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The Riverside song book/Kind Words can never die

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The Riverside song book (1893)
Kind Words can never die composed by E. E. Whittemore
2620311The Riverside song book — Kind Words can never dieE. E. Whittemore


Arr. from E. E. Whittemore.


1. Kind words cau nev - er die, nev-er die, Cber - ished and blest;

2. Sweet tho'ts can nev - er die, nev-er die, Tho' like the flower,

3. Child - hood can nev - er die, nev-er die, Wrecks of the past

God knows how deep they lie, . . Stored in the breast.

Their bright-est hues may fly, . . In win -try hours:

Float o'er the mem - o - ry, . . Bright to the last.

God knows how deep they lie,
The bright-est hues may fly,
Float o'er the mem-o - ry,

Like childhood's simple rhymes, Said

But when the gentle dew Gives

Ma - ny a hap-py thing. Ma -

m Like child-hood's sim - ple rhymes Said o'er a thou - sand

But when the gen - tle dew Gives them their charms a -

Ma - ny a hap - py thing, Ma - ny a bloom - ing

o'er a thousand times, Aye, in all years and climes, Dls - tant and near,

them their charms anew, with many an add - ed hue, They bloom a - gain,

ny a blooming spring. Float o'er life's ceaseless wing. Far, far a - way.
