The Riverside song book/What the Chimney sang
Francis Bret Harte. Edwin G. Hopkins.
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1. O - ver the chim-ney the night- wind sang, And chant - ed a
2. O - ver the chim - ney the night-wind sang, And chant - ed a
3. O - ver the chim - ney the night-wind sang. And chant - ed a
4.0- ver the chim - ney the night-wind sang, And chant - ed a
mel - o - dy no one knew; And the Wo - man stopped, as her
mel - o - dy no one knew; And the Chil - dren said, as they
mel - o - dy no one knew ; And the Man, as he sat on his
mel - o - dy no one knew: But the Po - et list - ened and
babe she toss'd, An thought of the one she had
clos - er drew, "'T is some witch that is cleav - ing the
hearth be - low, Said to him- self, "It will
smil'd, for he Was Man and Wo - man, and
long since lost, And said, as her tear - drops
black night thro'— 'Tis a fai - ry trum - pet that
sure - ly snow. And fu - el is dear and
Child, all three, And said. "It is God's own
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back she forced. "I hate the wind in the chim - ney."
just then blew, And we fear the. wind in the chim - ney."
wa - ges low, And I'll stop the leak in the chim - ney."
har - mo - ny. This wind we hear in the chim - ney."