The Riverside song book/The Death of Minnehaha
Andantino. Charles C. Converse.
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1. In the wig - wam with No - ko - mis,
2. "No, my child!" said old No - ko - mis,
3. "No, my child!" said old No - ko - mis,
With those gloom - y guests that watched her,
'"Tis the night - wind in the pine - trees!"—
'"Tis the smoke, that waves and beck - ons!"—
With the fam - ine and the fev - er. She was ly - ing,
"No, my child!" said old No - ko - mis, "'Tis the night -wind
"No, my child!" said old No - ko - mis, "'Tis the smoke, that
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Min - ne - ha - ha.
in the pine - trees!"
waves and beck - ons!"
"Hark!" she said; "I hear a rush - ing,
"Look!" she said; "I see my fa - ther
"Ah!" said she, "the eyes of Pau - guk
Hear a roar - ing and a rush - ing,
Stand - ing lone - ly at his door - way,
Glare up - on me in the dark - ness,
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Hear the Falls of Min - ne - ha - ha,
Beck - 'ning to me from his wig - wam
I can feel his i - cy fin - gers—
Call - ing to me from a dis - tance!"
In the land of the Da - co - tahs!"
Hi - a - wa - tha! Hi - a - wa - tha!"
4 And the des'late Hiawatha, 5 "Wahonowin! Wahonowin! 6 And his bursting heart within him
At those willing feet that never 7 With both hands his face he covered, 8 And at night a fire was lighted. From beginning to Fine.) 9 All my heart is buried with you.