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The Religion of Ancient Egypt/Index

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1531934The Religion of Ancient Egypt — IndexPeter le Page Renouf


AĀHHOTEP, Queen, 66.
Abdallatif, on ruins of Memphis, 25.
Abydos, tablet of, 38, 66.
Achmu uretu, the stars which set, 108.
Akerblad, 12, 16.
Alexandria, 246.
Amenemhāt, Instructions of, 75.
Amenti, 130.
Amesi, ithyphallic form of Horus, 199.
Amon, god of Thebes, 83, 224.
— hymns to, 224.
— proscription of name, 42, 229.
Ampère, 78, 247.
Anaxandrides, 3.
Anchiu, "the living," designation of the departed, 127.
Angels, 158.
— of death, 159.
Ani, Maxims of, 76, 101, 139, 159.
Anpu, Anubis, the Dusk, child of the Sun and of Sunset, 112, 114, 237.
— "he has swallowed his own father," 112.
Ansted, 51.
Antiphanes, 3.
Antuf, Song of, 69.
Antuf-āa, 46.
Apap, the dragon, Darkness, 109.
Apis, 35, 84, 237, 238.
Apollonios of Tyana, 7.
Ass, supposed worship of, by Christians and Jews, 5.
BA, steel, 131.
Ba signifies "ram" and "soul," 239.
Baillet, 20.
Bechten, possessed princess of, 154.
Bergmann, 19.
Biot, 48.
Birch, 10, 14, 19, 21, 45, 54, 177, 210.
Bohlen, P. von, oh India, 29.
Book of the Dead described, 172.
— of the Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys, 203.
— of glorifying Osiris, 205.
— of the Breaths of Life, 207.
Brahman, 99, 253.
Brücker, 9.
Brugsch, 19, 101, 121, 128, 178, 208, 211, 233, 239.
Buddhism, 105.
Bulaq Museum, 61, 66, 151.
Bull, symbol of kings and gods, 236.
Bunsen, 197.
CALENDARS, 48, 81, 157.
Canon, hieratic, of Turin, 37.
Castes, 78.
Cat, symbol of Light, 114, 237.
Celibacy, 142.
Celsus, 8.
Chabas, 19, 21, 49, 72, 73, 76, 101, 141, 154, 157, 164, 210, 218.
Champollion, 14.
Champollion-Figeac, 16.
Cher-heb, a priestly official, 132.
"Children of inertness," 199.
China, 124.
Chonau, the Moon, 155, 179.
Chu, glorified one, the dead, 132.
Chut en Aten, 42, 229.
Clement of Alexandria, 1.
Cook, Canon, 20.
Cow signifies the Sky, the Dawn and other powers, 236.
Curtius, 95, 96, 120.
DARKNESS, mythological forma of:
— Apap, 109.
— Anpu, 112.
— Set, 115.
— Māka, 115.
— Crocodile, 108.
Dawn, names of the:
— Isis, 111.
— Hathor, 87, 159.
— Benenet, 160.
— Neith, 179.
"Death-absolute," 242.
Decimal notation, 81.
Deities, 83.
Dendera, Zodiac of, 29.
Destiny, 159.
Devéria, 20, 209.
Diodoros, 5, 127.
Dreams, 155.
Dual form of all words designating space traversed by the sun, 195.
Dümichen, 19, 24, 49, 68, 117, 128, 164.
EARTH, the father of gods, 111.
— his wife, the Sky, 111.
Ebers, 19, 211.
Egg of Rā, 190.
— Seb, 111.
Eight elementary gods, 199, 232.
Eisenlohr, 19.
El, God, power, 98.
Em hotep = in pace, 131.
Enneads, 83.
Erman, 253.
Ethnology of Egypt, 53.
Everlasting life, 127.
Evil eye, 158.
Eye, name of the sun, 187.
FABLES of Æsop are found in Egyptian, 77.
Fergusson on the architecture of Egypt, 124, 147.
Firmament of steel, 131.
Fravashis, 124, 147.
Genius, 147.
Gensler, 48.
George, St., and the Dragon, 118.
Gibbon, 214.
God, true notion of, 215.
Golden calf, 245.
Golenischeff, 20, 101.
Goodwin, 19, 21, 77, 164, 211.
Goose, 111, 237.
Grébaut, 20, 123, 162, 164, 195.
Guizot, 153.
Guyesse, 199, 253.
HALL of Nut = Heaven, 190.
— Seb = Earth, 190.
— Maāt = the Nether world, 190.
Harem, 79.
Harper, Lay of the, 70.
Hatasu, Queen (wrongly called Hashop), 41, 162.
Hathor, many names of, 87.
— the Dawn, 159.
— the Fates, 159.
— name given to beatified women, 184.
Hawk, name of the sun, 236.
Hearne, 142.
Heaven, the mother of gods and wife of Earth.
— the Hall of Nut, 190.
Hen en āchiu, name of coffin, 128.
Hen ka, a priestly official, 149.
Henotheism, 217.
Henry, Matthew, 50.
Hermes Trismegistos, 116.
Herodotos, 9.
Hincks, 19, 47.
Horns, symbols of sun or moon, 236.
Horrack, 20, 203, 208.
Horus, the sun in his full strength, 112.
— blindness of, 114.
— Eye of, 114.
— "the Youth in Town," 245.
— "the Lord in the Country," 245.
Huc, 196.
Hyksos, 44.
Hymn to Osiris, 218.
— Ptah, 222.
— the Nile, 223.
— Amon, 224, 228, 229.
— Pantheistic, 231, 233.
— to Hathor, 239.
IBIS, 116, 237.
Ideography in modern writing, 171.
Idolatry, 149.
[[wikt:..#Ancient_Greek|Ἱερὸς]], etymology of, 95.
Imago, a ghost, 149.
Inscriptions of Apis tablets, 35.
— Canopus, 21.
— obelisk of Philæ, 16.
— Pasherenptah and his wife, 156.
— Ptolemy, son of Lagos, 140.
— Rosetta, 11.
Isaios, 142.
Isis, the Dawn, daughter of Earth and Sky, sister and wife of Osiris, 112.
Jamblichos, 213.
Joshua, book of, 50.
Juvenal, 4.
KA, 135, 147.
Kamit, the Black land, name of Egypt, 22, 202.
King, the, as god, 161.
Kircher, 10.
Klaproth, 15, 16.
LAMENTATIONS of Isis and Nephthys, 203.
Language of Egypt, 55.
Lauth, 19, 49, 68, 76, 101.
Lefébure, 20, 113, 123, 202.
Legend, 105, 106.
Leonidas, 142.
Lepsius, 18, 20, 88, 172, 197.
Lieblein, 20, 47.
Litanies of Rā, 234.
Lucretius, 240.
Lunar eclipses, 113.
Lustral water, 139.
Lyell, 52, 126 and note.
MAĀT, 71, 119.
Magical literature, 210.
Maine, Sir Henry, 125.
Māka, crocodile god, son of Set, 115.
Manetho, 47.
Manicheism, 145.
Manuscripts, Egyptian, Greek, Latin and Hebrew, 169.
Mariette, 19, 23, 35, 54, 128, 156, 237, 239.
Marriage, 79.
Maspero, 20, 94, 211.
Materialism, 239.
McLennon, 29, 30.
Mena, 33.
Menti, afterwards Amenti, 130.
Mentu, a name of the sun, 88.
Mentuhotep III., 45.
Moira, 160.
Monasticism, 144.
Monogamy, 79.
Monotheism, 89, 230.
Moon, the measurer, 116.
— names of: Tehuti, 116. Chonau, 155, An, 203.
— Osiris identified with, 112, 203.
Moral code, 71.
Moral doctrines of the Book of the Dead, 194.
Moses not author of Pentateuch, 49.
— contemporary of Rameses II., 50.
Müller, Professor Max, 99, 100, 109, 118, 142, 218, 253.
Mykerinos, 128.
Myth, 106.
NAHRE-SE-CHNUMHOTEP, tomb of, 132, 134.
Names, superstitious repetition of, 193.
Naville, 20, 123, 199, 234.
Neb-ānch, lord of life, name of coffin, 128.
Neith, the Dawn, mother of the Sun, goddess of Sais, 179.
Nemmat, infernal block, 189.
Nephthys, the Sunset, sister of the Sun and of the Dawn, wedded to the Darkness, and mother of the Dusk, 112.
Newman, J. H., on the notion of God, 215.
Nile, hymn to the, 223.
Nile mud, depth of, 51.
Nomes, 81.
Notation, decimal, 81.
Nu, father of the gods, the celestial ocean, 109, 198, 199.
Nuk pu nuk, 244.
Nuntar, nasalized form of nutar, 96.
Nut, goddess. Heaven, 111.
Nutar, its meaning, 93.
Nutar nutra = El Shaddai, 99.
Nutra, 95.
Nutrit, name of town, 98. Eye-ball, 98.
"ONE of One," 90.
Origen, 2, 241.
Osiris, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 110, 112.
Owen, Prof., 54.
Oxyrinchus, 214.
PALIN, 10.
Pantheism, 230.
Papyri, age of, 168.
Paradigms, 57.
Pasherenptah, 141, 156, 242.
Pentaur, 59.
Perring, 42.
Persia, 142, 147, 151.
Phallic emblems, imaginary, 194.
Philo, 6.
Philostratos, 7.
Purret, 20, 205.
Pietschmann, 253.
Pignorius, 11.
Pithom and Rameses, 38.
Pitris, 124.
Pleyte, 19, 210.
Plutarch, 105, 241.
Polygamy, 79.
Polytheism, 85.
Porphyry, 8, 213.
Possession, 154.
Pott on Proper Names, 106.
Power, words of, 192.
Ptah, the Opener, the Artist, 178.
Ptah-hotep, Maxims of, 75, 100, 178.
Pyramid, date of Great, 50.
Pythagorean system not of Egyptian origin, 183, 246.
RĀ, the Sun, 109.
Ram of Mendes, 239.
Rameses, name of, 38.
Rameses II., great inscription at Abydos, 135.
— prayer to Amon, 227.
Reinisch, 9.
Renan, 60.
Renenet, 160.
Revillout, 253.
Rhind papyri, 209.
Robiou, 20.
Rochemonteix, 20.
Romieu, 48.
Rosetta inscriptions, 11.
Rossi, 20, 57.
Rougé, E. de, 19, 21, 40, 48, 57, 89, 94, 99, 101, 119, 172, 195, 197, 198.
Rougé, J. de, 20.
Royal Lists, 27, 37.
— Abydos, 38.
— Karnak, 37.
— Saqāra, 37.
Sata, 182.
Savages, habits of, worthless as evidence of ancient belief, 125.
Sciaparelli, 20.
Szedlo, 20.
Seb, the Earth, husband of the Sky and father of gods, 110.
— a goose so named, 111.
Sebekhotep monuments, 44.
Sebekhotep III., statue of, 45.
Sechet, raging heat of the sun, 179.
Sekenen-Rā, 93.
Self-existenoe, 217.
Semench-ka-Rā, statue of, 45.
Sepulchral rites, 124.
Set, Darkness, 84, 110, 112, 115.
Seti I., father of Rameses II., his sarcophagus, 201.
Shadow, 150, 152.
Shai, the divider, Fate, 160.
Shu, the Air, 109.
Smer, a priestly official, 32.
Song of King Antuf, 69.
— of the Harper, 70.
— of the Oxen, 130.
Souls, 152.
— of Rā, 164.
Spencer, H., 64, 127, 148, 150.
Spinoza, 234.
Stanley on Apis tombs, 238.
— king's divinity, 165.
— Pyramids, 61.
Stem, 19, 195.
Sun, names of the:
— Ra, 111. Osiris, 107. Horus, 112.
— Ptah, Opener, Artist, 178.
— Chnemu, Builder, 178.
— Tmu, Closer, 178.
— Chepera, Scarabaeus in his bark, 190.
— Sebek, Crocodile, 237.
Suten-hotep-tā, 134.
Symbols, 135.
TANEN, 178.
Tebha = Typhon, 114.
Techu, meaning of, 116.
Tefnut, goddess, the Dew, 109, 250.
Tehuti, Thoth, the Moon, 116, 122.
Tehutimes III., annals of, 28.
Tehutimes IV., dream of, 155.
Temples, 82.
Thoth, 116.
Thunder, roaring of a lion, 250.
— bellowing of a bull, 250.
Timokles, 3.
Tmu, or Atmu, name of the sun, 88, 198.
Tomb, parts of an Egyptian, 128.
Triads, world beneath the earth, 201.
UNBU, son of Nu and Nut, name of Osiris, 111.
Unnefer, name of Osiris, 204.
Uranes, a celestial stream in the Tuat, 201.
Usertsen (wrongly called Usertesen), 43.
Valens, edict against the monks of Egypt, 214.
Wescher, 141.
Wiedemann, 19, 35, 209.
Wilkinson, 67, 129.
Xenophanes of Colophon, 3.
Yama, 110.
Young, 12.
Zoega, 13.
Zoolatry, 1, 235.