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The Riverside song book/Rain on the Roof

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2613718The Riverside song book — Rain on the RoofJohann Gottlieb NaumannCoates Kinney


Coates Kinney. Johann Gottlieb Naumann.


When the hu - mid show-ers gath - er O - ver all the star-ry spheres,

Ev - 'ry tin - kle on the shin - gles Has an ech - o in the heart,

There in fan - cy comes my moth- er, As she used to years a - gone,

Then my lit - tle ser - aph sis - ter, "With her wings and wav-ing hair,

There is naught in art's bra-vur - as That can work with such a spell.

And the mel - an - chol - y dark-ness Gen - tly falls in rainy tears,

And a thou-sand dreamy fan - cies In - to bus - y be - ing start,

To sur - vey the in - f ant sleepers, Ere she left them till the dawn.

And her bright-eye'd cher-ub - brother, A se-rene an - gel- ic pair,

In the spir - it's pure, deep fountains Whence the ho - ly passions swell.

'Tis a joy to press the pil - low Of a cot-tage chamber bed,

And a thou-sand rec - ol - lec-tions Weave their bright hues in - to woof

I can see her bend- ing o'er me. As I list-en to the strain

Glide a - round my wake-ful pil - low, With their praise or mild re - proof,

As that mel -o - dy of na - ture, That sub-dued, sub - du - ing strain,


mf cres. dim.

And to list - en to the pat-ter Of the soft rain o - ver-head.

As I list - en to the pat - ter Of the soft rain on the roof.

Which is play'd up - on the shin-gles By the pat - ter of the rain,

As I list - en to the mur-mur Of the soft rain on the roof,

Which is play'dup on the shin-gles By the pat - ter of the rain.

mf cres. dim.