The Seven Lamps of Architecture/Index
- Abbeville, 131
- Abstraction, 128
- Agreeableness, sources of, in ornament, 55
- Animals, architecture of, 46
- Anselm's Tower, Canterbury, 65
- Antwerp Cathedral, 131
- Architectural deceits, 37
- Architecture, a political art, 2; to be distinguished from building, 8; the five heads of, 10; value of appearance of labour upon, 23; ornament in, 28 sqq.; violations of truth in, 36; metallic construction in, 42; of animals, 46; nobleness in, 54; fall of medieval, 69; imitates natural forms, 72; broad divisions of, 79; and painting, 87; mass and interval in, 88; domestic, 104; and primal forms, 111; ornamentation in, 121; proportion and abstraction in, 128 sqq.; colour and form in, 143; system of decoration in, 148 sqq.; finish in, 160; living, 167; and memory, 186; and posterity, 194; preservation and restoration in, 203 sqq.; and law, 215; and national employment, 220.
- Area, 79
- Art, life and deadness in, 157
- Audacity in imitation, 159
- Authority in style, 216
- Avranches, cathedral, 206
- Beauty, 106; and frequency, 109
- Beauvais, cathedral, 40, 75
- Bologna, Palazzo Pepoli at, 57
- Bounding-line, 77
- British Museum, 50
- Brunelleschi, 43
- Building and architecture, 8
- Byzantine architecture, 90
- Caen, Abbaye aux Hommes at, 60
- Certosa, of Pavia, 27
- Champagnole, reminiscence of, 184
- Chaucer, quoted, 228
- Church furniture, 50
- Cinque cento, 141
- Cis-Alpine Gothic, 92
- Clouds, philosophy of art of, 38
- Coleridge, quoted, 230
- Colleone chapel at Bergamo, 27
- Colour, how attained, 1; in sculpture, 142; and form, 141
- Colour-mosaic, 182
- Concavities, 101
- Conscientiousness in art, 36
- Conspicuousness, 50
- Correggio, 146, 200
- Coutances, 60
- Coxcombry, architectural, 141
- Crystals, 110
- Cube, the, 112
- Curves, 111
- Decoration, law of, 123; system of, 148
- Derivative and original, 72
- Design, divisions of, 85
- Deuteronomy, quoted, 14
- Diffusion of light, 91
- Domestic Gothic, 99
- Doric and Venetian styles, 99
- Dovetailing, 45
- Drapery, 116
- Ductility, 64
- Dürer, 115
- Eastlake, Sir Charles, 89, 139
- Energies of man, duality in, 155
- Enjoyment, the test of, 181
- Erechtheum, 111
- Eu, 60
- Failure, philosophy of, 1
- Festoons, 117
- Finish, 160
- Florence, campanile of Giotto at, 26 sqq.; Palazzo Vecchio at, 58
- Flying buttress, 40
- Foil, 96
- 'Fold', 210
- Frankness in imitation, 158
- French Flamboyant, 79, 218
- French Gothic, 61, 69
- Frequency, 109
- Garlands, 117
- Gesso, 86
- Ghiberti, 115, 121
- Gilding, 52
- Giorgione, 142
- Giotto's campanile, 26 sqq.
- Glass, management of, 96
- God in human affairs, reverential reference to, 6; offerings to, 12; obeys His own laws, 46
- Gothic architecture, causes of fall of, 59
- Gravitation, 116
- Greek fret, 110
- Height, 79
- Heraldic decoration, 113
- Herbert, George, quoted, 6, 231
- Historical purpose, in public buildings, 191
- Honesty, principle of, 25
- Hope, Mr., 39
- House-fronts, 124
- Idleness, 220–1
- Idolatry, 15
- Imagination, action of, 34; distinguished from deception, 35
- Imitation, how to be rendered vital, 158
- Imitation jewellery, 56
- Imitative forms, 107
- Impatience, value of, 163
- India House, 193
- Inscriptions, 114
- Intersectional mouldings, 60
- Invention, 73
- Iron, use of, 41
- Italian traceries, 95
- John, quoted, 20
- Kings, quoted, 15
- King's College Chapel, 39, 130
- Lamentations, quoted, 15
- Law essential to art, etc., 215
- Laws of right, irrefragable, 3
- Levitical sacrifice, considerations of the, 13 sqq.
- Liberty, 208
- Lies, kinds of, 32
- Lindsay, Lord, 160
- Line and mass, in decoration, 62
- Linear division, 85
- Lisieux, 60, 204
- Living architecture, 167
- Lombard Romanesque, 82
- London Bridge, 127
- London shops, 124
- Loyalty, 210
- Lucca, San Michele of, 91, 95, 96, 103
- Malachi, quoted, 14
- Marble facing, 53
- Masonry, 83
- Mass, 88; and majesty, 102
- Material, false representation of, 49
- Merton College, 97
- Metals, architectural laws of, 43
- Michael Angelo, 47, 200
- Milan Cathedral, 47
- Milton, 89
- Ministry to the poor, 17
- Mino da Fiesole, 178
- Modern Painters, quoted, 23
- Modern work, characteristic inadequacy of, 22
- Monochrom figures, 151
- Monstrification, 109
- Moral and practical, connexion between their spheres, 4
- Motto in heraldic decoration, the, 113
- Mouldings, 100
- Nature and Architecture, 73
- Northern Gothic, 131
- Numbers, quoted, 18
- Operative deceit, 55
- 'Ornament cannot be overcharged,' 28
- Ornament, the place for, 121
- Padua, Eremitani at, 60, 98
- Painted Window, the, 149
- Painting, legitimate subjects of, 48
- Parasitical sublimity, 197
- Parma, Camera di Correggio at, 48
- Parthenon, sculptures of, 199
- Perpendicular, 79
- Perugino, 115
- 'Picturesque,' 196
- Pisa, Campo Santo at, 48, 96; cathedral, 82, 163; tower of, 134, 166; Baptistery at, 204
- Plagiarism, 159
- Plantain, 134
- Poetry and architecture conquer forgetfulness, 186
- Portcullis, the, 112
- Positive shade in painting and architecture, 86
- Posterity, 194
- Prato cathedral, 46
- Proportion, 128
- Psalms, quoted, 18
- Railroad-station, the, 125
- Railways, consequences of, 221–2
- Raphael, 115
- Rembrandtism, 87
- Restoration, 203 sqq.
- Reticulation, 112, 147
- Riband, the, 114
- Romanism, abuse and fallacy of, 20, 225–6
- Rouen, cathedral, illustrations from, 25, 28, 42, 131; Palais de Justice at, 204
- Rubens, 146, 201
- St. Maclou at Rouen, 175, 227
- St. Madeleine at Paris, 84
- St. Ouen at Rouen, 40
- St. Paul's Cathedral, 118
- St. Peter's at Rome, 74, 93
- St. Sophia, Constantinople, 39
- Samuel, quoted, 14
- Self-sacrifice, 11
- Serenity, 93
- Shadow, decoration by, 97
- Shop-fronts, 50
- Sin, moral considerations of, 32
- Sistine chapel, 47
- Size, rules of, 76
- Sky, philosophy of art of, 39
- Spruce fir, 94
- Strasburg, 131
- Structural deceits, 37
- Subordination, 137
- Support, conditions of, 39
- Surface deceits, 46
- Sympathy, in architecture, 73
- Thinking in shadow, 87
- Tintoret, 142, 201
- Titian, 146
- Tour de Beurre, Rouen, 27
- Tracery, rise of, 60
- Tudor style, 147
- Unseen work, 24
- Van Eyck, 213
- Veneering, 53
- Venetian Gothic, 92
- Venice, Doge's palace at, 81, 96; house in Campo St. Benedetto at, 141; house at head of Grand Canal at, 190
- Vercelli, 57
- Verona, 25, 98
- Veronese, 146
- Vicenza, house at, 190
- Visibility, 25
- Whitewash, 51
- Willis, Professor, 60
- Window, as exponent of power, 119
- Wood, J., 169
- Wyatt, Mr. Digby, 230