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The Riverside song book/For an Autumn Festival

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For other versions of this work, see Harvest Hymn (Whittier).
2620885The Riverside song book — For an Autumn FestivalJohann AndréJohn Greenleaf Whittier

\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 2/4 \key bes \major \partial 8 \autoBeamOff << { f8 } \\ { f } >> <d bes'>4 <ees bes'> <d bes'>4. <ees g>8 <d f>[<bes d>] <ees g>[<d f>] <d f>8.([<c ees>16] <bes d>8) <d bes'> <f d'>[<d bes'>] << { f'[d] } \\ { f,4 } >> <f c'>4. <g bes>8 <f a>[<c f>] <e c'>4 << { f } \\ { f } >> r8 <c f>8 <c g'>4 <f a> <f bes>4. <f c'>8 <f d'>[<d bes'>] << { ees'[d] } \\ { f,4 } >> << { d'8[c] } \\ { f,4 } >> r8 <d' f>8 <c ees>[<bes d>] <a c>[<g bes>] <f a>[<ees g>] <d f>[<f bes>] <g c>4 <f a> <f bes>8 <f d'>^\f <f d'> <f d'> <g ees'>4 <f c'> <f d'>8 <g bes> <g bes> <g bes> <g c> ~ <g c> <f a> ~ <f a> <d bes'>4. \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " Once8 more4 the lib4. -- ’ral8 year4 laughs out4. O’er8 rich4 -- er stores4. than8 gems4 or gold; \skip8 Once8 more4 with har4. -- vest8 song4 and shout \skip8 Is8 Na4 -- ture’s blood -- less tri -- umph told,8 With song and shout4 is Na8 -- ture’s blood -- less tri4 -- umph told.4. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " Our8 com4 -- mon moth4. -- er8 rests4 and sings,4. Like8 Ruth,4 a -- mong4. her8 gar4 -- nered sheaves; \skip8 Her8 lap4 is full4. of8 good4 -- ly things, \skip8 Her8 brow4 is bright with au -- tumn leaves,8 Her lap is full,4 her brow8 is bright with Au4 -- tumn leaves.4. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " O8 fa4 -- vors ev4. -- ’ry8 year4 made new!4. O8 gifts4 with rain4. and8 sun4 -- shine sent! \skip8 The8 boun4 -- ty o4. -- ver8 -- runs4 our due, \skip8 The8 full4 -- ness shames our dis -- con tent,8 The full -- ness o4 -- ver -- runs8 our due, and shames our dis -- con -- tent.4. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"4. " We8 shut4 our eyes,4. the8 flowers4 bloom on;4. We8 mur4 -- mur, but4. the8 corn4 -- ears fill; \skip8 We8 choose4 the shad4. -- ow,8 but4 the sun \skip8 That8 casts4 it shines be -- hind us still,8 We choose the shad4 -- ow, but8 the sun is shin4 -- ing still.4. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"5. " So8 let4 these al4. -- tars8 wreathed4 with flowers4. And8 piled4 with fruits,4. a8 -- wake4 a -- gain \skip8 Thanks8 -- giv4 -- ings for4. the8 gold4 -- en hours, \skip8 The8 ear4 -- ly and the lat -- ter rain!8 The gold -- en hours,4 the ear8 -- ly and the lat4 -- ter rain!4. } \new Staff { \clef bass \time 2/4 \key bes \major \partial 8 \autoBeamOff << { f,8 } \\ { f } >> <bes f>4 <bes g> <bes f>4. <bes, bes'>8 <bes bes'>4 <bes bes'> <f' a>(<bes, bes'>8) <bes bes'> <bes bes'>4 << { d'8[bes] } \\ { bes,4 } >> <f' a>4. <bes, d'>8 << { c'8[a] } \\ { c,4 } >> <c bes'> <f a> r8 <f a>8 <e bes'>4 <ees c'> <d bes'>4. <c a'>8 <bes bes'>4 <a c'>8[<bes bes'>] << { bes'[a] } \\ { f4 } >> r8 <d' f>8 <c ees>[<bes d>] <a c>[<g bes>] <f a>[<ees g>] << { f[bes] } \\ { d,4 } >> <ees ees'>4 <f c'> <bes, d'>8 << { \autoBeamOff bes'^\f bes bes } \\ { \autoBeamOff bes bes bes } >> <ees, bes'>4 <f a> <bes, bes'>8 <g' d'> <g d'> <g d'> <ees ees'> ~ <ees ees'> <f c'>( ~ <f ees'>) <bes, d'>4. } >> }