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The Riverside song book/Hymn sung at St Helenas Island

From Wikisource
For other versions of this work, see Hymn: "Oh, none in all the world before".
2620927The Riverside song book — Hymn sung at St Helena’s IslandAlbert Gottlieb MethfesselJohn Greenleaf Whittier

Sung at Christmas by the scholars of St. Helena’s Island, S. C.

Albert Gottlieb Methfessel.
\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 4/4 \key f \major \partial 4 << { c4^\markup { \italic \abs-fontsize #8 Maestoso. } } \\ { c } >> <c f>4. << { c8 } \\ { c } >> <c f>4 <e g> <f a>4. <e g>8 <c f>4 <e g> <f a>4. <e g>8 <f a>4 <g bes> <a c>2(<f a>4) << { f } \\ { f } >> <f d'>4. <d bes'>8 <d f>4 <f d'> <f d'>4. <f a>8 <c f>4 << { c } \\ { c } >> <bes d>(<c e> <c f>) <bes bes'> <c a'>2 <c g'> <c f>2. \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " O4 none4. in8 all4 the world4. be8 -- fore4 Were ev4. -- er8 glad4 as we!_._.2. We’re4 free4. on8 Car4 -- o -- li4. -- na’s8 shore,4 We’re4 all_._._.2. at4 home2 and free.2. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " Thou4 Friend4. and8 Help4 -- er of4. the8 poor,4 Who suf4. -- fered8 for4 our sake,_._.2. To4 o4. -- pen8 ev4 -- ’ry pris4. -- on8 door,4 And ev2. -- ’ry4 yoke2 to break!2. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " Bend4 low4. Thy8 pity4 -- ing face4. and8 mild,4 And help4. us8 sing4 our sake,_._.2. To4 o4. -- pen8 ev4 -- ’ry lit4. -- tle8 child,4 Up -- on_._._.2. our4 for2 -- heads lay.2. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"4. " We4 hear4. no8 more4 the driv4. -- er’s8 horn,4 No more4. the8 whip4 we fear,_._.2. This4 ho4. -- ly8 day4 that saw4. Thee8 born4 Was nev2. -- er4 half2 so dear.2. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"5. " The4 ver4. -- y8 oaks4 are green4. -- er8 clad,4 The wa4. -- ters8 bright4 -- er smile;_._.2. O4 hev4. -- er8 shone4 a day4. so8 glad4 On sweet_._.2. St.4 Hel2 -- en’s Isle.2. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"6. " We4 praise4. Thee8 in4 our songs4. to8 -- day,4 To Thee4. in8 prayer4 we call,_._.2. Make4 swift4. the8 feet4 and straight4. the8 way4 Of free2. -- don4 un2 -- to all.2. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"7. " Come4 once4. a8 -- gain,4 O bless4. -- ed8 Lord!4 Come walk4. -- ing8 on4 the sea!_._.2. And4 let4. the8 main4 -- lands hear4. the8 word4 That sets_._._.2. the4 is2 -- lands free!2. } \new Staff { \time 4/4 \key f \major \partial 4 \clef bass \relative c { << { c'4 } \\ { \teeny <c, c'> } >> \normalsize <f a>4. <f a>8 <f a>4 <c c'> <f c'>4. <c bes'>8 <f a>4 <c c'> <f c'>4. <c c'>8 <f c'>4 <f c'> <f c'>2. <f a>4 <bes, bes'>4. <bes bes'>8 <bes bes'>4 <bes bes'> <f' a>4. <f c'>8 <f a>4 <a, f'> <bes f'>(<g bes'> <a a'>) <d f> <c f>2 << { e4(bes') } \\ { c,2 } >> <f a>2. } } >> }