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Have You Ever Thought Why
You Get So Much Fun Out of Reading
the Hardy Boys Stories?
It's probably because the Hardy Boys, Joe and Frank, are fellows like yourself. They like action, plenty of it. They are as full of curiosity as a couple of bloodhounds. And just leave a mystery around and they'll be in it before you can say "Sherlock Holmes!"
It's probably, too, because they like a wisecrack almost as well as they like Aunt Gertrude's cooking, and because they think girls are all right—in their place!
It's because they can drive a car and pilot a speedboat and are at home in the great outdoors and keep their heads in an emergency (and an emergency always is just around the corner).
Isn't that why you like to read about the Hardy Boys?
Well, fellows, another treat's ahead of you! There's a new series out for adventure-loving boys. It's called the RICK BRANT ADVENTURE SERIES by an author named John Blaine, and it packs all of the thrills and excitement you've come to expect in the Hardy Boys books. The heroes of this new series are Rick Brant and his pugnacious pal Scotty. They live on an island called Spindrift where Rick's dad has
his famous scientific laboratory. Between adventures (and sometimes in the middle of one), Rick is liable to invent some kind of Rube Goldberg gadget or other which plays a vital part in the solution of the mystery.
You'll like Scotty, too. He's a good guy to have around in a jam, and he packs an uppercut like the kick of a mule!
In the first book, THE ROCKET'S SHADOW, the adventure takes place right on Spindrift Island. In it Rick and Scotty prevent a treacherous gang from wrecking one of Mr. Brant's projects—a rocket that goes to the moon.
In book number two, THE LOST CITY, the boys are in Tibet where they stumble on a valley which is a sort of Shangri-la, inhabited by he descendants of Genghis Khan. It's a thriller!
The third volume is called SEA GOLD, and the stirring action centers around a plant where precious minerals are extracted from sea water.
Volume number four is called 100 FATHOMS UNDER. It is a story of lost treasure in the Pacific and how the boys help to locate it in Mr. Brant's remarkable invention, the Submobile.
Ask at the store where you got your latest Hardy Boys book for one of these new RICK BRANT ADVENTURES and read it, and then you'll understand why boys all over the country are talking about RICK BRANT!
Here's just a sample of action from THE ROCKET'S SHADOW:
They heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Soon three men walked into the room. Rick felt dampness spring out on his forehead.
One of the thugs was saying "How do we know this guy on the island ain't givin' us the old double cross?"
"Don't be stupid!" the bearded man said irritably. "Without us, what good does the tube do him?"
Rick knew that the "him" the men were talking about was the Spindrift Island traitor, and he hoped that they would mention his name.
"Kogan," the bearded man continued, "we must continue work on the rocket. Get your tools."
The two boys tensed. They were hiding behind the rocket and the men were going to work on it.
Scotty nudged him. "Well, get ready," he said softly.
Rick's legs flexed and he rose to a half crouch. He didn't know whether Scotty meant to run or fight—and there wasn't time to ask. Footsteps advanced toward their hiding place. "Bring your soldering iron," the bearded man said, his voice almost above them, "we'll solder the connections to the intermediate stage."
A foot scraped only inches from Rick's head and the sweat rolled in driblets down his chin. They had to discover them, and any second now.
"I have the crystal," the voice went on. "First we will—" He stopped, biting off the word.
This was it!
With fist poised, Scotty sprang to his feet and charged. He drove his arm forward, straight at Kogan's stomach. The man went down and Scotty yelled, "Come on!"
Rick sprinted hard behind his pal, across the room. They bowled over the bearded man and shot straight for the door. But the third man had anticipated the move and was waiting for them.
The thug caught up a piece of pipe and poised it as Scotty ran toward him. Rick caught his breath as he saw the length of pipe arch up, but Scotty feinted with his feet to draw a swing from the man and then, as the pipe swished harmlessly by, floored him with one punch.
"Beat it!" he yelled, and headed for the door. But before they had taken two steps, a voice rang out behind them.
"Stop, or I fire!" It was the bearded man. In his hand was an ugly pistol—a Luger. It looked big as the end of a water main as it was shifted from Scotty to Rick.