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The Riverside song book/The Katydid

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For other versions of this work, see The Katydid.
2613652The Riverside song book — The KatydidOliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

\header {
  title = "THE KATYDID."
  composer = "German Air."
  poet = "Oliver Wendell Holmes."
\relative c'' {
\new Voice = "a" {
\time 2/4
\key c
\partial 8
\autoBeamOff g8 e g c b a f d' c b g a b c16[(b c d e8)] g, e g c b a f d' c b g a b c4 r8 e8
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"1. " O8 tell me where did Ka -- ty live, And what did Ka -- ty do?4. __ And8 was she ve -- ry fair and young, And yet so wick -- ed, too?4
\skip8 Did8
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"2. " Dear8 me! I’ll tell you all a -- bout My fuss with lit -- tle Jane,4. __ And8 Ann, with whom I used to walk So oft -- en down the lane,4
\skip8 And8
\new Lyrics
\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"a"
\set stanza = #"3. " Ah8 no! the liv -- ing oak shall crash, That stood for a -- ges still,4. __ The8 rock shall rend its mos -- sy base And thun -- der down the hill,4
\skip8 Be8 --
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff {
\time 2/4
\partial 8
\key c
\relative c' {
r8 r8 <c e g>[ r8 <c g'>] r8 <c f a>[ r8 <c d a'>] r8 <b d g>[ r8 <b d f>] r8 <c e>[ <e g>] r8 r8 <c e g>[ r8 <c g'>] r8 <c f a>[ r8 <c d a'>] r8 <b d g>[ r8 <d f>] <c e>4 r4
\new Staff {
\clef bass
\time 2/4
\partial 8
\key c
\relative c {
r8 c[ r8 e] r8 f[ r8 fis] r8 g[ r8 <g g,>] r8 <c, g'>4. r8 c[ r8 e] r8 f[ r8 fis] r8 g[ r8 g,] r8 c[g c,] r8
>> >>
\relative c'' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 2/4 \key c \major \autoBeamOff \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f d8 c a fis g b d e d c a fis g4 r8 g8 c d e c a f? d' \repeat volta 2 { c b g a b } \alternative { { c16[b c d e8] } { c4 r8 } } } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" Ka8 -- ty love a -- naugh -- ty man, or kiss more cheeks than one?4 \skip8 I8 war -- rant Ka -- ty did no more Than many a Kate has done,4. done.4 \skip8 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" all8 that tore their locks of black, Or wet their eyes of blue,–4 \skip8 Pray8 tell me, sweet -- est Ka -- ty -- did, What did poor Ka -- ty do,4. do?4 \skip8 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" fore8 the lit -- tle Ka -- ty -- did Shall add one word, to tell4 \skip8 The8 mys -- tic sto -- ry of the maid Whose name she known so well,4. well.4 \skip8 } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \time 2/4 \key c \major \relative c' { r8 <c d fis>[ r8 <c d a'>] r8 <b d g>[ r8 <d g b>] r8 <d a' c>[ r8 <c a'>] <b d g>4. r8 r8 <c g' c>8[ r8 <e g c>] r8 <f? a d> r \repeat volta 2 { <f a d> r8 <d g b>[r8 <d f g>] } \alternative { { r8 <c e>[<e g>] } { <c e g>4. } } } } \new Staff { \clef bass \time 2/4 \key c \major \relative c, { d8[r8 d'] r8 g,[r8 g'] r8 fis[r8 d] r8 g[d g,] r8 e'[r8 c] r8 f[r8 d] \repeat volta 2 { r8 g[r8 g] r8 } \alternative { { <c, g'>4. } { c8[g c,] } } \bar "|." } } >> >> }