The Qurān in Islām/Chapter 1
Muhammad did not give forth the whole of the Qurān at one time; but it was recited piecemeal as circumstances demanded, over a period of some twenty-three years. Even then, his immediate disciples did not commit the whole to writing; some portions were memorized, others were transcribed upon 'palm-leaves, leather, slabs of stone,' etc.; yet discrepancies soon arose, and from the traditions we learn that within a comparatively short time serious differences arose in the reading of the Qurān, differences by no means confined to pronunciation, as some would have us believe. In the well-known book of traditions, the Mishkāt-al-Musābih in the chapter called Fajail-ul-Qurān we read:—
"ʿUmr-ibn-al-Khatāb said, 'I heard Hishām-ibn-Hakīm-ibn-Hijāmī reading Sūra Furqān in a different way from that which I was accustomed to do; but the prophet had taught me this Sūra. Then I wished to immediately forbid him, but allowed him to read to the end. Then I seized his dress, and took him to the prophet, and said, Oh prophet of God, I heard this man reading Sūra Furqān in another way; he read it differently from what you taught me. Then the prophet said to me, 'Let him go.' He then told him to read. He then read in the manner which [ had heard. Upon that the prophet said, 'It has been revealed in this way.' Again he said to me, 'Do you read also.' Then when I had read, he said, 'It was revealed in this way also; the Qurān was revealed in seven readings, read it in the way which is easy to you'."
There are many traditions relating to this seven-fold reading of the Qurān, and Muhammadan scholars have tried in various ways to explain its significance, but without success. The differences which existed in these seven different readings of the Qurān were certainly very serious; for in a tradition recorded by Nisai we learn that ʿUmr boldly accused Hishām of falsehood, and asserted that he had read many words in his recitation of the Qurān which he had never learned from the prophet. In another tradition, recorded by Muslim, we learn that Ibn-Kāb, one of the most famous of the Qurān readers, heard two men reciting the Namāz in a reading different from his own. Upon reference being made to the prophet, the latter pronounced both correct, "upon which," says Ibn-Kāb, "such a revolt arose in my heart as had not existed since the times of ignorance."
From these various traditions it is clear that even during the lifetime of the prophet the Qurān was being read in various mutually conflicting ways. So grave were the differences that quarrels soon arose; for the inhabitants of Hims stood by the reading of Al-Miqdād-ibn-al-Aswad; the Kūfites by that of Ibn-Masʿūd; the Busrites by that of Abu-Mūsa, and so on. But it would be a mistake to suppose that these differences simply consisted in the recitation of the Qurān in the various dialects of Arabia, as some would have us believe; for there is ample evidence to show that the differences extended far deeper. Indeed we learn from the Itqān that the two men mentioned above, ʿUmr and Hishām, were both of the same tribe, the Quraish, so that a supposed difference of dialect does not account for the difference recorded above. In succeeding chapters we shall show how serious these differences were, and shall relate some of the means adopted for their suppression.