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The Riverside song book/The Flower of Liberty

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For other versions of this work, see The Flower of Liberty.
2613638The Riverside song book — The Flower of LibertyCarl WilhelmOliver Wendell Holmes


Oliver Wendell Holmes. Carl Wilhelm.

Maestoso. (Air:Die Wacht am Rhein.)

1. What flow'r is this that greets the morn, Its hues from heav'n so

2. In sav - age Na-ture's far a - bode Its ten - der seed our

3. Be - hold its streaming rays u - nite, One mingling flood of

4. The blades of he - roes fence it round, Where 'er it springs is

5. Thy sa - cred leaves, fair Free-dom's flow'r. Shall ev - er float on

fresh -ly born? With burn - ing star and flam - ing band It

fa - thers sowed; The storm- winds rocked its swell - ing bud, Its

braid - ed light,—The red that fires the South - ern rose, With

ho - ly ground; From tower and dome its glo - ries spread; It

dome and tower. To all their heav'n-ly col - ors true. In

kin - dies all the sun - set land: O tell us what its

op'n - ing leaves were streaked with blood, Till lo! earth's ty - rants

spot - less white from north - ern snows, And, span - gled o'er its

waves where lone - ly sen - tries tread; It makes the land as

black'n-ing frost or crim - son dew,— And God love us as

name may be,— Is this the Flower of Lib - er - ty?

shook to see The full - blown Flower of Lib - er - ty!

az - ure, see The sis - ter Stars of Lib - er - ty!

o - cean free, And plants an em - pire on the sea!

we love thee. Thrice ho - ly Flower of Lib - er - ty!

It is, it is the ban - ner of the free,

Then hail, then hail the ban - ner of the free,

Then hail, then hail the ban - ner of the free,

Then hail, then hail the ban - ner of the free,

Then hail, then hail the ban - ner of the free,

The star - ry Flower, the Flower of Lib - er - ty!

The star - ry Flower, the Flower of Lib - er - ty!

The star - ry Flower, the Flower of Lib - er - ty!

The star - ry Flower, the Flower of Lib - er - ty!

The star - ry Flower, the Flower of Lib - er - ty!