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The Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea/Friendship between Ephelia and Ardelia

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4698374The Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea — Friendship between Ephelia and ArdeliaMyra ReynoldsAnne Countess of Winchilsea


Eph. What Friendship is, Ardelia shew.Ard. 'Tis to love, as I love You.Eph. This Account, so short (tho' kind)Eph. Suits not my enquiring Mind.Eph. Therefore farther now repeat;Eph. What is Friendship when compleat?Ard. 'Tis to share all Joy and Grief;Eph. 'Tis to lend all due ReliefEph. From the Tongue, the Heart, the Hand;Eph. 'Tis to mortgage House and Land;Eph. For a Friend be sold a Slave;Eph. 'Tis to die upon a Grave,Eph. If a Friend therein do lie.Eph. This indeed, tho' carry'd high,Eph. This, tho' more than e'er was doneEph. Underneath the rolling Sun,Eph. This has all been said before.Eph. Can Ardelia say no more?Ard. Words indeed no more can shew:Eph. But 'tis to love, as I love you.