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The Riverside song book/Idle

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2612103The Riverside song book — IdleFriedrich Ludwig SeidelAlice Cary


Alice Cary. Friedrich Ludwig Seidel.


I heard the gay spring com - ing, la, la, . . I

I heard the ploughman's whis - tle, la, la, . . I

I felt the warm, bright weath - er; la, la, . . Saw the

The blue bird and her nest - ling, la, la, . . Flew a -


saw the clo - ver bloom - ing, la, la, la, la, la,

saw the rough burr this - tle, la, la, la, la, la,

har - vest, saw them gath - er, la, la, la, la, la,

way:—the leaves fell rust - ing, la, la, la, la, la,

la, . . Red and white a - long the mead - ows;

la, . . In the sharp teeth of the har - row,—

la, . . Corn and mil - let, wheat and ap - ples,—

la, . . The cold rain killed the ros = es, The

Red and white a - long the streams; I heard the blue bird

Saw the sum - mer's yel - low gleams In the wal - nuts, in the

Saw the gray barn's op - 'ning seams, I saw the bare - armed

sun with - drew his beams; . . No crea - ture cared a -

sing - ing, I saw the green grass spring - ing, All

fen - nel, In the mul - liens lined with flan - nel, All

shear - ers— The rud - dy wa - ter bear - ers,— All

bout me, The world could do with - out me, All

as I lay a dream - ing, A dreaming i - dle dreams.