The Poets and Poetry of America
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The eldest of the living poets of America
and the
most illustrious of her painters
This Work
is respectfully dedicated
- Philip Freneau
- The Dying Indian
- The Indian Burying Ground/
- To the Memory of the Americans who fell at Eutaw
- To an Old Man
- Columbus to Ferdinand
- The Wild Honeysuckle
- Human Frailty
- The Prospect of Peace
- To a Nighty-Fly, approaching a Candle
- John Trumbull
- Ode to Sleep
- The Country Clown, from "The Progress of Dulness"
- The Frop, from the same
- Character of McFingal, from "{{wikidata link|Q6801174l|McFingal]]"
- Extreme Humanity, from the same
- The Decayed Coquette
- Timothy Dwight
- The Destruction of the Pequods
- The Social Visit
- The County Pastor
- The Country Schoolmaster
- The Battle of Ai, from "The Conquest of Canaan"
- The Lamentation of Selima, from the same
- Prediction to Joshua relative to America, from the same
- Evening after a Battle, from the same
- Columbia
- David Humphreys
- On the Prospect of Peace
- Western Emigration
- American Winter
- Revolutionary Soldiers
- Joel Barlow
- The Hasty Pudding
- Burning of the New England Villages, from "the Columbiad"
- To Freedom, from the same
- Morgan and Tell, from the same
- The Zones of America, from the same
- Richard Alsop
- St. John Honeywood
- Crimes and Punishments
- A Radical Song of 1776
- Reflections on seeing a Bull slain in the Country
- Impromptu on an Order to kill the Dogs in Albany
- William Clifton
- Epistle to William Gifford, Esq.
- Mary will smile
- Robert Treat Paine
- Adams and Liberty
- Extract from a Monody on the Death of Sir John Moore
- Extract from "The Ruling Passion"
- Extract from the same
- Extract from "The Invention of Letters"
- Washington Allston
- The Slyphs of the Seasons
- America to Great Britain
- The Spanish Maid
- The Tuscan Maid
- Rosalie
- To Rembrandt
- To Benjamin West
- James Kirke Paulding
- Ode to Jamestown
- Passage dow the Ohio, from "The Backwoodsman"
- Evening, from the same
- Crossing the Alleghanies, from the same
- The Old Man's Carousel
- Levi Frisbie
- A Castle in the Air
- John Pierpoint
- Passing Away
- Ode for the Charlestown Centennial Celebration
- My Child
- Ode for the Massachusetts Mechanics' Charitable Association
- Her Chosen Spot
- The Pilgrim Fathers
- Plymouth Dedication Hymn
- The Exile at Rest
- Jerusalem
- The Power of Music, from "Airs of Palestine"
- Obsequies of Spurzheim
- Hymn for the Dedication of the Seam's Bethel, in Boston
- The Sparking Bowl
- Ode for the Fourth of July
- Andrews Norton
- To —, on the Death of a young Friend
- Lines written after the Death of Charles Eliot
- A Summer Shower
- Hymn
- To Mrs. —, on her Departure for Europe
- Hymn for the Dedication of a Church
- Fortitude
- The Close of the Year
- To Mrs. —, just after her Marriage
- Funeral Hymn
- A Winter Morning
- Richard Henry Dana
- The Buccaneer
- The Ocean, from "Factitious Life"
- Daybreak
- Extract from "The Husband's and Wife's Grave"
- The Little Beach-Bird
- Richard Henry Wilde
- Ode to Ease
- Solomon and the Genius
- A Farewell to America
- Napoleon's Grave
- "My life is like the summer rose"
- To Lord Byron
- To the Mocking-Bird
- James A. Hillhouse
- The Judgment
- Hadad's Description of the City of Jerusalem
- Untold Love, from "Demetria"
- Scene from "Hadad"
- Arthur's Soliloquey, from "Percy's Masque"
- Charles Sprague
- Curiosity
- Shakspeare Ode
- The Brothers
- Art, an Ode
- The Winged Worshippers
- Dedication Hymn
- To My Cigar
- Centennial Ode
- Lines to a Young Mother
- "I see thee still"
- Lines on the Death of M. S. C.
- The Family Meeting
- Hannah F. Gould
- Changes on the Deep
- The Snow-Flake
- The Waterfall
- The Winds
- The Scar of Lexington
- The Winter Burial
- The Frost
- The Robe
- The Consignment
- The Midnight Mail
- The Ship is Ready
- The Pebble and the Acorn
- The Moon upon the Spire
- The Child on the Beach
- A Name in the Sand
- Carlos Wilcox
- Spring in New England, from "The Age of Benevolence"
- A Summer Noon, from the same
- September, from the same
- Sunset in September, from the same
- The Castle of Imagination, from "The Religion of Taste"
- Rousseau and Cowper, from the same
- The Cure of Melancholy, from the same
- Sights and Sounds of the Night, from the same
- Live for Eternity
- Henry Ware, Jr.
- To the Ursa Major
- Seasons of Prayer
- The Vision of Liberty
- William Cullen Bryant
- Thanatopsis
- A Forest Hymn
- Hymn to the North Star
- The Prairies
- Song of Marion's Men
- To the Past
- The Hunter of the Prairies
- After a Tempest
- The Rivulet
- June
- To the Evening Wind
- Lines on Revisiting the Country
- The Old Man's Counsel
- An Evening Reverie, from an unfinished poem
- Hymn of the City
- To a Waterfowl
- The Battle-Field
- The Death of the Flowers
- The Winds
- Autumn Woods
- John Neal
- The Soldier's Visit to his Family, from "The Battle of Niagara"
- Birth of a Poet
- Ambition
- Joseph Rodman Drake
- The Culprit Fay
- Bronx
- The American Flag
- To Sarah
- Maria Brooks
- Palace of Gnomes, from "Zophiel"
- The Storm, from the same
- Song, from the same
- The Moon of Flowers
- Morning
- Marriage
- James Gates Percival
- Liberty to Athens
- The Sun
- Consumption
- To the Eagles
- Prevalence of Poetry
- Clouds
- Morning among the Hills
- The Deserted Wife
- The Coral Grove
- Decline of the Imagination
- Genius Slumbering
- Genius Waking
- New England
- May
- To Seneca Lake
- The Last Days of Autumn
- The Flight of Time
- It is great for our Country to Die
- Extract from "Prometheus"
- Home
- Fitz-Greene Halleck
- To a Rose, brought from near Alloway Kirk, Ayrshire, in 1822
- Red Jacket, Chief of the Tuscaroras
- Connecticut
- Marco Bozzaris
- John G. C. Brainard
- Jerusalem
- Connecticut River
- Lines on the Death of Mr. Woodward, at Edinburgh
- On a late Loss
- Sonnet to the Sea-Serpent
- The Fall of Niagara
- On the Death of a Friend
- Epithalamium
- To the Dead
- The Deep
- Mr. Merry's Lament for "Long Tom"
- Indian Summer
- "The dead leaves strew the forest-walk"
- The Storm of War
- The Guerilla
- The Sea-Bird's Song
- To the Daughter of a Friend
- Salmon River
- Samuel Griswold Goodrich
- Birthright of the Humming-Birds
- The River
- The Leaf
- Lake Superior
- The Sportive Sylphs
- Isaac Clason
- Napoleon, from the seventeenth Canto of Don Juan
- Jealousy, from the same
- Early Love, from the same
- All is Vanity, from the eighteenth canto of Don Juan
- Lydia Huntley Sigourney
- The Western Emigrant
- Niagara
- Winter
- Napoleon's Epitaph
- The Mother of Washington
- Felicia Hemans
- The Alpine Flowers
- Contentment
- The Widow's Charge at her Daughter's Burial
- Bernardine du Born
- Thoughts at the Grave of Sir Walter Scott
- [[/A Butterfly at a Child's Grave]/]
- Indian Girl's Burial
- Barzillai the Gileadite
- Death of an Infant
- The Pilgrim Fathers
- Indian Names
- George Washington Doane
- On a very old Wedding-Ring
- The Voices of Rama
- That Silent Moon
- Thermopylae
- The Waters of Marah
- "What is that, Mother?"
- A Cherub
- Lines by the Lake Side
- The Christian's Death
- William B. O. Peabody
- Hymn of Nature
- To William
- Monadnock
- The Winter-Night
- Death
- Autumn Evening
- Robert C. Sands
- Poem to "Yamoyden"
- Dream of the Princess Papantzin
- Monody on the death of Samuel Patch
- Evening, from "Yamoyden"
- Weehawken
- The Green Isle of Lovers
- The Dead of 1832
- Parting
- Conclusion to "Yamoyden"
- Nora's Song, from "Yamoyden"
- Woman, from the same
- Good-Night
- Greenville Mellen
- English Scenery
- Mount Washington
- The Bugle
- On Seeing an Eagle pass near me in Autumn Twilight
- The True Glory of America
- George Hill
- Extract from "The Ruins of Athens"
- The Mountain Girl
- The Might of Greece, from "The Ruins of Athens"
- The Fall of the Oak
- Sonnets to Liberty, A Young Mother, and Spring
- Nobility
- James G. Brooks
- Greece—1832
- To the Dying Year
- To the Autumn Leaf
- The Last Song
- Joy and Sorrow
- Albert B. Greene
- The Baron's Last Banquet
- To the Weathercock on our Steeple
- "Oh, think not that the bosom's light"
- William Leggett
- A Sacred Melody
- Love and Friendship
- "I trust the frown thy features wear"
- Life's Guiding Star
- To Elmira
- Edward C. Pinkney
- Italy
- The Indian's Bride
- "We break a glass whose sacred wine"
- A Health
- The Voyager's Song
- A Picture-Song
- The Old Tree
- To —
- Elysium
- To H—
- Serenade
- The Widow's Song
- "I need not name thy thrilling name"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Each in All
- "Good-bye, proud world!"
- To the Humble-Bee
- The Rhodora
- The Snow-Storm
- Sumner Lincoln Fairfield
- Destruction of Pompeii, from "The Last Night of Pompeii"
- Visions of Romance
- An Evening Song of Piedmont
- Rufus Dawes
- Lancaster
- Anne Boleyn
- Sunrise, from Mount Washington
- Spirit of Beauty
- Love Unchangeable
- Extract from "Geraldine"
- Edmund D. Griffin
- Lines Written on Leaving Italy
- Description of Love by Venus
- Emblems
- To a Lady
- J. H. Bright
- The Vision of Death
- He Wedded Again
- "Should Sorrow o'er thy brow"
- George D. Prentice
- The Closing Year
- Lines to a Lady
- The Dead Mariner
- Sabbath Evening
- To a Lady
- Lines written at my Mother's Grave
- William Croswell
- The Synagogue
- The Clouds
- The Ordinal
- Christmas Eve
- The Death of Stephen
- The Christmas Offering
- Walter Colton
- The Sailor
- To my Pipe
- Byron
- The Last Wreck
- To Cathara
- My First Love, and my Last
- Unrequited Love, and Suicide
- The Parting
- Charles Fenno Hoffman
- Moonlight on the Hudson
- Thaw-King's Visit to New York
- Lines written in a Lady's Prayer-Book
- To a Belle who talked of Giving up the World
- The Bob-o'Linkum
- The Forester
- The Myrtle and Steel
- Epitaph upon a Dog
- Anacreontic
- A Hunter's Matin
- Love and Politics
- What is Solitude?
- The Student's Song
- "Withering—withering—all are withering"
- Inscription for a Lady's Flora
- "I do not love thee—by my word I do not!"
- Trust in thee? Ay, dearest! there's no one but must"
- "I know thou dost love me—ay! frown as thou wilt"
- "I knew not how I loved thee—no!"
- Indian Summer, 1828
- Town Repinings
- To a Lady Blushing
- The Farewell
- "I will love her no more—'tis a waste of the heart"
- Boat-Song
- Morning Hymn
- The Western Hunter to his Mistress
- Thy Name
- Rosalie Clare
- "Think of me, dearest"
- "We parted in sadness"
- The Origin of Mint Juleps
- Sparkling and Bright
- "Why seek her heart to understand"
- "Ask me not why I should love her"
- "She loves, but 'tis not me she loves"
- "I know I share thy smiles with many"
- Language of Flowers
- To an Autumn Rose
- "Where dost thou loiter, Spring?"
- Serenade
- Lines written in Spring-Time
- A Portrait
- Melody
- Dream
- Mrs. Seba Smith
- The Acorn
- The Drowned Mariner
- To the Hudson
- N. P. Willis
- Melanie
- The Confessional
- Lines on Leaving Europe
- Spring
- To Ermengarde
- Hagar in the Wilderness
- Thoughts while making a Grave for a first Child, born dead
- The Belfry Pigeon
- April
- The Annoyer
- To a Face Beloved
- Edward Sanford
- Address to Black-Hawk
- To a Mosquito
- J. O. Rockwell
- The Sum of Life
- To Ann
- The Lost at Sea
- The Death-Bed of Beauty
- To the Ice-Mountain
- The Prisoner for Debt
- To a Wave
- Thomas Ward
- Musings on Rivers
- To the Magnolia
- To an Infant in Heaven
- John H. Bryant
- The New England Pilgrim's Funeral
- A Recollection
- My Native Village
- The Indian Summer
- The Blind Restored to Sight
- Two Sonnets
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- William Gilmore Simms
- The Slain Eagle
- The Brooklet
- The Shaded Water
- To the Breeze
- The Lost Pleiad
- The Edge of the Swamp
- Changes of Home
- George Lunt
- Autumn Musings
- Jewish Battle-Song
- "Pass on, relentless world"
- Hampton Beach
- Pilgrim Song
- The Lyre and Sword
- Bloody Brook
- Jonathan Lawrence
- Thoughts of a Student
- Sea-Song
- Look Aloft
- To May
- Louisa J. Hall
- A Scene from "Miriam"
- Prayer
- Miriam to Paulus
- Emma C. Embury
- Autumn Evening
- The Old Man's Lament
- Stanzas on the Death of the Duke of Reichstadt
- Peace
- Madame de Stael
- Ballad
- Sonnet
- John Greenleaf Whittier
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- The Cambridge Churchyard
- An Evening Thought
- La Grisette
- The Treadmill Song
- Departed Days
- The Dilemma
- The Star and the Water-Lily
- The Music-Grinders
- The Philosopher to his Love
- L'Inconnue
- The Last Reader
- The Last Leaf
- Old Ironsides
- "Strange! that one lightly-whisper'd tone"
- The Steamboat
- Albert Pike
- Hymns to the Gods
- To Neptune
- To Apollo
- To Venue
- To Diana
- To Mercury
- To Bacchus
- To Somnus
- To Ceres
- To the Planet Jupiter
- To the Mocking-Bird
- To Spring
- Lines Written on the Rocky Mountains
- Park Benjamin
- Gold
- Upon seeing a Portrait of a Lady
- The Stormy Petrel
- The Nautilus
- To one Beloved
- The Tired Hunter
- The Departed
- "I am not old"
- The Dove's Errand
- "How cheery are the mariners?"
- Lines spoken by a Blind Boy
- The Elysian Isle
- Sonnets
- A Great Name
- Indolence
- Sport
- M. I.
- To My Sister
- To ——
- To ——
- To a Lady with a Bouquet
- New York Harbor, on a Calm Day
- A Monument to Walter Scott
- Twilight
- Spring
- The Stars
- Written while Departing for Italy
- Domestic Love
- Willis Gaylord Clark
- A Lament
- Memory
- Song of May
- Death of the First-Born
- Summer
- The Early Dead
- The Signs of God
- Euthanasia
- An Invitation
- The Burial-Place at Laurel-Hill, near Philadelphia
- A Contrast
- The Faded One
- A Remembrance
- William D. Gallagher
- To the West
- August
- Spring Verses
- May
- Our Early Days
- The Labourer
- The Mothers of the West
- James Freeman Clarke
- Hymn and Prayer
- The Poet
- Jacob's Well
- The Violet
- To a Bunch of Flowers
- Elizabeth F. Ellet
- The Delaware Water-Gap
- Susquehanna
- Lake Ontario
- Sodus Bay
- To a Waterfall
- To the Condor
- The Isle of Rest
- The Vanity of the Vulgar Great
- A Parallel
- Lake George
- To the Whip-poor-will
- "Come, fill a pledge to sorrow"
- James Aldrich
- Morn at Sea
- A Death-bed
- My Mother's Grave
- A Spring-Day Walk
- To One far Away
- Beatrice
- "Underneath this marble cold"
- The Dreaming Girl
- Anna Peyre Dinnies
- Wedded Love
- To a White Chrysanthemum
- Thoughts in Autumn
- The Wife
- "I could not hush that constant theme"
- The Heart
- Happiness
- Edgar A. Poe
- Isaac McLellan, Jr.
- New England's Dead
- The Death of Napoleon
- The Notes of the Birds
- Lines suggested by a Picture by Washington Allston
- The Passion for Life
- June
- Jones Very
- To the Painted Columbine
- Lines to a Withered Leaf, seen on a Poet's Table
- The Heart
- Sonnets
- To the Canary Bird
- "Thy beauty fades, and with it too my love"
- The Wind-Flower
- Enoch
- Morning
- Night
- The Spirit-Land
- The Trees of Life
- The Ark
- Nature
- The Tree
- The Son
- The Robin
- The Rail-Road
- The Latter Rain
- Alfred B. Street
- The Gray Forest-Eagle
- Fowling
- A Forest Walk
- Winter
- The Settler
- An American Forest in Spring
- The Lost Hunter
- William H. Burleigh
- Elegiac Stanzas
- "Let there be light!"
- June
- Spring
- Requiem
- Stanzas written on visiting my Birth-place
- To H. A. B.
- To ——
- "Believe not the slander, my dearest Katrine!"
- Sonnets
- The Brook
- The Times
- Solitude
- Rain
- The Pilgrim Fathers
- William Jewett Pabodie
- "Go forth into the fields"
- To the Autumn Forest
- Lines on the Death of a Friend
- Our Country
- "I hear thy voice, O Spring!
- "I stood beside the grave of him"
- Louis Legrand Noble
- The Cripple-Boy
- Love and Beauty
- A Little Green Isle
- C. P. Cranch
- The Music of the Spheres
- The Blind Seer
- The Hours
- "Thought is deeper than all speech"
- My Thoughts
- Beauty
- On hearing triumphant Music
- Henry Theodore Tuckerman
- Mary
- The Ringlet
- To an Elm
- Tri-Mountain
- Love and Fame
- Greenough's Washington
- Epes Sargent
- Records of a Summer-Voyage to Cuba
- The Departure
- The Gale
- Morning after the Gale
- To a Land-Bird
- A Thought of the Past
- Tropical Weather
- A Calm
- A Wish
- A Tropical Night
- The Planet Jupiter
- To Egeira
- Cuba
- The Days that are Past
- The Martyr of the Arena
- Summer in the Heart
- The Fugitive from Love
- The Night-Storm at Sea
- Lucy Hooper
- Oseola
- The Daughter of Herodias
- "Time, Faith, Energy"
- "Give me armour of proof"
- Lines suggested by a scene in "Master Humphrey's Clock"
- Arthur Cleveland Coxe
- Manhood
- Old Churches
- The Heart's Song
- The Chimes of England
- March
- James Russell Lowell
- Rosaline
- The Beggar
- "Lift up the curtains of thine eyes"
- Sonnets
- Anne
- The Way of Life
- To a Friend
- The Poet
- Green Mountains
- The Dead
- Love
- Caroline
- Amelia B. Welty
- The Presence of God
- To the Memory of a Friend
- To a Sea-Shell
- My Sisters
- "I know that thy spirit"
- Lucretia and Margaret Davidson
- A Prophecy
- To Mrs. Townsend
- "I would fly from the city"
- To my Mother