The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism/Index
absolution, sacrament of, 116, 134
acquisition, as principle of economic action, 63
acquisition, impulse to, 16, 56
Adams, Thomas, 223, 237, 258, 259, 266, 267
adaption, 72
(see selection)
adiaphora, 256, 274
administration, 25
adventurers, capitalistic, 20, 24, 58, 69, 76, 166, 174, 186, 199, 279
after-life, idea of, 97, 109
Alberti, Leon Battista, 194, 202, 262
Anglican Church, 82, 99, 179
Anthony of Florence, 73, 83, 197, 201, 202
anthropology, 30
Anti-authoritarianism, 167
(see also asceticism)
architecture, in West, 15
aristocracy, antagonism to, 150
aristocracy, commerical, 37, 65, 74
Aristotle, 14, 235, 244, 249
Arminians, 200, 217
Arnold, Matthew, 191, 280
Arnold, Samuel G., 278
art in West, 14
Arte di Calimala, 203
arts, Puritan attitude to, 168, 272
asceticism, anti-authoritarian, tendency of, 167, 255
asceticism, definition of, 193-4
asceticism, monastic, 80, 121, 253-4
asceticism, sexual, 158
asceticism, tendency of capitalism to, 71
asceticism, types of, 118
asceticism, worldly, 149, 154
Ashley, W. J., 280
Augsburg Confession, 102, 206, 209
Augustine, St., 101
Aymon, Jean, 190
Bailry, R., 106, 129, 132, 222, 228, 231, 233, 238, 245, 259
Baird, Henry M., 219
Bank of England, 186
baptism, 145, 222
Barclay, Robert, 148, 156, 171, 252, 257, 269
Barebones, Praisegod, 243
Bartholomew's day, St., 156
Bax, E. Belfort, 253
Baxter, Richard, 106, 155, 181, 218, 244, 226 ff., 245, 259 ff,
Becker, Bernhard, 247
begging, 177, 268
believers' church, 122, 144
(see also sect)
Below, Georg von, 283
Benedict, St., 118
Bernhard, St., 230, 236, 238, 241, 267
Bernhard of Siena, 197, 201, 202
Bernstein, Eduard, 219, 256, 258, 278, 283
Berthold of Regensburg, 208
Beruf, 79, 204 ff.
Beruf, translation of, 194
Beza, Theodore, 110, 230
bibliocracy, 123, 146
Bielschowsky, Albert, 283
Bohemian Brothers, 197
Bonaventura, St., 236, 242, 267
Bonn, M. J., 217
book-keeping, 22, 67
book-keeping, moral, 124, 238
Borinski, Karl, 283
bourgeoise, 23, 24, 176
Brassey, Thomas, 198 Braune, Wilhelm, 207
Brentano, Lujo, 185, 187, 190, 192, 193, 194, 198, 205, 209, 210, 217, 259, 283
Brodnitz, Georg, 203
brotherly love, 81, 108, 163, 226
Brown, John, 219
Browne, John, 243
Bryce, James, 235, 268
Brucer, letter to, 228
Buckle, Henry Thomas, 44
Bhuddhism, 228
Bunyan, John, 107, 124, 176, 223, 227, 230, 234, 259, 271, 280
Busken-Huet, 274, 278
Butler, Samuel, 168
Cæsarism, Puritan immunity to, 224
calling, duty in a, 54, 62
calling, idea of, 79 ff.
Calvin, John, 45, 89
and predestination, 10
attitude to certitudo salutis, 110
attitude toward wealth, 157
Calvinism, social organisation of, 224
Calw, 44
Campbell, Douglas, 218
capital, definition of, 17
capital, origin of, 68
capital, ownership of, 36
capitalism, concept of, 16
Cato, 195, 201
Cavaliers, 88, 169
certitudo salutis, 110, 114-15, 129, 133, 139-40, 203, 226, 229, 272
charisma, 178, 281
Charles I, 166
Charnock, Stuart, 231, 232, 235, 238, 259
Chillingworth, William, 127
chosen people, belief in, 166
(see also elect)
Christopher, Duke of Würtemberg, 268
Cicero, 205
Cistercians, 118
Cluny, Monks of, 118
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 43
Columella, 196
comfort, idea of, 11
commenda, 17, 20, 58
Communion, admission to, 111, 155
confession, 106, 124, 134, 137, 153
confessions, Baptist, 231
(see also Dordrecht, Westmunster, Augsburg, Hanserd Knolly)
Congregationalists, 217
consilia evangelica, 80, 120, 137
contemplation, 26, 112, 158, 159, 212
conventicles, 130, 131, 167, 245
conversion, 140
Corinthians, 1st Epistle to the, 84, 164, 206, 208, 214
Cornelius, Carl Adolf, 253, 255
counterpoint, 14
Court, Peter de la, 177
Cramer, S., 257
Canmer, Thomas, 210
creation, joy of, 282
Cromwell, Richard, 251
Crosby, Thomas, 235
Cunningham, William, 280
Da Costa, 226
Defoe, Daniel, 180, 280
Deissmann, Adolf, 209
democracy, 224
Denifle, Heinrich, 211
Deventer, Provincal Synod of, 260
Dexter, H. M., 219, 252, 274
Dieterich, A., 205 dilettantes, 29
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 209
Dippel, Johann Conrad, 248
discipline. Church, 97, 152, 155, 178
discipline, monastic, 174
distribution of goods, unequal, 177
Divine Comedy, 87
Döllinger, Johann Joseph Iquaz von, 107
domestic industry, 21, 192
Dordrecht, Synod of, 99, 102, 226, 240
Dowden, Edward, 176, 221, 222, 258, 270, 275
Doyle, John Andrew, 172, 219, 278
Dunckards, 150
Eck Bible translation, 10
Economic interpretation of History (see Materialism, historical)
education and capitalism, 38
Eger, Karl, 211
elect, aristocracy of, 104, 121, 122, 131-8, 151, 242
elect, membership in, 110
emotion, emphasis on, 131, 135, 138-40
Enlightenment, The, 45, 70, 106 182
Entzauberung der Welt, 221
(see also magic, elimination of)
Erastianism, 217
d'Este, Renata, 237
Ethnography, 29
experiment, method of, 13
faith, justification by, 112, 114
faith, results of, 114
(see also proof)
fatalism, 131, 232
feudal state, 16 feudalism, 185
Fieschi, 235
Firth, Charles Harding, 219, 236
Fleischütz, Bible translator, 207
formalism, as characteristic of Puritanism, 166
Fox, George, 89, 146, 148, 253, 266
Francis of Assissi, 120, 146, 254
Franciscans, 253
Franck, Sebastian, 121, 220
Francke, August Hermann, 132-3, 138, 246
Franklin, Benjamin, 48, 50, 64, 71, 82, 124, 151, 158, 180, 192, 195, 263
Frederick, Henry, Stadholder, 273
Frederick William I, 44, 250
Freytag, Gustav, 242
Froude, James Anthony, 223
Fruin, Robert, 219, 278
Fugger, Jacob, 51, 192
Fuggers, 82, 202, 213
Fuller, Thomas, 231
Funck, 201
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, 213, 219, 272
Gerhard, Johannes, 229
Gerhard, Paul, 88
Giles, St., 146
God, Calvinistic conception of, 103
Goethe, Wolfgang, 151, 181, 261, 277
Goodwin, John, 246
Gorichem, Synod of, 260
Gothein, Eberhard, 43
Grab, Hermann von, 222
Grubbe, Edward, 253
Haller, Albertus, 274
Hals, Frans, 273
handicrafts, 21, 38, 65
Hanna, C. A., 189 Hanserd Knolly, Confession of, 125, 220, 221, 225, 231, 257
harmony, 14
Harnack, Adolf, 262
Hasbach, Wilhelm, 198
Hebrews, 265
(see Jews)
Heidegger, Johann Heinrich, 228
Heine, Heinrich, 280
Hellpach, W., 244
Henry, Matthew, 238, 259, 261
Heppe, Heinrich Ludwig, 221, 228, 247
heredity, influence of, 30, 279
Hermelink, Heinrich, 283
Herrnhut, 135, 248
Hertling, Georg von, 188
historical individual, 47
Hoenicke, 238
Hoffmann, 255
honesty, best policy, 282
Honigsheim, Paul, 212, 222, 226, 229
Hooker, Richard, 127
Hoops, Johannes, 207
Hoornbeek, J., 221, 223, 228, 232, 234, 259
Howe, Daniel Wait, 219
Howe, John, 237, 251, 259
Hudibras, 235
(see also Bulter)
Hugenots, 39, 43, 201
Humiliati, 254
Hundeshagen, Carl Bernhard, 226
Huntingdon, Lady, 125
Huss, John, 95, 198
Hutchinson, Colonel John, 275
Huyghens, Constantine, 274
ideal type, 71, 98, 200
idolatry of the flesh, 105, 146, 150, 169, 171, 224, 266, 270, 272-3
Ignatius, St., 119
Independents, 99, 122, 217, 242
India, religious teaching of, 265
individualism, 105, 222
indulgence, 120
industria, 73, 196, 197
inner light, doctrine of, 147
institution for salvation, church as, 227
interest, prohibition of, 73, 201
interests, capitalistic, influence of, 24
Irving, Washington, 261, 275
isolation, of individual, 108
Jacoby, Ludwig S., 250
Jains, 191, 197, 228
James I, 99, 166
James, William, 232
Janeway, James, 259, 268
Jansenists, 221, 222, 229
Jaspers, Karl, 186
Jerome, St., 205
Jesuits, 81, 118, 124, 267, 274, 277
Jesus, 83
Jews as minorities, 39, 191
Jews as representing adventurer's capitalism, 186, 271
Jews, problem of, 187, 197
Jews, Puritans' relation to, 165, 180
Jews, rationalization of, 117, 222
Job, Book of, 164
Jones, Rufus B., 253
joy of living, 41, 42, 45
joy of living, relation of Puritanism to, 163, 166-7, 173
Judaism (see Jews)
Jülicher, A., 214
Jüngst, Johannes, 251
Kampschulte, F. Wilhelm, 218
Kant, Immanuel, 270
Kattenbusch, Ferdinand, 255
Kautsky, Karl, 258
Keats, John, 44, 270
Keller, F., 191, 200, 284
Keller, Gottfried, 107 Kierkegaard, Soren, 109
Klages, Ludwig, 186
de Kock, 226
Knolley, Hanserd (see Hanserd Knolley)
Knox, John, 45, 219
Koehler, Walther, 211
Koester, A., 211
Köhler, August, 219, 226, 247, 269
Kolde, Theodor, 251
Kommanditgesellschaft, 20
Köstlin, Julius, 221
Kürnberger, Ferdinand, 50
Labadie, Jean de, 240, 241, 245
laboratory, modern, 13
labour, division of, 81, 160, 161
labour, rational, capitalistic organization of, 21, 22, 24, 166
labour, valuation of, 158
Lambeth Article, 220
Lamprecht, Karl, 244, 248
Lang, J. C, 252
Laud, Bishop William, 179, 213
Lavelye, Émile, 191
law, canon, 14, 73
law, mosaic, 123, 165, 271
law, natural (see lex naturœ)
law, rational structure of, 25
law, Roman, 14, 77
Lenau, Nicolaus, 192
Leonard, Ellen M., 268
Levy, Hermann, 213, 217, 268, 279, 281, 282
lex naturœ, 109, 114, 211, 256, 270
liberum arbitrium, 57, 77
Liguori, Alfonso of, 107
literature, Puritan attitude to, 168
Lobstein, Paul, 229
Lodensteyn, Jodocus van, 241
Loofs, Friedrich, 250, 252
Lorimer, G., 253
Löscher, Valentine Ernest, 246
Luthardt, Christoph Ernst, 214
Luther, use of "calling," 164, 204 ff.
Lutheranism, ethical theory of, 238
Lutheranism, moral helplessness of, 126
Lutheranism, relation to Pietism, 95
Lutheranism, relation to world, 87, 160
Lutheranism, traditionalistic tendency of, 86
Lutheranism and Predestination, 102
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 219, 220, 223, 280
Machiavelli, Nicolo, 14, 107
magic, elimination of, 105, 117, 149
Magna Charta, 217
Maliniak, J., 200
Manley, Thomas, 280
manors, 21
Marcks, Erich, 218
marriage, Puritan conception of, 158, 263
masserizia, 195
Masson, David, 219, 220
materialism, historical, 24, 55, 75, 90-2, 183, 266, 277
Maurenbrecher, Max, 211
Maurice of Orange, 235
Meissner, Balthasar, 229
Melancthon, Philip, 102, 227, 239, 244
Menno, Simons, 89, 145
Mennonites, 44, 144, 149, 150, 217, 255, 256, 257
mercantilism, 23, 152, 197, 242
Merx, Albrecht, 203, 204, 208
Milton, John, 87, 101, 220, 267
minorities, 39, 190
Mirbt, Carl, 242
missionary, 136, 225
monasticism, 118, 119, 158, 174 money-lenders, 20
monopolies, 65, 82, 179, 271
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de, 45
Moravians, 96, 135
Mormons, 264
Motley, John Lothrop, 219
Müller, Karl, 219, 253, 255
Münster, 149, 253
Murch, J., 253
music, 14
Muthmann, 223
mystics, German, 79, 86, 112, 132
Naber, 219
Neal, David, 235
needs, satisfaction of, 63
Neumann, Carl, 273, 275
Newman, A. H., 253
Nicklaes, Hendrik, 269
Nicolai, Philip, 229
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 232
Nuyens, W. J. F., 219, 221
official, 16
Offenbacher, Martin, 188
oikos, 22
Old Testament, 123
Oldenbarneveld, Joan van, 99
Olevianus, Kaspar, 221, 228
organization, capitalistic forms of, 64, 67
organization. Church, 128
organization, social, superiority of Calvinism in, 108
orphans, Amsterdam, 226
ostentation, avoidance of, 71
otherworldliness, 40, 41, 42, 118, 145
Owen, John, 237
Parker, 179
Parsees, 191
parvenus, 65, 71, 163, 268
Pascal, Blaise, 81, 113, 211 222, 227, 229
Paterson, William, i86
Paul, St., 84, 159, 160, 212
Petty, Sir William, 43, 179, 189, 279, 282
piece-rates, 59
Pierson, Allard, 219
Pietism, 42
Plitt, Hermann, 247
Plutarch, 236
Polenz, Gottlob van, 219
Poor relief, English, 178
poverty, glorification of, 136
Prætorius, Abdias, 229
Praxis pietatis, 129, 130
Precisians, 117
predestination, doctrine of, 98 ff., 109 ff., 121, 125, 128, 131, 143, 148, 226, 227, 232
Presbyterians, 125, 146
Price, Thomas, 219
Prinsterer, Groen van, 219, 274, 278
printing, 15
privileges, 65
profitableness, as sign of grace, 162
proletariat, 25
proof, doctrine of, 112, 115, 126, 129, 133, 137, 141, 142, 153, 203
Prynne, William, 179, 269
psychology, in sociological investigation, 31, 244
Puritanism, attitude to sensuous culture, 105
Puritanism, definition of, 96
putting-out system, 23, 66, 179
Quakers, 39, 44, 86, 144 ff., 150, 217, 276, 283
(see also Barclay, Robert)
Rabelais, Frangois, 190
Rachfel, Felix, i86
Ranke, Leopold von, 210
rationalism, 26, 40, 75
(see also rationalization) rationalization, 25, 68, 136, 147
(see also rationalism; magic, elimination of)
Rembrandt, 273
Renaissance, Puritan relation to, 168
Rhodes, Cecil, 42
Ritschl, Albrecht, 134, 139, 219, 221, 229, 237, 240, 245, 247, 253, 254, 271
Rogers, Thorold, 280
Roloff, Gustav, 235
romanticism, 71
romanticists, 65
Roosevelt, Theodore, 269
Roundheads, 88
Rowntree, J. A., 283
Sack, Carl Heinrich, 219
sacraments, 104
Salmasius, Claudius, 201
salvation, conditions of, 113
sanctification, 138, 140
sanctions, psychological, 97, 128, 178, 197, 267
Sanford, John Langton, 123, 217, 274
saving, ascetic compulsion to, 172, 276
Savoy Declaration, 114, 125, 231
Schäfer, Dietrich, 222
Schechter, Solomon, 204
Scheibe, Max, 221
Schell, Hermann, 188
Schmoller, Gustav, 214
Schneckenburger, Matthias, 112, 143, 214, 219, 228, 230, 232, 251, 277
Scholasticism, 83, 168
(see also Thomas Aquinas)
Schortinghuis, Wilhelmus, 229, 244
Schulze-Gaevemitz, G. von, 198
Schwenkfeld, Caspar, 146, 256
science, Puritan attitude to, 168, 249
science. Western characteristics of, 13, 15, 24
Scotists, 202
Scotus, Duns, 235
sea loans, 20
sect, distinguished from church, 145, 152, 254
(see also believers' church)
Sedgwick, Obadiah, 228, 231, 234, 259
Söe, Henri, 185
Seeberg, 211, 214, 215, 219, 235
Seiss, J. A., 253
selection, concept of, 55, 72
Seneca, 205
Septuagint, 204
Sermon on the Mount, 250
Shakespeare, William, 274
Simmel, Georg, 185, 193
Sirach, Jesus, 79, 164, 204 ff.
Skeats, Herbert S., 252
Skoptsi, 197
Sloth, 264
Smend, Rudolf, 204
Smith, Adam, 81, 161
socialism, 23
Sombart, Werner, 63, 75, 185, 187, 191, 192, 193-8, 200 ff., 214, 217, 259, 261, 271, 276
South Sea Bubble, 186
Southey, Robert, 251, 280
Spangenberg, A. G., 136, 223, 248
Spener, Philip Jacob, 95, 132-5, 138, 150, 156, 222, 245, 247, 257, 262, 266
Spinoza, Baruch de, 245
Sports, Book of, 166
St. Andre, Dupin de, 190
State, characteristics of, 179
State, modern, 16, 72
Sternberg, H. von, 214
Strieder, Jacob, 284
Stundists, 197
talents, parable of the, 163
Talmud, 83, 165, 207, 270, 277 Tauler, Johannes, 86, 208, 212, 216, 229, 236, 245
Taylor, Hudson, 225
Taylor, J. J., 219
Teellinck, W., 241
Teersteegen, 245
Terminism, doctrine of, 133
theodicy problem, 109
Theophylaktos, 209
Tholuck, A., 240
Thomas, Alton C, 253
Thomas Aquinas, St., 80, 150, 159, 160, 196, 211, 215, 267
Thomas à Kempis, St., 242, 245
Thucydides, 14
time is money, 48, 158
Time, waste of, 157
toleration, idea of, 242
traditionalism, 36, 59 ff., 65 fr., 76, 84, 164, 191, 215, 265, 271
Troeltsch, Ernst, 188, 211, 214, 218, 219, 236, 239, 255, 270, 284
Tyerman, Luke, 251
Tyermans, 218
Tyndale, William, 210
Ullrich, F., 227, 240
uniformity, tendency toward, 169
unio mysrica, 112, 113, 130
Unwin, George, 280
utilitarianism, 52, 81, 109, 126, 161, 176, 183, 196, 265
utilitarianism, hygienic, 263
Van Wyck, A., 227
value, judgments of, 29, 98, 112, 182, 236
Varro, 196
Veblen, Thorstein, 258, 275
Vedder, Henry C, 253
Vischer, F. T., 247
Voët, Gisbert, 45, 218, 234, 241, 259
Voltaire, 77
Vol gate, 205
wages and productivity, 60, 198
Wagner, Richard, 107
Wahl, Adalbert, 191
waiting for Spirit, 148
Ward, Frank G., 214
Warneck, Johannes, 225
Watson, Richard, 251
Watts, Isaac, 251
wealth, temptations of, 156, 172, 174
wealth, uses approved by Puritans, 171
Weingarten, H., 219, 277
Wesley, John, 89, 125, 135, 140, 142, 175, 218, 227, 251
Westminster Confession, 99, 220, 228, 244
Westminster, Synod of, 99, 102, 156, 226
Whitaker, W., 242
White, G., 246, 268
Whitefield, George, 125, 251
William of Orange, 242
Williams, Roger, 243
Windelband, Wilhelm, 236, 249, 283
Wiskemann, Heinrich, 214
Wittich, W., 190
Wolff, Christian, 263
workers, women, 62
works, good, 115, 117, 148
works, salvation by, 115, 116, 141, 143, 150
Wupperthal, 44
Wyclif, John, 198, 203, 210
Xenophon, 196
Zeller, 226
Zinzendorf, Count Nicolaus, 95, 132, 134, 138, 143, 178, 248, 264
Zwingli, Ullrich, 87
Zwinglianism, 217