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The Raccolta (1857)/The Rosary or Chaplet called after St. Bridget

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1994479The Raccolta — The Rosary or Chaplet called after St. BridgetAmbrose St. JohnSacred Congregation of Indulgences and Holy Relics



Pope Leo X., in his Bull of July 10, 1516, and Pope Clement XI., in his Bull De salute Dominici gregis, of Sept. 22, 1714, granted many Indulgences to all who carry about them, or who say, the Chaplet, called after St. Bridget because she first conceived the idea of it and promulgated the usage of it. These Indulgences were confirmed by Pope Benedict XIV., in his Brief of Jan. 15, 1743, wherein he added others, of all which a summary will now be given.

This Chaplet is said in honour of the sixty-three years which the most holy Mary lived upon this earth, being made up of six divisions, each division consisting of one Pater noster, ten Ave Maria, and one Credo;; after these is said one more Pater noster, and three more Ave Maria: thus in all there will be seven Pater noster, to mark the number of her Seven Dolours and Seven Joys; the three Ave Maria being added to make up the full number of sixty-three years. (See the Archivium of the Segretaria of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, tom. vi. p. 144.) It will be seen in the following summary that the Indulgences may be gained by saying the fifteen decades, or five decades only, as mentioned in the Rosary above.

It is requisite, in order to gain these Indulgences, that the Chaplet, being made, as has been said, of six decades, &c., should be blessed by the superiors of the monastic houses or other priests of the order of St. Saviour, sometimes called the order of St Bridget, deputed for this purpose; and after they have been blessed they cannot be sold, or lent for the purpose of communicating the Indulgences to others, according to the express command of the said Pope Clement XI. in the Bull above named, and according to the general decrees of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, confirmed by Benedict XIV., under date Feb. 9, 1743.


i. The Indulgence of 100 days for each Pater, 100 days for each Ave, and 100 days for each Credo, to all the faithful who say the Rosary or Chaplet of St. Bridget. Pope Leo X., July 10, 1515.

ii. The Indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines, besides the above, to every one who says the said Rosary or Chaplet of fifteen decades. Grant of the same Pope Leo. (Whenever this Rosary is said with others, each person may gain the Indulgences I. and II. precisely the same as when the said Rosary is said by one person alone. The same Pope Leo.)

iii. The Plenary Indulgence to all who shall say at least five decades daily for a year, on any one day in the year when, after Confession and Communion, they shall pray for the Holy Church. Pope Clement XI., Sept. 22, 1714.

iv. The Plenary Indulgence, on the Feast of St. Bridget (Oct. 8), to all who say the said Rosary of five decades at least once a week, and, after Confession and Communion, visit their own parish church, or any other church, and pray to God there for the Church as above. Benedict XIV., Jan. 15, 1743.

v. The Plenary Indulgence to all who have been accustomed to say this Rosary, as in No. IV., when, in articulo mortis, recommending their soul to God, they say the holy name Jesus with their hearts, if unable to do so with their lips, having at the same time Confessed and Communicated; or, if these conditions are impossible, being contrite of heart. Benedict XIV.

vi. The Plenary Indulgence, once a month, to all who say this Chaplet daily for a month, on any one day when, after Confession and Communion, they visit a church and pray as above. Benedict XIV.

vii. The Indulgence of forty days to all who carry this Rosary with them, if, at the tolling of the bell for a passing soul, they kneel down and pray for that soul. Benedict XIV.

viii. The Indulgence of twenty days, to all who carry this Rosary, whenever they make examination of conscience, and say three Pater noster and three Ave Maria. Ben. XIV.

ix. The Indulgence of 100 days to all who carry this Rosary whenever they hear Mass (feast-day or ferial), or assist at a sermon, or accompany the Most Holy Viaticum, or bring back any sinner to his way of salvation, or do any other good work in honour of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin, or St. Bridget, provided they say also three Pater noster and three Ave Maria. Benedict XIV., as before.