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The Spirit of Russia/Volume 2/Bibliographical Appendix

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THE present chapter contains a list of works available in non-russian languages from which readers can acquire a knowledge of Russia, of Russian conditions and evolution. The brief comments are penned from the general outlook of the foregoing study. Reference is made in the text to a few additional books of importance.

One who wishes to learn Russia from within, to acquire such a view as I have endeavoured to present, will find little to help him in European literature. Almost the only books are those of Herzen, the works of that author which appeared in French or German. Russians have of late years written a number of historical accounts of "social thought," the intelligentsia, etc., etc. To gain an understanding of the Russian spirit and its development it is necessary to read the more notable Russian authors from Puškin to Gor'kii. The whole series can be procured in translation, and groups of especially valuable works can be selected for special subjects (for example, life in Siberia, prison life, the so-called ethnographical novels, etc.).

(a) The following are the chief works on the history of Russian literature available in foreign tongues: A. von Reinholdt, Geschichte der russischen Literatur, 1886 (this is still the best and most complete survey of the whole field). A. Brückner, Geschichte der russischen Literatur, 1905 (a stimulating survey of recent literature). S. Volkonskii, Pictures of Russian Life and History, 1898 (brief sketches). Kropotkin, Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature, 1905 (stresses the sociopolitical and revolutionary aspects of recent literature). A. Wesselovsky, Die russische Literatur, 1908 (brief but valuable study, published in the collective work entitled "Die Kultur der Gegenwart"). De Vogüé, Le roman russe, 1868. Ossip-Lourié, La psychologie des romanciers russes du dix-neuvième siècle, 1905 (confused). Maurice Baring, Russian Literature, 1914. K. Waliszewski, History of Russian Literature, 1900. Also the articles on Russian Language and Slavonic Languages, by E. H. Minns, in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

The censorship and journalism. W. J. Nagradov, Moderne russische Zensur und Presse vor und hinter den Kulissen, 1894 (facts only, without comment). Upon this subject consult in addition the data in the histories of literature and in the other historical works that have been cited, and also Kennan's Siberia.

There is no separate work upon the history of Russian philosophy. Upon this subject Kolubovskii contributes a section to Ueberweg-Heinze, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie des XIXten Jahrhunderts, 10th edition, 1906, but it is bibliographical merely. Ossip-Lourié, La philosophie russe contemporaine, 1902 (very slight). Pilet, La Russie en proverbes, 1905 (by no means profound). Grusenberg, Skizzen der Gegenwärtigen russischen Philosophie, 1911.

From my own standpoint I have much reason to complain of the lack of a modern history of the Russian church and of religion in Russia. Among older books may be mentioned, Basarov, Die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche, 1873. The following are recent publications. F. Kattenbusch, "Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Konfessionskunde," vol. I, Die orthodoxe anatolische Kirche, 1892. E. F. K. Müller, Symbolik: Vergleichende Darstellung der christlichen Hauptkirchen nach ihrem Grundzuge und ihren wesentlichen Lebensäusserungen, 1896. In the before-mentioned collective work "Die Kultur der Gegenwart" there is a volume entitled Geschichte der christlichen Religion, of which the second edition was published in 1909; to this Bonwetsch contributes a section, "Griechischorthodoxes Christentum und Kirche." Reference may also be made to the appropriate articles in the Realenzyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche, 3rd edition (of special value is the article "Orientalische Kirche"). L. K. Götz, Kirchenrechtliche und kirchengeschichtliche Denkmäler Altrusslands, nebst Geschichte des russischen Kirchenrechts, 1905; Staat und Kirche in Altrussland; Kiever Periode 988–1240, 1908; Das Kiever Höhlenkloster als Kulturzentrum des vormongolischen Russlands, 1904. As to the relationship between church and state in Byzantium, consult Maassen, Neun Kapitel über freie Kirche und Gewissensfreiheit, 1876. See also Prugavin, Die Inquisition der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche, 1905, and J. Gehring, Die Sekten der russische Kirche nach ihrem Ursprung und innerem Zusammenhange, 1898 (covers period 1003 to 1897).

(b) Russia in generall, country, people, and institutions. A very valuable work is Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, L'empire des tsares, 4th edition, 1897–8; consult also D. Mackenzie Wallace, Russia, 1887 (numerous editions, and a revised edition in 1905). Wallace is conservative and has no insight into the spiritual life of the country. In this respect Leroy-Beaulieu, a man of liberal views, greatly excels him. Concerning nature and its relationships to man consult Alfred Hettner, Das europäische Russland: Studie zur Geographie des Menschen, 1906.

Problems of the present day. Valuable matter bearing upon these problems from the progressive outlook is to be found in the eighteen essays contained in the collection by J. Mel'nik, Russen über Russland, 1906. Other works are the following: M. Sering, Russlands Kultur und Volkswirtschaft, 1913 (an excellent book). M. L. Schlesinger, Russland in XX Jahrhundert: mit einer Uebersichtskarte, 1908 (the author is well-informed, but his treatment of the subject is somewhat cursory). A better book by the same author is Land und Leute in Russland, 1909. Gregory Alexinsky, Modern Russia, 1912, and Russia and Europe, 1917. Harold W. Williams, Russia of the Russians, 1913. Maurice Baring, The Mainsprings of Russia, 1914.

Political organisation. M. von Oettingen, Abriss des russischen Staatsrechts, 1899 (a serviceable work, but somewhat antiquated). The topic is treated more fully in the following articles in Marquardsen's Handbuch des öffentlichen Rechtes: J. Engelmann, "Das Staatsrecht des russischen Reiches."

Concerning the organisation of the zemstvos consult A. von Gernet, Die Grundzüge der russischen Landschafts verfassung, 1897 (the account is given after the reorganisation of 1890). Palme, Die russische Verfassung, 1890 (analysis of the state fundamental law and of the electoral law—a good book).

In Sombart's Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, vol. xxiii, Heft 1, Appendix, Max Weber, in "Russlands Uebergang zur Scheinkonstitutionalismus}}," 1906, gives a critical sketch of the development of parties after the December rising in Moscow.

The following articles should be consulted in the Handwörterbuch der Staats wissenschaften: "Mir," "Bauernbefreiung" (in Russia), "Artelle," etc. Turning to periodicals, the "Neue Zeit," and the "Sozialistische Monatshefte" regularly publish accounts of Russian conditions and economic literature bearing upon Russia.

(c) Social and economic history. G. von Schulze-Gävernitz, Volkswirtschaftliche Studien aus Russland, 1899. Engelmann, Geschichte der Leibeigenschaft in Russland, 1884. Keussler, Zur Geschichte und Kritik des bauerlichen Gemeindebesitzes in Russland, 4 vols., 1876–87. Nicolai-on, Die Volkswirtschaft in Russland nach der Bauernemanzipation, 1899. Simkhowitsch, Die Feldgemeinschaft in Russland, 1898. (For criticism of Nicolai-on and the narodniki generally, consult the author's essay Die sozialökonomischen Lehren der russischen Narodniki, "Jahrbücher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik," 1897. Jas. Mavor, An Economic History of Russia, 2 vols., 1914: V. de Kovalevski, La Russie à la fin du XIXe siècle. Paris, 1900.

Zur Agrarbewegung in Russland, edited by B. Brande, 1907, this contains: Petrunkevič, "Agrarkrisis und die politische Lage in Russland”; Manuilov, "Agrarfrage und ihre ökonomische Lösung"; also, in an appendix by the editor, "Uebersicht der agrarischen Reformprogramme." See also the works by P. Masslow, written from the social democratic standpoint and translated into German by M. Nachimson, Die Agrarfrage in Russland, 1908, etc.

Ssemenow and Kasperow, Russlands Landwirtschaft und Getreidehandel, translated by M. Blumenau, 1901. L. Jurowsky, Der russische Getreideexport, seine Entwicklung und Organisation, 1910.

Tugan-Baranovsky, Geschichte der russischen Fabrik, 1900.

Witschewsky, Russlands Handels-, Zoll- und Industriepolitik von Peter dem Grossen bis auf die Gegenwart, 1905 (the recent period from 1894 to 1904 is treated most thoroughly).

Pažitnov, Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in Russland: eine historische Darstellung an der Hand amtlicher und privater Untersuchungen und der Berichte der Fabrikinspectoren von 1861 bis in die heutige Zeit, 1907 (German translation by Nachimson with an epilogue by that writer).

Russian finance is lucidly and in my opinion accurately treated by Helferich, Das Geld im russisch-japanischen Kriege, 1906. In Die Zukunft Russlands und Japans, 1905, and Die Zukunft Russlands, 1906, Martin describes Russian financial policy as fraudulent, and foretells absolute bankruptcy, but the writer's deductions are exaggerated, and despite his extensive acquaintance with ephemeral literature Martin has no true insight into Russian conditions. If I mistake not, the first book was withdrawn from circulation. No less one-sided is Russlands Bankrott, 1906, by Plutus (Plutus is the pseudonym of Bernhard, a social democrat). A more judicious compilation of various judgments upon Russian finance is given by Biermer, Der Streit um die russischen Finanzen der Gegenwart, und die neue Milliardenanleihe, 2nd edition, 1906.

A. von Bonstedt and D. Trietsch, Das russische Retch in Europa und Asien: ein Handbuch über seine wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse, 1910 (an official compilation, giving the chief data of importance).

(d) Existing conditions and the revolution. M. von Reusner, Die russischen Kämpfe um Recht und Freiheit, 1905 (the author was professor of constitutional law in Russia and his data are trustworthy). H. Ganz, Vor der Katastrophe, ein Blick ins Zarenreich, 1904 (a good recapitulation of Russian views). K. Zilliacus, The Russian Revolutionary Movement, 1905 (the work is incomplete and the data are not always accurate). Alexander Ular, Die russische Revolution, 1905 (a description of the principal personalities concerned in the revolution, especially those of the court; insufficiently discriminative). Bernard Pares, Russia and Reform, 1907.

Tscherevanin, Das Proletariat und die russische Revolution, 1908 (the writer is a "minority" social democrat). N. Trotzky, Russland in der Revolution, 1909. References to Tscherevanin and Trotzky were made in § 162.

Sufferings of the revolutionists in prison and in Siberia. Leo Deutsch, Seize Ansen Sibérie, 1904. Noworusski, Achtzehneinhalb Jahre hinter russischen Kerkermauern, Schlüsselburger Aufzeich nungen, 1908. Kennan, Siberia and the Exile System, 2 vols., 1891.

Little has been written in the languages of Europe concerning the philosophical foundations of the Russian movement towards liberty. Herzen's writings are still the best. More recent works are: P. Miliukov, Russia and its Crisis, 1905, and his earlier Essai sur l'Histoire de la Civilisation Russe, Paris 1901 (Miljukov is the leader of the cadets); M. Zdziechowski, Die Grundprobleme Russlands, literarisch-politische Skizzen, 1907 (from the Polish, a stimulating work, the writer is Catholic and conservative).

Strongly to be recommended are the writings of the nihilist Stepniak (S. M. Kravčinskii). The Career of a Nihilist, 1889 (a novel). Nihilism as it is (undated). The Russian Peasantry, their Agrarian Condition, Social Life, and Religion (2 vols., 1888). Underground Russia, 1883. Russia under the Tsars, 1885. The Russian Storm-Cloud, or Russia in her Relations to Neighbouring Countries, 1886.

The memoirs and autobiographies of revolutionists furnish important contributions to our knowledge in this field, the works, for instance, by Věra Zasulič, Debagorii-Mokrievič, and many others. Kropotkin's Memoirs of a Revolutionist was published in English, 1899. This work contains the main lines of a trustworthy history of the revolutionary movement.

For the earlier periods of this movement a good book is Thun, Geschichte der revolutionären Bewegungen in Russland, 1883. It deals with principles as well as facts.

The Woman's Movement. H. Lange and G. Bäumer, Handbuch der Frauenbewegung, vol. I, 1901. This deals solely with the legal activities of women. Studies in the history of the revolutionary movement must be utilised to supplement our knowledge of the part played by women in the revolution.

(e) Political history of Russia. A survey of this subject will be found in the work of Alfred Rambaud, Histoire de la Russie (6th edition, completed up to 1913 by E. Haumant), English translation by L. B. Lang, published in 1879. Kluchevsky, History of Russia, 3 vols., 1911: F. H. Skrine, The Expansion of Russia, 1815-1900, Cambridge, 1903.

Of works dealing with specific epochs and with other special topics, the following may be recommended: T. Schiemann, Geschichte Russlands unter Kaiser Nicholaus I, 3 vols. A. Brückner, Peter der Grosse, 1879 (Oncken, "{{lang|de|Allgemeine Geschichte"); Katharina II, 1883 (Oncken), J. Possoschkow, Ideen und Zustände im Zeitalter Peters des Grossen, 1878; Kulturhistorische Studien, die Russen im Ausland, die Auslander in Russland im XVII Jahrhundert, 1878; Die Europäisierung Russlands, Land und Volk, 1888. Bilbasov's work upon Catherine the Great was suppressed in Russia, but portions have appeared in German under the title Katharina II im Urteile der Weltliteratur, 2 vols., 1897.

History of civilisation in Russia. P. Miliukov, Skizzen russischer Kulturgeschichte, 1898–1901, 2 vols. E. Haurant, La culture française en Russie, 1910. The "Bibliothek russischer Denkwürdigkeiten" edited by Schiemann contains a fine collection of documents relating to Russian civilisation. They are as follows: I, Memoiren von J. J. de Sanglen, 1776–1831; II, Erinnerungen von L. de Seeland aus der polnischen Revolution, 1830–31; III, N. J. Pirogov, Lebensfragen; IV, K. Kavelins und J. Turgenjevs sozialpolitischer Briefwechsel mit A. J. Herzen; V, Erinnerungen eines Dorfgeistlichen, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Leibeigenschaft und ihrer Aufhebung; VI, M. Bakunins sozialpolitischer Briefwechsel mit A. J. Herzen und Ogarjov, mit einer biographischen Einteilung, Beilagen und Erläuterungen von M. Dragomanov; VII, Jugendevinnerungen des Prof. A. J. Nikitenko, (1826–1877).

A glance at certain memoirs may be recommended. I may mention Mémoires de l'impératrice Cathérine écrits par elle-même, edited by Herzen. Extremely characteristic as regards eighteenth century Russia is the work of Fédor Golovkine, La cour et le règne de Paul I, avec introduction et notes par S. Bonnet, 1905. Cf. also Der Briefwechsel zwischen der Kaiserin Katharina II von Russland und Johannes Georg Zimmermann, published by Eduard Bodemann, 1906.

Russo-Japanese War. On this topic Kuropatkin's work is now available, Gädke, Japans Krieg und Sieg, 1907, may likewise be consulted.

Early Works on Russia. Many of these will still be found instructive. La Russie et les russes, by N. Turgenev, published in 1847, has already been referred to. Kustine, La Russie en 1839 (published in 1843), may also be mentioned. Of especial value is Haxthausen, Studien über die inneren Zustände, das Volksleben und insbesondere die ländlichen Einrichtungen Russlands, 3 vols., 1847–52. Haxthausen made his studies in Russia during the years 1843 and 1844, at the request of Tsar Nicholas I. His book was printed at the public expense.

Those interested in Muscovite Old Russia may be recommended to read one of the early descriptions, the most notable among which is that by Herberstein, the Austrian, Rerum Moscovitarum Commentarii, 1549. This was the first exhaustive study of prepetrine Russia. Herberstein paid two visits to Moscow, and had numerous excellent documents at his disposal. A second Latin edition, amplified and improved by the author, was published in 1556. The German edition of 1557 was also Herberstein's own work. An Englishman named Fletcher, an employee of the Anglo-Muscovite Trading Company, in his work Of the Russe Commonwealth, described Moscow in the year 1591. Fletcher made much use of the works of Horsey, Travels, etc. Horsey was another servant of the same company, There are also several other descriptions of old date, by Olearius, etc.