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The Seven Lamps of Architecture/Index

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  1. Abbeville, 131
  2. Abstraction, 128
  3. Agreeableness, sources of, in ornament, 55
  4. Animals, architecture of, 46
  5. Anselm's Tower, Canterbury, 65
  6. Antwerp Cathedral, 131
  7. Architectural deceits, 37
  8. Architecture, a political art, 2; to be distinguished from building, 8; the five heads of, 10; value of appearance of labour upon, 23; ornament in, 28 sqq.; violations of truth in, 36; metallic construction in, 42; of animals, 46; nobleness in, 54; fall of medieval, 69; imitates natural forms, 72; broad divisions of, 79; and painting, 87; mass and interval in, 88; domestic, 104; and primal forms, 111; ornamentation in, 121; proportion and abstraction in, 128 sqq.; colour and form in, 143; system of decoration in, 148 sqq.; finish in, 160; living, 167; and memory, 186; and posterity, 194; preservation and restoration in, 203 sqq.; and law, 215; and national employment, 220.
  9. Area, 79
  10. Art, life and deadness in, 157
  11. Audacity in imitation, 159
  12. Authority in style, 216
  13. Avranches, cathedral, 206
  14. Beauty, 106; and frequency, 109
  15. Beauvais, cathedral, 40, 75
  16. Bologna, Palazzo Pepoli at, 57
  17. Bounding-line, 77
  18. British Museum, 50
  19. Brunelleschi, 43
  20. Building and architecture, 8
  21. Byzantine architecture, 90
  22. Caen, Abbaye aux Hommes at, 60
  23. Certosa, of Pavia, 27
  24. Champagnole, reminiscence of, 184
  25. Chaucer, quoted, 228
  26. Church furniture, 50
  27. Cinque cento, 141
  28. Cis-Alpine Gothic, 92
  29. Clouds, philosophy of art of, 38
  30. Coleridge, quoted, 230
  31. Colleone chapel at Bergamo, 27
  32. Colour, how attained, 1; in sculpture, 142; and form, 141
  33. Colour-mosaic, 182
  34. Concavities, 101
  35. Conscientiousness in art, 36
  36. Conspicuousness, 50
  37. Correggio, 146, 200
  38. Coutances, 60
  39. Coxcombry, architectural, 141
  40. Crystals, 110
  41. Cube, the, 112
  42. Curves, 111
  43. Decoration, law of, 123; system of, 148
  44. Derivative and original, 72
  45. Design, divisions of, 85
  46. Deuteronomy, quoted, 14
  47. Diffusion of light, 91
  48. Domestic Gothic, 99
  49. Doric and Venetian styles, 99
  50. Dovetailing, 45
  51. Drapery, 116
  52. Ductility, 64
  53. Dürer, 115
  54. Eastlake, Sir Charles, 89, 139
  55. Energies of man, duality in, 155
  56. Enjoyment, the test of, 181
  57. Erechtheum, 111
  58. Eu, 60
  59. Failure, philosophy of, 1
  60. Festoons, 117
  61. Finish, 160
  62. Florence, campanile of Giotto at, 26 sqq.; Palazzo Vecchio at, 58
  63. Flying buttress, 40
  64. Foil, 96
  65. 'Fold', 210
  66. Frankness in imitation, 158
  67. French Flamboyant, 79, 218
  68. French Gothic, 61, 69
  69. Frequency, 109
  70. Garlands, 117
  71. Gesso, 86
  72. Ghiberti, 115, 121
  73. Gilding, 52
  74. Giorgione, 142
  75. Giotto's campanile, 26 sqq.
  76. Glass, management of, 96
  77. God in human affairs, reverential reference to, 6; offerings to, 12; obeys His own laws, 46
  78. Gothic architecture, causes of fall of, 59
  79. Gravitation, 116
  80. Greek fret, 110
  81. Height, 79
  82. Heraldic decoration, 113
  83. Herbert, George, quoted, 6, 231
  84. Historical purpose, in public buildings, 191
  85. Honesty, principle of, 25
  86. Hope, Mr., 39
  87. House-fronts, 124
  88. Idleness, 220–1
  89. Idolatry, 15
  90. Imagination, action of, 34; distinguished from deception, 35
  91. Imitation, how to be rendered vital, 158
  92. Imitation jewellery, 56
  93. Imitative forms, 107
  94. Impatience, value of, 163
  95. India House, 193
  96. Inscriptions, 114
  97. Intersectional mouldings, 60
  98. Invention, 73
  99. Iron, use of, 41
  100. Italian traceries, 95
  101. John, quoted, 20
  102. Kings, quoted, 15
  103. King's College Chapel, 39, 130
  104. Lamentations, quoted, 15
  105. Law essential to art, etc., 215
  106. Laws of right, irrefragable, 3
  107. Levitical sacrifice, considerations of the, 13 sqq.
  108. Liberty, 208
  109. Lies, kinds of, 32
  110. Lindsay, Lord, 160
  111. Line and mass, in decoration, 62
  112. Linear division, 85
  113. Lisieux, 60, 204
  114. Living architecture, 167
  115. Lombard Romanesque, 82
  116. London Bridge, 127
  117. London shops, 124
  118. Loyalty, 210
  119. Lucca, San Michele of, 91, 95, 96, 103
  120. Malachi, quoted, 14
  121. Marble facing, 53
  122. Masonry, 83
  123. Mass, 88; and majesty, 102
  124. Material, false representation of, 49
  125. Merton College, 97
  126. Metals, architectural laws of, 43
  127. Michael Angelo, 47, 200
  128. Milan Cathedral, 47
  129. Milton, 89
  130. Ministry to the poor, 17
  131. Mino da Fiesole, 178
  132. Modern Painters, quoted, 23
  133. Modern work, characteristic inadequacy of, 22
  134. Monochrom figures, 151
  135. Monstrification, 109
  136. Moral and practical, connexion between their spheres, 4
  137. Motto in heraldic decoration, the, 113
  138. Mouldings, 100
  139. Nature and Architecture, 73
  140. Northern Gothic, 131
  141. Numbers, quoted, 18
  142. Operative deceit, 55
  143. 'Ornament cannot be overcharged,' 28
  144. Ornament, the place for, 121
  145. Padua, Eremitani at, 60, 98
  146. Painted Window, the, 149
  147. Painting, legitimate subjects of, 48
  148. Parasitical sublimity, 197
  149. Parma, Camera di Correggio at, 48
  150. Parthenon, sculptures of, 199
  151. Perpendicular, 79
  152. Perugino, 115
  153. 'Picturesque,' 196
  154. Pisa, Campo Santo at, 48, 96; cathedral, 82, 163; tower of, 134, 166; Baptistery at, 204
  155. Plagiarism, 159
  156. Plantain, 134
  157. Poetry and architecture conquer forgetfulness, 186
  158. Portcullis, the, 112
  159. Positive shade in painting and architecture, 86
  160. Posterity, 194
  161. Prato cathedral, 46
  162. Proportion, 128
  163. Psalms, quoted, 18
  164. Railroad-station, the, 125
  165. Railways, consequences of, 221–2
  166. Raphael, 115
  167. Rembrandtism, 87
  168. Restoration, 203 sqq.
  169. Reticulation, 112, 147
  170. Riband, the, 114
  171. Romanism, abuse and fallacy of, 20, 225–6
  172. Rouen, cathedral, illustrations from, 25, 28, 42, 131; Palais de Justice at, 204
  173. Rubens, 146, 201
  174. St. Maclou at Rouen, 175, 227
  175. St. Madeleine at Paris, 84
  176. St. Ouen at Rouen, 40
  177. St. Paul's Cathedral, 118
  178. St. Peter's at Rome, 74, 93
  179. St. Sophia, Constantinople, 39
  180. Samuel, quoted, 14
  181. Self-sacrifice, 11
  182. Serenity, 93
  183. Shadow, decoration by, 97
  184. Shop-fronts, 50
  185. Sin, moral considerations of, 32
  186. Sistine chapel, 47
  187. Size, rules of, 76
  188. Sky, philosophy of art of, 39
  189. Spruce fir, 94
  190. Strasburg, 131
  191. Structural deceits, 37
  192. Subordination, 137
  193. Support, conditions of, 39
  194. Surface deceits, 46
  195. Sympathy, in architecture, 73
  196. Thinking in shadow, 87
  197. Tintoret, 142, 201
  198. Titian, 146
  199. Tour de Beurre, Rouen, 27
  200. Tracery, rise of, 60
  201. Tudor style, 147
  202. Unseen work, 24
  203. Van Eyck, 213
  204. Veneering, 53
  205. Venetian Gothic, 92
  206. Venice, Doge's palace at, 81, 96; house in Campo St. Benedetto at, 141; house at head of Grand Canal at, 190
  207. Vercelli, 57
  208. Verona, 25, 98
  209. Veronese, 146
  210. Vicenza, house at, 190
  211. Visibility, 25
  212. Whitewash, 51
  213. Willis, Professor, 60
  214. Window, as exponent of power, 119
  215. Wood, J., 169
  216. Wyatt, Mr. Digby, 230