The Statutes of the Realm/Volume 1/Introduction/Appendix/A
Of Printed Collections, Translations, and Abridgements of
The Statutes
Of England and Great Britain.
No | Date when printed. | Printer’s Name. | Title or Description. | Size. |
1 | 1481 or before |
Lettou and Machlinia. | Vieux Abridgement des Statutes.
thin fol. |
The latest Act abridged is 33 H. VI. c. 13. A. D. 1455. |
2 | 1482 or 1483 |
Machlinia. | Nova Statuta.
fol. |
Containing the Statutes from 1 Ed. III. to 22 Edw. IV. |
3 | 1484 | Machlinia, or Caxton. | fol. | |
4 | 1488 or after. |
Machlinia, or Caxton. | Statutes made in the First, Second, and Third Parliaments of Henry VII. See Appendix B.
fol. |
5 | 1491 or after, and before 1502. |
Wynkyn de Worde. | Statutes 1, 3, & 4 H. VII. See Appendix B.
fol. |
The following are the Titles or Introductions to each Year: “¶ The Kynge our Sovereyn lorde Henry the seuenth after the conquest by the grace of God kynge of Englonde and of Fraunce and lord of Irlonde at his Parlyament holden at Westmynster the Seuenth Day of Nouembre in the first yere of his reigne to thonour of God and holy chirche and for the comen profyte of the royame by thassent of the lordes Spirytuell and temporell and the comons of the sayde Parlyamente assembled and by the Auctorite of the sayde Parliamente hath do to be made certeyn Statutes and Ordinaunces in manner and forme following.” “¶ The second Parlyament holden in the thirde yeer of kinge Henry the VII.” “¶ To the Worship of God and holy chirche and for the comen wele and profit of this reame of Englonde &c. the xiii Jan. in the fourth yere of his reyne.
Statutes “Anno vii° Henrici Septimi.”
fol. | |||
6 | 1495 or after. |
W. de Worde. | Anno xi Henrici vij. Statuta bonum publicum concernencia edita in parliamento tento apud Westmonasterium xiiij die Octobris anno regni illustrissimi Dñi nostri Regis Henrici septimi xi°. See Appendix B.
fol. |
7 | 1497 or after, and before 1504. |
Rich. Pynson. King’s Printer after 1508. |
Nova Statuta.
fol. |
Containing the Statutes from 1 Ed. III to 12 Hen. VII. inclusive. |
8 | 1499. | R. Pynson. | Abbreuiamentum Statutorum.
12mo |
A Reprint and Continuation of No. 1. See No. 17. |
9 | 1502 or after. |
W. de Worde. | A Reprint of the Statutes xi Hen. VII. with the Addition of The Statutes xii Hen. VII.
fol. |
See Appendix B. |
| |||
10 | 1504 | William Faques. King’s Printer. |
Anno xix Henrici VII. Statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in Parliamento tento apud Westmonasterium xxv die Januarii anno regni illustrissimi Domini nostri Regis Henrici Septimi.
4to |
These were reprinted by Pynson when he became King’s Printer. Several of the Sessional Publications of this Reign were also reprinted by W. de Worde and others. See Appendix B. |
11 | 1508 1514, 1519, &c. |
R. Pynson. | Parvus Codex qui Antiqua Statuta vocatur.
12mo |
This Description is given in the Colophon at the End of the Table of Statutes, &c. |
12 | 1514 or after. |
R. Pynson. | Statutes 3, 4, and 6 Henry VIII. “Emprynted by the Commandment of our Sovereign Lord the King and his Councell.”
fol. |
☞It appears that the Statutes after this Time continued to be regularly published at the End of each Session by the King’s Printer, and were reprinted by other Printers. See Appendix B. |
13 | 1519 1527, &c. |
John Rastall. | The Statutes—more fully described at the Conclusion thus:
“ The Abbreviac͠on of Statutis translatyd out of French into English by John Rastall and imprinted by the same John the xxv day of October in the xi yere of the reign of our sovereign Lord Kyng Henry the VIII. with the privilege of our seyd soverein Lord, &c. |
8vo |
14 | 1521 | R. Pynson. | Owen’s Abridgement. See post, No. 17.
15 | 1525 &c. |
R. Redman. | Antiqua Statuta.
12mo |
Nearly the same as Pynson’s 1508, &c. ante No. 11. |
16 | 1527 or after. |
R. Wyer. | The Statute upon the Assyse of Bread and Ale after the Pryce of a Quarter of Wheate, &c.
4to |
17 | 1528 | R. Pynson. | Le Breggement de touz les estatuz auxibien des veillez cōe des nouellez nouellement abriggez correctez amēdez par Guillaume Owein de Medill Temple. Et imprimez par Richarde Pynson tanq; al xix an du tres victorieux et soveraigne Roy Hēry le VIII. defensour de la foy. Anno Dñi M.D.xxviii.
12mo |
18 | 1528 | J. Rastall. | Magnum Abbreviamentum Statutorum Anglie usqꝫ ad annum xv Hen. VIII. inclusive.
12mo |
This was also reprinted by others. In some Copies the Acts of the Years 21, 22, and 23 are in a separate Abridgement added at the End. |
19 | 1529 1540 |
T. Berthelet. King’s Printer. |
The Statutes. See post, No. 31.
fol. |
20 | 1531 or before. |
R. Pynson. | The Statutes of Westmynster commonly called Westmynster Prymer made in the third yeare of Kinge Edwarde I.
fol. |
21 | 1531 1532, 1540, &c. |
T. Berthelet. | Magna Carta cum aliis antiquis Statutis; quorum Catalogum in fine operis reperies.
16mo |
Nearly the same as Pynson’s 1508, &c. ante, No. 11. |
22 | 1532 1540, &c. |
T. Berthelet. | Secunda Pars Veterum Statutorum.
16mo |
The two last were both frequently reprinted by Bethelet and others. |
23 | Uncertain. | Here begynith the hole Abrygemēt of all the Statutz aswel the olde as the New with divers other tytles & Statutes which were never imprynted before in englishe as shall appere to al those that dilygētly serchyth. Cum gratia & privilegio a rege indulto.
24 | 1533 | W. Rastall. | The grete Abregement of the Statutys of Englond untyll the xxij yere of Kyng Henry the viij. Cum privilegio regali.
8vo |
Abridgements of the Years 22, 23, and 24 are annexed. |
| |||
25 | 1534 1540 1542 Ferrer’s Translation. |
R. Redman El̵ Redman. T. Petyt. |
The Boke of Magna Carta with diuers other Statutes, whose names appere in the next lefe folowynge, translated into Englyshe. Facessat calumnia.—At the End “Thus endyth the boke called Magna Carta translated out of Latyn and Frenshe into Englyshe by George Ferrerz.” Imprynted, &c.—Cum privilegio Regali.
8vo |
The Editions 1540 & 1542, have the following Title: “ The Great Charter called in Latyn Magna Carta with divers Olde Statutes whose titles appeare in the next leafe. Newly corrected. Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum.” |
26 | 1538 | T. Berthelet. | Statutes to be executed by Justices of the Peace, &c.
“ In this Book are conteyned those Statutes, whiche to put in Execution the Justices of Peace, Sheriffes, baylyffes, constables, and other Ministers of Justice, were of late admonished by the Kynge’s Maiestie, on peyne to runne into his gracis mooste hyghe indignation and displeasure.” |
8vo |
27 | 1538 1540 |
R. Redman. Eliz. Redman. |
The greate Abbrydgement of all ye statutes of Englande vntyll the xxx yere of the reygne of our most drad soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. To whom be all honour, reuerence, and joyful contynuance of his prosperous reygne, to the pleasure of God and weale of thys hys realme. Amen. Cum privilegio Regali.
8vo |
The Edition 1538, has a Supplement of the 31ſt Year. That of 1540 has a Supplement of the 31ſt & 32d Years. |
28 29 |
1542 | W. Myddylton. T. Petyt. |
The greate Abbrydgement of all ye Statutes of Englāde, vntyl the xxxiii yere of the reygne of our moste drad soueraygne lord King Henry the eyght. To whom be all honour, reuerence, and joyful contynuance of his prosperous reygne, to the pleasure of God and weale of thys hys realme. Amen. Cum privilegio Regali.
8vo |
30 | 1543 | T. Berthelet. | The Statutes whiche the Justices of Peace, mayres, sheriffes, bayliffes, constables, and Offycers haue been commanded by the kynges maiesty, not only by his proclamations, to put in execution, vpon peyne of his hygh displeasure, but also by an Acte of parlyament made and established the 33 yere of his hygheness mooste graciouse reigne.
8vo |
See Stat. 33 Hen. VIII. c. 10. | ||||
31 | 1543 1564 |
T. Berthelet. Wykes. |
The Statutes in English from Magna Carta to 19 H. VII. inclusive.
“ In this Volume are conteined the Statutes made and establiſhed from the time of kyng Henry the thirde, vnto the fyrste yere of the reigne of our most gratious and victorious soueraine Lorde king Henry the viii. Anno M.D.XLIII.” |
fol. |
32 | 1543, 1544, 1551 1563 1575 |
T. Berthelet. King’s Printer. Powell. |
Statutes of Henry VIII.
“ The Second Volume conteyninge those Statutes which have been made in the tyme of the most victorious reigne of our most gracious soueraigne lorde kyng Henry the Eyght. Londini in ædibus Thomae Bertheleti, Typographi regii excus’. Anno verbi incarnati MDXLIII. Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum. |
fol. |
The First Edition contains the Acts only to 33 H. VIII. inclusive.
33 | Between 1541 and 1548 | W. Myddylton, to 21 H. VIII. inclusive; and thence T. Berthelet. |
The great Boke of Statutes cōteynyng all the Statutes made in the Parlyamentes from the begynnynge of the fyrst yere of the raigne of kynge Edwarde the thyrde tyll the begynnyng of the xxxiiii yere of the most gracyous raigne of our soueraigne Lorde kyng Henry the viii. Cum privilegio.
fol. |
It seems probable that the Title Pages and Tables of these Collections, No. 32 & 33. were frequently prefixed to Collections of several Sessional Publications bound together. The Signatures, paging, and Dates of several Sessions in such Collections being separate; and different Editions of the several Sessions being found in different Collections.
See List of Sessional Publications, Appendix B. |
| |||
34 | 1551 | T. Gaultier. T. Powell |
The newe greate abredgement, brefly conteyning all thactes and Statutes of this realme of England, vntyl the xxxv yere of the reigne of our late noble kynge of most worthye and famous memorye Henry VIII. (whose soule God pardone) newly reuysed, trulye corrected and amended, to the great pleasure and commoditie of all the readers thereof.
8vo |
35 | 1556 | R. Tottell. | Magna Charta cum Statutis quæ Antiqua vocantur, jam recens excusa, & summa fide emendata, iuxta vetusta exemplaria ad Parliamenti rotulos examinata: quibus accesserunt nonnulla nunc primum typis edita: apud Richardum Tottelum 12 Jun. 1556. Conferre and then preferre. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
8vo |
An Edition by Tottell of the Secunda Pars Veterum Statutorum dated 1555 or 1556 is generally bound up with the Magna Charta, &c. of 1556. See No. 22. |
36 | 1556 | T. Marshe. | Magna Carta et cetera antiqua statuta nunc nouiter per diuersa exemplaria examinata et summa diligentia castigata et correcta: cui adjecta est noua Tabula valde necessaria. First prove and then reprove.
8vo |
37 | 1557 1559, 1565, 1574, &c. W. Rastall’s Collection. See No. 42. |
R. Tottell. | A Collection of all the Statutes (from the begynning of Magna Carta unto the yere of our Lord 1557) which were before that yere imprinted. And furst a Pistle[1] necessary to be redde by them that shall use this booke. In ædibus Richardi Tottelli.—Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum.
4to |
In this Collection the Statutes previous to Henry VII. are in French or Latin respectively. See No. 42. | ||||
38 | 1560 | R. Tottell. | Pulton’s Abstract of Penal Statutes. See No. 44.
39 | 1564 | H. Wykes. | Statutes from Magna Carta to 19 H. VII. See ante, No. 31.
fol. |
40 | 1576 1587 |
R. Tottell. | Magna Charta cum statutis, tum antiquis tum recentibus, maximopere animo tenendis, nunc demum ad unum tipis edita; per Richardum Tottell; [Tottill] Anno domini 1576 [1587.] Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
8vo |
41 | 1602 1608, 1618, &c. |
T. Wight, Stationers’ Company. |
Magna Charta cum statutis tum antiquis tum recentibus, maximopere animo tenendis, jam nouiter excusa, & summa diligentia emendata & correcta. Cui adjecta sunt nonnulla Statuta nunc demum tipis ædita.
8vo |
In the Editions 1608, 1618, &c. modern Acts were from Time to Time added at the End. |
42 | 1579 1582, 1587, 1589, 1591, 1598, 1603, 1611, 1615, 1621. W. Rastall’s Collection in English. See No. 37. |
C. Barker, Queen’s Printer. |
A Collection of all the Statutes, from the beginning of Magna Charta unto this present yeare of our Lord God 1579, newlye augmented, and diligentlie perused. Whereunto are added two verie necessarie Tables. The one declaringe by order of Alphabet, all the seuerall Titles, with the speciall & most necessarie matters contayned therein. Whereby Justices of Peace, Coroners, Eschetors, Maiors, Shiriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, &c. and all other her hyghnes Subiectes, shall (under their apt Titles in the same Table) finde what and wherewyth they are charged by any manner of Statute. In the other Table being at thend of this Booke are set downe the seuerall times of the Parliaments, wyth the Titles at large, of every the Statutes made therein, whereby the reader may easilie finde what Statute it shall please him to seeke for, after the verie same order, which in the sundry Volumes of Statutes at large is used. Anno Domini 1579.
small fol. |
The Edition 1579 is the earliest yet found of this Collection, which contains the Statutes previous to Henry VII. translated into English. See No. 37. The subsequent Editions state in their Title Pages that the Collection is “under Titles placed by order of Alphabet:” and add the Abridgement of succeeding Statutes from time to time: That of 1621 includes the Statutes of 7 Jac. I. |
43 | 1587 | C. Barker. | The whole Volume of Statutes at large which at anie time heeretofore have beene extant in print, since Magna Charta until the xxix. yeere of the reigne of our most gratious souereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queene of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. With Marginall Notes and a Table of necessarie use newly added hereunto.—Cum privilegio Regiæ Majestatis.
fol. |
44 | 1594 first printed, 1560, 1577, 1596, &c. Pulton’s Penal Statutes. |
R. Tottell. | An Abstract of all the penall Statutes, which be in generall force and vse, wherein is conteined the effect of all those Statutes, which do threaten to the Offenders thereof, the losse of life, member, lands, goods or other punishment, or forfeiture whatsoever. Whereunto is also added, in their apt titles, the effect of such other Statutes, wherein there is anie thing materiall, and necessarie for each Subject to knowe. Moreouer the authoritie and dutie of all Justices, sheriffes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, baylifes, customers, comptrollers of custome, stewardes of leetes and liberties, aulnegers, and purveyors, and what things by the letter of seueral Statutes in force, they may, ought, or are compellable to doe. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inn gentleman.
8vo |
45 | 1606, 1608. 1612, 1617, 1618, &c. Pulton’s Kalendar, and Abridgement. |
Stationers’ Company. | A Kalendar or Table comprehending the effect of all the Statutes that have been made and put in print from Magna Carta to 4 Jac. I. Showing which are repealed, expired, altered, worn out of use, made for particular persons or places, and which are general, in force and use: Whereunto is annexed an Abridgement of all the Statutes whereof the whole or any part is general, in force and use; with Notes of such Matters as are doubtful, &c. Editum per mandatum domini Regis. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincoln’s Inn Esq. Cum privilegio.
fol. |
46 | 1618, 1621. usually called Rastall’s Statutes. |
Norton and Bill. Kings Printers. |
The Statutes at Large; Conteyning all such Acts which at any time heretofore have beene extant in print from Magna Charta [until 16 Jac. I.] Divided into Two Volumes; with Marginal Notes and divers necessary Tables newly added thereunto. Together with especial Markes whereby the Reader may easily know which of the same Acts are wholly voyd either by Expiration or Repeale.
fol. |
The latest Statutes printed in this Edition are those of the Session 7 Jac. I. being the last preceding the Time of Publication in 16 Jac. I. |
47 | 1618, 1628, 1632, 1635-6, 1640, 1661, 1670. Pulton’s Statutes. |
Fletcher & al̵ for Stationers’ Company. | A Collection of sundrie Statutes frequent in use: with Notes in the Margent and references to the Booke cases, and Bookes of Entries and Registers where they be treated of. Together with an Abridgement of the residue which be expired, repealed, altered, and worne out of use, or doe concern privat persons, places, or things, and not the whole Commonwealth. Whereunto be added certain material Statutes never printed before in English. Also a necessary Table or Kalendar [i. e. Index of principal Matters]: By Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inn Esq.
fol. |
The first Edition of this Collection ended with 7 Jac. I. The Sentence in the Title, respecting the Statutes never before printed, is omitted in the Title Page of some of the subsequent Editions:— The several Editions were successively enlarged by inserting the Statutes passed after 7 Jac. I. The last Edit. 1670, is by Manby, Editor of No. 49., and contains the Statutes to 22 Car. II. the Parliament ending 11th April 1670. ☞N.B. A Collection of Acts and Ordinances beginning 1640, (16, 17 Car. I.) and continued till 1656, was published in 1658, during the Usurpation, by Scobell, as a Continuation of Pulton. It was stated to be examined by the Original Records, and printed by special Order of Parliament; Scobell being then Clerk of the Parliament. Partial Collections and Abridgements of Acts passed during the Usurpation, were also printed at various Periods in 1646, 1649, 1650, 1651, 1652, 1654, 1655, 1657, &c. by Husband, Field, Wright, Hills, Twyford, and others. |
48 | 1667. | Assigns of J. Bill, and C. Barker, King’s Printers. |
A Collection of all the Statutes at large now in force; beginning 16 Car. I. 1640, & ending 19 Car. II. 1667, with the Titles of such as are expired & repealed. In Two Parts. Together with Notes in the Margin & Tables of the several Sessions of Parliament and of the Titles of all the Statutes both Public & Private: and an Alphabetical Table of all the Matters contained in the whole book.
fol. |
49 | 1667, &c. Manby’s Statutes. |
Streater & al̵. | A Collection of the Statutes made in the reigns of King Charles I. and II. with the Abridgement of such as stand repealed or expired. Continued after the Method of Mr. Pulton, with References one to the other, &c; Titles of the Private Acts; and a Table of principal Matters. By Thomas Manby Esq.—London printed, &c. Cum gratia & Privilegio Regie Majestatis.
fol. |
The First Edition ended with the Statutes 19 Car. II. The Statutes 20 and 22 Car. II. were added afterwards.
50 | 1676 1681, 1684, 1695, Keble’s Statutes. |
Assigns of John Bill, & al̵ King’s Printers. |
The Statutes at Large in Paragraphs [the Title to the Edit. 1681. adds here “and Sections or Numbers,”] from Magna Charta until this time, [“untill the reign of K. Charles II.” Edit. 1684, &c.] carefully examined by the Rolls of Parliament: With the Titles of such Statutes as are expired, repealed, altered or out of use. Together with the Heads of Pulton’s, or Rastall’s Abridgements in the Margin, and the addition of New References from other Books of Law; and a new Table. [i. e. Index]: By Joseph Keble of Gray’s Inn Esquire.”
fol. |
The Edition 1695 continues the Title thus; “In this Impression are added all the Statutes made in the reign of K. James II. King William and Queen Mary, to the End of the last Session of Parliament May 3, 1695; in the 7th year of the Reign of his Majesty K. Will. III. In Two Volumes. |
fol. | |||
51 | 1706 | Bill, &c. King’s Printers. |
The Statutes at large in Paragraphs and Sections or Numbers from Magna Charta to the end of the Session of Parliament, March 14, 1704; in the fourth year of the Reign of her Majesty Queen Anne. Carefully examined by the Rolls of Parliament. With the Titles of such Statutes as are expired, repealed, altered, or out of use; together with the Heads of Pulton’s or Rastall’s Abridgements in the Margin; and above One thousand References from other Books of Law, with Alphabetical Tables: In Three Volumes.
fol. |
Vol. I. contains the Statutes, in English, from Magna Carta to 43 Eliz.—Vol. II, from 1 Jac. I. to 6 & 7 Will. III. with Indexes to all the Statutes in both Volumes. These two Volumes appear very similar to the latest Edition of Keble’s Statutes 1695, from which perhaps they differ in nothing but the Title Page. The Title in Vol. III. in some Copies is “A Supplement to the last Edition of the Statute Book, beginning with the seventh and eighth years of the Reign of King William III. and continued to the End of the Session of Parliament, March 14, 1704, in the fourth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Anne; carefully examined by the Rolls of Parliament. With an Alphabetical Table.” In other Copies the Title of this Vol. III. is thus varied “The Statutes at Large; beginning, [&c. as before]—With an Alphabetical Table. Vol. III.” |
52 | 1708 | Bill & al̵. King’s Printers. |
Addenda to the third Volume of the Statutes at large; beginning with the fourth year of the Reign of Q. Anne, and continued to the End of the last Session of Parliament, April 1, 1708, in the seventh year of her Majesty’s Reign. Carefully examined by the Rolls of Parliament. With an Alphabetical Table.
fol. |
53 | 1724 | Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
Statutes at Large from the seventh year of Q. Anne to the End of the eighth and last Session of the fifth Parliament of Great Britain, 7th March 1722, 8 Geo. I. Carefully examined by the Rolls of Parliament. With an Alphabetical Table. In Two Volumes.
fol. |
[These two Volumes serve as Vol. IV. and V. of the Statutes printed in 1706, and the Addenda 1708. No. 51, 52. The Table is at the End of the Second Volume.] |
54 | 1734, 1735, Hawkins’s Statutes. |
Baskett, &c. King’s Printers. |
The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the Seventh Year of King George the Second inclusive. In Six Volumes, by William Hawkins Esq. Serjeant at Law.
fol. |
In most Copies of this Work, Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest, are printed from the Statute Roll in the Tower; though by an Error of the Press the Quotation “Ex MS. in Bibliotheca Cotton” is printed at the beginning of the Charter of the Forest; the Quotation in the subsequent Pages being “Ex Rot. Orig. in Turr. Lond.” But one Copy, at least, of this Volume still exists in which the Great Charter is printed from 2 Inst. and also from MS. Cott. Claud. D. II. and the Charter of the Forest from that MS. only. It may therefore be concluded that in the general impression these Pages were cancelled, and the Copies printed from the Statute Roll substituted in their place. |
| |||
55 | 1736 | Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
Statutes at Large from the ninth year of K. Geo. I. to the End of the seventh and last Session of the seventh Parliament of Great Britain, 7 Geo. II. Carefully examined by the Rolls of Parliament. With an Alphabetical Table.
fol. |
This serves as Vol. VI. of the Edition 1706, &c. No. 51, 52, 53. and brings that up to the same Period as Hawkins’s Edition. The Six Volumes are preserved in some Libraries bound uniformly and lettered ‘Keble’s Statutes.’ |
56 | 1739 1762 1766 1772 Cay’s Abridgement. |
King’s Printer. | An Abridgement of the Public Statutes in force and use from Magna Charta to 11 Geo. II. In Two Volumes: By John Cay Esq.
fol. |
A New Edition, continued to 1 Geo. III. was published in 1762, by H. B. Cay, Esq; and in 1766 a separate Volume, containing the Statutes from 11 Geo. II. to 1 George III; as a Supplement to the First Edition. |
57 | 1742 1759 |
Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
Statutes at Large from the seventh year of King George II. to 14 George II. inclusive. To which is prefixed a Table of the Titles of all the Publick and Private Statutes during that Time. Vol. VII.
fol. |
This makes Vol. VII. as well to Hawkins’s Edition No. 54. as to the Edition 1706, &c. No. 51, 52, 53, 55. There is an Index to this Volume; at the End. |
58 | 1758, 1759 | Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
Statutes at Large 15 Geo. II. to 23 Geo. II. inclusive. With a Table of the Titles of all the Publick and Private Statutes during that Time. Vol. VIII.
fol. |
1758, 1759 | Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
Statutes at Large 24 Geo. II. to 30 Geo. II. With a Table of Titles, &c. Vol. IX.
fol. | |
An Index to both Volumes is printed at the End of Vol. IX. |
59 | 1758 Cay’s Statutes. |
Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the thirtieth Year of King George the Second inclusive. In Six Volumes, by the late John Cay Esq.
fol. |
In 1769 and 1771 Two Volumes were published, and in 1773 a Third, to continue this Edition to 13 Geo. III. with Indexes at the End of the Vols. 1771 and 1773. These serve as Volumes VII, VIII, IX of Cay’s Edition, and X, XI, XII of Hawkins’s. |
60 | 1762, 1765 1769, 1770 Ruffhead’s Statutes. |
Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the End of the last Parliament, 1761. In Eight Volumes; by Owen Ruffhead Esquire.
4to |
Baskett & al̵. King’s Printers. |
The Statutes at Large from 2 Geo. III. [exclusive] to 5 Geo. III. [exclusive.] With a Copious Index [to the Statutes from Magna Carta to 4 Geo. III. inclusive] and an Appendix, consisting of obsolete and curious Acts, some of which were never before printed.—Volume the Ninth.
4to | ||
1785 | Eyre and Strahan. King’s Printers. |
The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to 25 Geo. III. inclusive, with a copious Index, and an Appendix consisting of obsolete and curious Acts, some of which were never before printed. By Owen Ruffhead Esq.—A new Edition, in Ten Volumes, revised, corrected, and continued by Charles Runnington Esquire.
4to | |
These Editions have been regularly continued by additional Volumes. |
61 | 1762, 1769 Pickering’s Statutes. |
Printer to Cambridge University. | The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain, Anno 1761. Carefully collated and revised, with References, a Preface, and a new and accurate Index to the whole. By Danby Pickering of Gray’s Inn Esquire. Twenty-four Volumes.
8vo |
This Edition has been regularly continued by additional Octavo Volumes. |
⸺ [Several Abridgements of the Statutes, and Collections or particular Selections from them, have from time to time appeared, which do not seem worthy of specific Notice. Such are Wingate’s Abridgement, in several Octavo Volumes; Annual Abridgements, in thin Folio Volumes or Parts printed by the King’s Printer during the early Part of the present Reign; Williams’s Digest of the Statute Law; Addington’s Penal Statutes, &c. &c.] |