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The Riverside song book/If I were a Sunbeam

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For other versions of this work, see If I were a Sunbeam.
2614516The Riverside song book — If I were a SunbeamLucy Larcom

\header {
  title = "IF IF WERE A SUNBEAM."
  composer = "German Air."
  poet = "Lucy Larcom."
  tagline = "" % no footer
\relative c' {
\new Voice = "a" {
\time 4/4
\key g
^\markup { \dynamic { mf } } ^\markup { \italic { Allegretto. } }
<d g>4 <d g> <d fis> <d fis>
<c e>2 << d \\ c >>
<b d'>4 <d g> <d fis> <d g>
<fis a>2 r2
<g b>4 <g b> <g cis> <g cis>
<fis d'>2 <d a'>4 ~ <d a'>
<< { d d8 e } \\ { d4 d } >>
<d fis> <cis e> << d2
\\ d >> r2 <d a'>4 <d a'> <d b'> <d b'> <e c'>2 <d a'> <d d'>4 <d d'> <d c'> <d b'> <d a'>2 r2 <d g>4 <d g> <dis fis> <dis fis> << {
e2 d
\\ {
e c
>> <b d'>4 <d g>8 <e a> <d b'>4 <c a'> <b g'>2 r2
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"1. " If4 I were a sun2 -- beam, I4 know what I’d do;2
\skip2 I4 would seek white lil2 -- ies4 The rain -- y wood -- land through.2
\skip2 I4 would steal a -- mong2 them, Soft4 -- est light I’d shed,2
\skip2 Un4 -- til ev -- ’ry lil2 -- y Raised4 its droop -- ing head.2
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"2. " If4 I were a sun2 -- beam, I4 know where I’d go;2
\skip2 In4 -- to low -- liest hov2 -- els, Dark4 with want and woe;2
\skip2 Till4 sad hearts look’d up2 -- ward, I4 would shine and shine;2
\skip2 Then4 they’d think of heav2 -- en, Their4 sweet home and mine.2
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"3. " Art4 thou not a sun2 -- beam, Child4 whose life is glad2
\skip2 With4 an in -- ner ra2 -- di4 -- ance Sun -- shine nev -- er had?2
\skip2 O,4 as God hath bless’d2 thee, Scat4 -- ter rays di -- vine!2
\skip2 For4 there is no sun2 -- beam But4 must die or shine.2
\new Staff {
\clef bass
\time 4/4
\key g
\relative c {
<g b'>4 <g b'> <b g'> <b g'> <c g'>2 <d fis> <g, g'>4 <b g'> <d a'> <g b> <d d'>2 r2 <g d'>4 <g d'> <e a> <e a> <d a'>2 <fis a>4 ~ <fis a> <g b> <gis b> << a
\\ a >> <a, g'> <d fis>2 r2 <d fis>4 <d fis> <b g'> <b g'> <a g'>2 <d fis> <b g'>4 <b g'> <a fis'> <g g'> <d' fis>2 r2 <b g'>4 <b g'> <b a'> <b a'> <c g'>2 <d fis> <g, g'>4 << g'4
\\ {
b,8 c
>> <d g>4 <d fis> <g, d'>2 r2
\bar "|."