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The Public General Statutes (1896)/Table IV

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Showing the Effect of the Year's Legislations.


Statute and chapter Subject-matter or Short Title. How affected. Chapter of 59 & 60 Vict.
16 Chas. l.c.l5 Stannary Courts Repealed 45 s. 5
42 Geo. 3 .c. 116 Land Tax Redemption ss. 180, 181, amended; ss. 20-25. 27-29, 41-43, 45, 49, 51-66, 69, 70, 85-112, 117, 119-121, 128, 124, 128, 140, 148, 157, 158, 172, 176, Schs. B., F , K., L., and in part ss . 88, 40, 141.149, 166, 171, rep. 28, ss. 31 (2), 40.
43 Geo. 8. c. 51 Land Tax Redemption Repealed 28, s. 40
45 Geo. 8. c. 77 Land Tax Redemption S. 2 repealed
53 Geo. 8. c. 128 Land Tax Redemption Ss. 8, 4, 13 in part, 16, 24, 25, 40, Sch. A. in part repealed.
54 Geo. 8. c. 173 Land Tax Redemption Ss. 8, 9, 14-16
57 Geo. 8. c. 100 Land Tax Redemption Ss. 12-19, 23 in part, repealed.
5 Geo. 4. c. 96 Masters and Workmen Arbitration. Repealed 30.
6 Geo. 4. c. 78 Quarantine Repealed 19 ,s.6.
1 & 2 Will. 4.:
c.37 Truck Amended 44
6 & 7 Will. 4.:
c.106 Court of the Stannaries Rep., except ss. 4, 6, 7 45, s. 5.
7 Will. 4. and 1 Vict.:
c.17 Land Tax Redemption Repealed 28, s. 40
v.86 Post Office (Offences) - S. 6 from "and every master of a vessel or any other person " repealed. 19, s. 6.
2 & 3 Vict c. 58 Stannaries Repealed 25, s .5.
3 & 4 Vict. c. 96 Post Office (Duties) s. 36, "and also except all such letters" to "by the post "repealed. 19, s. 6.
5 & 6 Vict. c. 85 Income Tax Ss. 68, 167 rep. in part 28, s. 40.
7 & 8 Vict c. 65 Duchy of Cornwall Lands S. 40 repealed 45, s. 5.
8& 9 Vict c. 83 Poor Law (Scotland) Ss. 35 in part, 36, virt. rep. (temp.) 37, s. 5.
9 & 10 Vict c.87 Baths and Washhouses (Ireland) S. 20 amended 54 , s. 22.
11 & 12 Vict c 88 Duchy of Cornwall Ss. 7-11, 13 repealed 45, s. 5.
14 & 15 Vict :
c.12 Income Tax - - S. 8 repealed 28 , s. 40
c. 68 Poor Relief (Ireland) - S. 7, "and liable "to "at the least " repealed. 10.
16 & 17 Vict. :      
c. 38 London Hackney Carriage S: 18 from " and in case "repealed. 27, s. 2.
c.34 Income Tax Ss. 28." and in Ireland " to "this Act," 46, repealed. 28, s. 40.
16 & 17 Vict :      
c. 46 Westminster Bridge Amended 23, s. 3.
c. 74 Land Tax Redemption Repealed 28 s.40.
17 & 18 Vict. c. 94 Public Revenue and Consolidated Fund Charges. Sch. B. "expenses of Quarantine " repealed. 19, s. 6.
18 & 19 Vict. c. 82 Stannaries Repealed except ss. 1, 31 45, s. 5.
22 & 23 Vict. c.40 Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Ss. 1, 9 repealed in part 33
25& 26 Vict. c. 37 Poor Law (Scotland) Virt. rep. (temp.) 37 s. 5,
25 & 26 Vict. c. 89 Companies Ss. 83 from " and the vicewarden *' 108, 116, 124 proviso, 172 rep. 45, s. 5.
26 & 27 Vict. c. 7 Manufactured Tobacco S. 1 amended 28, s. 6.
27 & 28 Vict c. 42 Union Officers Superannuation Repealed 50, s. 27.
29 & 30 Vict      
c. 118 Poor Law Amendment Ss. 1–3 repealed 50, s. 20.
30 & 31 Vict:      
c. 101 Public Health (Scotland) s. 82 amended; ss. 31, 34, 56 repealed. 19, ss. 3, 6.
c.105 Councils of Conciliation Repealed 30
c. 106 Poor Law Amendment ss. 18, 19, 20 in part, rep. 50, s. 20
31 & 32 Vict. :      
c. 124 Inland Reyenue S. 9 " sit the rate" to " part thereof" repealed. 28, 8. 40.
32 & 33 Vict. c.19 Stannaries 27-33, 38-44 repealed 45, s. 5.
33 & 34 Vict. :      
c. 2 Dissolved Boards of Management and Guardians. S. 10 rep. 50, s. 20.
c.46 Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Am. ; s. 35 repealed 47, ss 1,52.
c. 94 Medical Officers' Superannuation Repealed 50, s. 20.
34 & 35 Vict .c.l09 Local Government (Ireland) S. 11 amended cxxv. (Local).
35 & 36 Vict c.46 Arbitration (Masters and Workmen). Repealed 30
37 & 38 Vict c. 79 Foyle College Repealed cxxxi., s. 56 (Local).
38 & 39 Vict:      
c.45 Sinking Fund Amended (temp.) 6
c.55 Public Health Ss. 130, 134 am. ; s. 130 from " Any person wilfully," Sch. V. in part, rep. 19, s .1,6.
    Amended 20.
c.60 Friendly Societies Rep. in part 25, s 107.
    residue 26, s. 18.
39 & 40 Vict. :      
c. 86 Customs Laws Consolidation S. 234 am.; s. 234 "whether or not" to " qnarautine " and " and any penalty " to "chapter 78 "rep. 19, ss. 2, 6.
    Ss. 42, 162, 163, 200 am. 28, ss. 4-6.
c. 61 Divided Parishes and Poor Law Amendment. S. 17 repealed 50, s. 20.
41 &42 Vict.c. 14 Baths and Washhouses S. 5, proviso, rep. as to London. 59
c. 52 Public Health (Ireland) Ss. 2, 28,40,103,217(7), 266 am.; ss. 211, 247 proviso, rep. 54.
c. 76 Telegraph S. 2 am. 48, s. 25.
43 & 44 Vict:      
c.20 Inland Revenue S. 52 repealed 28, s. 40.
c .35 Wild Birds Protection S. 8. am. ; s. 8 ext. 56.
44 & 45 Vict, c 49 Land Law (Ireland) S. 50 am. ; s. 57. ex ; ss. 26 (4). 28 (1) (2), 33, and in part 8, 24, 30, 58 , rep. 47,ss. 20,22, 43, 52.
46 & 47 Vict:      
c. 47 Provident Nominations and Small Intestacies. Repealed as to Registered Societies. 25, s. 107.
c.60 Labourers (Ireland) Ss. 4, 7 am.; ss. 7 in part, 22, rep. 53, ss. 1, 1l.
47 & 48 Vict. c. 66 Bishopric of Bristol Sch. par. 2 repealed 29
48 & 49 Vict.:      
c. 28 Redistribution of Seats Sch. VI. virtually repealed as to Glasgow. 17
c. 67 Indian Army Pension Deficiency ss. 4, 5 amended 28 s. 87.
c. 78 Purchase of Land (Ireland) ss. 10,15ext;ss.2(c.),9 (l)(2),24,and in part 4, 14, 17, rep. 47, ss. 31, 38, 52.
c. 77 Laboarers (Ireland) S. 12 (7) ext. ; s. 26 rep. 53, ss. S, II.
50 & 51 Vict. :      
c.33 Land Law (Ireland) - S. 1 am. ; 8. 9 expl. ; ss. 15, 16 ex.; ss. 5, 17, 18(2), and in part 1, 4, rep. 47, ss. 6, 15, 31, 52.
c. 48 Stannaries Ss. 8, 28, 30, 32, 33 rep. 45, s. 5.
c. 46 Truck Amended 44
c. 56 Friendly Societies Repealed in part 25, s. 107.
    residue 26 s. 18.
c. 58 Coal Mines Regulation ss. 34, 49, am.; s. 38 (1) (2) rep. 43 ss.3—5.
51 & 52 Vict. :      
c. 15 National Debt (Supplemental) S. 6 repealed 25, s. 107
c. 41 Local Government Ss. 11, 63 amended 9
c.49 Purchase of Land (Ireland) Amendment S. 2 am. ; ss. 1, 3 in part. 6,, repealed. 47, ss. 30, 52.
57& 58 Vict :      
c. 22 Friendly Societies Repealed 26, s. 18.
c.42 Revenue S. 9 repealed 28, s. 40.
c. 64 Public Health Repealed 19, s. 6.
63 & 54 Vict. :      
c. 21 Inland Revenue Regulation S. 27 amended 38, s. 38.
c. 70 Housing of the Working Classes S. 99 expl. ; Sch. IV. am. (as to Ireland.) 11.
    S. 96 (2) amended 31
54 & 55 Vict:      
c.89 Stamp Ss. 113, 116 extended 28, ss. 12, 13.
c.48 Purchase of Land (Ireland) S. 5 (2(6)) ext; s. 13 (1) am.; ss. 4, 7, 8, 29, 42 rep. in part 47, ss. 39, 46, 52.
c. 57 Redemption of Rent (Ireland) Amended 47, s. 14.
c. 63 Highways and Bridges S. 2 amended clxxxviii., s. 31 (Local).
c. 71 Labourers (Ireland) S. 8 amended 53, s. 6.
c. 76 Public Health (London) S. 142 "ss. 51 and 52 of the Sanitary Act, 1866, and," Sch. I. in part, repealed. 19, s. 6.
55 & 56 Vict c. 10 Short Titles Repealed 14
c. 22 Housing of the Working Classes (Scotland). Repealed 31
c.61 Public Works Leans S. 2 am 42, s. 2.
56 & 57 Vict:      
c. 30 Friendly Societies Repealed 25, s. 107.
c. 62 Madras and Bombay Armies S. 1 explained 2
c. 78 Local Government Amended (temp.) 1.
    S. 22 amended 22
57 & 58 Vict.:      
c. 24 Wild Birds Protection Amended and explained- 56.
c. 80 Finance Ss. 10, 17, 23 am. ; ss. 8 (10), and in part 6, 17, rep. 28, ss/ 17, 22, 23, 40.
c.57 Diseases of Animals Ss. 24, 26 repealed 15.
c. 58 Local Government (Scotland) S. 45 amended 32
58 & 59 Vict c. 26 Friendly Societies Repealed in part - 25, s. 107.
    residue 26, s. 18.

  1. Acts continued annually by the Expiring Laws Continuance Act are not noticed in this Table.