The Riverside song book/A Song of the Flag
M. Woolsey Stryker.
(Air: Yankee Doodle — each stanza sung to first half of solo.)
1. Roll a river wide and strong,
Like the tides a-swinging;
Lift the joyful floods of song,
Set the mountains ringing.
Run the lovely banner high!
Morning's crimson glory,
Field as blue as God's own sky,
And every star a story.
2. Drown the guns, outsound the bells.
In the rocking steeple,
While the chorus throbs and swells
Of a happy people.
Cho. Run the lovely banner, etc.
3. For our darling flag we sing.
Pride of all the nation,
Flag that never knew a king,
Freedom's constellation.
Cho. Run the lovely banner, etc.
4. Blest be God, fraternal wars
Once for all are ended.
And the gashes and the scars
Peace and time have mended.
Cho. Run the lovely banner, etc.
5. Massachusetts, Maryland,
Tennessee, Nebraska,
One, Columbia's daughters stand
From Georgia to Alaska.
Cho. Run the lovely banner, etc.
6. Staff and masthead swing it forth—
Liberty unblighted.
West and East and South and North
Evermore united!
Cho. Run the lovely banner, etc.