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The Statutes of Wales (1908)/Index

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The Statutes of Wales (1908)
edited by Ivor Bowen
2049367The Statutes of Wales — Index1908Ivor Bowen



Abjuration of the realm, 9, xxxiv
Accomptants, process against, 105
Acts of Parliament, Wales included in England in, 206, 239, 280, xcviii
Affidavits, power to take, 215
Amendment of records, or processes of outlawry not to extend to Wales, 39, 40
Amerciaments, see Fines and
Amobragium (Amobr), 27, xli
Anglesey, estreats of fines, fee to clerks of the peace and justices of the peace, 69
land of, division of, 3
merchandise, &c., proviso for landing in, 143-144
offences committed in Merionethshire, to be tried in, 62
repealed, 151-152
Sessions, Courts of Great, twice a year in, 102
Archdeacons, in Welsh dioceses, to restore the jurisdiction of the, 252, cxv, cxvi
Archery, Welsh, lxxxiii
Armour, for the having of horse, and weapon in Wales, 143, lxxxiii
Welshmen forbidden to carry, 31, 35, 56, 57, xlvi, liv
Arrest, process to be in English language, 205, xcvii
Arthel, casting, into Courts or Lordship Marchers prohibited, 57, liv
Assache, oath of three hundred men, proviso respecting, 38
Assizes in Wales established, 242, 243, cxi
Associates of Justices, authority and appointment of, 155
Attaint, juror in, qualification of, 126
Attornies, proviso for, of Court of Great Sessions, 24
Auditor, sheriff to account before, 64, 203
Aulnager, 130
Avowries, extending replevins and, to Wales, 189


Bail, provisions as to, in Wales, 196, 217
Bailiffs of Commotes, appointment and duties of, 3, xxxii
Bailiffs of Hundreds, appointed by sheriffs, to attend on justices, 117

Bangor, Archdeaconry of, separated from bishopric, 260, cxvi
Bishopric of, continued, 265, cxvii
limits defined, 265
diocese of, appointments in, suspended, 257, cxv
suspending act for diocese of, repealed, 263, cxvi
Bastards, bishops to inquire as to, 18, xxxv
not to be inherit, 18, 25, xxxv, xxxvi
Beasts, untanned hides of, killed within Wales to be exported freely, 73
Beggars and Vagabonds, statutes against, 34, 57, 94, xlvi
Benefices, provision for, in Wales, 252-257
Benefit of Clergy, 64, l, lv
Bible, bishops to execute Act for translation of, 149
expense of printing borne equally between parson and parishioners, 150
to be in English in every church throughout Wales, 151, 188
translated into the Welsh tongue, 149, 151, lxxxiv
Bishopric of Manchester, established, 264, cxvii
of St. Asaph and Bangor, legislation as to, 257, 264, 265, cxv
Bishops, canonries in Welsh cathedrals, patronage to be with, 259
may keep castles, 35
rights of, to mortuaries, 50
abolished, 197, li, lii
to empower, to facilitate the making provision for English services in Wales, 267
to inquire as to bastards, 18
to inquire as to dower, 24
to execute Act for translation of Bible, 149
writ of summons to House of Lords, procedure established, 266
Blodwyte, 28, xli
Borderland, law of, 1, xxiv
Boroughs, the King dissolving and erecting new, 106
Bows and Arrows, keeping instead of harquabuts, 143, lxxxiii
shooting with, only permitted, 57, liv
Brecon, Collegiate Church, property vested in Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 255
rights in, 254, 255
Burgesses in Parliament, wages of, secured, 90, 134
who shall be electors of, 135
Bydale, not to be levied, 57
Brecknockshire, Brecknock to be shire town of, 79
Chancery and Exchequer in Castle of, the King to have, 81
County Court kept in shire town, 79
customs of Wales observed in, 82
escheator, appointment and duties of, 81
hundreds, divided into, 89
justice appointed, 102
laws of England observed in, 82
recognizances, sheriflf to take, in, 87
sessions, twice a year, 102
sheriff, accounts, appointment and duties of, 81
towns and parishes, taken as part of, 79


Caermarthenshire, English laws, subject to, 86
estreats of fines, fee to clerks and justices of the peace, 69
hundreds, divided into, 89
judicial seal of, how kept, 131
justice appointed, 103
lordships annexed to, 128
sessions, twice a year, 102, 103
sheriff of, appointment, 3
shire organisation of by Edward 1, xxix
towns annexed to, 85
Welsh laws not to be used in, 86
Canonries of Welsh cathedrals, patronage of, to be with bishops, 255, 259
Canons, incomes of, 256, 260
number of, 254
residences of, 260
rights of, 259
Cantref, xxxiii
Cardiff, contributory boroughs of, 251
King's Exchequer at, 68
landing wines at, 144
member of Parliament for, 249
Cardiganshire, English laws, subject to, 87
estreats of fines, fee to clerks and justices of the peace, 69
hundreds, divided into, 89
judicial seal of, how kept, 131
justice appointed, 103
sessions twice a year, 102, 103
sheriff of, appointment, 3
shire organisation of, by Edward 1, xxix
towns, &c., annexed to, 86
Welsh laws not to be used in, 87
Carnarvonshire, estreats of fines, fee to clerks and justices of the peace, 69
merchandise, &c., proviso for landing in, 143-144
sessions, twice a year, 102
sheriff of, appointment and jurisdiction, 3
Castles, Englishmen to keep, and walled towns in Wales, 36, xlvi
in Wales, xxv, xxvii
lords marchers to keep sufficient guards in their, 33
Welshmen not to have, 35, xlvi
Cathedral Churches, an Act for regulating the, in Wales, 259
Cattle, none to buy, within Wales, out of fair or market, 126
Certificate, false, penalty for producing, as to exemption from civil or military duties, 223
Welshmen attainted of felony committed in England shall be executed upon the, of the King's justices, 32

Chamberlain, authority and duty of, as to judicial seals, 105
of South Wales, 50, 1
Chancery and Exchequer, King to have, in Wales, 81, lxi
Chester, justice of, 102
seal for justices of peace and gaol delivery in, to serve for Flint, 104
Circuits, cryer and marshal on, 110, lxvii
of Courts of Great Sessions, 102, lxvi
Clergy, benefit of, 64, l, lv
Clergy Convicted, directions as to, 64, lv
Clergyman conversant with Welsh language to be licensed for London, 262, cxvi
not conversant with Welsh language not to be appointed to any benefice in Wales, 251, 253, cxiii
Clerk of the Crown, proviso for, 93
Clerk of the Peace, allowances to, 69
fees of, 114
Cloths, for folding of, in North Wales, 97, lxv
for the free trade of Welsh, 162, 163, lxxxviii
for the true making of, 99, 167, lxv
monopoly of manufacture of, in Wales, 129
Coin, counterfeiting, &c., tried in next English county, 58, 120
Collections forbidden, 57, liv
Common Mainprize, return of suspected persons under, 119
Common of Pasture, disseisin of, 10
Common Prayer, Book of, Bishops to translate into Welsh, 150, 188, lxxxiv
expense of printing borne equally between parson and parishioners, 150
to be in English and Welsh in every church in Wales, 151, 188, xciii
Commonwealth, statutes passed in, 169-188, lxxxix
Commorth not to be levied, 34, 57
Commotes, appointment and duties of bailiffs of, 3, xxxiv
division into, xxxiii
persons residing in, to attend sheriff's turn, 5, xxxiii
Congregations, as to, in Wales, 34
Constables, proviso for, of King's castles, 117
Constables of Hundreds, who shall be, 117
Contracts, actions upon, 20
Convicts, purgation of, in Wales, 64
Coroner, appointment, duty and election of, 3, 4, 8, 116
Corporate Towns, issues in, how tried, 106
King dissolving and erecting new, 106
Cottons, for the true making of, and frizes, 99
how made, 99
length and breadth of Welsh, want of, in what case no penalty, 167
seal of Welsh, not requisite, 162
searching and trying of Welsh, how far requisite, 162
Council of Wales, see Court of President and Council in the Marches of Wales
Counties of Wales, see Shires

Country, trial by the, 23
County, adjoining, trials to be in next, 58
County and Hundred Courts, execution in, 222
held as in England, 117, xxxvii
jurisdiction of, 4, 5
sheriffs to award execution in, 118, 221
times of holding, 4
trials in, 117
County Council, property and liabilities of Highway Boards transferred to, 271, cxxi
Court of Great Sessions, abolition of, 239, 240, ciii
amendment of procedure in, 210, 220, 223, cii
augmentation of salaries of judges in, 209, 222
established, 102, lxvi
to be held twice a year, 102
Court of President and Council in the Marches, abolition of, 190, lxxvii
established, 102, lxxi
history of, lxxi-lxxviii
review of judgments in, 195
Star Chamber jurisdiction in,
abolished, 168, lxxvi
Courts Baron, trials in, verdict and wager of law by, 117
Courts in Wales, officers to speak English in, 87, lxi
to be held in sure places, 58
Crimes to be pardoned by King only, 73
tried by law of England, 26, xxxvi
Crown, Wales annexed to, 2, 74, xxxii, lviii
Crown Lands, grant to Prince of Wales, 202
Customs of Wales, see Laws of Wales
of North, South, and West Wales, 27, 29, xli
Custos Rotulorum, appointment of, 113
Cymortha, see Commorth


Debtors, Act for the relief of, 207
Denbighshire, Chancery and Exchequer, the King to have, in, 81
County Court held at Denbigh and Wrexham alternately. 81
customs of Wales observed in, 82
Denbigh, shire town, 81
escheator of, 81
hundreds, divided into, 89
indictments in, 123
laws of England observed in, 82
lordships &c., translated from, to Flint, 98
parishes, &c., taken as part of, 80, 99
sessions, twice a year, 102
sheriffs, 81

Dioceses, bishops of Welsh, to make provision for English services in Wales, 267, cxvii
suspending preferments in the, of St. Asaph and Bangor, 257, 258, 264, cxv, cxvii
appointments in Welsh, of Welsh-speaking clergymen, 253, cxiii
Ecclesiastical duties in Welsh, 270
Distresses, to prevent undue, in Wales, 46
Divine Service, Bible and, translated into Welsh, 149, 188
Provision for, in London in Welsh language, 262
Dower, allowed, 24, xxxvi


Ecclesiastical Duties, definition of, in Welsh dioceses, 253, 270
Education, Intermediate and Technical, 272, 280, 281, cxxii
Edward 1, legislation of, xxviii, xxxix, xl
Edward 2, ordinances of, xli
England, laws of, to be observed, 82
Wales included under, 206, 239, 280, xcviii
Englishmen, excesses by the Welsh on, 31
Married to Welsh women not to have office in Wales, 36
Not to be convicted by Welshmen in Wales, 33, 34
To keep castles in Wales, 36
English Tongue, proceedings in, in Courts of Justice, 87, 206
Escheators, authority, nomination, oath, and qualification of, 116, lxviii
Established Church, legislation for, in Wales, cxii
Estates, Welshmen to enjoy, transferred to them by Statute of Uses, 72, lvii
Estreats of Fines in Wales, 68, 69
Exactions, forbidden, 57
Exchequer, King's, in Wales, 68
Excommunicato Capiendo, writs of, 145
Execution, done in Wales on attainder of Welshmen in England, 32
Exigents and Proclamations, 135, lxxxi


Factory inspectors to know Welsh, 281
False Judgments, reversal of, 128, 221
Fee Farm Rents in Wales, 190
Fees in County and Hundred Courts, 117,
regulated by the President and Council and Justices, 119
Felons, compromise with, not to be without privity of President and Council 125
Felony committed in Wales to be tried in the next English county, 58, 120
disclaimer of, abolished, 37
Fine for, not allowed, 58, 120
Satisfaction to be made in South Wales, 37
Welshmen attainted of in England, 32

Ferries, keepers of, on the Severn shall not convey people or goods across between sunset and sunrise, 52
Final Judgment of Court of Great Sessions, in what case Courts at Westminster may issue execution, 221
Fines and Amerciaments, 68, 69, 114, 221
Fines and Recoveries, provisions as to, 109, 156, 162, lxxxvii
Flintshire, coroner of, 117
estreats of fines, 68, 69
lordships of Denbighshire declared to be in, 98
merchandise, &.c., proviso for landing in, 144
sessions, twice a year, 102
sheriff of, appointment and jurisdiction of, 3
Foreign Merchandise, exported from or passing through Wales, without paying Custom Duty, forfeited, 43
Foreign Plea or Voucher, proceedings in, 121
Forests, actions of detinue, in what case, 72
custom of foresters marking and seizing beasts and quick cattle straying in, taken away, 71, lvi
detaining stray cattle in, 70
exactions on persons in, taken away, 70
free passage through, 71, lvii
losing joint of hand, or making fine to foresters, custom taken away, 71
tokens by foresters to travellers in, taken away, 71
Free Trade, for the, of Welsh cloths, 162, 163
Frivolous Arrests, proceedings in Court of Great Sessions in, 205
Frivolous Suits, to prevent, at Westminster on causes arising in Wales, 196, 210


Games, what, forbidden, 57
Gaols, provided by whom, 117
Garrisons in Wales to be English, 36, 167
Gavelkind in Wales, 25, 122, 132, xxxvi, lxix
Glamorganshire, English laws to be observed in, 85
estreats of fines, 68, 69
hundreds, divided into, 89
justice appointed, 102
justice of, proviso for, Earl of Worcester, 91
lordship of, xxxix, xl
sea-sands, an act touching the, 139, lxxxii
sessions, twice a year, 102
towns, &c. (divers), annexed to, 85
Gospel, Act for the propagation of the, 172, xc
Grants of Fairs, in North Wales, repealed, 45
Great Sessions, see Courts of
Guards, lords marchers to keep sufficient, in their castles, 33


Haverfordwest, county of itself, 130
judicial seal of, 131
justices of Cardigan, Caermarthen, and Pembroke to have authority in, 131
mayor, &c., of, to attend President, Council, and High Justice of Pembrokeshire, 130
proviso for liberties in, 131
sending burgess to Parliament for, 127
sheriff of, 130
Hides, exportation of untanned, 73
Highways, legislation as to, cxviii
transfer of County and District Boards to County Councils, 270, cxxi
Homicide, appeals and proceedings in, 5
Horse, for the having of, armour and weapon in Wales, 143
Howel Dda, laws of, xxiv, cxxiv
Hue and Cry, 44, 57
Hundreds, constables of, 117
counties of Wales divided into, 3, 89, 102


Indictments in the King's name, 74, 123, 124
Inheritance, bastards and females excepted, 25, xxxvi
law of Wales confirmed, 25, xxxvi
abolished, 122, 125, 132, lxix
proviso for, 132
Inspectors, factory, to know Welsh, 281
mines, to know Welsh, 271
quarry, to know Welsh, 280
Intermediate Education in Wales, 272, 280, 281, cxxii
Intoxicating Liquors, to prohibit the sale of, on Sundays in Wales, 269
Issues, returning, upon jurors in Wales, 147


Jeofails, statutes of, extended to Wales, 197
not extended to Wales, 39, 40
Judges on circuit, powers of Welsh, 215, 216, 223
of Courts of England to hold assizes in Wales, 239, cxi
Judgments, execution of, 128, 222
to execute, of the Court of the President and Council in the marches, 195
validity of, 203.
Judicial Seals, exemplifications on record sealed with, 109
justices to have custody of, 107, 130

Judicial Seals, number of, 107
process under, 107
profits of, justices to account for, 107
Juries de Circumstantibus, 126, 145, lxxxiv
Jurisdiction, regulated, 3
taking away the Star Chamber, exercised before the Council of Wales, 168, lxxvi
to abolish the separate, for Wales, 239, ciii
Jurors, allowances for, 215
bread, &c., not allowed to, by officer, 51, lii
challenge, 126
custody of, by officer, 51, lii
issues on, duly estreated, 191
punishment for perjury of, in the lordship marchers, 51, lii
qualification of, 126, 191
returns of, in Wales, 204
wrongful acquittals by, and untrue verdicts of, 51, liii
Jury, de medietate linguæ, 28, xlii
in counties next adjoining, 58
trial by, 15, 18, 28, xxxv, xxxvi
Justice of Snowdon, jurisdiction of, 3, xxxii
Justices, accommodation for, 209
appointed for Welsh shires, 102, 103, lvi
may in certain cases amend defaults in records, 40
mayors, &c., to be attendant on, 116
no person shall make but the King, 74
of England to hold assizes in Wales, 239, cxi
powers and duties of, 103, 155, 212, 214, 217
salaries of, augmented, 209, 222
sheriffs to attend the, 69
to have patents under Great Seal, 103
Justices of Peace, allowances to, 69, 114
appointment of, 67, 113, 192, lvi
authority of, 113
eight, in each shire, 113
oath of, 113
sheriffs to attend the, 69
Justices of Peace in England may inquire of certain treasons and felonies in Wales, 39, 58


King, adding to or altering laws and ordinances, 129, 166, lxx, lxxxix
all authority derived from the, 73, lviii
fine to, and King's silver, 109, 110, 237
jure Feodali, Wales subject to the, 2

King, sovereignty of, over Wales, 2
to have fines, &c., 112, 127
to have all fines in sheriff's turns, 118
King's Bondmen to do ancient services, 45
King's Castles, proviso for constables of, 117
King's Chamberlain of North Wales, 68
King's Silver, 110, 237
Knights and Burgesses in Parliament, fees as in England, 90
mayors and sheriffs to levy wages of, 133
to be elected as in England, 90, 127
wages secured, 133
Kymorthas, see Commorth


Lampeter, St. David's College at, 256, 262
Lands, aliened, demised, and descendible according to law of England, 122, lxix
bound by recognisances, as in England, 123
facts respecting, inquired of by men of the vicinage, chosen by the parties, 26
holden by English tenure, 122, lxix
partible amongst heirs, 25, 76, 92, 122, 132, xxxvi, lxix
peaceable possession of, for five years, how far good, 125, lxx
process against, when out of the Chancery of England, 123
Welshmen purchasing, in certain counties, security for good behaviour, 31, 167
Welshman shall not purchase, in England nor in the English towns of Wales, 33, 167
Laws, commission to inquire into, 89, xxix, lxiii
King may alter, 129, 166
Laws and Customs of Wales, allowance, correction, and abolition of by Edward 1, 2, xxix, xxxii
as to dower, 24, xxxvi
forests, 69-72
inheritance of land, 25, xxxvi, lix, lxix
trials, 26, 28
commission to inquire into, 89, xxix, lxiii
how far in force, 2, 3, xxix, xxx, xxxvi
not to be observed, 26, 76, lxvii
provisions of Magna Charta as to, 1
Laws of England, homicide and other crimes tried by, 26, xxxvi
observed in counties next adjoining, 59
to be used in Welsh counties, 82, 87, 130
Laws of Inheritance, as in England, used in Wales, 76, 122
Leases, making void divers, 47
Leather, exportation of, 73, lviii
merchants of Wales may bring their, to the staples of England, 30
Licences, to bake and brew in North Wales, repealed, 45

Llanbadarn, sheriff of, and Cardigan, 3
Llandaff, archdeacon of, to be dean of, 255
archdeaconry of, separated from deanery, 261
canons in, 254, 259
cure of souls in parish of, 255, 259
incomes of dignitaries in, 256
property of, vested in Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 255, 256
rights and titles in diocese of, 254
Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, xxviii
Llewelyn the Great, xxvii
London, provisions for divine service in Welsh in, 262
Lords Marchers, liberties of, confirmed, 61, 90, 141
restrictions of the government of the, 55, liii
to be attendant to the Crown of England, 30
to keep sufficient guards in their castles, 33
Lordships, annexed to or divided into other shires, 79-86, lx
certain, annexed to Carmarthenshire, 128
of Denbighshire declared to be in Flint, 98
proviso for franchises in, 61, 90, 125, 139, 141
Lordships Marchers, attendant on Crown of England, not Principality, 30, xxv, xxvi, xxix, xxxviii, xxxix, lxx
certificate of outlawry returned in, 59
Courts in, to be kept in most sure places, 58
divided into counties, 77, 94, 98
murders and felonies, in, where inquired of, 55, 58, 120
offenders attainted in, 60
perjury of jurors in, 51
precepts to return officers in, 60
process in, in the King's name, 74
proviso for liberties of, 61, 90, 125, 139, 141, lxii, lxx
remedy for wrong done by officers in, 55


Magna Charta, clauses of, relating to Wales, 1, xxvii
Manors, felony may not be inquired of in Steward's Courts in, 106
holding pleas under 40s, in Steward's Courts in, 105
leets and lawdays as before, 106
Marches, King's sovereignty over the, 2
of Mercia, England and Wales, xxiv
to be annexed to England, 30
Markets, bringing armour and arms to, 56
grants of, avoided, 45
Marriages, collections under colour of, forbidden, 57
provision, for in the Welsh tongue, 252, 280

Masses or Gospels, collections under colour of children saying their first, forbidden, 57
Members of Parliament, election of, and payment of their wages, 90, 127, 133, lxi, lxxix
under Reform Act, 248
what, to be sent for shires and boroughs in Wales, 90, 127, lxi
Merchandise, foreign, exported from Wales, 43
Merchants of Wales may bring their wools to the staples of England, 30
'Merionethshire, burgess, not sent to Parliament, 90
estreats of fines in, 69
offences in, tried in Carnarvon or Anglesea, 62, 151, lv, lxxxvii
sessions, twice a year in, 102
sheriff of, appointment and jurisdiction, 3
Mines, inspectors of, to know Welsh, 271
Minstrels prohibited in Wales, 34, xlvi
Mixed Actions, proceedings in, 21, 108
Monmouth, county of, county court of, 78
dissevered from Wales, 77-78, lx
Montgomeryshire, county court at Machynlleth and Montgomery alternately, 80
customs of Wales observed in, 82
escheators, 81
Exchequer, 4, 81
hundreds, divided into, 89
laws of England observed in, 82
Montgomery, shire town, 80
recognizances, sheriffs to take, 81
sessions, twice a year in, 102
sheriff, accounts of, 81
towns, &c., included in, 80
Mortgages, to be as by the law of England, 122
Mortuaries, proviso for Welsh bishops, 50, 197, li
taken away in Wales, 50, 197, li
Murder, agreement not made in, without consent of President and Council, 125
fine for, not allowed, 58, 120
tried in next English county, 39, 58, 120


Navy, an act for the maintenance of the, 144
Newport, county or shire court of Monmouthshire to be held at, 78
landing wines at, 144
Next of Kin, how barred, 194, xcv
North Wales, customs of, 29, 91, xli, lxii
folding of cloths regulated, 97

North Wales, King's justice of, 62
King's Chamberlain of, 68
justices of, holding sessions, 102, 105, 107, 108
three ancient shires of, 91, 104, 108
Novel Disseisin, Assize of, 15


Offa's Dyke, xxiv
Offences, inquiry of, done in counties next adjoining, 39, 58, 120
touching trial of, in Merioneth, 62, 151
Offenders taken in Wales, to whom delivered, 62
Office, Englishmen married to Welshwomen not to have, in Wales, 36
no Welshman to bear, in Wales, 31, 36
persons using the Welsh tongue, not to enjoy any, 87
Officers, appointment of, 3
of corporate towns, holding pleas, &c., 106
to enjoy their fees and offices, 131
Ordinances concerning the customs of North Wales, West Wales, and South Wales, 27, 29, xli
distinction between statutes and, xli
of the Staples, as to Wales, 30, xliii
Original Seals, authority of keepers of, 104
for the different shires, 104, 107, lxvii
in what actions writs sealed with, 108
process with, returnable before justices, 108
Original Writs, 104, 105, 108, 111, 112, 218, 219
Outlawry courts at Westminster may award process of, in Wales, 135-139, lxxxi
error in process of, not to extend to Wales, 40
Owen Glyndwr, confirming statute against, 40, xlvi
rebellion of, xliv


Parliament, members of, election and payment of, for Wales, 133, lxii, lxxviii
to be elected for counties and shire towns in Wales, 90, 127
Patents of Offices, proviso for fees, &c., 91
Pembrokeshire, County Palatine of, xxxviii
estreats of fines, &c., in, 68
hundreds divided into, 89
justice appointed, 102
judicial seal of, how kept, 131
original seals in, 104
sessions, twice a year, 102
towns, &c., certain, annexed to, 86
subject to English laws, 86
Welsh laws not to be observed in, 86

Penalty for ferrymen transporting offenders across the Severn, 54
of importing goods into Wales and then into England without paying custom, 43
recovery of, 220
Personal Actions, Jury de circumstantibus, 126
trial of, at petty sessions, 124
trial of, by law of Wales under £10, in Court of Great Sessions, 205
general provisions as to, 20, 23, 108, 127, 191, 211
Personal Estates, inhabitants of Wales impowered to bequeath, 193, xcv
Petty Sessions, suits tried before, 124
Pleadings in Welsh Courts, xxxv
Pledges, poor plaintiffs finding, 4
Pluralities, acts of, 252, 270, cxiii
Preferments, suspending, in dioceses of St. Asaph and Bangor, 257, 263
Presentments, proceedings on, in sheriff's turns, 4
President and Council, see Court of the
Presteign as shire town, 128, lx
Prifysgol Cymru, cxxiii
Principality of Wales, extent of, in the thirteenth century, xxxviii
leases within the, made void, 48
marches not to be annexed to, 30
Proceedings, to regulate, in Courts of Great Sessions, 210
Process, error in, not to extend to Wales, 40
in the King's name, 74
in weighty causes, directed into Wales, 128
Prothonotaries, appointment of, 110, lxvii
estreats, fines, issues, &c., into Exchequer, 112
fees of. 111, 112
to attend upon justices, 110


Quarries, inspectors of, to know Welsh, 280
Quarter Sessions, to be held as in England, 113


Radnor, County Court held at New Radnor and Rothergowy alternately, 80.
Radnor and Presteign, 128
custom of Wales observed in, 82
escheators, sheriffs, &c., of, 81
hundreds, divided into, 89
justice appointed, 102
laws of England observed in, 82

Radnor, New Radnor, county town, 80
Sessions, twice a year, 102
towns and parishes, &c., certain, accounted part of, 80
Real Actions, proceedings in, 18, 108
trial of, by jury, 26
"Reasonable Part," meaning of, 194, xcv
Rebecca Riots in Wales, cxix
Recognizances, breach of, 222
justices may impower persons to take, 127
justices of peace certifying, 114
sheriffs of Welsh counties to take, 88
Records, error in, by misprision of clerks, statute not to extend to Wales, 40
Reform Act of 1832, 248, cxi
Regalities of the Crown, grant of, to the Prince of Wales, 202
Religion, Act for the advancement of, in Wales, 185, xcii
Religious Worship, to repeal Acts relating to, and assemblies, and persons preaching therein, 223
Rents, executor recovering, of inheritance, 97
Rhayader (Rothergowy, or Rhaiadr Gwy), 80, 129, lx
Rhuddlan, statute of, xxxi
Rhys ap Thomas, Sir, 49, xlix.


Sanctuary, right of, 9, xxxiv
Sea-sands, touching the, in Glamorganshire, 139, lxxxii
Sessions, see Court of Great Sessions
Sequestration, concerning the, of South Wales, and County of Monmouthshire, 169, xc
Services, to empower Welsh bishops to have English services in Wales, 267
Severn, keepers of ferries across the, regulations for, 52, liii
Sheriffs, accounts of, 81, 203
allowances to, 115
appointment of, 3, 4, 81, 114, 191, xxxii, xcvii
to be as in England, 263
authority and duty of, 4, 115, 119
commission and patent of, under Great Seal of England, 115
executing office, 3, 4
extension in Wales of law of England relating to, 270
fees for return of suspected persons under common mainprise, 119
holding to special bail, 196
how chosen, 191, xcvii
making accounts of issues, &c., 81, 115, 203
not returning writ of proclamation, 138
not to inquire of felony, 106
not to levy fines and amerciaments, 118, 221

Sheriffs, oath of, 202
returning issues upon juries de circumstantibus, 146
shall appoint deputies, 137
to make hailiffs of hundreds, 117
Sheriffs Court, trials in, 4, 5, 117
Sheriffs Turns, holding of, 5, 118, xxxiii
King to have all fines in, 118
offences inquired of in, 5
proceedings on presentments, 7
Sheriffwicks, grants of, for life, void, 97
Shires, Commission for dividing, into hundreds, 89, lxiii
hundreds in, to stand, 102
Wales divided into, 3, 77, 101, lx, lxvi
Shire Towns, giving the King authority to allot the, 93
Snowdon, land and justices of, 2, 3, xxxii
South Wales, customs of, 27
felons to be taken, 37
Special Juries, 214, 215
St. Asaph, Archdeaconry of, separated from Bishopric, 260
Bishopric of, continued, 265
limits defined, 265
diocese of, appointments in, suspended, 257
St, Davids, canons in, 254, 259
incomes of dignitaries in, 256
property of, vested in Ecclesiastical Commission, 255, 256
rights and titles in diocese of, 254
Staples of England, merchants of Wales may go to the, 30
Star Chamber, taking away the jurisdiction before the Council of Wales, 168
Statute of Uses, Welshmen to enjoy estates transferred to them by the, 72, lvii
Statutes against Welshmen confirmed, 45
Wales included where England mentioned in, 206, 239, 280, xcviii
Statute of Rhuddlan or Rothelan, xxxi
Statutum Walliae (Statute of Wales), 2, xxviii
copies in Welsh and Latin to be kept, xxxvii
Stewards of Lordships not to inquire of felony, 106
Stolen Goods, 126
Suits against Englishmen, 33
removed from one county to another, where determined, 124
Sunday, to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors on, in Wales, 269
Surety, clerks convict to find, for good abearing, 65
Suspected persons, return of, 87, 119
Swansea, representation of, 249


Tales de Circumstantibus, 145, lxxxiv
Talesmen, qualification of, 192
Tallage on change of lords, paid according to Welsh customs, 127

Taxes charged by the Parliament of England, 127
Temporal Lords Marchers, proviso for liberties of, 88, 90, 139, 141
Tenants Ale not to be levied, 57
Tithes and Church Living's, redressing of grievances concerning, 185, xci
Tithes of Marriage Goods abolished, 139, lxxxii
Tolls, cesser of, 271
Tongue, marriages in Welsh, 252, 280
Tourn, or Turn, of sheriff, 5, xxxiii
Towns Corporate, King dissolving and erecting new ones, 106
Treason committed in Wales, how tried, 44, 91, 96, lxiv
no person to pardon, except the King, 73, 74
to take Englishmen or their goods, and carry them into Wales, 42, 45
Trespasses, 23
Trials, mode of, 18, 20, 23, 26
to be in adjoining counties, 39, 58, 120, xcix
Turnpike Roads, legislation for South Wales, cxviii


Uniformity, Act of, xciii
University of Wales, Act for the, 281, cxxiii
Unlawful Assemblies punished, 122
Untanned Hides, exportation of, 73


Vagabonds, prohibited in Wales, 34
Victual and Armour' shall not be carried into Wales, 35


Waifs, Strays, &c., the King shall have, 127
Wales, Act for prevention of frivolous suits extended to, 196
annexed to England, 2, 74, 76
assizes in, 242, 243
at the end of the fifteenth century, xlviii
commission for dividing, into shires, 89
contributory boroughs in, 250, 251
divided into counties, 3, 77, 101, lx, lxvi
divisions of, xxiv
in the thirteenth century, xxxviii
in the fourteenth century, xliii
included under "England," in Acts of Parliament, 206, 239, 280, xcviii.
King to have sole power and authority in, 74
offenders taken in, to whom delivered, 62

Wales, Statute of Jeofails extened to, 197
under the Tudors, l, lxxix
united to England, 2, 74, 76
(See Courts of Great Sessions)
Walled Towns, in Wales to be kept by Englishmen, 36
Weapon. carrying, 143
Welsherie, xxxii
Welsh Language, clergymen not conversant with not to be appointed to benefice within Wales, 252, 253, cxiii, cxvii
in Welsh Courts, xcviii
inspectors of mines, quarries and factories to have knowledge of 271, 280, cxviii
marriages in the, 252, 280, cxviii
persons speaking, not to enjoy the office unless conversant with English language, 87, lxi
provision for divine service in, in London, 262
Welsh Laws, Laws of Wales
Welshmen, against, making affrays in Hereford, Gloucester, and Salop, 95
already being burgesses or citizens, security for good behaviour, 31
batteries commited by, in Gloucester, Hereford and Salop, punishment, 63
disabled from purchasing lands in next English Counties, 31
excesses by, on English neighbours, 31
felony by, in England, 32
holding lands in England, security for good behaviour, 31
indicted of treason or felony, fleeing into Herefordshirew, process, 44
not restoring distresses in England, 32
not to be burgess or citizen, 31, 34
not to be officers in Wales, 31, 36
not to bring action for injuries in the late insurrection, 37
not to bring arms to court, 56
not to go armed, 35, 36
outlawry in case of outrages committed by, 39
outrages committed by, 32, 42
outrages committed justices of peace to inquire of, 39
penal legislation against, xliii
purchasing lands in certain counties, security for good behaviour, 31
rebellion of, 37, 38
repealing laws of Henry 4, and Henry 6, against, 167
estraints on, 31
robberies of the English in the marches by, remedy, 32, 42
shall not purchase lands in England nor English towns in Wales, 33, 34
statutes against, confirmed, 45
taking Englishmen into Wales, 42, 46
to enjoy estates transferred to them by Statute of Uses, 72-73
to find surety for good behaviour, 31
Welsh Women, Englishmen married to, not to have office in Wales, 36

Westva, 28, xli
Widows, how barred, as to personal estate, 193, xxcv
Will, personal estate disposed of by, 193, xcv
Women, co-heiress, inheriting, 26
Wollen Cloth, 129, 130
Wools, merchants of Wales to take, their, to the staples of England, 30
Writ of Attorney in County Court, 14
Writ of Capias Utlagatum, 138
Writ of Covenant, 13, 138
Writ of Debt, jurisdiction of county court, 13
Writ of Disseisin, 12
Writ of Dower, 12
Writ of False Judgment, 119, 128, 122
Writ of Mort D'Ancestor, forms of, 9-10
Writ of Proclamation, sheriffs not returning, 138
Writ to Chief Coroner, 15
Writs, forms of, applied to each case, 9-15, xxxiv
how used in Wales, 123
only to be made in the name of the King, 74
Writs De Excommunicato Capiendo, proceedings on, 144-145
Writs of Assize, 15
Writs of Error, as in England, 127

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