The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz (book)/Index
Aachen, political demonstrations in, I, 115
Aar River, the, I, 239
Aargau, canton of, I, 274
Abdel-Kader, I, 28
Abraham Lincoln, essay on, by Carl Schurz, II, 88; III, 433
“Academic legion,” of Vienna, I, 144
power and influence of, in revolutionary movement, I, 145, 146, 147, 152, 153
Adams, Charles Francis, Minister to England, II, 243, 245, 246
Presidential candidate, III, 344, 345, 350, 364, 369
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., III, 362, 363, 369, 446, 447, 450
Adams, Henry, III, 362
Adams, John Quincy, II, 245, 246
Agassiz, Louis, II, 127
Agoult, Countess d', I, 343
Albert, Prince, I, 369; II, 49, 50
Albrecht, Emperor, I, 239
Algiers, I, 28
Alicante, II, 247
Alleghany City, II, 214, 215
Allen, William, III, 363, 364
Alps, the, I, 374
Alsace, I, 43, 208, 232
Althaus, Friedrich, I, 110, 395; II, 49
Amadeo, Prince, King of Spain, II, 300
Amendment, Two-Years', the, II, 116-118
Ames, General Adelbert, III, 10, 15, 24, 51
Amesbury, II, 127
Andersonville, III, 141
Andrew, John A., Governor, II, 118, 129
Annapolis, II, 225, 226
Annapolis Junction, II, 225, 226
Anneke, Fritz, I, 114, 170, 178, 187, 190, 202, 238, 239
leads attack on Siegburg, I, 173-175
Anneke, Mathilda Franciska, I, 196
Antietam, battle of, II, 388, 389, 391, 393, 397; III, 54
Anti-imperialism, III, 436 ff
Anti-vice crusade, III, 427
Archer, General, III, 8
Army of Cumberland, see Cumberland
Army of Georgia, see Georgia
Army of Ohio, see Ohio
Army of Potomac, see Potomac
Army of Tennessee, see Tennessee
Army of Virginia, see Virginia
Aschbach, Professor Joseph, I, 92
Ashmun, Mr., President of Chicago Convention, II, 180, 188; III, 237
Assembly, Constituent, see Berlin
Assisi, Don Francisco d', see Francisco
“Association Fraternelle des Cuisiniers réunis,” I, 342
Astor House, the, II, 5, 205, 206
Athens, I, 94, 202
Atta Troll, I, 71
Auersperg, Count, I, 152
Auerswald, Count, I, 142
Austerlitz, battle of, I, 360
Austria, war with Prussia, I, 42, 323
emperor of, I, 103, 115, 151
policy of, I, 104
prime minister of, I, 104
nationalities comprising empire of, I, 134
place of, in German empire, I, 134, 164, 182
universities of, send delegates to students' congress, I, 144
reactionary court party in, I, 146
war of, with Hungary, I, 152, 209, 386
revolutionary movement crushed in, I, 153
desire of, for a United Germany, I, 161
antagonism of, to Prussia, I, 182
absolutism in, II, 50
Archduke John of, see John
Babcock, III, 323, 330
Bach, II, 57, 59
Baden, Diet of, I, 109
Grand Duchy of, I, 231, 252
member of the Rheinbund, I, 104
revolutionary uprisings in, I, 115, 167, 176, 184, 185
lack of foresight among revolutionary leaders of, I, 188-190
army of, I, 188, 197-199; II, 233, 332, 339
revolutionary battles, I, 200-202
revolutionists permitted to return home, I, 235
Grand Duke of, grants liberal concessions to people, I, 115; flight of, I, 167
Baden-Baden, I, 207
Baker, Colonel E. D., II, 394
Baltimore, Federal troops attacked in, II, 223, 225
Bancroft, George, III, 264
Bank's Ford, II, 411
Banks, Major-General N. P., II, 343, 345, 347, 353, 355, 361
Banks, Mr., II, 126
Banks, Wildcat, II, 75
Barlow, General Francis, II, 406, 413, 419, 420, 426; III, 7-10, 372
Barnum's Museum, II, 7
Barrière, de Clichy, I, 361
Barthélemy, French refugee in London, I, 392-395
Basel, I, 236
Bates, Edward, II, 175
Bavaria, member of Rheinbund, I, 104
political demonstrations in, I, 115
liberal concessions forced from king of, I, 115
opposed to imperial constitution, I, 165, 166
king of, refuses to recognize the National Constitution, I, 180, 184
unfriendly relations between Palatinate and, I, 180
Palatinate assigned to, by Vienna congress, I, 181
Bavaria, the, II, 307-309
Bayard, Senator Thomas Francis, III, 317, 405, 406; Secretary of State, III, 409
Bayreuth, Parsifal in, II, 59-64
Beaufort, Mme. la princesse de, I, 345-347, 366
Beckerath, Herr von, I, 109
member of National parliament, I, 166
Becker, Dr. Hermann, editor of Cologne newspaper, I, 243, 255, 256
appearance of, I, 255, 256
Burgomaster of Cologne, I, 256
Becker's Universal History, I, 25, 57, 64
Beecher, Henry Ward, II, 157
Beethoven, I, 368; II, 57, 59, 60
Belgium, I, 6, 186
Bell (John) and Everett, II, 208
Belleville, II, 40
Bern, General Joseph, I, 187
Bendemann, artist, I, 76
Béranger, songs of, I, 361
Berlin, I, 27
United Diet convoked in, I, 107
deputations from cities of Prussia to the King, I, 115
revolutionary mass meetings in, I, 117
revolution of March 18th in, I, 117-122, 136, 204
Assembly passes revolutionary laws, I, 133, 135, 140, 153-155, 157, 263, 265
king removes to Potsdam, I, 135
Assembly prorogued, I, 153, 157, 158
civil guard of, dissolved, I, 154
revolution crushed in, I, 163, 167
flight of Prince of Prussia from, I, 204
custom in regard to latchkeys in, I, 273, 274
compared with London and Paris, I, 370
University of, king thanks students of, I, 122
Bern, I, 237, 374
Bernays, Mr., II, 40
Berner, Oberland, I, 374
Bernhardt, Sarah, I, 281
Berry's Division, II, 428
Best, Captain, II, 428
Bethlehem Church, II, 360
Beust, Prussian officer, I, 187, 239
Biedenfeld, Colonel, I, 207
Bird, Frank W., II, 118, 129, 130; III, 361
Birkenfeld, I, 252
Birney, General David B., II, 427
Bismarck, Prince, I, 370, 404; III, 121, 263, 450, 451
invites Carl Schurz to visit him, III, 265-280
Black Bull Hotel, the, I, 332
Black Forest, the, I, 208
Black, Governor Frank S., III, 426
Black Hills, taken from Indians, opened to miners, III, 387
Black, Jeremiah, III, 251
Blackstone's Commentaries, II, 10
Blaine, James G., II, 136; III, 337, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 391, 394, 397, 404-407, 413, 419, 436
Blair, Francis P., II, 39, 148; III, 286
Blair, Senator Frank P., Jr., III, 341
Blair, Montgomery, Postmaster-General, II, 221, 341
Blanc, Louis, socialist leader, I, 400
Blenker, Colonel Louis, I, 186, 197
in Civil War, I, 197; II, 233-236, 345
Blücher, Field-Marshal, I, 361
Blum, Robert, liberal leader, I, 115
member of National parliament, I, 143
Blume, merchant of Rostock, I, 317
Boernstein, Dr., II, 40
Bohlen, General Henry, II, 357, 358
death of, II, 358, 394
Böhning, Colonel, I, 207
Bonaparte, Napoleon, campaigns of, I, 5, 6, 104, 362
exiled to Elba, I, 6, 362
returns from Elba, I, 6, 362
battle of Waterloo, I, 6, 104, 360; III, 84
interred in the “Invalides,” I, 363
compared with Washington, III, 127
Bone, Heinrich, head-master of Gymnasium, I, 55-59
retires to Wiesbaden, I, 59-61
Bonn, French troops reviewed by Napoleon near, I, 5, 6
civic guard organized in, I, 114
revolutionary mass meetings in, I, 116
political clubs organized in, I, 128, 129
acts of Berlin Assembly upheld in, I, 154
people urged to refuse payment of taxes, I, 154, 155
Burgomaster of, sends for military aid, I, 155, 156
Cologne advises “passive resistance in,” I, 157
Kinkel returns to, I, 169
meeting of Landwehr at, I, 170
Bonn University, I, 86, 89, 90, 92
Prussian political censorship of, I, 126
grievances of students of, I, 126, 127, 158
students join Schleswig-Holstein revolt, I, 129, 130
Bonner Zeitung, the, I, 129, 158
Booth, John Wilkes, III, 141, 142
accomplices of, III, 147
Booth, Sherman M., II, 106, 107, 113
Border States, the, II, 310, 311, 342
Borlando, Father (Rev.), III, 3
Borodino, battle of, I, 360; III, 29
Boston, II, 126, 209
Boutwell, Governor George S., II, 118
Bowles, Samuel, II, 118, 163; III, 332, 348, 361, 362, 365
Bragg, General Braxton, III, 55, 69, 74, 77
Brandenburg, Count, I, 153
Braun, Captain, death of, II, 424
Bravery, observations on, III, 122-126, 130-132, 136
Bremen, I, 94, 292, 320
Breslau, sends deputation to King of Prussia, I, 115
revolutionary uprisings in, I, 167
Brewer, Gardner, II, 126
Bristow, Benjamin H., III, 364, 365, 367, 368, 373
Brockelmann, Herr, aids Kinkel’s escape, I, 318-322, 329, 330, 334
Brockelmann, Frau, kindness of, to fugitives, I, 324
Brodhead, Senator, II, 19, 22, 23
Brown, Gratz, III, 322, 348, 352
Brown, John, III, 53
wife of, III, 54
Bruchsal, I, 198, 201
prison, I, 247
Brühl, I, 7, 22, 25, 51, 52
Brune, turnkey in Spandau prison, I, 289
aids in escape of Kinkel, I, 290, 291, 295-298, 302, 303, 306-309, 312-314, 336
trial and imprisonment of, I, 337
death of, I, 338
Brüning, Baron von, I, 389-391
Brüning, Baroness von (Princess Lieven), refugee in London, I, 293, 388, 389-391
description of, I, 390, 396
illness and death of, I, 392; II, 49
Brunswick, I, 272, 292
Brussels, I, 353; II, 146
Bryan, William J., presidential candidate 1896, III, 429
defeat of, III, 430
candidacy of, in 1900, III, 445
injures his prospects by expressing his views on the free-silver question, III, 447
Bryant, William Cullen, III, 352, 366
Buchanan, James, President, II, 66, 86, 88, 220
character of, II, 209-211
cabinet of, II, 211
Bucher, Lothar, refugee in London, I, 370
confidential counsellor to Bismarck, III, 263, 265, 279
Buell, General, II, 394
Buford, General John, III, 14
Bugeaud, Marshal, II, 273
Bullock, Alexander H., III, 366
Bull Run, battle of, II, 236, 270-274, 276, 281, 304, 362, 386
second battle of, II, 360, 361, 376, 377, 380, 382, 385, 386, 404; III, 38
Bundestag, the, I, 104, 105
Bunsens, the, II, 40
Bürck, George van, character of, I, 29-33
death of, I, 34
Bürger, Gottfried, I, 41
Burlington, II, 159
Burnside, Colonel Ambrose (General), II, 226; III, 78, 93
in command of Army of Potomac, II, 332, 397-402, 439
relieved of command, II, 402
Burschenschaft Frankonia, the, students’ association of University of Bonn, I, 90, 93, 109, 110, 144, 160, 273
Buschbeck, Colonel, II, 413, 425, 437; III, 51, 75, 84
Butler, Major-General Benjamin F., II, 225, 226
Representative, III, 332, 393
Butler, Senator Andrew P., II, 35, 36
Cæsar, I, 59
Calbe, Loewe von, I, 373, 374, 392
Caldwell, Senator Alexander, III, 355
Calhoun, John C., II, 26, 110
Calker, Herr van, I, 127
Cambridge, II, 128
Cameron, Simon, II, 175
Secretary of War, II, 230, 231, 318
chairman, committee on foreign relations, III, 329, 332
on specie resumption, III, 357
favors nomination of Grant to succeed Hayes, III, 393
Campbell, Judge John A., III, 142
Camphausen, Ludolf, Liberal leader, I, 109
Camp Jackson, II, 242
Canada, I, 231
Canby, Major-General, III, 194
Cape May, II, 14
Carbonari, the, I, 382
Carlist Wars, the, I, 28; II, 293, 294
Carlo Alberto, King of Piedmont, I, 146
Carlsbad, I, 126
Carnegie, Andrew, III, 454
Carpenter, Senator Matthew H., III, 334, 336, 353
Carroll, III, 25
Casey, III, 333, 354
Castelar, Emilio, II, 266, 267
Catalonia, II, 293
Catlett’s Station, II, 360
Caucasus, the, I, 28
Cedar Mountain, battle of, II, 353, 355, 356
Centreville, II, 360, 361, 365, 376, 377, 378, 382
Century Magazine, the, II, 417, 440, 441; III, 14, 114
Cervantes, II, 12
Chancellorsville, battle of, II, 407, 409-411, 417-426, 430, 431, 438, 439, 441-443; III, 10, 25, 51, 55, 93
Chandler, Senator Zachariah, III, 212, 244, 327, 332, 370, 374
Changarnier, General Nicolas, I, 397
Chantilly, II, 377
Charles, Archduke, II, 273
Charleston, II, 223
after the war, III, 164-166
Charlestown, II, 121
Chase, Salmon P., Senator, II, 34, 35
Governor, II, 169-172
Presidential ambition of, II, 171, 172, 174, 241, 242
Chief Justice, II, 172, 187
Secretary of the Treasury, II, 187, 221; III, 93, 100
opinion of Lincoln, II, 241, 242
Chattanooga, III, 55, 59, 62, 65, 66, 71, 74, 76
Chicago, II, 39, 43; III, 338
National Convention, II, 173-186, 189
Chickamauga, battle of, III, 59
Chopin, I, 368; II, 57, 59, 60
Christina, Queen of Spain, II, 256-259, 293
Cicero, I, 59
Cincinnati, II, 39
conventions held at, II, 66, 148; III, 341, 342, 345, 347, 348, 350, 351
City of London, the, II, 3
Civil Rights bill, III, 228-230, 238
Civil Service Reform, III, 315, 377-383, 395, 403, 405, 407-414, 425-429, 432, 442, 448
Clausewitz, II, 273
Clay, Clement C., III, 143, 147
Clay, Henry, II, 20, 25, 187
Clayton, Powell, III, 430
Cleveland, II, 39
Cleveland, Grover, presidential candidate, III, 405-410
varying attitude of, toward civil-service reform, III, 410-414
second presidential contest of, with Harrison, III, 419-422
dined by New York Reform Club, III, 423
views of, on expansion, III, 436
Cleves, concessions demanded by people of, I, 115
Coblenz, I, 5, 115, 230, 231, 252
Cockrell, Senator Francis M., III, 360
“Code Napoleon,” the, in effect in the Rhineland, I, 62, 265
Colfax, Schuyler, III, 284
Collantes, Don Saturnino Calderon, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Spain, II, 247, 249, 251-254, 266, 287-291, 298
Cologne, city of, I, 5, 26, 27, 53, 156, 168
Cathedral of, I, 58, 61, 76; II, 60, 307
Gymnasium of, I, 53
revolutionary mass meetings in, I, 114
sends deputation to King of Prussia, I, 115
congress of Democratic clubs at, I, 138
demands acceptance of National constitution, I, 167, 168
trial of insurgents held in, I, 249
Cologne Gazette, the, I, 18, 65
Colquitt, General, II, 425
Columbia, District of, II, 324
Columbus, Christopher, II, 144-146
Columbus, II, 169
Committee of Public Safety, formed in Vienna, I, 145, 146
Commons, House of, II, 28
Concha, José, II, 295
Concha, Manuel, II, 294, 295
Confederacy, Southern, II, 209, 216-220, 238, 239
policy of, II, 253, 276
danger of foreign recognition of, II, 253, 273-278, 280-287, 302-304, 306, 309, 310, 318, 324-826, 379, 390
army of, II, 271, 331
envoys of, II, 305, 317, 318
Confederation, North German, I, 323
Congress, Student’s, see Eisenach
of the United States, II, 19-37, et passim
of Vienna (1814), I, 104, 105
Conkling, Senator Roscoe, III, 327, 332, 334-337, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 371, 383, 393
Conservatives, the, aim of, I, 128, 143
Constantinople, II, 294
Constitution, German National, I, 105-107, 166, 181-184
of the United States, II, 85, 97, 110, 111, 115, 390
Constitutionalists, the, aim of, I, 128, 143
Conventions, National, II, 148, 167, 171, 173, 176-186, 189; III, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 240-242, 244
State, II, 66, 80, 87, 131, 183, 143; III, 283, 284
Cooke, Jay, II, 14, 15
Cooper Institute, II, 205, 206, 322
Coquelin, at Bayreuth, II, 62
Corneille, I, 275
Coronado, Doña Carolina, II, 255, 258, 381
description of, II, 259-263
Corps, Army, First, Il, 347, 348, 387, 398; III, 4, 6-9, 11-13, 15, 16, 22, 50
Second, II, 398, 410, 413; III, 13, 21, 22 25, 53
Third, II, 398, 410, 413, 427; III, 16, 21-23
Fifth, II, 398, 410; III, 21, 22, 38
Sixth, II, 398; III, 22
Ninth, II, 398
Tenth, 111, 110
Eleventh, II, 387, 398, 404-407, 410-417, 420-427; defeat of, 416-428, 432; accused of cowardice, 432-442; personnel of, 437; vindication of, 442, 443; III, 6, 7, 11-13, 16, 19, 22, 50-53, 55, 59, 65, 69, 71-75, 83, 84, 94; Association of, III, 49
Twelfth, II, 407, 410, 413, 427, 428; III, 15, 16, 22, 26, 55, 59, 93, 94
Twentieth, III, 94
Twenty-third, III, 110
Corps of Instruction, III, 95
Veteran, III, 108
Corps, Reserve, composition of the, II, 398, 399, 403-406
Corvin, Lieut.-Colonel Otto von, I, 207,
mission of, I, 210-214
fails to make terms with Prussians, I, 211, 213
condemned to penal labor, I, 266
Corwin, Thomas, II, 213-215
Cossacks, the, I, 5, 6, 17, 19
Coster, Colonel, III, 11, 15
Couch, General Darius N., II, 410, 433
Couture, Thomas, “La Décadence des Romains,” by, I, 350
Cox, General Jacob D., III, 228, 352, 362, 374
Crampton, Sir John, II, 250, 296
Crefeld, political demonstrations in, I, 115
Crimean War, the, II, 50, 332
Criminalzeitung, the, II, 233
Cross Keys, II, 343, 345, 347
Cuba, II, 253, 287, 296; III, 437-439, 441, 442
Culpepper, II, 353, 354
Culp’s Hill, III, 5, 13, 15, 21, 22, 24, 26
Cumberland, Army of the, III, 55, 59, 71, 72, 77, 95
Curtis, General Samuel R., II, 332
Curtis, George William, II, 157, 176, 209
in Chicago Convention, III, 182, 183
does not join Liberal Republicans, III, 342
president National Civil Service Reform League, III, 413
fatal illness of, III, 418
parallels in the life of, and that of Carl Schurz, III, 425, 426
Cushing, Caleb, II, 161, 162
Czechs, the, I, 146
Dana, Richard H., II, 317
Dannenwalde, I, 316
Däntzer, Dr., II, 40
Davis, Henry Winter, III, 102
Davis, Jefferson, Secretary of War, II, 19, 21, 163
Chief of Confederacy, capture of, III, 143
conflicting opinions concerning, III, 147
indicted and released on bail, III, 148, 149
subsequent pardon of, III, 149
Davis, General Jefferson C., III, 79
Dawes, Senator Henry L., III, 392, 416
Dawkin’s Branch, II, 360, 361
Dayton, William L., Minister to France, II, 247
Dembinsky, General Henry, I, 187
Democratic Club organized in Bonn, I, 128, 136-138, 154
Democrats, aim of, in Germany, I, 128, 143
in United States, foreigners become, II, 7, 65, 66, 101, 232, et passim
and slavery question, II, 65, 97, 114-119, 175, et passim
support measures of President Johnson, III, 232
political weakness of, III, 286
advocate repudiation of national debt, III, 287-290
Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein revolt against, I, 129, 130, 140, 141
truce of, with Prussia, I, 141
Derby, Lord, I, 109
Desmoulins, Camille, I, 258
Detmold, I, 110
Devens, Brig.-General Charles, II, 405, 412, 415, 419, 421, 423, 437
Attorney-General, 405; III, 51
Dickens, Charles, I, 334; II, 10
Dieckmann’s battery, II, 413
Diet, appointed by Frederick William IV., I, 158, 169
of Baden, I, 109
of German Confederation, I, 140
“United,” the, convoked in 1847, I, 107-109; prorogued, I, 110, 115
Dilger, Captain Hubert, II, 339, 371, 374, 376, 418, 415, 420, 423, 425, 426; III, 8, 23
Dodge, Colonel Theodore A., II, 442
Dorchester Heights, II, 121
Dornachbruck, I, 238, 239
Dortu, Max, death of, I, 266
Doubleday, General Abner, II, 483
succeeds to command of First Corps, III, 6
hard pressed at Gettysburg, asks General Schurz for assistance, III, 11
sends to General Howard for reinforcements, III, 13
extract from official report of, III, 17
awaits orders of superior officer, III, 18, 19
division under, occupies “shank,” III, 22
Douglas, Stephen A., II, 19, 22, 49, 84-86
description of, II, 30-35, 94, 95, 98, 99; III, 95
debates with Lincoln, II, 86-90, 92-96
result of debates, II, 97, 219, 220
sophistries of, II, 168, 180, 204-207
Dowdall’s Tavern, II, 413, 415, 416, 418, 425, 427, 440
Drake, Senator Charles D., III, 293-301, 319, 416
Dred Scott decision, the, II, 83, 85, 86, 97, 114, 220
Dresden, demands acceptance of National constitution, I, 167
revolt in, suppressed by Prussians, I, 167
Dreyer, Herr, I, 288
Dronning, Maria, the, I, 131
Duelling in German Universities, I, 95-97
in America, II, 167-169
Dugan’s Farm, II, 373
Duisdorf, I, 5
Dulon, Pastor, I, 320
Dumas’ Three Musketeers, I, 290
Durkee, Senator, II, 115
Durlach, tower of, I, 266
Düsseldorf, revolutionary uprisings in, I, 115, 168, 175, 267
Early, General Jubal A., III, 51
Edinburgh, I, 330, 331
Eiger River, the, I, 375
Eisenach, student congress at, in 1848, I, 140, 144, 147; II, 46
address to German people published in, I, 150, 151
Eisenstuck, Dr., I, 181-183, 185
Elba, Island of, I, 6, 361
Elberfeld, uprising in, I, 168, 171, 174, 175, 267
Elizabeth River, the, II, 327, 328
Elsinore, I, 322, 325
Ely’s Ford, II, 414
Emancipation Proclamation, the, II, 282, 283, 309, 310, 313, 314, 389, 390; III, 169
Emancipation Society, organized, II, 320
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, II, 127, 157
Emmermann, forester, I, 242, 243
Enforcement Act, III, 320
Engelmanns, the, II, 40
England, attitude of, towards United States during Civil War, II, 202, 274-278, 280-282, 284, 304, 306, 318, 324-326, 390
neutrality of, II, 242, 245
joins tripartite alliance against Mexico, II, 288-293, 300
excitement in, over Trent affair, II, 306, 311
Escorial, the, II, 267
Espartero, Don Baldomero, II, 293, 295
Estremadura, II, 259, 260
Evarts, William M., II, 176, 179, 183, 185; III, 373, 374
Everett, Edward, II, 161, 162, 208, 319
Ewell, General Richard Stoddard, III, 9, 18, 19, 22
Ewing, General Thomas, III, 75
Exposition of 1851, International, I, 369
Fairfax Court-House, II, 377, 378
Falkenthal, Dr., I, 283
Fallersleben, Hoffmann von, I, 72
Falls of St. Anthony, II, 143
Falmouth, II, 398, 402
Faneuil Hall, II, 119-121, 161
Farmer-tenants (Halfen), I, 8
Farragut, Admiral David Glascoe, III, 243
Faubourg Montmartre, I, 340
St. Dennis, I, 398
St. Martin, I, 398
Faulhorn, the, I, 374
Fenneberg, Fenner von, I, 186
Fenton, Senator Reuben E., III, 334
Ferry, Senator Orris S., III, 332
Ferry, Senator Thomas W., III, 356
Fessenden, Senator William Pitt, III, 217-219, 221, 226, 233, 234, 282, 324
Field, James T., II, 127
Fifteenth Amendment, III, 319
Fillmore, Millard, President, I, 378; II, 7, 213
Fish, Hamilton, Secretary of State, III, 323
Flanagan, Senator J. W., III, 395
Follenius family, the, II, 40
Forney, Colonel John W., III, 227, 307
Fort Donelson, II, 318, 332
Fort Henry, II, 318, 332
Fort Sumter, II, 223, 227, 231
Fourteenth Amendment, III, 234-237, 245, 247, 250
France, Napoleon returns to, I, 5, 6
Republic of, I, 5, 111, 275, 349, 352, 357, 358
war with Germany, I, 43, 122
constituent assembly of (1789), I, 109, 348
police methods in, I, 357-359
downfall of Republic of, I, 397-399
National Assembly of, I, 397, 398; II, 28, 125
second empire of, I, 360-363, 397-401, 403, 405; II, 50, etc.
attitude of, towards United States during Civil War, II, 201, 202, 275-277, 280-284, 390
joint expedition against Mexico, II, 288-293
plan for Mexican empire, II, 300, 301, 318
Francis, Emperor of Austria, I, 103
Francisco (d’Assisi) Don, “King” of Spain, II, 251, 252, 269
death of, II, 270
Frankenstein, I, 196
Frankfurt-on-the-Main, I, 27, 252
National parliament meets at, I, 122, 133, 140, 141, 160, 180, 266, 373; II, 28, 29
cause of riots in, I, 140-142, 150
incident on the bourse, III, 281
Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, I, 115
Franklin, Benjamin, II, 121
Franklin, General William B., II, 361, 376, 382, 398, 399, 403
Frederick the Great, I, 166; II, 273; III, 127
Fredericksburg, II, 398, 399, 407, 410, 411, 429, 439
Frederick William III., king of Prussia, I, 104, 105
Frederick William IV., King of Prussia, I, 106; III, 263
character of, I, 106, 107
convokes “United Diet” (1847), I, 107
refuses demands of Diet, I, 109
indecision of, I, 117
publishes address to citizens, I, 119
humiliation of, I, 120
sends Prince of Prussia to England, I, 121
promises constitutional government, I, 121, 122
orders army to wear tri-color cockade, I, 134, 135
pleased with rôle of leader in national movement, I, 134
removes from Berlin to Potsdam, I, 135
concludes truce with Denmark, I, 141
popular indignation against, I, 148
appoints reactionary ministry, I, 153
wins victory over constituent assembly, I, 158
approves national union, I, 165, 264
refuses to accept imperial crown, I, 165, 166, 264
Prince William’s advice to, I, 204, 205
insanity of, I, 404
Freedmen’s Bureau, III, 177, 183, 189, 208, 225, 226, 229, 237
Freeman’s Ford, II, 356, 359
Free State party, the, II, 66, 83-87
Freiligrath, Ferdinand, I, 71
Freischütz, der, 11, 56, 58
Frémont, General John C., Presidential candidate, II, 67, 71, 72, 341, 348
emancipation order of, II, 313, 342
in command of Mountain Department, II, 338, 341-347
resignation of, II, 347, 348
Presidential candidate, III, 100
French Revolution, the, I, 72, 128, 137, 348; II, 125, 126
Frey, Emil, II, 406
Friedrich Barbarossa, legends of, I, 103
Fugitive Slave Law, II, 105-108, 109, 118, 119
Fürstenberg, I, 316
Gainsville, II, 360
Galen, Count, II, 265, 271, 306
Gagern, Heinrich von, I, 143
Garfield, James A., Presidential candidate, III, 394, 395
Garibaldi, I, 403; II, 339
Garland, Augustus H., III, 409
Geary, General John White, III, 59, 60-66, 86, 91, 95
Gellert, Christian, I, 41
Georgia, Army of, III, 110, 111
Gerhardt, Josef, serves in Civil War in America, I, 173
German-American press, value of, III, 257-262
“German Catholic” movement, I, 102
German Confederation, I, 105, 106, 129, 134
Diet of, sanctions Schleswig-Holstein revolt, I, 140
German language, II, 12, 13
German National Loan, scheme of, I, 372-379, 383
Germans in the United States, I, 28, 29, 178, 207, etc.; II, 7, 24, 38-40, 45-48, 65, 66, 179, 229, 230, 232-237, 242, 338, 339, 343, 406, 432-434, 436, 437; III, 261, 262, 298, 299
Germany, household customs in, I, 12-14
uprising against Napoleonic despotism, I, 37, 90, 103-105, 109
war with France, I, 43, 122
empire of, ceases to exist, I, 103
struggle for national independence in, I, 104-108. (See also Revolution.)
growing demand for freedom of press, trial by jury, and liberal constitution, I, 105-109, 113
Parliament of, I, 107, 113, 122, 126, 130, 183, 164, 166, 373
watchword of associations in, I, 110
excitement in, over political conditions in France, I, 112, 113
establishment of empire, I, 122, 404, 405
unable to cope with situation, I, 122-124
political parties in, I, 128
place of Austria in empire of, I, 134, 164, 182
truce of Malmö arouses indignation in, I, 141
opposition to liberalism in, I, 161; II, 50
King of Prussia elected emperor of, I, 164-166, 182-184, 264
governments of, ready to accept emperor and constitution, I, 165
constitution of, I, 166, 181-184
cause of emigration from, II, 40
changes in, since 1848, III, 263
Gettysburg, battle of, I, 209; III, 3-34, 47, 49, 50, 51
“most famous battlefield of the war,” III, 3, 4
erroneous accounts of, III, 12, 16
“interval of perfect stillness,” III, 27
spectacular charge of Confederates during, III, 31
Federal soldiers sing “John Brown’s Soul,” III, 33
ghastly sights and sounds around the battlefield and operating tables, III, 37, 39, 40
political value of, III, 43
Giddings, Joshua R., II, 181, 182
Giessen, University of, I, 115
Gilsa, Colonel von, II, 233, 380, 413, 414, 418-422, 424, 437; III, 9, 10, 51
Gladstone, II, 276
Glover, Joshua, case of, II, 105-108, 111, 113
Glück, II, 57
Godesberg, I, 252
Godkin, E. L., III, 362, 400-402
Goethe, I, 25; II, 13
Goodrich, Judge, II, 143-147
Gordon, General John B., III, 51
Gordonsville, II, 353
Götterdämmerung, die, II, 60
Göttingen, I, 94
Gough, John B., II, 157
Granada, II, 294
Gransee, I, 315
Grant, General U. S., II, 135, 318, 332; III, 41, 59, 68, 69, 71, 74, 93, 108, 111, 116, 117, 127, 128, 142, 206-209, 239, 243, 250, 252
Republican Presidential nominee, III, 284-286
election of, a foregone conclusion, III, 292
inaugural address of, III, 303
nominates a Secretary of the Treasury disqualified by law, III, 304
requests suspension of the law, III, 305
views civil government from military standpoint, III, 306
requests Carl Schurz to vote for Santo Domingo treaty, and for the appointment of Mr. Jones, III, 307-309
suggests repeal of Tenure of Office Act, III, 315
favors civil-service reform, III, 317
denounces Schurz and Brown, III, 322
endeavors to force annexation of Santo Domingo, III, 323-330
nepotism of, creates political autocrats, III, 332
opposition to, for second term, III, 338
re-election of, III, 353
abuse by, of duties and privileges of his office, III, 354, 355
vetoes bill for 44,000,000 additional “greenbacks,” III, 356
character of Interior Department during administration of, III, 380
“peace policy” of, as applied to Indian affairs, III, 384,
proposed nomination of, in 1879, III, 393
Great Britain, see England
Greece, first king of, I, 202
Greeley, Horace, II, 87, 157, 175, 179, 183, 322; III, 102, 149, 210, 211, 332
as Presidential nominee of Liberal Republicans, III, 347-353, 378
“Greenbacks” vs. specie resumption, III, 355-359
Greene, General George Sears, III, 24
Grenoble, I, 362
Grimes, Senator James W., III, 282
Grindelwald, I, 374, 375
Grosvenor, Colonel William M., III, 295, 296
Groveton, II, 372
Grow, Hon. Galusha A., II, 147, 149-152
Grund, Francis, II, 19, 23-28
Guizot, François, I, 109
Gutzkow, I, 71
Habeas Corpus, writ of, II, 107, 319, 391
Hadersleben, I, 130
Hahn, Governor Michael, III, 248
Hall, Captain, III, 90
Halleck, General Henry W., II, 338
commander-in-chief, II, 352, 382, 404, 436; III, 52, 53
Halstead, Major Eminel P., III, 13, 14
Halstead, Murat, III, 332, 362, 363, 374
Hambacher Fest, the, I, 180
Hamburg, I, 292, 311, 316, 395, 401; II, 243, 244
Hambro & Son, I, 334
Hamilton, Gail, I, 136; III, 391
Hamlin, Dr. August Choate, II, 443
Hamlin, Hannibal, II, 443
Hammer, Dr., II, 40
Hampton Roads, II, 327, 328
Hancock, General Winfield Scott, sent by General Meade to take command of field at Gettysburg, III, 13
inspires confidence, III, 14
commands Second Corps, III, 22
selected to command “Veteran Corps,” III, 108
Hanna, Mark, III, 429, 431, 445
Hanover, opposed to imperial constitution and kaiser, I, 165, 166, 183
Hansemann, David, liberal leader, I, 109
Hapsburg, House of, I, 239, 404
Harrison, Benjamin, III, 418
Harrison, William Henry, campaign, II, 213
Harrisonburg, II, 341, 343, 344
Harvey, Senator, II, 67-69, 81
Hawkins’s farm, II, 413, 418, 421
Hawley General Joseph R., III, 284
Hay (John) and Nicolay, biography of Lincoln by, II, 179, 237, 279, 391, 395
Hayes, R. B., President, II, 143; III, 92
Republican Presidential candidate, III, 263
receives nomination, III, 368
relations of, with Schurz, during campaign, III, 369-373
formally frees administrative service from partisan politics, III, 382
Hayti, III, 330, 441
Hazel River, the, II, 353
Hecker, Friedrich, revolutionary leader, I, 109, 133; II, 40, 41
in Civil War, II, 406, 408, 424; III, 53, 65, 66, 85, 86, 153
Hecker, Mrs. Friedrich, II, 41-43
Heidelberg, I, 94, 202
Heilig, Major, I, 207
Heine, Heinrich, I, 71
biography of, I, 94
Heintzelman, General Samuel P., II, 361
Hellman, Frances, translation of Tanagra by, II, 13
Henderson, Senator John B., III, 282, 292-295, 439
Henry Clay, life of, by Carl Schurz, III, 400, 415
Hensel, Farmer, aids in Kinkel’s escape, I, 294, 302, 303-305, 307-311, 315, 317
trial of, 339
death of, 339
Herculaneum, I, 94
Herder, Johann von, I, 41
Herrig, kirmess of, I, 44
Herwegh, Georg, revolutionary poems by, I, 71-73
Herzen, Alexander, II, 49, 53, 54
Hesse, I, 115, 189, 198
Hesse-Cassel, I, 115
Hesse-Darmstadt, I, 115
Heth, General Henry, III, 4
Hilgards, the, II, 40
Hill, David B., III, 419
Hill, General Ambrose Powell, III, 9, 22
Hirschfeld, General von, I, 246
Hoadley, III, 368
Hoar, Senator George F., III, 443, 444
Hoffman, Major, II, 339
Hollweg, Herr von Bethmann, I, 126
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, II, 127
Holstein, Duchy of, revolts against Denmark, I, 129, 130
Homer, I, 97; II, 12, 13
Hood, General John B., II, 357
Hooker, General Joseph, division of, II, 361, 367, 368, 371, 372, 398
commander of Army of the Potomac, II, 408, 404, 407, 410-416, 419, 420, 427, 435, 440, 441
mental condition of, II, 429-432
resigns as commander of, III, 4
dispatched to succor Army of the Cumberland, III, 55
tactics of, engagement at Wauhatchie, and battle of Lookout Mountain, III, 60-66, 74
unmerited censure by, of 11th Corps, III, 85-92
attempts explanation to Carl Schurz, III, 92, 93
retires from army, III, 93, 94
Horace, II, 12
Howard, Major-General O. O., in command of 11th Corps, II, 404, 405, 408, 413, 415-417
fails to appreciate the situation at Chancellorsville, II, 416-431, 435, 439-441
magazine article on 11th Corps by, II, 417, 440, 441
at Gettysburg, III, 4-14, 17-19, 22, 24
appealed to, on behalf of condemned soldier, III, 48
views respecting 11th Corps, III, 52, 53
victim of a practical joke, III, 79
complimented by General Sherman, III, 80, 84
praises 11th Corps and its commanders, III, 84
blamed by General Hooker, III, 93
in command of Army of Tennessee, III, 110
appointment of, as head of Freedmen’s Bureau, III, 177
Howe, Senator Timothy O., III, 391
Hugo, Victor, II, 13
Hungarians, the, in United States, I, 383, 384; II, 343, 344
Hungary, struggle of, for liberty, I, 151, 152, 203, 209, 211, 384-387
Austria attempts subjugation of, I, 152
wins independence, I, 404
Hunt, General Henry Jackson, III, 30
Hunter, General David, II, 313; III, 25
Hunting Run, II, 441
Hussars, the, I, 229
Hutchins, Waldo, III, 351
“Hutten, Ulrich von,” I, 110
Illinois, II, 19, 21, 38, 86, 88, 98, 174, 196
doubtful State, II, 174
Illinois Regiment, Eighty-second, II, 406, 408, 423, 424
Independents, III, 365, 366, 367, 368, 394, 398, 403, 405-414, 419, 421, 424, 429
Indiana, II, 174, 197
Indianapolis, II, 39
Interlaken, I, 374
Irish, the, in United States, II, 66, 73, 232
Irsch, Captain, III, 18, 19
Iserlohn, uprising in, I, 168, 266
Isabella, Infanta, II, 299
Isabella, Queen of Spain, II, 247-251, 260, 261
Prince consort of, II, 251, 252, 269, 270
character of, II, 268-270
exile of, II, 270, 300
Italy, Austrian victories in, I, 146
unification of, hopeless, I, 402, 403; II, 50
unification of, accomplished, I, 403
Jackson, Andrew, President, II, 148
Jackson, General Thomas J. (Stonewall), raid of, into Shenandoah Valley, II, 342-346, 392
at Cedar Mountain, II, 353-356
the attempt to “bag,” II, 359-371
victories at Chancellorsville, II, 415-428, 430, 431, 437; III, 51
death of, II, 429
Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt, III, 388, 389
Jacobi, Abraham, medical student, I, 254
famous physician, I, 254, 272, 273; III, 454
Jefferson, Thomas, birthday celebration of, II, 118, 119, 126, 129
wise saying of, II, 142
Jena, battle of, I, 360
Jenckes, Representative Thomas A., III, 317
Jennings, Louis J., reverses editorial opinion of Carl Schurz, III, 347
John, Archduke, of Austria, I, 181
appoints imperial commissioner, I, 181
elected regent, I, 182, 183
recalls commissioner, I, 183, 185
Johnson, Andrew, Military Governor, III, 95-97
succeeds to the Presidency, III, 139
attitude of, toward assassination conspirators, III, 143, 150
issues Amnesty and North Carolina reconstruction proclamations, III, 150-153, 157
sends Carl Schurz on mission through the South, III, 158
ignores letters and report of, III, 183, 185, 195, 201, 202
beginning of political contest with Congress, III, 213
his view regarding the “States lately in rebellion,” III, 219, 220, 230
vetoes Freedmen’s Bureau bill, III, 225
commits fatal blunder in speech, III, 226
vetoes Civil Rights bill, III, 229
vetoes second Freedmen’s Bureau bill, III, 237
ill-advised speeches during his Presidential tour, III, 242-244
defeat of, as Presidential candidate, III, 245
impeachment of, III, 252, 281-283, 315
hated in Missouri, III, 293
some results of his conflict with Congress, III, 315
Johnston, General Joseph E., II, 336, 337; III, 111-114
Jomini, General Henri, II, 273
Jones, J. Russell, Minister to Belgium, III, 308-310
Juares, Benito, president of Republic of Mexico, II, 297, 298
Jülich, I, 27, 84
Jungfrau, the, I, 375
Jura Mountains, the, I, 237
Jüssen, Ferdinand, I, 26, 27, 34
Georg, I, 27
Heribert (“der Burghalfen”), I, 7; II, 265
description of, I, 8-12
home and household of, I, 12-18
becomes paralyzed, I, 18-20
relations of, with Count Metternich, I, 37-39
death of, I, 39
Heribert, the younger, I, 251
passport of, I, 251, 252, 255, 273, 284, 288, 291
Jacob, I, 27, 83, 84
goes to America, II, 46
Marianna, marries Christian Schurz, I, 7
character of, I, 24
Peter, I, 26, 44
Kaiserlautern, revolutionary capital of the Palatinate, I, 178, 180, 189
Kalisch, famous manifesto issued from, I, 104, 105
Kane, Colonel Thomas L., II, 376
Kansas, Free State party in, II, 66, 83-87
Kansas-Nebraska Bill, the, II, 19, 21, 23, 28, 32, 34, 37, 84, 110, 192
Karlsruhe, I, 197, 244
Kattegat, I, 325
Kaufmann, Sigismund, III, 296
Kearney, General Philip, II, 361, 365-368, 371, 372
death of, II, 377, 394
Keith, Representative, II, 164
Kelley, William D., II, 179, 188
Kellogg, William Pitt, III, 354
Kelly’s Ford, II, 407, 410
Key, General David McKendree, III, 375, 377
King, General Charles, III, 50
King, General Rufus, II, 360
King, Senator Preston, II, 180; III, 237
Kinkel, Gottfried, I, 254, 262
Kinkel, Johann Gottfried, Professor at Bonn, I, 98
description of, I, 99
democratic leader, I, 116, 128, 132, 137, 138, 169
edits the Bonner Zeitung, I, 129
elected to lower House of Diet, I, 158
returns to Bonn, I, 169
addresses Landwehr meeting, I, 170, 172
flees to Palatinate, I, 178
secretary of Provisional Government, I, 190
captured by Prussians, I, 232, 323
imprisoned in Rastatt, I, 232
removed to Karlsruhe, I, 244
court-martialed, I, 244
sentenced to life imprisonment in fortress, I, 245
Government changes sentence to penitentiary, I, 245-248
public indignation over sentence of, I, 247
trial of, at Cologne, I, 249, 250, 261, 269
plans to liberate, I, 256
cheered by populace, I, 262
speech of, in his own defense, I, 263-269
last lecture of, in University of Bonn, I, 267
transferred to Spandau, I, 270, 271
attempts to escape, I, 270, 271
Carl Schurz plans rescue of, I, 249-251, 274, 283-298, 306-308
friends who aid in escape of, I, 283, 285, 287, 289, 291-312, 337-340
failure of first attempt to liberate, I, 303-306, 313
success of later plan, I, 307-315, 366
reaches seashore in safety, I, 317-320
sails for England, I, 322, 324-329
in Edinburgh, I, 329-334
goes to London, I, 334
joined by family in Paris, I, 335
settles in London, I, 340, 351, 352, 354, 366
gratitude of, I, 367, 368
sent to America to raise loan, I, 372, 373; II, 7
result of trip, I, 377-379
returns to London, I, 387-389
pardoned, I, 323
Tanagra by, II, 13
affair of, recalled by Bismarck, III, 266
Kinkel, Frau, description of, I, 99, 101, 102
dramatic reporter, I, 159
appeals of, in behalf of husband, I, 248, 249, 272, 283, 291
at husband’s trial, I, 262-269
life of, in London, I, 363, 366, 377, 378; II, 56-59
Kinnicutt, Mrs. Eleonora, I, 4, 5
Kircheimbolanden, I, 178
Klapka, General George, I, 352-354
Know-Nothing party, the, II, 116, 119, 163, 180
Knoxville, II, 338
Koerner, Gustav, III, 369
Koltes, Colonel, I, 371, 372
Komorn, fortress of, I, 352
Königsberg, sends deputation to King of Prussia, I, 115, 150
Körner’s Hedwig, the Bandit Bride, I, 51
Körner, Gustav, II, 40
Kossuth, Louis, Hungarian patriot, in the United States, I, 378, 383-385; II, 51, 52
in London, I, 383-385; II, 50, 51
aims of, I, 386
disappointment of, I, 402, 403
death of, I, 404
Kossuth, Madame, II, 52, 53
Kreuznach, I, 252
Kribben family, the, I, 29
Krüger, innkeeper of Spandau, I, 283, 308
aids in Kinkel’s escape, I, 285, 288, 296-298, 302, 304, 305, 307
trial and acquittal of, I, 338
death of, 338
Krupp brothers, the, I, 32
Krzyzanowski, Colonel, II, 362-364, 366, 372, 407, 422, 424; III, 25, 51, 53, 65, 66
Ku-Klux, III, 319, 329, 330, 331, 333
La Crosse, II, 152, 156
Lamar, Lucius Q. C., III, 409
Lamartine, Alphonse de, History of the Girondists, I, 290
Landau, fortress of, I, 186
Landwehr, the, called out by Prussian Government, I, 168
disaffection of, I, 168-174, 189, 203, 204, 266
Landwehr, Lieutenant, the, I, 26
Lane, Senator James, III, 238
Langbein, August, I, 41
Lassen, Professor Christian, I, 273
Latour, Count, I, 152
Laube, I, 71
Lauterbrunnen, I, 374
Lecompton Constitution, the, II, 85
Leddihn, aids in escape of Kinkel, I, 285, 287, 289, 297, 298, 301, 302, 307, 308
trial and acquittal of, I, 339
death of, I, 339
Lee, Captain A. E., III, 368
Lee, General Robert E., offensive operations of, II, 352, 356, 361
invades Maryland, II, 387, 389
entrenched at Marye’s Heights, II, 399, 400, 402, 407
army of, II, 410, 411
genius of, II, 414, 419, 427-430, 432
at Gettysburg, II, 439; III, 4, 15, 16, 19, 20, 29, 27, 41-44
news of his surrender, III, 111
terms of, an example, III, 116, 117, 286
regarded as invincible, III, 131
good influence of, III, 148
testimony of, before Reconstruction Committee, III, 254
Legal-tender law enacted, II, 319
Leipzig, battle of, I, 5, 104
concessions granted to citizens of, I, 115
Gewandhaus concerts of, I, 343
Leith, I, 329, 330
Lessing’s Nathan der Weise, I, 35
Letters of “Junius,” II, 10
Lexington, II, 121
“Lexington, City of,” II, 147-152
Lexow, Rudolph, II, 233
Liberal Republican movement, III, 332, 338-353, et passim
Liblar, birthplace of Carl Schurz, I, 5, 7; II, 121, 122, 265
life of villagers of, I, 11-14, 30, 31, 36, 45
Libby Prison, II, 409
Lichnowsky, Prince, I, 142
Lieven, Princess, see Brüning
Lincoln, Abraham, II, 83
debates of, with Douglas, II, 86-90, 92-98; III, 297
nominated for senatorship, II, 87
biographers of, II, 88, 179, 237, 279, 391, 395
description of, II, 89-91, 96, 98, 188
Gettysburg speech of, II, 96
defeated for Senatorship, II, 97
Presidential nomination of, II, 176-188
campaign, II, 192-207
election of, II, 192, 202, 207, 212, 213, 216, 277
inauguration of, II, 219; III, 302
inaugural address of, II, 219, 220
appoints Carl Schurz Minister to Spain, II, 220-222, 299
calls for volunteers, II, 223, 231, 330, 331
response to call, II, 224-227, 242
Seward’s attempt to dictate to, II, 237, 238, 243, 279, 280
cordial relations of, with Carl Schurz, II, 237, 242, 395, 396
public opinion of, II, 239, 240
Cabinet opinions of, II, 240-242
views of, in regard to emancipation, II, 282, 283, 309, 310, 313, 314, 317
strength of character of, II, 315, 316
criticism of, II, 316-318, 391, 392, 395
special message in regard to abolition of slavery, II, 322, 323, 325, 329
rejoices over success of Monitor, II, 327, 328
issues General War Orders, II, 336, 338, 347
stories told by, II, 340, 341
countermands Frémont’s emancipation order, II, 342
issues Emancipation Proclamation, II, 389, 390
letter of, to General Schurz, II, 392-395
visits Army of the Potomac, II, 397
removes McClellan, II, 397
appoints Burnside, II, 397
appoints Hooker, II, 403
reviews Army of the Potomac, 11, 407
pardons condemned soldier, III, 49
appoints Andrew Johnson Military Governor of Tennessee, III, 95
nominated for re-election, III, 102
gives reasons for accepting, III, 103, 104
magnanimous speech of, after re-election, III, 106, 107
opposition to, III, 99-103
affection for, among soldiers and “plain people,” III, 105, 106, 112
goes to City Point, III, 108
disproves rumor of rupture with Sumner, III, 109
news of the assassination of, III, 112
his death lamented, III, 138
measures taken to avenge his death, III, 141-148
desire of, to avoid capture of Jefferson Davis, III, 143, 144
difference of opinion with, never made a personal matter, III, 212
some traits of, III, 212, 215, 223
reconstruction plans of, III, 221-225
plan of, for negro suffrage, III, 248
Lincoln, Mrs. (Mary), II, 243, 244; III, 110
“Lincoln Cavalry,” the, organized, II, 236
Lind, village of, I, 26, 44, 78, 251
Liszt, Franz, I, 343
Little Anna, the, I, 319, 321, 323-327, 329, 330, 333, 335
Little River turnpike, II, 377
Loan, General Benjamin, III, 294-299
Löbell, Professor Johann, I, 128
Lockman, Lieut.-Colonel John T., II, 407, 424
Locomotive, Die, II, 9
Loeffler, Augustin, I, 231
Logan, John A., II, 231
Senator, III, 356-358, 393
Lohengrin, II, 59
London, political refugees in, I, 354, 366, 370, 388, 389; II, 49, 50
London Times, the, II, 276, 325
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, II, 127, 128
Longstreet, General James, II, 356, 357, 360, 361, 364, 366, 367, 371; III, 22, 27, 78, 80
Lookout Mountain, and Valley, III, 59, 60, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 80, 85
Louis Napoleon, President of French Republic, I, 259, 348, 357, 362
coup d'état of, I, 360-363, 397-401, 403, 405; II, 50
sympathy of, with Southern Confederacy, II, 201, 202, 247, 277
plan of, for Mexican empire, II, 296, 300, 301, 318; III, 271-274, 278
Louis Philippe, I, 28, 112, 275
Louis XVI., I, 258
Low, Seth, III, 483, 448
Lowell, James Russell, II, 127
Löwenberg, I, 315
Ludwig I., King of Bavaria, I, 115, 180, 184; II, 406
Luther, Martin, I, 144
Luxembourg, the, I, 350
Lyceum lecture system, the, II, 137, 138, 157-159
Lynde, William P., II, 112
Lyon, General Nathaniel, II, 394
Macaulay’s Essays, II, 10
McClellan, General George B., in command of Army of the Potomac, II, 318, 332-336, 394
Peninsula campaign of, II, 336-338, 351
superseded, II, 352, 394, 397
in command of troops for defense of Washington, II, 378, 379, 387
procrastination of, II, 388, 397, 398, 403
Democratic nominee, III, 105
McDowell, General Irwin, corps of, II, 347, 348, 353, 356, 360, 361, 372, 388
controversy of, with Schurz, II, 374, 384-386
charges against, II, 381, 383
unpopularity of, II, 382-384
demands court of inquiry, II, 383, 438
McKinley, William, President, assassiination of, II, 139; III, 429-432, 437-439, 445
McLaren, Mr., hospitality of, I, 334
McLean, General, II, 373, 405, 406, 413, 420, 424, 437; III, 51
McNeil, General, III, 299, 300
McReynolds, Colonel, II, 236
Madison, II, 82, 173
Convention at, II, 133
Madrid, II, 247, 256, 259, 263
Mahler, Major, I, 207
Colonel in Civil War, I, 207; II, 233
death of, III, 12
Mainz, I, 140
Malmö, truce of, I, 141, 148
Manassas Junction, raid on, II, 360, 392
Manitowac, II, 131
Mannheim, II, 42
Manning, Daniel, III, 409
Mansfield, General Joseph K., II, 394
Manteuffel, Herr von, I, 153
Marcuse, Mr., III, 281
Marengo, battle of, I, 360
“Marianne conspiracy,” the, I, 392
Marseillaise, the, I, 114, 275
Marx, Karl, leader of the Communists, I, 138, 139, 371
Marye’s Heights, II, 399, 429
Marzerrungenschaften, the, I, 128
Mason, Senator, II, 36, 37
Mason and Slidell, Confederate envoys, II, 305, 317, 318
Massachusetts Regiment, Sixth, the, II, 223
Matthews, Stanley, III, 347
Maximilian, Archduke, II, 300, 301
Mazzini, Giuseppe, Italian patriot, I, 379-383
revolutionary attempts of, I, 382, 383, 402; II, 50
disappointment of, I, 403
death of, I, 404
Meade, General George Gordon, commander of Army of Potomac, III, 4, 13, 52 during battle of Gettysburg, III, 20, 21, 23, 26
failure of, to profit by the repulse of Pickett’s charge, discussed, III, 41
Mecklenburg, frontier, I, 292, 293, 316
Meisterknecht, der, I, 12-14
Meistersinger, die, II, 59
Melbye, Danish artist, I, 351, 354
Memoirs of an Idealist, the, by Malwida von Meysenbug, I, 394-396; II, 15
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, I, 291
Merrimac, the, battle of, with Monitor, II, 327, 328
Metternich, Count Wolf, I, 7, 37, 65, 80; II, 265
ancestral seat of, I, 7, 8, 18, 19
death of, I, 38
Metternich, Countess Marie, I, 15, 16
Metternich, Prince von, prime minister of Austria, I, 104
evil genius of Germany, I, 105
downfall of, I, 115, 145
Mexican War, the, II, 22, 213, 332
Mexico, Republic of, II, 275, 288, 297-300
expedition against, II, 288-293
empire of, planned, II, 299, 300
French army withdraws from, II, 301, 302
Meyer, Henry, II, 243
Meyer, Ludwig, Professor, I, 94
in revolutionary uprising, I, 173, 175-177
trial of, I, 263
Meysenbug, Fraulein Malwida von, in London, I, 394, 395; II, 49
Memoirs of an Idealist, by, I, 394-396; II, 15
Meysenbug, Herr von, I, 395
Meysenburg, Colonel von, II, 417
Mieroslawski, General, I, 187, 198, 199
Military genius no help in civil government, III, 126-128
Mill Spring, II, 332
Milroy, General Robert H., II, 355, 362-364, 367, 375, 387, 388; III, 120
Milwaukee, II, 44-46
Milwaukee Sentinel, the, II, 132
Minneapolis, II, 143
Mirabeau, I, 348
Miramon, General, II, 293
Missionary Ridge, battle of, III, 69, 72, 73, 76, 77, 93
Mississippi, II, 19
Department of the, II, 338, 342
Mississippi River, the, I, 238; II, 152-157
Missouri, II, 38, 39, 66, 118, 348
Missouri Compromise, the, II, 19, 23, 28, 32, 33, 84, 192, 205
Missouri River, the, II, 152
Moabit, I, 283, 288, 289
Moderado party, the, II, 293, 296
Molière, II, 12
Möllendorf, General, I, 119
Mönch, the, I, 375
Monitor, the, defeats the Merrimac, II, 327, 328
Monroe Doctrine, the, II, 301, 302
Montez, Lola, I, 115
Monto, the, I, 237
Morgan, Governor, II, 176, 205-207
Morrill tariff, the, II, 276
Morton House, the, II, 5
Morton, Senator Oliver P., III, 309, 310, 319, 326, 328, 329, 330, 332, 334, 335, 353, 356, 357, 358, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 426
Mosby, Colonel, III, 44-46
Moselle River, the, I, 252
Motley, John Lothrop, II, 283
Mott, Lucretia, II, 14
Mount Jackson, II, 343, 345, 350
Mozart, II, 59
“Mugwump,” III, 406, 414
Müller, Herr, I, 282
Mulligan letters, III, 368, 405, 407
Münch, Friedrich, II, 40
Münchhausen, village of, I, 232
Münsterthal, the, I, 237
Murg River, the, I, 201, 203, 233
Napoleonic Wars, the, I, 5, 6, 18, 19, 37, 103-105, 134, 180, 360
Narvaez, General Ramon de, II, 293, 295
Nassau, political demonstrations in, I, 115
Natick, II, 117
Nauen, I, 311, 316
Naugard, penitentiary at, I, 247, 270
Nebraska Bill, see Kansas
Negro suffrage, III, 209, 235, 245-250, 254, 319, 329
Neubrandenburg, I, 317
Neustadt, on-the-Hardt, I, 196
Neustädter, artillery officer, I, 215
escapes from Rastatt, I, 215-231, 236-238
in United States, I, 238
Neu-Strelitz, I, 308
New Baltimore, II, 398
Newcastle, I, 322, 328, 329
Newcome, Mr., bravery of, II, 232, 233
New Jersey, II, 174
New Market, II, 360
New Orleans, capture of, II, 332
New South, The, pamphlet by Carl Schurz, III, 415
New York City, harbor of, II, 3, 4
wealth in (1852), II, 4, 5
appearance of, II, 5, 8
German opera in (1885), II, 59, 60
mass meetings in, II, 205, 206, 322, 436, 437
patriotic feeling in, II, 231
New York Regiments, First Volunteer Cavalry, II, 236
Eighth, II, 234-236
Twenty-third, II, 364
Twenty-ninth, II, 365, 366
Fifty-fourth, II, 345
Fifty-eighth, II, 345, 418, 423, 424
One Hundred and Nineteenth, II, 406, 423-426
One Hundred and Fifty-seventh, II, 423
New York Tribune, the, II, 385
Nibelungenlied, the, I, 366, 367
Nibelungen-Ring, III, 60
Nicholas, Czar of Russia, I, 388
Nicolay (John G.), and Hay, biography of Lincoln, by, II, 179, 237, 279, 391, 395
Niemann, Captain, of the Little Anna, I, 322, 324, 325, 327, 329, 331, 334
Nordhoff, Charles, III, 362, 363, 365, 366
Norfolk Harbor, II, 327
“Noria,” the, II, 258
North Sea, the, I, 325, 328
Norton, Charles Eliot, II, 127
Norway, I, 325
Nusser family, the, I, 203, 214
Odéon theatre, the, I, 343
O’Donnell, General Leopold II, 266, 293, 295
“Ogontz,” II, 15
Ohio, II, 34, 197
Ohio, Army of the, III, 110, 137, 145
Ohio Regiments, Sixty-first, the, II, 345, 357, 358, 423, 426
Seventy-fifth, II, 422
Eighty-second, II, 418, 423, 426
Old-Bavaria, I, 180
Old-Prussia, I, 136, 180
Oliver, Lieutenant Paul Ambrose, III, 63, 64, 90
Olozaga, Señor, II, 266, 295, 296
Omar Pasha, II, 294
Oppenheim, refugee in London, I, 392
Orange Courthouse, II, 412
Oranienburg, I, 304, 315
Ord, General, III, 142
Ordinance of 1787, II, 163
Ottendorfer, Oswald, III, 352, 369, 376
Otto, Lieutenant-Colonel, III, 34
Otto, Prince, of Bavaria, first king of Greece, I, 202
Overbeck, Johannes, I, 90, 94
Paine, Byron, II, 112-115
Paine, Halbert E., I, 104, 105; III, 216
Palatinate, Bavarian, revolutionary uprising in, I, 167, 168, 177, 178, 180, 181, 183
characteristics of people of, I, 179-181
assigned to Bavaria by Vienna Congress, I, 179, 180
cause of uprising in, I, 183, 185
provisional government of, I, 186, 187
army of, I, 188-195; II, 233, 332, 351
movements of army, I, 195-202
volunteers return home, I, 235, 236
Palmerston, Lord, I, 109, 386, 405
Paris, I, 6, 257, 258, 320
Latin Quarter of, I, 341, 344, 349
London, Berlin and, compared, I, 369, 370
“June Battle” in, I, 392
subjugated by Louis Napoleon, I, 397-399
Parker, Judge Alton, III, 449
Parkhurst, Rev. Dr., III, 427
Parliament, German National, meets at Frankfurt, I, 122, 133, 140, 141, 160; II, 28
object of, I, 160-162
ability of men composing, I, 162
failure of, to create a constitutional empire, I, 162-164
declares for a hereditary kaiser, I, 164
appoints committee to offer imperial crown to King of Prussia, I, 165
appeals to Germany to uphold imperial constitution, I, 166, 167
appoints regent of the empire, I, 183
Parsifal, II, 59-63
Parsons, Theophilus, II, 317
Patrick, General Marsena R., II, 437
Pea Ridge, victory at, II, 332, 348
Peissner, Colonel Elias, II, 406, 407
death of, II, 424
Pennsylvania, II, 18, 19, 174, 197
Germans, II, 18, 22
Pennsylvania Regiments, Bucktail, II, 376
Seventeenth, II, 408, 409
Seventy-fourth, II, 345, 351, 356, 357, 426
Seventy-fifth, I, 207; II, 345, 370
Seventy-ninth, II, 358
Pepe, Don, II, 258, 259
Perry, Horatio I., Secretary of American Legation at Madrid, II, 229, 237, 247-250, 254-256, 304, 381
wife of, II, 255, 258-263, 381
Perryville, II, 225
Pesth, I, 151, 152
Petermann, Judge, aids Kinkel’s escape, I, 316, 317
Petit, Mme., I, 341, 364
Petrasch, Theodore, I, 69, 86, 90
Peuker, General, I, 198
Pfuel, General von, I, 153
Phèdre, Racine’s, I, 275, 280
Phelps, William Walter, III, 365, 366
Philadelphia, II, 9, 10, 13, 14, 209, 233
Quakers, II, 13, 14
Republican Convention meets at, II, 66
Philadelphia Ledger, the, II, 9, 10, 15
Philip II, II, 267, 268
Philippines, III, 438, 439, 441, 444, 448, 449, 452
Philipsburg, I, 198
Phillips, Wendell, II, 157; III, 227
Pickett, General George, III, 31, 41, 42
Piedmont, I, 146
Pierce, Edward L., II, 118
Pierce, Franklin, President, II, 6, 26, 65
Pierce, Henry L., II, 118
Pittsburg, II, 39, 233
Platt, Thomas C., III, 433
Political problems of 1864, III, 98-107
Pomerania, I, 247
Pompeii, I, 94
Poncas, the, III, 387-389
Pope, Major-General John, in command of Army of Virginia, II, 347, 352, 353, 359-361, 372, 404
proclamation of, II, 352, 410
orders retreat, II, 356, 375, 376
report of, II, 381
defeat of, II, 386, 392
relieved of command, II, 387
Poritz, aids in Kinkel’s escape, I, 285, 287, 289, 297, 298, 301, 302, 307, 308
trial and acquittal of, I, 339
death of, I, 339
Porter, General Fitz-John, II, 361, 371
repulse of, II, 372, 373
court-martialed, II, 381
Porto Rico, II, 294; III, 438, 439, 441
Portsmouth, I, 405
Potomac, Army of the, II, 318, 332-336, 345, 351, 352, 361, 365, 367, 368, 371, 381, 382, 393, 397
Army of Virginia merged into, II, 387
demoralization of, II, 402, 412
new spirit of, II, 403
reviewed by President, II, 407
strength of, II, 410, 429
defeat of, II, 432, 433; III, 18, 52
change of commander of, III, 4
Chief of Artillery of, III, 30
opinion of officers of, concerning battle of Gettysburg, III, 41
premonition of victory, III, 42
reorganization of, III, 49
loses Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, III, 55
parade of, at close of war, III, 137, 145
Potomac River, the, II, 327
Potsdam, I, 135, 311, 316
Potter, Judge John F., letters of Schurz to, II, 182, 183, 212
Representative from Wisconsin, II, 163-165, 213, 218, 221, 222
challenged to a duel, II, 166, 167
Preetorius, Dr. Emil, II, 40; III, 256, 257
Prescott House, the, II, 234
Press, freedom of the, demand for, in Germany, I, 105-107
abuse of, in America, II, 133-142, 432-434
censorship of the, abolished in Austria, I, 145
Prim, General Don Juan, career of, II, 293-295, 300
mission of, to Mexico, II, 297-300
Amnesty, III, 149, 150-152, 253
assassination, III, 143
provisional government for North Carolina, III, 151-153, 185, et passim
Progresista party, the, II, 293, 295
Prussia, war of, with Austria, I, 43, 323
kings of, I, 104-106, 323
in alliance with Russia, I, 104
cities of, send deputations to King of, I, 115
political censorship of, in universities, I, 126
strongest of purely German states, I, 133, 134
fate of revolution to be determined by, I, 134
army of, I, 135
growth of reactionary spirit in, I, 136, 137, 139, 143, 153, 154
defies National Parliament, I, 142
unpopularity of, I, 164
King of, elected emperor, I, 164, 165, 182-184
quells revolution in Palatinate, I, 195-202, 210
permits insurgents to return home, I, 235, 236
new constitution of, I, 263, 265
sympathy of, with Southern Confederacy, II, 265, 266
“Prussia, Prince of,” flight of, to England, I, 121, 338
unpopularity of, I, 204, 205
nickname of, I, 204
becomes king of, I, 323
pardons Kinkel, I, 323
becomes emperor of new German empire, I, 404
Prussia, Queen of, I, 120
Pryor, Roger A., duel of, II, 166, 167
Pütz, Professor, I, 66-68, 71, 78, 212
Quincy, II, 89-92, 96
“Quinta, La,” II, 256-259, 262, 272
Rachel, in Berlin, I, 274, 279
in Paris, I, 275, 277, 281
acting of, I, 275-281
in America, I, 281
Racine's Phèdre, I, 275
Racine (Wis.), II, 105-107
Radetzki Marshal Joseph, I, 146
Radowitz, ———, member of National parliament, I, 143
Ramsey, Senator Alexander, II, 143
Randall, Governor Alexander, II, 82, 131
Ranke, Leopold, I, 242
Rapidan River, the, II, 355, 356, 409
Rappahannock River, the, II, 356, 398, 400-402, 407, 409-411, 427, 429, 432, 441
Rappahannock Station, II, 356
Rastatt, fortress of, I, 167, 188, 252; II, 9; III, 12, 153
besieged, I, 201, 203, 205-209
surrender of, I, 209, 210, 213
Schurz escapes from, I, 214-232
Kinkel imprisoned in, I, 244, 245, 323
Raymond, Henry J., II, 176; III, 214
Reconstruction, III, 212, 213, 216-237, 240, 241, 249-251, 253, 318, 319, 377
Refugees, political, in London, I, 366-370
schemes of, I, 371
Reichenbach, Count Oscar von, refugee in London, I, 392
Reichstag, the, I, 339
Reid, Whitelaw, III, 391
Reinecke, musical director, I, 343
Reno, General Jesse L., II, 361, 372, 375
death of, II, 394
Republican sentiments, growth of, in Germany, I, 133, 143
Republican party in United States, II, 65-67, 72, 80-83, 86-88, 119, 131, 174, 180, et passim; platform of, 67, 175, 180-182, 189
attitude of, toward President Johnson, III, 218, 223, 225-230, 282, 283
predominance of, necessary to preservation of the Union, III, 233
attitude of, toward negro suffrage, III, 235, 249
adopts resolution of amnesty, III, 284
Republicans, Black, the, II, 31, 65
Resumption Act, III, 359, 363
Revolution of 1848, I, 73, 122, 125, 134, 136, 160, 263-266, 318, 392
failure of, I, 143, 163, 200-204, 210, 211, 399, 404; II, 53, 72, 233
cause of failure of, I, 122-125, 184, 186
object of the, finally accomplished, I, 405
general European, expected, I, 370, 372
Revolutionists of 1848, trial of, I, 235, 244-246, 248, 257, 262, 263, 270
many of, emigrate to America, II, 40-42, 45-48, 229, 230, 233, 406, 434
Rey, Ohm, I, 28, 44
Reynolds, General John F., II, 360, 372; III, 4, 6
Rheinbund, the, I, 103, 104
Rhenish Provinces, the, funeral customs in, I, 23
revolutionary uprisings in, I, 167, 168, 185
relations of, to Prussia, I, 180
Rhine, the, I, 5, 6, 140, 198, 207; II, 121, 306, 307
Rhinebeck, I, 327
Rhineland, the, under French rule, I, 5, 72
customs of I, 8, 10, 11
annexed to Prussia, I, 72
government of, I, 72, 73
Cologne, the capital of, I, 157
disaffection of the Landwehr of, I, 169
sympathy for Kinkel in, I, 247, 272
Rhodes, ———, I, 282
Richardson, General Israel B., II, 394
Richmond, II, 336, 338, 352, 353, 356, 397, 398, 409
Rickett's division, II, 360, 372; III, 24
Riley, Colonel, II, 422
Ristori, Adelaide, I, 281
Ritschl, Professor Friedrich, I, 92, 125, 126
Rivero, Señor, II, 266
Rivoli, battle of, I, 360
Roanoke Island, II, 332
Robeson, George M., Secretary of the Navy, III, 330
Robespierre, I, 258
Robinson Crusoe, I, 25, 26
Roeser, Carl, II, 131
Rolshausen, Major, II, 424
Rondout, on-the-Hudson, I, 327
Roosevelt, Theodore, III, 427, 442, 444, 448
Ropes, John Codman, III, 17
Ros de Olano, II, 295
Rosecrans, General William Starke, III, 55, 59
Rostock, I, 292, 317-321
Rothe, Emil, II, 46
Rotteck, I, 109
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, I, 25
Rublee, Horace, II, 134
Ruge, Arnold, I, 371
Russell, Lord John, II, 296
Russia, I, 6, 19, 104, 384, 386, 388; II, 280
life in, II, 54, 55
future of, II, 55, 56
St. Helena, I, 361
St. Joseph's College, nunnery, III, 3
St. Louis, II, 148, 200, 201, 342, 344
Germans in, I, 238; II, 39-41, 242, 348
St. Paul, II, 143
St. Goarshausen, I, 98, 176, 177
Sanct Sebastianus, society, I, 46, 81
San Ildefonso, II, 261, 267, 289
San Jacinto, the, II, 305
Sandkrug, I, 311
Santander, II, 247
Santo Domingo, II, 275; III, 307, 308, 318, 323-330, 439, 441, 446
Saxony, King of, grants concessions demanded by people, I, 115
opposed to imperial constitution, I, 165-167, 184
“Schamyl,” I, 28
Scheideck, the, I, 374
Schenck, General Robert C., II, 355, 362, 367, 372-374, 405
Schenofsky, Captain, II, 409
Schiele, Orderly, II, 369-371
Schiller's Robbers, I, 196
Schimmelpfennig, Alexander von (Colonel Schimmelfennig), I, 187
in Zürich, I, 239
in Civil War in the United States, I, 242, 392; II, 233, 351, 356, 357, 362, 363, 365-367, 374, 376, 377
promoted, II, 407, 409, 415, 423, 426
letter of, to Schurz, II, 433, 434, 437
at Gettysburg, III, 7, 12, 34-37, 51, 53
Schlegel, August von, I, 68
Schleswig, Duchy of, revolts from Denmark, I, 129, 130, 140, 141, 273, 297
Schmidt, Julius, astronomer, I, 94
Schofield, General John McAllister, III, 110
Schönebühl, village of, I, 237
Schreckhorn, the, I, 375
Schubert, I, 368; II, 59
Schücking, Levin, editor of Cologne Gazette, I, 65
Schumann, I, 368; II, 57
Schurz, Carl, Reminiscences of, I, 3-5
birth of, I, 5, 7
earliest recollections of, I, 14-20
early education of, I, 21-26
family circle of, I, 22-28
first knowledge of America of, I, 28, 29; II, 121, 122
religious training of, I, 30-37, 69-71
goes to school at Brühl, I, 39, 40
studies Latin and music, I, 22, 40, 41, 55, 59, 68
happy childhood of, I, 41-49
revisits Germany, I, 43, 59, 68, 323; II, 306
companions of, I, 43, 69
amusements at Liblar, I, 44-52
schooldays of, in Cologne Gymnasium, I, 53-59, 61
relation with professors, I, 56, 57, 66-68, 71, 78
enjoyment of theatre, I, 63, 64
literary efforts of, I, 64, 65, 74, 75, 110, 112
religious doubts of, I, 69-71
interest of, in ideas of political liberty, I, 72-74, 102
wins prize in schützenfest, I, 81-83
financial difficulties, I, 83-86
begins tutoring, I, 85
obliged to leave Gymnasium, I, 86, 87
appreciation of classical training, I, 87-89
attends lectures at University of Bonn, I, 87, 89-92
guest of the Burschenschaft Frankonia, I, 90-92
university friends of, I, 91, 92, 98-100, 110, 131, 132
passes Gymnasium examinations, I, 92, 93
matriculates at Bonn, I, 93
enjoys university life, I, 95, 97, 98
influence of Prof. Kinkel upon, I, 100-102, 110, 128, 129
effect of establishment of French Republic upon, I, 112-114
nineteenth birthday of, I, 113
joins civic guard, I, 113, 114
joins in political demonstration, I, 116
first public speech of, I, 125, 126, 127
joins democratic club, I, 128, 137
studies history and politics, I, 129
writes for the Bonner Zeitung, I, 129
persuaded not to join Schleswig-Holstein revolt, I, 129, 130, 297
attends congress of democratic clubs at Cologne, I, 138
represents Bonn at student-congress at Eisenach, I, 140, 142, 144-147
visits National parliament in Frankfurt, I, 143
editor of Bonner Zeitung, I, 158, 159
attends Landwehr meeting in Bonn, I, 170, 171
joins in attempt to seize Siegburg, I, 172-174
failure of attempt, I, 174, 175
flees to Palatinate, I, 176-178
realizes failure of revolutionary movement, I, 176, 177
becomes aide-de-camp, I, 190, 195
arrests priest, I, 190-195
marches with Palatinate troops, I, 197-199
“under fire,” I, 200-202
aide-de-camp at Rastatt, I, 202, 203, 205-207; II, 9
siege of Rastatt, I, 203-205, 208, 209, 211-214
escapes from Rastatt, I, 215-231
obtains police passport for Strasburg, I, 234, 236
reaches Switzerland in safety, I, 232-239
lives in Zürich as refugee, I, 239-243
studies military tactics under Schimmelpfennig, I, 242; II, 351
writes for newspapers, I, 243, 244, 257, 259, 340
meets Wagner, I, 244
Frau Kinkel’s appeal to, I, 248, 249
resolves to attempt rescue of Kinkel, I, 249-254
obtains cousin’s passport, I, 251, 273
makes secret visit to Bonn, I, 251-255
confers with Frau Kinkel, I, 253, 272
meets Dr. Jacobi, I, 254, 272
goes to Cologne, I, 255, 256, 272
goes to Paris, ostensible purpose of visit, I, 257-261, 272
studies French, I, 258, 345
in Berlin, I, 273, 274, 281, 282
plans for liberation of Kinkel, I, 284, 289-298, 311, 336-339
fails, I, 302-306
succeeds, I, 309-314
sails for England on Little Anna, I, 322, 324-329
lands in Scotland, I, 329-334
first lesson in English, I, 333
life of, in Paris, I, 340-344, 349-354
in London, I, 334, 335
gratitude of the Kinkels to, I, 336, 366, 367
sees Macready act, I, 335
goes to Paris, I, 335
fame of, in connection with Kinkel’s escape, I, 335-337, 339, 362, 372; II, 134
linguistic studies of, I, 345-347
interested in French politics, I, 347-349
finds French atmosphere not congenial, I, 351
visits Kinkels in London, I, 351, 352, 354
arrested in Paris, I, 354, 358, 363
exiled from France, I, 359, 360
settles in London, I, 366
teaches music and languages, I, 366, 367
appreciates the English character, I, 368, 369
uninterested in English politics, I, 369, 370
sent to Switzerland in behalf of German National Loan, I, 373-377
interviews of, with Mazzini in London, I, 379-383, 401
meets Kossuth, I, 383, 386
refugee friends of, in London, I, 390, 392, 393, 395-397
opinion of Napoleon’s coup d’état, I, 399, 400
decides to go to America, I, 400, 401
marriage of, I, 401
sails for America, I, 405
lands in New York, I, 405; II, 3
first impressions, II, 3-7
vague ideas of American politics, II, 7
visits Philadelphia, II, 9, 10, 13, 14
mastery of English acquired by, II, 9-12
first child of, II, 14
letter of, to Fräulein von Meysenbug, II, 15-17
interested in Slavery question, II, 19, 21, 23, 28-37
first visit of, to Washington, II, 19-37
first knowledge of “spoils-system,” II, 23-28
attends sessions of Congress, II, 28-37
Congress compared with European Parliamentary bodies, II, 28, 29
makes trip to the West, II, 37-49
finds German friends in St. Louis, II, 40-43
trying experiences of, in Chicago, II, 43, 44
visits relatives in Wisconsin, II, 46
settles in Watertown, II, 49
revisits London, II, 49-65
goes to see Kossuth, II, 50-53
meets Herzen, II, 53
forecast of, concerning Russia, II, 55, 56
anti-slavery opinions of, II, 56, 66-71
hears Jenny Lind, II, 56-58
personal impressions of Wagner, II, 56-64
returns to America, II, 65
first political speeches of, in America (1856), II, 68-71
life of, in the West, II, 72-77, 80
admitted to the Bar, II, 80, 104
delegate to State Convention, II, 80
defeated for Lieut.Governorship, II, 81, 82, 130, 131
first speeches of, in English, II, 81, 82
importuned by office-seekers, II, 82, 83, 216-218, 338, 339
speeches of, in Lincoln-Douglas campaign, II, 88-90, 100, 101
Essay on Abraham Lincoln, II, 88
meets Lincoln, II, 90, 96, 97
describes Lincoln, II, 90, 91, 96, 99
account of great debate, II, 92-100
speech of, on “Political Morals,” II, 101-104, 131
rule of his political conduct, II, 104
law practice of, II, 104
speech of, “For States' Rights and Byron Paine,” II, 113
speech of, on “True Americanism,” II, 120-126
meets New England celebrities, II, 126-129
visits of, to Boston, II, 127-130
admires Sumner, II, 127, 128, 240, 241, 311-314, 392
letters of, to Judge Potter, II, 132, 133, 212, 213, 218
newspaper abuse of, II, 135-138
“sound money” speeches of, II, 135, 136
lecture tours of, II, 137, 138, 157-163, 169
speeches of, in Minnesota, II, 143-152
trip of, on Mississippi steamboat, II, 152-157
experience of, at Burlington, II, 159-161
speeches of, against Douglas, II, 163, 204-207
visits Washington, II, 163-165
opposed to duelling, II, 167, 168
entertained by Salmon P. Chase, II, 169-172, 187
on Wisconsin Board of Regents, II, 173
delegate to Chicago Convention, II, 173-180
speeches of, during Lincoln campaign, II, 185, 186, 189-191, 193-202, 204-207
on committee announcing nomination to Lincoln, II, 187, 188
dines with Lincoln, II, 196
views of, on public speaking, II, 197-199
distrusts threats of Secession, II, 202-204, 207
at Lincoln's inauguration, II, 219
refuses to ask for office, II, 218, 219
appointed Minister to Spain (I, 323); II, 220-223, 299
opposition to appointment of, II, 221-223, 299
at call for Volunteers hastens to Washington, II, 224-227
interview of, with Lincoln, II, 227, 228
offers to resign mission to Spain, II, 228
authorized to raise cavalry troop, II, 229-231, 233, 236
interview of, with General Scott, II, 230
inspects Col. Blenkers regiment, II, 234
turns over recruiting to Col. McReynolds, II, 236
instructions to, as Minister to Spain, II, 237, 242, 243
relations of, with Lincoln, II, 237, 242-244, 395, 396
sails for Spain, II, 244
interviews of, with Adams and Dayton, II, 245-247
reaches Madrid, II, 247
presents credentials to Queen Isabella, II, 247-252
presented to Prince Consort, II, 251, 252
relations of, with Spanish Minister, II, 252-254, 266
resides in “La Quinta,” II, 256-263
follows court to San Ildefonso, II, 261, 267, 289
relations of, with diplomatic corps, II, 263-266
distress over battle of Bull Run, II, 271-286
suggests line of domestic policy to Seward, II, 284-287, 304
diplomatic services approved by Lincoln and Seward, II, 298, 299, 329, 330
Seward's reply to, II, 302-304
granted leave of absence, II, 304-307
sails from Hamburg, II, 306, 307
reports to Lincoln and Seward, II, 309, 310
helps organize Emancipation Society, II, 319, 320
speech of, in favor of Emancipation, II, 320-322, 327
resignation of, as Minister to Spain accepted, II, 329, 330
appointed brigadier-general, II, 330-332
military knowledge of (I, 242); II, 331, 332, 351
reports to General Frémont for duty, II, 338, 341, 343, 344
reports condition of Frémont’s army to Lincoln, II, 345, 346
in campaign of Army of Virginia, II, 347-379
efficiency of, as officer, II, 350, 351, 359, 380, 381
marches to Cedar Mountain, II, 353-356
first American battle of, II, 356-359
in second Bull Run, II, 361-377, 380
experiences of, as division commander, II, 362-379
brigade and battery added to command of, II, 371
ordered to retreat, II, 374-376
on the march to Centreville, II, 376, 377
to Fairfax Court-House, II, 378
covers retreat from Bull Run, II, 377
encamped within fortifications of Washington, II, 379, 387, 397
controversy of, with McDowell, II, 384-386
Sigel’s corps reorganized (Eleventh), II, 387
Lincoln’s letter to, II, 392-395
interview of, with Lincoln, II, 395, 396
promotion of, II, 404
in battle of Chancellorsville, I, 409-431
anxiety of, over position of Eleventh Corps, II, 412-420, 440, 441
unable to change Gen. Howard’s opinion, II, 416-443
commands Third Division of Eleventh Corps, II, 406
division of, praised, II, 407
distressed at criticism of Eleventh Corps, II, 432-443
official report of, II, 434-436, 442
publication of report refused, II, 435, 436
asks for court of inquiry, II, 436-438, 442
applies for hearing before “Committee on the Conduct of the War,” II, 438
United States Senator, I, 68
Secretary of the Interior, I, 231, 327; II, 405
speech of, at Rondout (1880), I, 327
courteous reception of, at nunnery, III, 3
impressions and experiences of, at Gettysburg, III, 4-40
command of Eleventh Corps devolves upon, III, 6
views of, in relation to successful military tactics, III, 41-44
encounter of, with Mosby, III, 44-46
commits breach of discipline, III, 47-49
goes to Washington on behalf of Eleventh Corps, III, 52
tribute of, to General Tyndale, III, 53, 54
experiences of, in hill-regions of the South, III, 56-58, 66-71
receives contradictory orders from General Hooker, III, 61-66
first meeting of, with General Grant, III, 68
disturbed at dinner by a falling shell, III, 69
premonition of death, III, 71-73
first meeting of, with General Sherman, III, 75
hears of the victory of Missionary Ridge, III, 76, 77
witnesses amusing incident, III, 78-80
endures hardships during Knoxville campaign, III, 80-84
complimented by General Sherman, III, 84
learns of General Hooker’s unjust report and demands court of inquiry, III, 85-92
meets General Hooker at White House dinner, III, 92
assigned to new command, III, 95
first impressions of, respecting Andrew Johnson, III, 95-97
quits army temporarily, III, 101
participates in Presidential campaign, III, 106
reports at War Department for duty, III, 108
employed on various missions and is assigned to duty, III, 108-110
hears rebel bullets last time, III, 111
questions wisdom of Sherman-Johnston agreement, III, 114
resigns commission in army, III, 117
his estimate of the American soldier, III, 118-122
observations of, on bravery, III, 122-126, 130-132, 136
military genius no help in civil government, III, 126-128
some of the evils of war, III, 132-136, 140-142
goes to Washington to greet old comrades, III, 137, 145
letter of, concerning trial of conspirators, III, 145-147
called to Washington, by President, for conference, III, 139, 153, 157, 158
attends spiritualistic séance, III, 154-157
entrusted with gathering information relative to conditions in the South, III, 158-209
prepares general report of, III, 204
enters journalistic fraternity, III, 210
changes from New York Tribune to Detroit Post, III, 211
delegate to National Convention, III, 244
speeches of, in demand during Presidential campaign, III, 245
leaves Detroit Post for Westliche Post, III, 256
spends Christmas in Wiesbaden, III, 263-265
goes to Berlin, III, 265
visits Count Bismarck, III, 265-280
restores confidence in American securities, III, 281
returns to United States, III, 282
delegate to, and temporary chairman of Republican National Convention, III, 283
offers resolution on amnesty, III, 284, 285
experiences of, speech-making during Grant campaign, III, 286-292
selection of, as Senator from Missouri, II, 295-301
nomination and election of, to United States Senate, III, 301
conception of his duty, III, 302
is the bearer of congratulatory message to the President, III, 305
invited to the White House for conference, III, 307
gives reasons for opposing the Santo Domingo treaty, III, 307, 308
puts himself on record as to his political motives and belief, III, 316
introduces bill on civil-service reform, III, 317
characteristics and quality of his senatorial oratory, III, 318
supports the “moderates” in Congress, III, 319
general views of, in 1870, on Southern situation, III, 320
supports principles rather than party mandates, III, 321-323
succeeds Fessenden on committee on foreign relations, III, 324
short service of, on other committees, III, 324
attitude of, toward annexation of Santo Domingo, III, 323-330
recognized as leader of anti-administration Republican senators, III, 330
opposed to policy of the Government in reference to the Ku-Klux, III, 330, 331
declares himself a “liberal Republican” and announces their creed, III, 332
charges War Department with jobbery and corruption, III, 333-337
speeches of, advocating a cleansed and regenerated Republican party, III, 338-340
acknowledged leader of the Liberals, III, 342
chosen permanent chairman of Cincinnati Convention, III, 343
correspondence of, with Greeley, as to political jugglery at Cincinnati Convention, III, 348-351
issues call for conference as to outlook for political reform, III, 352
accepts philosophically Grant’s re-election, III, 353
denounces legislative and administrative corruption, III, 354, 355
advocates sound money and early resumption, III, 356
judgment of, as to his three best speeches in Congress, III, 357
epigrammatic retort of, when arraigned for leaving the regular Republican party, III, 358
attacks weak points in bill of famous Resumption Act, III, 359
senatorial career of, terminates in 1875, III, 360
last speech of, in the Senate, III, 361
visit to Europe of, and political activities, III, 362-364
early estimate of Blaine justified by later events, III, 365
political support of, solicited by Blaine, III, 366
address to the American people, prepared by, III, 367
supports Hayes for President, III, 368-373
assists Hayes to select his Cabinet, III, 373, 374
invited to a place in Hayes’s Cabinet, III, 374
confirmed as Secretary of the Interior, III, 376
recognized as an authority on civil-service reform, III, 377
efforts of, in that connection, III, 377-381
policy of, in reference to Indian affairs, III, 383-390
sharp criticism of, by party leaders, III, 379, 383, 388, 390, 391, 399
appealed to, on behalf of sound money, III, 393
directs campaign of “anti-third termers,” III, 394, 395
distinctive character of his speeches for Garfield, III, 396
retires from Secretaryship of Department of the Interior, III, 397
banquet to, and speech of, at Boston, III, 397-399
editor-in-chief of New York Evening Post, III, 400-402
declines generous financial aid tendered by German fellow-citizens, III, 403
good work of, during the Cleveland-Blaine campaign, III, 404-407
response of, to Cleveland’s request for advice, III, 407-409, 411-413
second journey of, through the South, III, 414
literary plans and trip to Germany, III, 414-416
representative of the Hamburg-American Steamboat Company, III, 417
connection of, with Harper’s Weekly, III, 418
supports Cleveland for renomination, III, 419-422
speaks at dinner of New York Reform Club, III, 423, 424
work of, as president of the National Civil Service Reform League, III, 425
tribute of, to George William Curtis, III, 496
occupies himself with municipal politics, III, 427
defends opportunism, III, 428
helps elect McKinley and defeat Bryan, III, 429
advocates sound currency, III, 430
corrects unfounded report of his willingness to enter the Cabinet, III, 431
seeks to strengthen McKinley’s policy as to reform, III, 432
unfinished essay of, on Charles Sumner, III, 433
termination of connection of, with Harper's Weekly, II, 434
efforts of, to avert war with foreign powers, III, 434-438
anxiety of, to check the love of expansion, III, 439-445
supports Bryan as an anti-imperialist, III, 446
efforts of, in behalf of Filipino independence, III, 448
writes letter in favor of Parker, III, 449
work on the memoirs, III, 450
renewed interest of, in condition of the Southern negro, III, 451
keenly alive to anti-imperialism and Philippine independence, III, 452
celebration of seventieth anniversary of his birthday, III, 453
some personal traits of, manifested in the home circle, III, 454
last days of, III, 455
Schurz, Christian, father of Carl, I, 3, 7, 17, 23, 25-29, 41 et seq; 83 et seq
seeks Carl at Rastatt, 233 et seq
Schurz, Herbert, death of, III, 454
Schurz, Heribert, I, 22, 23, 40
Schurz, Margaretha (Meyer), wife of Carl, I, 401; II, 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 49, 72, 234, 247, 329, 330; III, 334, 335
death of, III, 366
Schützenfest, the, I, 11, 45-49, 81-83
Schwaben, Johann von, I, 239
Schwartz aids Kinkel, I, 319
Schwarzenberg, Prince Felix, I, 164
Schweinitz, Count von, II, 339
Scott, General Winfield, military judgment of, II, 230, 231, 236, 333
Scott and Gorham, Whig candidates, II, 6
Scott, Walter, II, 10
Sebastiani, General Horace François, I, 6
Sebastiano, Infante Don, II, 299
Sedgwick, General John, II, 410, 429; III, 21, 22
Selz, I, 232
Serrano, General Francisco, II, 295, 296
regency of, II, 300
Seven Mountains, the, II, 121
Seward, William E., description of, II, 33
Presidential candidate, II, 171, 173-179, 183
defeat of, II, 184-191, 221, 222, 241
anti-slavery attitude of, II, 211, 212, 279, 280, 282, 325
Secretary of State, II, 221, 236
opposed to appointment of Schurz, II, 221-223, 229, 299, 330
attempts to control administration, II, 237, 238, 241-243, 279, 280
foreign policy of, II, 275, 280-283, 287, 288
wise Mexican policy of, II, 301, 302
letter of, to Schurz, II, 302-304
on Trent affair, II, 310
pleased with Schurz’s services, II, 329, 330; III, 203, 213, 240, 243, 251
Seymour, Horatio, III, 286
Shakespeare, German translations of, I, 68; II, 12, 13
Sharkey, W. L., III, 189-194, 199, 249
Shellaberger, Representative Samuel, III, 233
Shenandoah Valley, the, II, 341, 342, 344, 347, 392
Shepherd, Alexander H., III, 355
Shepard, Edward M., III, 448
Sheridan, General Philip H., III, 239, 384, 386
Sherman, Senator John, III, 115, 228, 356, 373, 374, 382, 394
Sherman, General William Tecumseh, III, 59, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 93, 105, 110-117, 127-130, 133, 134, 137, 167, 383, 384
Sherman-Johnston agreement, III, 113-117, 286
Shields, Senator James, II, 19, 21, 22, 35
Shiloh, victory at, II, 332
Sickles, General Daniel E., II, 231, 410, 413, 419, 427, 428; III, 22
Siebengebirge, I, 172
Sieg River, the, I, 174
Siegburg, attempts to seize arsenal at, I, 170, 172, 174, 175
trial of insurgents, I, 248, 249, 256, 261, 262
Sigel, Albert, II, 41
Sigel, Franz (Major), I, 189; II, 41, 233; (General), II, 332
commands First Corps of Army of Virginia, II, 348-351, 353, 356, 358-360, 362, 364, 366-368, 371, 373-377, 384.
jealousy of, II, 348-350
his corps becomes Eleventh, II, 387, 397-399
leaves Army of Potomac, II, 403, 404
Skagen, the, I, 325
Skagerack, the, I, 325
Slavery question, in United States, the, II, 7, 19, 21, 23, 28-37, 30, 42, 43, 56, 65-71, 83-86, 97, 112-115, 148, 163-166, 176-186, 191-193, 200, 203-211, 219, 220, 278-287, 302, 309-314, 317, 319-326, 379, et passim
Slavery prohibited in District of Columbia, II, 324
Slocum, General Henry W., II, 413, 417, 430; III, 22, 93, 111, 113, 114, 117, 189-195, 199
Smith, Abram D., II, 107
Smith, Colonel Orland, II, 406; III, 15
Smith, General Thomas Kilby, III, 179
Smith, Gerrit, III, 149
Soest, village of, I, 290
Soest, Colonel, II, 366
Soldier, American, estimate of, III, 118-122, 278
Solferino, battle of, II, 273
Solger, Frau, I, 355
Solger, Reinhold, I, 355
South, after the war, III, 138, 140, 148, 159-209, 212, 239, 240, 244, 245, 253-255
South Germany, uprisings in, I, 115, 133, 164
Spain, attitude of, towards United States during Civil War, II, 253, 254, 266, 267, 270, 271, 274, 275, 280, 287
joins tripartite alliance against Mexico, II, 288-291, 298-300
Queen Isabella deposed, II, 300
Amadeo elected King, II, 300
Spandau, penitentiary of, I, 271, 274, 279, 298-300, 320, 321, 339
Sperryville, II, 351, 353, 354
Spielhagen, Friedrich, memoirs of, I, 93, 94, 97
Spoils-system, the, II, 131, 217, 218
Sprague, Governor William, II, 227
Springfield (Ill.), II, 86, 196, 240
Springfield Republican, the, II, 118, 163
Spraul, Captain, II, 339
Stahel, General, II, 373, 376
Stanton, Edwin M., Secretary of War, II, 282, 283, 318, 347, 353, 380, 381, 435; III, 108, 112, 116, 117, 158
States’ Rights, II, 113-115, 118, 119, et passim
Steinmauern, village of, I, 214, 217, 227, 230
Steinwehr, General Adolph, II, 364, 413, 440; III, 7, 15, 51, 59
Stevens, General Isaac I., II, 372
death of, II, 377, 394
Stevens Thaddeus, III, 101, 213-217, 227, 228, 233
Stewart, Alexander T., III, 303, 306
Stone Bridge, the, II, 376, 377, 385
Stoneman, General George, II, 407
Strasburg, I., 190
Strelitz, I, 311, 317, 321
Strodtmann, Adolph, biographer of Heine, I, 94
joins revolution, I, 130, 239, 240
description of, I, 130, 131, 132, 341, 344, 345
Spinning Song by, I, 248
in Paris, I, 341, 351, 352
in London, I, 392
in Philadelphia, II, 9
Strong, W. L., III, 427
Stuart, General “Jeb,” II, 356, 360, 429
Student-Congress at Eisenach, I, 140, 144
object of, accomplished, I, 147
Sturgis, Brig.-General Samuel D., II, 347
Stuttgart, I, 373
Sulphur Springs, II, 356
Sumner, General Edwin V., II, 361, 376, 383, 398
retired, II, 403
Sumner, Senator Charles, II, 31, 35, 36
on Fugitive Slave Law, II, 109, 110
biography of, II, 118
Carl Schurz’s acquaintance with, II, 127, 128, 240, 311, 392
Lincoln an enigma to, II, 240-242, 312-316
character of, II, 311-313
speech of, on Trent affair, II, 310, 311, 317, 318
disagrees with Lincoln on reconstruction, III, 109
during Johnson Administration, III, 206, 212, 227, 234, 246
chairman Committee on Foreign Relations, III, 309, 324
advocates civil-service reform, III, 317
influence of, in debate, as compared with Schurz, III, 318
helps defeat Santo Domingo annexation, III, 324
removal of, from chairmanship of Committee on Foreign Relations, III, 329
proposes investigation of sale of arms to France, III, 333
estimate of, as to rank of Schurz’s speech on sale of arms to France, III, 335
does not join the Liberal Republicans, III, 342
Sweden, I, 325
Switzerland, I, 209, 210, 374
Sykes, General George, II, 375, 377
Sznayde (Schneider), General, I, 187, 188, 198, 201,
Talley’s Farm, II, 412, 413, 415
Tampico, II, 292
Tanagra, by Kinkel, II, 3
Taney, Chief-Justice Roger B., decisions of, II, 83, 85, 86, 97, 108, 114, 220
administers oath of office to Lincoln, II, 220
Tannhäuser, I, 56, 58
Tariff, III, 407, 419, 421, 422, 424, 425, 433
Tassara, Señor, II, 222, 288
Taussig, James, II, 40
Taussig, William, II, 40
Taylor, Bayard, translation of Faust by, II, 13
Taylor, Zachary, President, II, 254
Techow, Colonel, I, 187, 239
Tennessee, Army of the, III, 110
Tenure-of-Office Act, III, 251, 315-317
Terry, General William Richard, III, 110
Teschendorf, I, 315
Teterow, I, 317
Tetuan, victory at, II, 254
Thackeray, William Makepeace, II, 10
Thiers, Louis Adolphe, I, 109
History of the Consulate and the Empire by, I, 361
Thirty Years’ War, the, I, 103
Thomas, Colonel Samuel, III, 189
Thomas, General George H., II, 332; III, 55, 59, 68, 95
Thomas, Adjutant-General, II, 392, 395
Thompson, Jacob, III, 143
Thornton’s Gap, II, 350
Thoroughfare Gap, II, 359, 360, 397
Thuringia, I, 103
Thurman, Senator Allen G., III, 317
Tieck, I, 68
Tiedemann, Captain Fritz, III, 29
Tiedemann, Colonel, Governor of Rastatt, I, 202, 205; II, 9; III, 153
Tiedemann, Dr. Heinrich, II, 9; III, 153
Tiedemann, Mrs. H., II, 41; III, 153
Tiedge, Christoph August, Urania by, I, 41
Tilden, Samuel J., III, 368, 369, 371
Tipton, Senator Thomas W., III, 332
Tittmanns, the, II, 40
Tolstoy, Count, II, 13; III, 29
Toombs, Senator Robert, II, 36
Trent affair, the, 11, 305, 306, 310, 311, 317, 318
Trier (Trèves), I, 102, 115, 252
Trimble, General Isaac R., II, 357
Trimborn family, the, I, 28
Tristan and Isolde, II, 59
Trumbull, Senator Lyman, III, 226, 282, 317, 332, 342, 350
Turkey, Sultan of, I, 383
Tyndale, General Hector, III, 53, 54, 62, 63, 66, 86, 87, 91
Ubstadt, I, 199, 201
Uhland, Ludwig, I, 143, 373
Uhlans, the, I, 43, 200; II, 339
United States, Hungarian patriots transported to, I, 384
traditional foreign policy of, I, 386, 402; II, 291, 292, 301, 302
foreigners in, I, 178, 207, etc.; II, 7, 22-25, 39-42, 45-46, 66, 73, 179, 197-199, 229, 232-237, 338, 339, 343, 344, 406, etc.
political parties in, II, 31, 65, 66, 83-87, 101, 116, 118, 148 et passim
financial crisis of 1857, II, 75, 76 citizenship in, II, 81, 116, 117
Supreme Court of, II, 83, 97, 107, 114, etc.
political censorship of, II, 138
the Civil War in, II, 202-204, 207-214, 216, 223ff, 231, 234, 238, 239, 270, 301-304, 313, 314, 318, 330 et passim
offers to mediate between Mexico and Spain, II, 292, 298, 301
excitement in, over Trent affair, II, 305, 306, 310, 311, 317, 318
unpopular acts of, II, 319, 391
United States Ford, II, 410, 432, 433, 437
Union College, II, 406
Utes, the, III, 390
Van Alen, Brig.-General J. H., II, 417
Valentin, I, 147
Vallandigham, Clement Laird, III, 101
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, III, 149
Vaughn, Mr., II, 19
Vera Cruz, II, 292
Verhuven, Mr., I, 334
Vicar of Wakefield, the, II, 10
Vicksburg, III, 41, 44
Vienna, revolutionary spirit in, I, 115, 152, 153, 163
Vienna, “Academic legion” of, I, 144-146
Vienna, Congress of (1814), I, 104, 105, 179, 180
University of, I, 115, 152
Villard, Henry, III, 400
Vincke, Ernst von, liberal leader, I, 109
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, II, 110, 111, 114
Virginia, Army of, II, 347, 352, 379
merged into Army of Potomac, II, 387
Virginia Regiment, Eighth, the, II, 357
Volkswehr, the, I, 179
Voss, Johann Heinrich, I, 57; II, 13
Wade, Senator Benjamin, II, 164; III, 102
Wadsworth, General James Samuel, III, 6, 7, 15, 22, 24
Waghaeusel, I, 199
Wagner, Richard, unpopularity of, I, 244
takes part in revolution, I, 244
description of, II, 57
music of, II, 56-64
Wagram, battle of, I, 360
War, some of the evils of, III, 132-136, 140-142
Ward, Marcus L., III, 283
Warnemünde, I, 321, 322, 326
Warnow River, the, I, 318
Warrenton-Centreville turnpike, II, 377
Wart, Irving van, II, 257
Wartburg, the, I, 144, 148, 149
Washburne, Elihu B., III, 101, 305
Washington, City of (1854), II, 19-37, 94
threatened, II, 224, 227, 327, 343
capture of, in 1812, II, 228
Washington, George, I, 29
tribute to, III, 126, 127
Waterloo, battle of, I, 6, 104, 360
Watertown, II, 46-48, 65-68, 73-76, 80
Wauhatchie, III, 59-66, 85-93
Weber, Carl Otto, I, 94
Weber, Colonel Max, II, 233
Webster, Daniel, II, 26, 187
Weed, Thurlow, II, 34, 176-179, 184; III, 102, 240
Weigel, Dr., II, 40
Weimar, I, 149
Weise, Ludwig von, I, 69, 90
Welcker, Karl Theodor, I, 109
Welsh, William, III, 385
Wessel, I, 177
West Indies, Spanish possessions in, II, 253, 274
Westminster Abbey, I, 370
Westphalia, revolutionary spirit in, I, 169, 185, 272, 290, 337
West Point, II, 331, 332, 349
West Virginia regiment, Eighth, the, II, 345
Whigs, II, 6, 65, 86, 116, 118, 175
White Cross Inn, the, I, 317, 339
White, Horace, III, 332, 342, 348, 351, 362, 366, 400
White House, the, II, 239, 244, 327, 328
Whitney, William C., III, 409, 420, 421
Whittier, John G., II, 127, 128
Whittlesey, Major, II, 418
Wide-Awakes, the, II, 194, 195, 197, 216, 217
Wiedrich, Captain, II, 413; III, 24, 25
Wieland, I, 25
Wiesbaden, I, 59-61, 252; II, 59
Wiggers, Moritz, I, 272
aids in Kinkel’s escape, I, 317-322
Wilkes, Captain Charles, II, 305, 317
William I., Emperor of Germany, I, 121, 204, 323, 338
Willich, August von, I, 114, 371, 392
Wilmer, Rt. Rev. Richard Hooker, III, 179
Wilmington, II, 225
Wilmot, II, 179
Wilson, Senator Henry, II, 117-119; III, 319
Windischgrätz, Prince, I, 152, 153
Wisconsin, II, 38, 44, 74, 173, 197
Fugitive-Slave case in, II, 105-108
Wisconsin Regiment, Twenty-sixth, the, II, 406, 418, 423, 424
Wöhlert’s Hotel, I, 317
Wolter, actress, I, 281
Wood, Fernando, III, 101
Wood, General, III, 73
Woolsey, Theodore, III, 366, 367
Wrangel, General, I, 153
Würtemberg, member of “Rheinbund,” I, 104
revolutionary spirit in, I, 115, 189, 198
Young’s Branch, II, 362, 376, 385
Zagonyi, Colonel, II, 344
Zitz, Mr., I, 178, 186, 190
Zürich, I, 238, 240, 241, 243, 320, 373; II, 57, 351
Zychlinski, Saxon refugee, I, 258, 259, 261