The Practical Designer for Women's and Misses' Underwear/Woman's First Foundation Lines
I shall now commence to explain the drafting of a foundation for a woman's size 36 and to succeed in drafting, the student has to remember every step which is made at the beginning, as the beginning lines according to this system are always to be repeated for each and every garment. It shall therefore be understood that this system is based on the most simplified method because the very first foundation lines are to be used for all the continuous lessons. The foundation lines shown in the first lesson are covering the space of the body from the neck down to the natural waist length and it therefore consists of 3 lines, which are called top line, breast line and waist line and to begin use the following standard measurements for size 36.
Back depth | 7 | inches |
Natural waist length in back | 15½ | inches |
All around chest or size | 36 | inches |
All around bust | 39 | inches |
All around waist | 25 | inches |
Now begin to draft, draw a square line from A to R and A to C and remember that the line from A to R is the top line and from A to C is the center back line to which you have to stand next in order to have the draft in front of you in the proper manner. Now measure from A to B, 7 inches back depth and from A to C, 15½ inches natural waist length. Draw a line across from B to W and C to X. After these lines are crossed, measure from A to D, B to E and C to F, 1—3 of size or 12 inches for size 36 and draw a line from D, E to F.
To produce the width of back, take half of B to E which makes G and allow from G to H, 1½ inches and then measure the space between B to H and place the same from A to I and draw a line from I to H. Now begin the back neck; from A to J 1/6 of size or 3 inches for size 36 and from J to K raise up 1 inch and from K draw a line out against I to L.
In producing the back shoulder, draw a line from K against I to L. This space shall be 6 inches for size 36 but in order that this space or width of shoulder shall come out naturally without memorizing the width of shoulder for each and every size, a square ruler shall be applied to the line from K to L to meet H and it will prove or bring the original width of shoulder for every size systematically.
Now make the ink line for the center back; make from C to M, 2 inches and draw a line from M up to A and remember that this space between C to M is always 2 inches for all women's. sizes. Before going any further, remember the name of each cross line made at A, B and C. The line from A to R is called the top line, the line from B to W is the breast line and the line from C to X is the waist line. If there are any other crossed lines to be produced for the continuous lessons, each additional line will have the proper name of its practical use. This completes this lesson.
Take notice that this foundation and all further lessons produced on this foundation, have all necessary seams allowed.