as a bochour.585For who-so were Peters successourShuld bere his sheep till his bak bend,And shadowe hem from every shour;And all this god may wel amend.
Successours to Peter ben these590In that that Peter Christ forsook,That had lever the love of god [to] leseThan a shep[h]erde had to lese his hook.He culleth the sheep as doth the cook;Of hem [they] taken the woll untrend,595And falsely glose the gospell-book;God, for his mercy, †hem amend!
After Christ had take Peter the kay,Christ sayd, he mustë dye for man;That Peter to Christ gan withsay;600Christ bad him, ‘go behind, Sathan!’Such counsaylours many of these men hanFor worldes wele, god to offend;Peters successours they ben for-than,But all such god may well amend.
605For Sathan is to say no moreBut he that contrary to Christ is;In this they lernë Peters lore,They sewen him whan he did mis;They folowe Peter forsothe in this,610In al that Christ wolde †him reprende,Nat in that that longeth to hevin blis;God for his mercy hem amend!
Some of the apostels they sewen in cas,Of ought that I can understonde,615Him that betrayed Christ, Judas,That bar the purse in every londe;And al that he might sette on honde,He hidde and stal, and [gan] mispend;His rule these traytours han in honde;620Almighty god [now] hem amend!
And at last his lord gan trayCursedly, through his covetyse;So wolde these trayen him for money,And they wisten in what wyse!625They be seker of the selfe ensyse;From all sothnesse they ben frend;And covetyse chaungen with queyntyse;Almighty god all suche amend!
Were Christ on erthë here eft-soon,630These wolde dampnë him to dye;All his hestes they han fordon,And sayn, his sawes ben heresy;Ayenst his †maundëments they cry,And dampne all his to be [y-]brend;635For it lyketh nat hem, such losengery;God almighty hem amend!
These han more might in England hereThan hath the king and all his lawe,They han purchased hem such powére640To taken hem whom [they] list nat knawe;And say, that heresy is hir sawe,And so to prison woll hem send;It was nat so by elder dawe,God, for his mercy, it amend!
645The kinges lawe wol no man demeAngerliche, withouten answere;But, if any man these misqueme,He shal be baited as a bere;And yet wel wors they woll him tere,650And in prisón woll hem [be] pendIn gyves, and in other gere;Whan god woll, it may [a]mend.
The king taxeth nat his menBut by assent of the comminaltè;655But these, ech yere, woll raunsom hemMaysterfully, more than doth he;Hir seles, by yerë, better beThan is the kinges in extend;Hir officers han gretter fee;660But this mischeef [may] god amend!
For who-so woll prove a testamentThát is natt all worth ten pound,He shall paye for the parchëmentThe third part of the money all round.665Thus the people is raunsound,They say, such part to hem shulde apend;There as they grypen, it goth to ground;God, for his mercy, it amend!
A simple fornicacioun,670Twenty shillings he shall pay;And than have an absolucioun,And al the yere usen it forth he may!Thus they letten hem go a-stray,They recke nat though the soul be brend;675These kepin yvell Peters key,And all such shep[h]erdes god amend!
Wonder is, that the parliamentAnd all the lordes of this londHere-to taken so litell entent680To helpe the people out of hir hond;For they ben harder in †hir bond,Wors bete[n] and [more] bitter brendThan to the king is understond;God him helpe this to amend!
685What bisshoppes, what religio[u]nsHan in this lande as moch lay-fee,Lordshippes, and possessio[u]nsMore than the lordes, it semeth me!That maketh hem lese charitè,690They mowë nat to god attend;In erthe they have so high degree,God, for his mercy, it amend!
The emperour yaf the pope somtymeSo hyghe lordship him about,695That, at [the] laste, the sely kyme,The proudë popë putte him out!So of this realme is in dout,But lordes be ware and †hem defend;For now these folk be wonder stout,700The king and lordes now this amend!
Thus endeth the seconde part of this tale, and herafterfoloweth the thirde.

478. fynde. 479. nowe. 480. saye behynde. 481. Howe; pynde. 482. kende; see l. 530. 483. putte; mynde. 484. amende. 485. nowe. 486. Howe. 487. howe. 488. worde; telleth (see l. 487). 490. offrende. 492. amende.

493. saye. 495. Suche hathe nowe. 497. varry. 498. wende. 500. pytie; amende. 501. lyfe. 503. sufferaunce; stryfe. 505. wysedome. 506. tende. 507. measure. 508. maye amende. 509. lyfe. 514. comprehende. 515. maynteyne. 516. amende. 517. delyghtes. 518. stronge. 519. vsen. 520. Agaynste pytie punishementes. 522. Her; worse dispende. 524. amende.

525. holy. 528. worse; wytlesse. 529. fyshe; fleshe. 530. ykende. 531. poore. 532. amende. 533. Dyuers (read Dives); suche; her dome. 534. sayne. 535. shulde done. 536. suche. 537. suche. 538. offende. 539. nowe. 540. amende. 542. nowe; yknowe. 544. trowe. 545. Eche; owe (!). 546. sende. 547. worde; folke; showe. 548. amende. 549. poore. 551. Nowe dare; poore. 552. her foe. 553. Amonge; mote. 554. suche suspende. 555. hente. 556. amende.

557. worlde. 558. loly; badde. 559. her. 560. forthe ladde. 561. dradde. 562. Supply servaunts; shende. 563. Eche; gladde. 564, 572, 580, 588. amende. 567. One; one. 569. Supply that; one. 570. defende. 571. badde. 572. suche. 573. badde; shepe. 574. forbade. 575. Swerde; shepe. 576. shepe. 578. her shepe; swerde; contende. 579. her shepe; great. 582. Supply that; chefe pastoure. 583. swerde. 584. bochoure. 586. Shulde; shepe; backe bende. 587. shoure.

590. forsoke. 591. Supply to (as in l. 592). 592. hoke. 593. shepe; dothe; coke. 594. Supply they; vntrende. 595. -boke. 596. them amende. 600. badde; behynde. 601. Suche. 602. offende. 604. suche; amende. 606. Read contrar. 608. mysse. 610. Peter (read him); reprehende. 611. But nat (om. But); heuyn blysse. 612. amende. 613. case. 616. bare. 618. stale; supply gan; myspende. 620. Supply now; amende.

622. hys false (om. false). 626. frende=fremd. 628. amende. 629. efte sone. 631. fordone. 632. sayne. 633. And ayenst (omit And); commaundementes (read maundements); crye. 634. brende. 635. suche. 636. amende. 637. Englande. 638. kynge. 639. suche. 640. Supply they (or hem); lyste. 641. her. 642. prysone; sende. 644. amende. 648. bayghted. 649. worse. 650. prysone; supply be; pende. 652. maye mende.

654. assente. 655. eche. 657. Her seales. 658. extende. 660. mischefe; supply may; amende. 662. worthe tenne pounde. 664. thyrde parte; rounde. 665. raunsounde. 666. saye suche parte; apende. 667. gothe; grounde. 668. amende. 669. fornycatioun. 670. shyllynges; paye. 671. absolution. 672. forthe; maye. 674. soule; brende. 676. suche; amende. 678. londe. 680. her honde. 681. theyr (for hir); bonde. 682. Worse beate; supply more; brende. 683. vnderstande. 684. amende.

685. Read religiouns. 686. moche laye. 690. attende. 691. hyghe. 692. amende. 694. aboute. 695. Supply the. 697. doute. 698. them defende. 699. nowe; folke; stoute. 700. kynge; nowe; amende.