The Sayings of Lao Tzŭ/end matter
The Publications of the Orient Press.
The Wisdom of the East Series.
In Pott 16mo, price ONE SHILLING each net, in Cloth limp.
- By Rabbi Bachye. Translated from the Hebrew with Introduction by Edwin Collins, Hollier Hebrew Scholar, U.C.L.Ready.
- From the Chinese, Rendered with Introduction by L. Cranmer-Byng.Ready.
- Edited with Introduction by Allen Upward.Ready.
- From the Arabic of Ibn Tufail. Translated with Introduction by Paul Bronnle, Ph. D. Double volume, 1/6, net.Ready.
- Translated from the Zend by Dr S. A. Kapadia, Lecturer in Gujerati to University College, London.Shortly.
- From the Chinese. Translated with Introduction by Lionel Giles, M.A (Oxon.), of the British Museum.Ready.
- From the Aramaic. Translated with Introduction by Edwin Collins.Shortly.
The Instructions of Ptah-Hotep.
- From the Egyptian. Translated with Introduction by Battiscombe G. Gunn.Shortly.
- With Introduction by Arthur N. Wollaston, CLE.
- With Introduction by Sir George Birdwood, M.D., K.C.LE., LL.D.
Others in preparation and will be duly announced.