The Riverside song book/November
Alice Cary. Judson Hutchinson.
(Air: The Old Granite State.)
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1. The leaves are fad - ing and fall - ing, The
2. And when the win - ter is o - ver, The
3. The leaves to - day are whirl - ing The
winds are rough and wild. The birds have ceased their
boughs will get new leaves, The quail come back to the
brooks are dry and dumb. But let me tell you, my
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call - ing, But let me tell you, my child, Though
clo - ver, The swal - low come back to the eaves, The
dar - ling, The spring will be sure to come. So,
day by day, as it clos-es, Doth dark-er and cold - er
rob - in will wear on his bo - som A vest that is bright and
when some dear joy los - es Its beau-te - ous sum - mer
grow. The roots of the bright red ros - es Will
new, And the love - li - est way - side blos - som Will
glow, Think how the roots of the ros - es Are
keep a - live in the snow.
shine with the sun and dew.
kept a - live in the snow.