The Souvenir of Western Women/Portland Academy
Thirteenth Street, Between Montgomery and Hall Streets.
THE SCHOOL is for boys and girls, and includes under the same management an elementary school, comprising primary and grammar grades, and a secondary school, or academy proper, which fits boys and girls for Eastern and Western colleges. The academy has a board hall for girls at 191 Eleventh street, well appointed and under careful supervision. A catalogue of the school, giving full information as to courses of study, rates of tuition, and corps of instructors, is published annually, and may be had on application at the office or by letter.
Portland Academy was founded by the late W. S. Ladd, Esq., in accordance with a cherished plan of his to found a school in Portland which should offer to boys and girls the principles of a thorough classical and scientific education. The school was organized by the present principals in 1889, and in September of the same year opened at 191 Eleventh street, with three teachers and forty-two pupils. In 1892 the school was incorporated, and three years later, having outgrown its first building, was removed to its present braiding, on Thirteenth street. The grounds on which the main building stands were given by the late Hon. H. W. Corbett, and the building was erected by the trustees of the W. S. Ladd estate, who have since purchased lots on the east side of Thirteenth street and erected on them two other buildings for the use of the school.
The present enrollment of the school is about four hundred and fifty in all departments, with a corps of twenty instructors. Working libraries and chemical and physical laboratories have been a part of the appliances of the school from the first, and have been enlarged with the school's growth, and are fully adequate for the work of college preparation in all departments. In the sixteen years of the school's existence more than one hundred and twenty-five boys and girls have been fitted for college; more than one-half of this number have entered Eastern colleges; the rest have been about equally divided between the colleges of Oregon and California.