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The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton/Index

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Abd el Kadir, 386, 396, 507
Acre, St. Jean d', 489
Adelsberg Caves, the, 546
Aden, 74, 570
Alderley, Dowager Lady Stanley of, 747
Alexandria, 365, 621
Alford, Lady Marian, 529
Algiers, 694
Almack's, fancy ball at, 26
Anthropological Society, dinner to Burton, 230
Anti-Lebanon, 371
Antioch, the Patriarch, Primate of,
Arneh, Druze wedding at, 453
Arundell, Blanche, 63, 88, 96, 556
—— Blanche Lady, 6, 439
—— Mr., death of, 684
—— Mrs., her opposition to Lady Burton's marriage, 151; her death, 530
Arundells of Wardour, family history, 1-10
Austria, Emperor and Empress of, 545; the Court of, 545
Auvergne, Princess de la Tour d'Ayde, Sir John, 681

Ba'albak, 430
Bahia, 342
Balme, Col dc, 127.
Barbacena, 281
—— Vicomte and Vicomtesse, 259
Beaconsfield, Lord, 614, 621, 623
Beatson, General, 79
Beaumont, Lady Margaret, 760
Beg, Omar, 412
Beyrout, 367
Bird, Dr., 155, 166
—— Miss Alice, 166, 689
Bishop, Miss, 683, 695, 751, 755
Blanc, Mont, 124
Bludán, 427 et seq.; news of the recall, 499
Bologna, 639
Bombay, 73; journey to, 554, 572; the Towers of Silence, 586; the Hindú Smáshán, 588
—— Government remove Burton's name from Army List, 175

Boulogne, life at, 40 et seq. 555; last visit to, 691
Brazil, 244 et seq.
—— Emperor and Empress of, 259
British Association meeting at Bath, 1864, 228
Bull-fight at Lisbon, a, 233
Būlow, Madame von, 552
Burton, Captain St. George, 747
Byculla, races at, 576

Cameron, Captain Verney Lovett, 631, 635
Candahar, 624
Carnival at Venice, 114
Carthage, 694
Cazalem, 597, 599
Cenis, Mont, ascent of, 117
Chambord, Comte de (Henri V.), 113, 115, 610
Chamounix, 124
Chavannes, Comtcsse de, 115
Cheron, Chevalier de St., 113
Chillon, 130
Citta Vecchia, 535
Clarendon, Lord, 352, 513, 623}
Clifford, Isabel, 14
Constable, Sir Clifford and Lady, 157
Copsey, Mr. Charles, 284
Crawford, Rev. John, 522
Cruz, Santa, 198

Dahomé, King of, 226
Damascus, 372, 375
Dead Sea, 4S3
Derby, Lord, 230, 508, 623, 693; and Lady, 746
Digby, Hon. Jane, El Mezráb, 393
—— Lord, 393, 395
Dublin, 229
Dudley, Georgina Lady, 545

Eastbourne, 768
Eldridge, Consul-General, 520
Ellenborough, Lady, 389, 393, 459, 507
Elliot, Sir Henry, 493, 522; letter to Lady Burton, 516
Elphinstone Point, 593
Entre Rios, 275
Eu, Comte and Comtesse d', 258
Extreme Unction, Sacrament of, administered to Sir Richard Burton, 702, 706

Fernando Po, 175
Fisherwomen of Boulogne, the, 44
Fitzgerald, Mrs., 15, 634, 746, 750, 767, 769
Fiume, 546
Florence, 110, 5,4
Frankel, Rev. E. B., 522
Funchal, 189
Furze Hall, 17

Geneva, 120
Genoa, 102
Gerard, Elizabeth, 14
—— Lord, 8, 183, 355, 689
—— Monica Lady, 173
Germany, the Empress Frederick of, 545
Ghazis, the, 410
Ghazzeh, 636, 638
Gibraltar, 681
Giram, Cape, 193

Gladstone, Mr. W. E., 551
Goa, 594 et seq., 713
Gobat, Bishop, 481
Golconda, 585
Gordon, General, 644, 645; letters from, 646 et seq.; his death at Kartoum, 644, 675
Gordon, Mr. and Mrs., 294
Gorizia, 610
Grant, Colonel, 740
Granville, Lord, 456, 465, 508, 516, 531, 532, 621; his reasons for Burton's recall, 520, 528
Grindlay's fire, 178
Gutmansthal-Bcnvenuti, Mine, de, 696, 742, 755. 769
Gypsy forecast, a, 21

Hammerton, Colonel, 714
Harar in Somaliland, 73
Havre, 136
Hawthorne, General, 338
Hay, Sir J. D., 680
Henri V. (Comte de Chambord), 113, 115, 610
Honflenr, 137
Houghton, Lord, 177, 355. 551
Howard, Cardinal, 543
Hunt, Mr. Holman, 481
Hyderabad, 580; the Nizam of, 580 et seq.

Iceland, 529, 552
Ideal lover, the, 37
Ireland, a trip to, 229
Ismail, Khedive, and the Mines of Midian, 610 et seq., 621
Italy, Queen of, 558

Jaffa, 367, 470
James, Miss, 522
Jayrúd, 407
Jeddah, 563
Jerusalem, 471
Joly, Mrs. Francis, 767
Jowett, Professor, 551
Juiz de Fora, 277
Jung, Sir Salar, 580

Karachi, 730
Karla Caves, 578
Karyatayn, 412
Kazeh, 143
Kebir, Amir el, 583
Kennedy, Mr., 466

Lagôa Dourada, 285
Laguna, 200
Lanauli, 578
Lausanne, 131
Layard, Sir Henry, 182
Lebanon, 370
—— Cedars of, 432
Lee, Dr., 284
Leghorn, 110
Leighton, Sir Frederick, 354, 376; his picture of Sir Richard Burton, 551
Lentaigne, the convict philanthropist, 229
Leslie, Dr. Ralph, 688, 690
Lever, Charles, 530, 532, 580
Levis, Due de, 115
Lido, the, 114
Lipizza, the Emperor of Austria's stud farm at, 546
Lisbon, 231

Llandaff, Lord (Mr. Henry Matthews), 548
Lytton, Lord and Lady, 233, 624

Machico, 192
Madeira, 190
Máhábáleshwar, 591, 593, 594
Malta, 694
Marianna, 302
Marienbad, 631, 635
Martelani, Pietro, 709
Mátherán, 577
Mattei, Count, 639
Meade, Sir Richard, 585
Mecca, 69, 565, 713
Midian, the Mines of, 610, 621
Mijwal, Shaykh, 394
Milan, 558
Milnes, Monckton (Lord Houghton), 81, 179
Mitford, Mr., 468
Monson, Sir Edmund, 699
Montagu, Lady Mary Worthy, 361
Montanvert, 125
Montreux, 692
Mormons, Burton's book on the, 180
Morocco, 643, 680, 682, 685
Morro Velho, 295 et seq.
Mortlake, Lady Burton's cottage at, 752
—— Cemetery, 228; burial of Sir Richard Burton, 746, 747; burial of Lady Burton, 770
Mukhtára, 449
Murchison, Sir Roderick, 355

Napier, Sir Charles, 730
Napoleon, Louis, 396
—— some relics of, 181
Nazareth, 486; the riot at, 487
Nevill, Major and Mrs., 580
New Hall (Convent), 17, 748
Nice, 100
Novikoff, Madame Olga, 631

Oberammergau, the Passion Play at, 623, 627
Opçina, 542; ball at, 627
Orotava, 201
Ouchy, 131
"Ouida," 537, 544
Ouro Branco, 328
—— Preto, 305

Paget, Sir Augustus and Lady, 543,
Palmer, Mr. E. H., 430
—— Professor, 636
Palmerston, Lord, 177
Palmyra, 403 et seq.
Paris, 97; after the Franco-German War, 556; Lady Burton's fall downstairs, 616
Pasarni Ghát, 592
Perrochel, Vicomte de, 414, 421
Perry, Sir William, 533
Persigny, Duchesse de, 3S3
Petropolis, 258, 273, 339
Pico Arriere, 193
Pigott, Mrs. Smyth, 96, 751
Pisa, 109
Poissardes, Carolina, "Queen" of the, 44, 55, 556
Poonah, 579, 592
Port Said, 561
Portugal, a trip to, 230
Procopio, Com. Mariano, 277
Prout, Colonel, 659

Queen, the, makes Burton K.C.M.G., 682 ; grants pension to Lady Burton, 747

Ralli, Baroness Paul de, 706, 709
Ramsden, Lady Guendolen, 758
Reclus, Elisee, 692
Richards, Mr. Alfred Bates, 605
Rio de Janeiro, 244
Riviera, the earthquake in the, 1887, 687
Rome, 544
Rosebery, Lord, 685, 687
Royal Geographical Society and Speke, 144
Russell, Lady John, 177
—— Lord John, 175, 227

Sabará, 315
Safed, 491
Salahiyyeh, 376, 454
Salisbury, Lord and Lady, 614, 623, 682, 685, 687 ; letters from Lady Salisbury, 618, 622, 693
Santos, 230, 248
São João, 283
—— Paulo, 248
Scented Garden, The, 696, 698; truth about, 719 et seq. ; burning of, 726
Schwartzenburg, Prince, 393
Scott, Rev. J. Orr, 522
Seão, Senhor Nicolao, 334
Shazlis, the, 496, 521
Sitt Jumblatt, the, 449
Smith, Mr. W. H., 623 ; letter from, 623
Somerset, Duke and Duchess of, 552, 758
Spain, Maria Theresa, ex-Queen of, 547
Speke, Lieut., 73, 140-144. 228, 355, 740
Spezzia, 107
Stafford, Lord, 468
Stanhope, Lady Hester, 361, 393, 426
Stanley, Lord, 230, 351
Stisted, Lady, 745
—— Miss, 393, 745 ; her impeachment of Lady Burton, 510 et seq., 702, 736
Suez, 602, 612
Swinburne, Algernon, 354
Symmonds, Mr., 302

Tabút or Muharram, Feast of, 575
Tanganyika, Lake, 142
Tangiers, 683
Teneriffe, 198 et seq. ; the Peak of, 210
Thornton, Sir Edward and Lady, 247
Tiberias, Lake of, 491
Treloar, Captain, 301, 338
Trieste, 531, 535 et seq., 604 et seq., 616 et seq. ; Burton a confirmed invalid, 689; his death at, 700
Tunis, 694
Tupper, Martin, 619
Tyrwhitt-Drake, Mr. Charles, 473, 546, 547

Usagara Mountains, 141

Varden, Dr., 490
Vaughan, Cardinal, 709

Veldes, 630
Venice, 112, 533, 559; Geographical Congress at, 631
Vevey, 130
Vienna, 544

Wahi, 592
Wales, the Prince of, 585, 687
Wali, the, 372, 391, 392; his daughter's wedding, 459, 464, his dispute with Burton, 517
Warren, Sir Charles, 638
Waterton, Canon, 743, 760
Wikar Shums Ool Umárá, the, 582
Wilson, Miss Ellen, 435
—— Sir Andrew, 660
Windsor, Lady, 760
Wiseman, Cardinal, 713
Wright, Rev. W., 522
Wuld Ali, 461
Würtemberg, Duke of, 560

Zebedani, 437
Zeller, Mrs. Van, 15, 754
Zenobia, 419