The Religion of Ancient Egypt/Index
AĀHHOTEP, Queen, 66. |
Abdallatif, on ruins of Memphis, 25. |
Abydos, tablet of, 38, 66. |
Achmu uretu, the stars which set, 108. |
Akerblad, 12, 16. |
Alexandria, 246. |
Amenemhāt, Instructions of, 75. |
Amenti, 130. |
Amesi, ithyphallic form of Horus, 199. |
Amon, god of Thebes, 83, 224. |
— hymns to, 224. |
— proscription of name, 42, 229. |
Ampère, 78, 247. |
Anaxandrides, 3. |
Anchiu, "the living," designation of the departed, 127. |
Angels, 158. |
— of death, 159. |
Ani, Maxims of, 76, 101, 139, 159. |
Anpu, Anubis, the Dusk, child of the Sun and of Sunset, 112, 114, 237. |
— "he has swallowed his own father," 112. |
Ansted, 51. |
Antiphanes, 3. |
Antuf, Song of, 69. |
Antuf-āa, 46. |
Apap, the dragon, Darkness, 109. |
Apis, 35, 84, 237, 238. |
Apollonios of Tyana, 7. |
Ass, supposed worship of, by Christians and Jews, 5. |
BA, steel, 131. |
Ba signifies "ram" and "soul," 239. |
Baillet, 20. |
Bechten, possessed princess of, 154. |
Bergmann, 19. |
Biot, 48. |
Birch, 10, 14, 19, 21, 45, 54, 177, 210. |
Bohlen, P. von, oh India, 29. |
Book of the Dead described, 172. |
— of the Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys, 203. |
— of glorifying Osiris, 205. |
— of the Breaths of Life, 207. |
Brahman, 99, 253. |
Brücker, 9. |
Brugsch, 19, 101, 121, 128, 178, 208, 211, 233, 239. |
Buddhism, 105. |
Bulaq Museum, 61, 66, 151. |
Bull, symbol of kings and gods, 236. |
Bunsen, 197. |
CALENDARS, 48, 81, 157. |
Canon, hieratic, of Turin, 37. |
Castes, 78. |
Cat, symbol of Light, 114, 237. |
Celibacy, 142. |
Celsus, 8. |
Chabas, 19, 21, 49, 72, 73, 76, 101, 141, 154, 157, 164, 210, 218. |
Champollion, 14. |
Champollion-Figeac, 16. |
Cher-heb, a priestly official, 132. |
"Children of inertness," 199. |
China, 124. |
Chonau, the Moon, 155, 179. |
Chu, glorified one, the dead, 132. |
Chut en Aten, 42, 229. |
Clement of Alexandria, 1. |
Cook, Canon, 20. |
Cow signifies the Sky, the Dawn and other powers, 236. |
Curtius, 95, 96, 120. |
DARKNESS, mythological forma of: |
— Apap, 109. |
— Anpu, 112. |
— Set, 115. |
— Māka, 115. |
— Crocodile, 108. |
Dawn, names of the: |
— Isis, 111. |
— Hathor, 87, 159. |
— Benenet, 160. |
— Neith, 179. |
"Death-absolute," 242. |
Decimal notation, 81. |
Deities, 83. |
Dendera, Zodiac of, 29. |
Destiny, 159. |
Devéria, 20, 209. |
Diodoros, 5, 127. |
Dreams, 155. |
Dual form of all words designating space traversed by the sun, 195. |
Dümichen, 19, 24, 49, 68, 117, 128, 164. |
EARTH, the father of gods, 111. |
— his wife, the Sky, 111. |
Ebers, 19, 211. |
Egg of Rā, 190. |
— Seb, 111. |
Eight elementary gods, 199, 232. |
Eisenlohr, 19. |
El, God, power, 98. |
Em hotep = in pace, 131. |
Enneads, 83. |
Erman, 253. |
Ethnology of Egypt, 53. |
Everlasting life, 127. |
Evil eye, 158. |
Eye, name of the sun, 187. |
FABLES of Æsop are found in Egyptian, 77. |
Fergusson on the architecture of Egypt, 124, 147. |
Firmament of steel, 131. |
Fravashis, 124, 147. |
Genius, 147. |
Gensler, 48. |
George, St., and the Dragon, 118. |
Gibbon, 214. |
God, true notion of, 215. |
Golden calf, 245. |
Golenischeff, 20, 101. |
Goodwin, 19, 21, 77, 164, 211. |
Goose, 111, 237. |
Grébaut, 20, 123, 162, 164, 195. |
Guizot, 153. |
Guyesse, 199, 253. |
HALL of Nut = Heaven, 190. |
— Seb = Earth, 190. |
— Maāt = the Nether world, 190. |
Harem, 79. |
Harper, Lay of the, 70. |
Hatasu, Queen (wrongly called Hashop), 41, 162. |
Hathor, many names of, 87. |
— the Dawn, 159. |
— the Fates, 159. |
— name given to beatified women, 184. |
Hawk, name of the sun, 236. |
Hearne, 142. |
Heaven, the mother of gods and wife of Earth. |
— the Hall of Nut, 190. |
Hen en āchiu, name of coffin, 128. |
Hen ka, a priestly official, 149. |
Henotheism, 217. |
Henry, Matthew, 50. |
Hermes Trismegistos, 116. |
Herodotos, 9. |
Hincks, 19, 47. |
Horns, symbols of sun or moon, 236. |
Horrack, 20, 203, 208. |
Horus, the sun in his full strength, 112. |
— blindness of, 114. |
— Eye of, 114. |
— "the Youth in Town," 245. |
— "the Lord in the Country," 245. |
Huc, 196. |
Hyksos, 44. |
Hymn to Osiris, 218. |
— Ptah, 222. |
— the Nile, 223. |
— Amon, 224, 228, 229. |
— Pantheistic, 231, 233. |
— to Hathor, 239. |
IBIS, 116, 237. |
Ideography in modern writing, 171. |
Idolatry, 149. |
[[wikt:..#Ancient_Greek|Ἱερὸς]], etymology of, 95. |
Imago, a ghost, 149. |
Inscriptions of Apis tablets, 35. |
— Canopus, 21. |
— obelisk of Philæ, 16. |
— Pasherenptah and his wife, 156. |
— Ptolemy, son of Lagos, 140. |
— Rosetta, 11. |
Isaios, 142. |
Isis, the Dawn, daughter of Earth and Sky, sister and wife of Osiris, 112. |
Jamblichos, 213. |
Joshua, book of, 50. |
Juvenal, 4. |
KA, 135, 147. |
Kamit, the Black land, name of Egypt, 22, 202. |
King, the, as god, 161. |
Kircher, 10. |
Klaproth, 15, 16. |
LAMENTATIONS of Isis and Nephthys, 203. |
Language of Egypt, 55. |
Lauth, 19, 49, 68, 76, 101. |
Lefébure, 20, 113, 123, 202. |
Legend, 105, 106. |
Leonidas, 142. |
Lepsius, 18, 20, 88, 172, 197. |
Lieblein, 20, 47. |
Litanies of Rā, 234. |
Lucretius, 240. |
Lunar eclipses, 113. |
Lustral water, 139. |
Lyell, 52, 126 and note. |
MAĀT, 71, 119. |
Magical literature, 210. |
Maine, Sir Henry, 125. |
Māka, crocodile god, son of Set, 115. |
Manetho, 47. |
Manicheism, 145. |
Manuscripts, Egyptian, Greek, Latin and Hebrew, 169. |
Mariette, 19, 23, 35, 54, 128, 156, 237, 239. |
Marriage, 79. |
Maspero, 20, 94, 211. |
Materialism, 239. |
McLennon, 29, 30. |
Mena, 33. |
Menti, afterwards Amenti, 130. |
Mentu, a name of the sun, 88. |
Mentuhotep III., 45. |
Moira, 160. |
Monasticism, 144. |
Monogamy, 79. |
Monotheism, 89, 230. |
Moon, the measurer, 116. |
— names of: Tehuti, 116. Chonau, 155, An, 203. |
— Osiris identified with, 112, 203. |
Moral code, 71. |
Moral doctrines of the Book of the Dead, 194. |
Moses not author of Pentateuch, 49. |
— contemporary of Rameses II., 50. |
Müller, Professor Max, 99, 100, 109, 118, 142, 218, 253. |
Mykerinos, 128. |
Myth, 106. |
NAHRE-SE-CHNUMHOTEP, tomb of, 132, 134. |
Names, superstitious repetition of, 193. |
Naville, 20, 123, 199, 234. |
Neb-ānch, lord of life, name of coffin, 128. |
Neith, the Dawn, mother of the Sun, goddess of Sais, 179. |
Nemmat, infernal block, 189. |
Nephthys, the Sunset, sister of the Sun and of the Dawn, wedded to the Darkness, and mother of the Dusk, 112. |
Newman, J. H., on the notion of God, 215. |
Nile, hymn to the, 223. |
Nile mud, depth of, 51. |
Nomes, 81. |
Notation, decimal, 81. |
Nu, father of the gods, the celestial ocean, 109, 198, 199. |
Nuk pu nuk, 244. |
Nuntar, nasalized form of nutar, 96. |
Nut, goddess. Heaven, 111. |
Nutar, its meaning, 93. |
Nutar nutra = El Shaddai, 99. |
Nutra, 95. |
Nutrit, name of town, 98. Eye-ball, 98. |
"ONE of One," 90. |
Origen, 2, 241. |
Osiris, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 110, 112. |
Owen, Prof., 54. |
Oxyrinchus, 214. |
PALIN, 10. |
Pantheism, 230. |
Papyri, age of, 168. |
Paradigms, 57. |
Pasherenptah, 141, 156, 242. |
Pentaur, 59. |
Perring, 42. |
Persia, 142, 147, 151. |
Phallic emblems, imaginary, 194. |
Philo, 6. |
Philostratos, 7. |
Purret, 20, 205. |
Pietschmann, 253. |
Pignorius, 11. |
Pithom and Rameses, 38. |
Pitris, 124. |
Pleyte, 19, 210. |
Plutarch, 105, 241. |
Polygamy, 79. |
Polytheism, 85. |
Porphyry, 8, 213. |
Possession, 154. |
Pott on Proper Names, 106. |
Power, words of, 192. |
Ptah, the Opener, the Artist, 178. |
Ptah-hotep, Maxims of, 75, 100, 178. |
Pyramid, date of Great, 50. |
Pythagorean system not of Egyptian origin, 183, 246. |
RĀ, the Sun, 109. |
Ram of Mendes, 239. |
Rameses, name of, 38. |
Rameses II., great inscription at Abydos, 135. |
— prayer to Amon, 227. |
Reinisch, 9. |
Renan, 60. |
Renenet, 160. |
Revillout, 253. |
Rhind papyri, 209. |
Robiou, 20. |
Rochemonteix, 20. |
Romieu, 48. |
Rosetta inscriptions, 11. |
Rossi, 20, 57. |
Rougé, E. de, 19, 21, 40, 48, 57, 89, 94, 99, 101, 119, 172, 195, 197, 198. |
Rougé, J. de, 20. |
Royal Lists, 27, 37. |
— Abydos, 38. |
— Karnak, 37. |
— Saqāra, 37. |
Sata, 182. |
Savages, habits of, worthless as evidence of ancient belief, 125. |
Sciaparelli, 20. |
Szedlo, 20. |
Seb, the Earth, husband of the Sky and father of gods, 110. |
— a goose so named, 111. |
Sebekhotep monuments, 44. |
Sebekhotep III., statue of, 45. |
Sechet, raging heat of the sun, 179. |
Sekenen-Rā, 93. |
Self-existenoe, 217. |
Semench-ka-Rā, statue of, 45. |
Sepulchral rites, 124. |
Set, Darkness, 84, 110, 112, 115. |
Seti I., father of Rameses II., his sarcophagus, 201. |
Shadow, 150, 152. |
Shai, the divider, Fate, 160. |
Shu, the Air, 109. |
Smer, a priestly official, 32. |
Song of King Antuf, 69. |
— of the Harper, 70. |
— of the Oxen, 130. |
Souls, 152. |
— of Rā, 164. |
Spencer, H., 64, 127, 148, 150. |
Spinoza, 234. |
Stanley on Apis tombs, 238. |
— king's divinity, 165. |
— Pyramids, 61. |
Stem, 19, 195. |
Sun, names of the: |
— Ra, 111. Osiris, 107. Horus, 112. |
— Ptah, Opener, Artist, 178. |
— Chnemu, Builder, 178. |
— Tmu, Closer, 178. |
— Chepera, Scarabaeus in his bark, 190. |
— Sebek, Crocodile, 237. |
Suten-hotep-tā, 134. |
Symbols, 135. |
TANEN, 178. |
Tebha = Typhon, 114. |
Techu, meaning of, 116. |
Tefnut, goddess, the Dew, 109, 250. |
Tehuti, Thoth, the Moon, 116, 122. |
Tehutimes III., annals of, 28. |
Tehutimes IV., dream of, 155. |
Temples, 82. |
Thoth, 116. |
Thunder, roaring of a lion, 250. |
— bellowing of a bull, 250. |
Timokles, 3. |
Tmu, or Atmu, name of the sun, 88, 198. |
Tomb, parts of an Egyptian, 128. |
Triads, world beneath the earth, 201. |
UNBU, son of Nu and Nut, name of Osiris, 111. |
Unnefer, name of Osiris, 204. |
Uranes, a celestial stream in the Tuat, 201. |
Usertsen (wrongly called Usertesen), 43. |
Valens, edict against the monks of Egypt, 214. |
Wescher, 141. |
Wiedemann, 19, 35, 209. |
Wilkinson, 67, 129. |
Xenophanes of Colophon, 3. |
Yama, 110. |
Young, 12. |
Zoega, 13. |
Zoolatry, 1, 235. |