The Story of Egil Skallagrimsson/Index
- Acres, 'Akrar,' corn-fields, 52
- Adder, name of sword, 97
- Adils, earl, 91, 96, 99, 101
- Afrekstead, 62
- Agdir, county in S. Norway, 13
- Aki, a Dane, 81, 83, 89
- Aldi, a firth in the Firths, 117
- Alf, Gunnhilda's brother, 87, 112
- Alf Wealthy, by Eida-wood, 162, 163
- Alfgeir, earl of Northumberland, 91, 97, 98
- Alfred the Great, his rule, 90
- Alof, Bjorn's second wife, 65, 110
- Alost, island off Halogaland, 10, etc.
- Alrekstead, 117
- Anabrekka, in Myrar, 50, 182
- Arinbjorn Thorir's son, Egil's friend, 72; inherits, 102; in England, 126, etc.; harrying, 151; joins Eric's sons, 153; Egil's poem on, 175; falls, 178
- Armod Beard, by Eida-wood, 156, 167
- Arnfid, earl in Halland, 84
- Arnfinn, Orkneys' earl, 125
- Arngeir, 107
- Arnvid, king of South Mæri, 3
- Arnvid, earl in Vermaland, 154, 163, 167
- Asbjorn, earl, 5
- Asgaut, earl, 5
- Asgerdr, daughter of Bjorn, 61; married to Thorolf, 67; to Egil, 72; dies, 181
- Askr, farm on Fenhring, 65, 108, 144
- Athelstan, king of England, 90; receives Thorolf and Egil, 90; fights in Northumberland, 91-101; Egil's second visit to, 134; death, 147
- Atla-island, in Fells, 74
- Atli Slim, earl, 2
- Atli Short, 136; lawsuit and duel with Egil, 145-6
- Audbjorn, king of Firthfolk, 2
- Audun Ill-skald, 11
- Augvaldsness, 62
- Aulvir Hnuf, Kari's son, 1; joins Harold, 5; his skald, 11; befriends Thorolf, 25; Skallagrim, 42
- Aulvir, Thorir's steward, 73-77
- Aunund Sjoni, Ani's son, 50; friend of Egil, 147; his old age, 182, 187, 190
- Aurland, in Sogn, 57, 110, 168
- Auzur Toti, father of queen Gunnhilda, 65
- Ball-play, 68-70, 202
- Bard, Brynjolf's son, 9-12, 14
- Bard, of Atla isle, 74-77
- Baug, 40
- Bees, 133, 208
- Bee-skip, 212
- Beigaldi, in Myrar, 50
- Beitis sea, in Throndheim, 35
- Bergonund, 65, 105, 108-12, 118-20
- Berserk, 13, 14, 140, 199, 209
- Bersi, 107
- Bindheim, in Hod island, 139
- Bjalf, father of Kveldulf, 1
- Bjarmaland, by the White Sea, 65
- Bjorgolf, 9; marries Hildirida, 10
- Bjorn Yeoman, 56; marries Thora, 58; in Iceland, 58; in Norway, 61, 62, 63, 71; dies, 107
- Bjorn, Hitadale's champion, 107
- Bjorn, king of Sweden, 129
- Blund-Kettle, 68
- Blunds-water, in Borgar-firth, 207
- Bodvar, Egil's eldest son, 147; drowned, 169, 170; poem on this, 171
- Borg, Skallagrim's home in Iceland, 50, etc.
- Borgar-firth, in South-west Iceland, 50, etc.
- Borgarhraun, 69, 202
- Bragi, a poet, 129
- Bragi, god of poetry, 177
- Brak, 70
- Brakar-sound, 70
- Brenn islands, at mouth of Gaut-Elbe, 86
- Bretland, Wales, 91, 220
- Britons, 90, 219
- Brynjolf, Bjorgolf's son Bard's father, 9, 1O
- Brynjolf, father of Bjorn Yeoman, 56, 57, 62, 71
- Caithness, in Scotland, 6
- Cleave-river, in Borgar firth, 51
- Courland, at east end of he Baltic, 81
- Courlanders, 81
- Cross-river, in Borgar-firth, 51
- Cross-river-lithe, 107
- Curse, form of, 112, 116
- Cuise-pole, 121
- Dales, in Norway, 138
- Dales, in Iceland, meaning Broadfirth-dales, 180
- Dalla, 182
- Danes, 81; in Northumberland, 91, 204
- Denmark, 83, 153, 184
- Digraness, in Myrar, 50; Skallagrim buried there, 124; Bodvar, 186
- Dovrefell, in Norway, 137, 157
- Dragvandil, name of sword, 134, 145, 209
- Dublin, in Ireland, 6, 57
- Duck-kyle, in Borgar-firth, 50, 71, 200
- Duck-kyle-river, 50
- Dvina, river in Russia, 65
- Edmund, king of England, 147
- Edward, king of England, 90
- Earl's-ness, in England, 98
- Egil Skallagrimsson, birth, 55; boyhood, 68; goes to Norway, 71; slays Bard, 76; harries, 79-86; goes to England, 90; at Vinheath, 93-99; described, 102; in Norway, 105; marries, 107; in Iceland, 107; in Norway, 108; lawsuit with Bergonund, 111; slays him, 120; slays Eric's son, 121; back to Iceland, 122; buries Skallagrim, 124; wrecked at Humbermouth, 126; before Eric at York, 127-31; recites Head-ransom, 132; with Athelstan, 134; goes to Norway, 136; before king Hacon, 137; fights with Ljot, 141; with Atli, 145; in Iceland, 147; has children, 147; joins Arinbjorn in Norway, 148; harries in Friesland, 151; parts from Arinbjorn, 153; goes to Vermaland, 155-168; to Iceland, 184; makes poem on sons' loss, 171; on Arinbjorn, 176; friendship with Einar, 177-79; retires to Mossfell, 181; at the Thing, 187-89; old age, 195-96; death, 197; his bones found and reburied, 198.
- Egil Thorsteinsson, 181
- Eida-wood, between Norway and Vermaland, 154, 164
- Eidsea, isthmus-sea above the Firths, 5
- Einar Skalaglam, a poet, 177-79
- Einar, of Stafaholt, 186
- Einarsness, in Myrar, 170
- Einkunnir, in Myrar, 50, 191
- Elbe, river in Gautland, 32
- Elda, isthmus in Naumdale, 35
- Ella, king of Northumberland, 104
- England, 29, 90, 91, 125 etc., 136, 148
- Erling, Alof's father, 65
- Eric Bloodaxe, son of Harold Fairhair, 62-64; takes rule, 65; marries Gunnhilda, 65; has dealings with Egil, 77-9, 109-15; flees before Hacon, 124; in Northumberland, 125-34 falls, 147; his sons, 147, 153, 178
- Eric Allwise, 135
- Eyrar, 'banks,' near Copenhagen, 31, 200
- Eyrar-sound, 83
- Eyvind Lambi, 1; joins Harold, 11; marries Thorolf's widow, 38
- Eyvind Skald-spoiler, grandson of the above, 39
- Eyvind Skreyja, brother of queen Gunnhilda, 87-89
- Faravid, king of Kvenland, 23, 24, 27
- Faroe islands, 6
- Fells, district north of Sogn, 5
- Fenhring, island of Hordaland, 119, 144
- Finland, 23
- Finmark, 17, 23
- Finns, 10, 17
- Fir-sound in the Firths, 30
- Firths, district south of South Mæri, 6, etc.
- Firthfolk, 2, etc.
- Fitjar, on Stord Island in Hordaland, 62, 177
- Flanders (Flemings' land), 90
- Fleet-lithe, in South Iceland, 40
- Flokadale, in Borgar-firth, 52, 68
- France, 6, 98
- Frey, 116, 176, 206
- Freyja, 170
- Fridgeir, Arinbjorn's nephew, 139, etc.
- Friesland, 151
- Frisians, 152
- Frodi, kinsman of Eric, 117, 118, 120
- Frodi's meal, gold, 133
- Games, 68-70
- Gaular, in Sogn, 2, 87
- Gautland, in western Sweden, 168, 210
- Geir, Kettle Blund's son, 68
- Geirlaug, Eyvind Lambi's son, 39
- Geir's-lithe, in Borgar-firth, 68
- Gold-Harold, 178
- Granastead, in Myrar, 50, 68
- Grani, 42, 68
- Grani, a thrall, 182-83
- Grim, house-carle, 42
- Grim, Bard's son, 13
- Grim, Hegg's son, 68, 69
- Grim Straggy-skin, 135
- Grim, Sverting's son, married Thordis, 168, 181, 197
- Grim, Thorir's son, Halogalander, 49
- Grim, Thorstein's son, 193
- Grim, Kveldulf's son. See Skallagrim.
- Grims holt in Myrar, 193
- Grim's river in Borgar-firth, 50
- Griss Freedman, 42, 52
- Grisar-tongue in Myrar, 52, 191
- Grjotgard, 5
- Gudrek, earl, 91, 92
- Gufu-river, in Borgar-firth, 49
- Gula-Thing, 109, 144, 206
- Gunnar, Egil's son, 147
- Gunnhilda, Eric's queen, 65; dealings with Egil, 76, 88, 112, 125, 128, 130; in Denmark, 147; early life, 202
- Gunnhilda, daughter of Bjorn Yeoman, 65, 105
- Gunnhilda, daughter of earl Halfdan, 39
- Gunnlaug Hromund's son, 107
- Gunnlaug Worms-tongue, 198
- Guttorm, uncle of Harold Fairhair, 45, 46
- Gyda, Arinbjorn's sister, 139, etc.
- Hacon, earl, 5
- Hacon, the Good, 90; becomes king, 124; invades Vermaland, 167; death, 176.
- Hacon, Sigurd's son, earl, 178-79, 196
- Hadd, brother of Bergonund, 65, 120
- Hafnar-fell, south limit of Borgar-firth, 50
- Hafrs-firth, in Rogaland, 13
- Hafs-brook, in Myrar, 50, 182
- Halberd, weapon, Thorolf's described, 97
- Halfdan, earl, 39
- Halfdan Swarthy, Harold Fairhair's father, 3
- Halfdan Whitebone, 154
- Hall, Thorstein's son, 181
- Hall, Gudmund's son, 198
- Halland, county in Sweden, 84
- Hallbera, Kveldulf's mother, 1
- Hallbjorn, her brother, 1
- Hallstein, earl Atli's son, 2
- Hallvard Hardfarer, king's messenger, 29, 34, 47
- Halogaland, northern part of Norway, 3, etc.; position described, 23
- Hals, in Lima-firth in Jutland, 153
- Harek, Hildirida's son, 10, 18, etc., 47
- Harold Fairhair, 3-6, 13, 14; breaks with Thorolf, 27; slays him, 37; old age and death, 116
- Harold, Eric's son, called Grayfell, 116, 153, 178
- Harold, Gorm's son, king of Denmark, 83, 89
- Harold, Knut's son, called Gold-Harold, 178
- Hauga, in Borgar-firth, 52
- Hauga-sound, by Rogaland, 116
- Hazel-poles, for battle or court, 93, 11O
- Head-ransom, Egil's poem, 132-33
- Hegg, 69
- Helga, Kettle Hæing's daughter, 9
- Helga, Thorfinn's daughter, 160, 167
- Helga, Thorstein's daughter, 181, 198
- Helgi, Kettle Hæing's son, 40
- Helgi, Thorfinn's son, 161
- Helsingjaland, in Sweden, 6, 23
- Herdla, island off North Hordaland, 118, etc.
- Herdla-water, 118
- Herlaug, king of Naumdale, 3
- Herlaug, earl, 5
- Herstein, 2
- High-seat, 102, 103, 199
- Hildirida, married to Bjorgolf, 9, 10
- Hildirida's sons, Harek and Hrærek, 16; slander Thorolf, 19, etc.; slain, 140
- Hising, island off mouth of Elbe, 29
- Hjarda-holt, in Laxdale, 169, 170
- Hjorleif, land-taker in Iceland, 40
- Hjorleif, Thorstein's son, 181
- Hlada, chief town of Throndheim, 35, 38
- Hod. See Kettle Hod.
- Hod, island in South Mæri, 139
- Hogni, father of Hildirida, 9, 10
- Holm, in Myrar, 107
- Holm-gang, island-going, Icelandic for duel, wager of battle, 141-42, 145
- Hordaland, between Rogaland and Sogn, 13, etc.
- Hrafn, Kettle Hæing's son, 40
- Hrafn, Thorstein's son, 181
- Hrafnilda, 39
- Hrafnista, in Naumdale, 1, 9, 39
- Hrærek, Hildirida's son, 10, 18, etc.
- Hrifla, Thorstein's son, 181
- Hring, earl of Bretland, 91, etc,
- Hringariki, in South Norway, 46
- Hrisa, in Flokadale, 68
- Hrisa-blund, Geir's son, 68
- Hris-bru, Bush-bridge, near Mossfell, 197
- Hroald, earl of Firthfolk, Thorir's father, 2, 5
- Hrollaug, king of Naumdale, 3
- Humbermouth, in England, 126
- Hunthiof, king of North Mæri, 3
- Iceland, first settlers, 6
- Illugi Swarthy, 107
- Ingibjorg, Harold Fairhair's daughter, 39
- Ingolf, land-taker, 40, 49
- Ingunn, Kettle Hæing's wife, 40
- Ireland, 6
- Irish, 90, 125
- Iri, Thorstein's freedman, 191
- Jamtaland in Sweden, 6, 23
- Jofridr, Thorstein's wife, 181
- Jutland, 89
- Jutland-side, west coast, 90
- Kari, called Berdlu-Kari, Kveldulf's comrade, 1, 5, 36
- Keels (kilir), a mountain ridge in Norway, 23
- Kenning, in Icelandic verse, Introd. ix
- Kettle Hæing, Hallbjorn's son, 1, 9, 200
- Kettle Hæing, Thorkel's son, grandson of the above, 39, 40
- Kettle Blund, 67
- Kettle Hod, 114, 115
- Kiriales, a people east of Finmark, 23
- Kirialaland, 23
- Kjotvi Wealthy, 13
- Kol, a Norseman, 155
- Kollsvein, son of Thorstein, 181
- Krum's hills, in Myrar, 50
- Krum's bog-hole, near Borg, 123
- Kveldulf, father of Skallagrim, 1; will not join Harold, 4; prophesies evil, 8; avenges Thorolf, 47; sails for Iceland, 48; dies, 49
- Kvenland, east of Helsingjaland, 23
- Kvens, people of Kvenland, 23
- Kvig, Hegg's brother, 69
- Kylfings, a people east of Finmark, 17
- Lambi, Thord's son, 193
- Lambstead, in Myrar, 123, 193
- Lawsuit, between Egil and Bergonund, 109, 110; Egil and Atli, 145; Thorstein and Steinar, 187
- Laxfit, salmon-mead or shore, in Borgar-firth, 69
- Lax-river-dale, 185
- Leiru-brook, in Myrar, 107, 191
- Leiru-vagr (Loam-bay), 181
- Lid-ndisness, south headland of Norway, 32
- Lima-firth, in Jutland, 153, 178
- Ljot, a Berserk, 140-43
- London, 135
- Lundr, in Denmark, 83
- Lygra, island off North Hordaland, 62
- Mark-fleet, river in South Iceland, 40
- Mæri, North and South Mæri, counties in Norway, 3, etc.
- Melkorka, mother of Olaf Peacock, 161
- Midfirth islands, by Myrar, 54
- Mossey, in Shetland, 58
- Moss-fell, Grim's home in Iceland, 169
- Mostrar-sound, by Denmark, 31
- Myrar, near Borgar-firth, 51, etc.
- Myra-men, men of Myrar, 69; esp. Skallagrim's descendants, 198
- Naumdale, between Throndheim and Halogaland, 3
- Naumdalesmen, 3
- Naust-dale, in Firths, 5
- Nausta-ness, near Borg, 124
- Njord, god of wealth, 116, 176
- Normandy, in France, 6
- Norsemen, men of Norway, 40
- Northumberland, 91, etc.
- North-river, in Borgar-firth, 51
- Norway, Harold's rule of, 3, etc.; its bordering lands, 23
- Odin, 116
- Odd Lonehouse. 52
- Odd Tongue. See Tongue Odd.
- Olaf, Eric's brother, 116, 132
- Olaf, king, married descendant of Thord Brynjolf's son, 71
- Olaf Red, king of Scotland, 91, etc., 101
- Olaf Peacock, 169
- Olaf Shy, 52
- Olaf Treecutter, 154
- Olaf Tryggvason, 198
- Oleif Halt, 52, 69
- Onund. See Bergonund.
- Orkneys, 53, 125
- Osloar-firth, in Vik, 136, 151
- Ostr, island of Norway, 65
- Ostrar-firth, in North Hordaland, 59
- Osvif, a seer, 177, 179
- Outlawry, 108, 110, 117, 186
- Penny, 29, 197, 199
- Poetry, Introd. vii—xi: Egil's three great poems, 132, 171, 175
- Prim-signing, 91, 204
- Ragi, 52
- Ragnar, Guttorm's son, 46, 48
- Ragnar Lodbrok, 91
- Ragnhildr, Eric's daughter, 125
- Ragnhildr, Guttorm's daughter, 46
- Ran, 172
- Rang-river, in South Iceland, 40
- Rannveig, Thord's daughter, 71
- Raufar-ness, in Myrar, 54
- Raumariki, in South Norway, 3, etc.
- Raums-dale, bordering on North and South Mæri, 136
- Red-Bjorn, 180
- Red Gill, in Borgar-firth, 68
- Reykir, in Reykjadale, 68
- Reykjadale, in Borgar-firth, 68
- Reykjadale-river, 68
- Reykjarhamar, crag in Borgar-firth, 170
- Reykja-ness, south-west point of Iceland, 49, 53
- Rogaland, between Agdir and South Hordaland, 13, etc.
- Rognvald, earl, 5
- Rognvald, Eric's son, 117, 118
- Runes, 76, 160
- Sacrifices, 75, 88
- Salbjorg, Kveldulf's wife, 1
- Sandness, farm on Alost, 10, etc.
- Sandvik, near Borg, 70
- Saxony (Saxland), North Germany, 90, 151
- Sæunn, Skallagrim's daughter, 56, 107
- Scotland, 6, 91, 126
- Scots, 91, 100
- Seaham, in Hordaland, 62
- Seal-loch, in Myrar, 50
- Shape-changing, 130, 223
- Shape-strong, 47, 70, 199
- Sheppey, sheep-island, in the Fells, 77
- Sheeping-sound, in Firths, 114
- Shilling, English coin, 94
- Ship-ness, in Myrar, 53
- Sighvat Red, 39
- Sigmund, Skallagrim's house-carle, 52
- Sigmundar-ness, in Myrar, 52
- Sigridr, Sigurd's daughter, 10; marries Bard, 12; Thorolf, 15; Eyvind Lambi, 39
- Sigurd, earl of Orkneys, 58
- Sigurd, Guttorm's son, 46
- Sigurd, Harold Fairhair's son, 116
- Sigurd, of Sandness, 10, etc.
- Sigtrygg Swiftfarer, king's messenger, 29, 47
- Sigvald, earl, 179
- Skald-Hrafn, 181, 198
- Skallagrim, Egil's father, 2; marries, 33; reason of name, 34; goes to Iceland, 49, etc.; dies, 123
- Skapti, lawman, 168
- Skapti, priest, 197
- Skard's Heath, south of Borgar-firth, 194
- Skegg-Thorir (Beard-Thorir), 118
- Skrymir, name of sword and of giant, 193
- Skuli, Thorstein's son, 181, 198
- Sledging, 156, 166
- Smithy, 54
- Snæfell-strand, in Iceland, 182, 183, 194
- Snow-shoes, 29, 157
- Sogn, county in South-West Norway, 7, etc.
- Sogn-sea, 46
- Solskel, island off North Mæri, 4
- Solundir-islands, outside Sogn-sea, 45
- Solveig, earl Atli's daughter, 2
- Solvi, 4
- Sons' loss, title of poem, 171
- Spell, worked by Gunnhilda, 125
- Stack-moor, in Myrar, 182-84
- Stafar-holt, in Myrar, 186
- Stangar-holt, in Myrar, 51
- Stave, Introd. vii
- Steinar, 182, etc.
- Stone-sound, in the Fells, 114
- Stord, island off Hordaland, 176
- Strome Firth, in Myrar, 53
- Swan-ness, 50, 51
- Swan-river, 107
- Sweden, 46, 155
- Tjaldaness, Egil's burial-place, 197
- Thing, public meeting, 112, 113, etc.
- Thing-field, 112
- Thjors-river, in South Iceland, 40
- Thor, 41; frequent prefix in names, as is seen below.
- Thora Lacehand, 57, 65
- Thora, Thorir's daughter, 135
- Thora, Thorstein's daughter, 182
- Thorarin, 52
- Thorbjorn Raven, 11
- Thorbjorn Krum, 50
- Thord, Brynjolf's son, 56, 71, 168
- Thord Beigaldi, 42, 50
- Thord, Grani's son, 68-70
- Thord, Sigtrygg's brother, 29, 32
- Thord, Thorstein's son, 182
- Thord Yeller, 52
- Thordis, Olaf's daughter, 52
- Thordis Staung, 51
- Thordis, Thorfid's daughter, 107
- Thordis, Thorolf's daughter, 105, 124; married to Grim, 169; Egil lives with them, 181
- Thordis, Yngvar's daughter, 122
- Thorfid Strong, 86-88, 100, 107
- Thorfinn, dwelt by Eida-wood, 159, 166
- Thorgeir Blund, 68, 181, 186
- Thorgeir Earthlong, 42, 51
- Thorgeir Lambi, of Swan-ness, 122, 192
- Thorgeir, Sigtrygg's brother, 29, 32
- Thorgeir Thornfoot, 65
- Thorgeir, Thorstein's son, 181
- Thorgerdr Brak, 70
- Thorgerdr, Thorbjorn's daughter, 182
- Thorgerdr, Egil's daughter, 147, 169, 170, 171
- Thorgils Yeller, 21-23, 29, 30, 37
- Thorir Giant, 42, 50
- Thorir, Hroald's son, 2, 57, 61-64, 72, 73, 79, 88, 105
- Thorir, Kettle's son, 49
- Thorir Longchin, 13
- Thorir Thruma, 32
- Thorkel, earl, 39
- Thorkettle, 180
- Thormod, 181
- Thormod, Kleppjarn's son, 182
- Thorod, 181
- Thorolf, Kveldulf's son, 2; goes to Harold, 8; marries, 15; breaks with king, 27; falls, 37
- Thorolf, Skallagrim's son, 54; in Norway, 61; with Eric, 65; with Egil, 71-90; in England, 90-100
- Thorstein, Egil's son, 147, 180-194, 198
- Thorstein, Thora's son, son of Eric Allwise, 135, 136, 138, 139, 154, 155, 167
- Thorunn, Skallagrim's daughter, 55, 68
- Thorvald Proud, 86-88
- Thrand, 187
- Throndheim, county in Norway, 3, etc.
- Thronds, dwellers in Throndheim, 3
- Thuridr Dylla, 107
- Tongue Odd, 186, 188-190
- Torgar, island off Halogaland, 9, etc.
- Tunsberg, in Vik, 116
- Ulf. See Kveldulf.
- Ulf Fearless, 1
- Ulf, earl Arnvid's man, 163-65
- Upland, province of Norway, 3, etc.
- Vagar, islands of the Lofoden, 27
- Valdres, in Upland, 41
- Valland, foreigners' land, Icelandic name for France, 6, 98
- Vefsnir Firth, in Halogaland, 7
- Vemund, king of Firthfolk, 5
- Vermaland, in South Sweden, 154
- Vermians, people of Vermaland, 181, 182
- Vik, the Bay, 31, etc., 199
- Vinheath, 93-98, 205
- Vitar, fishing-station outside the Firths, 117
- Vors, part of North Hordaland, 42
- Vors, island by South Mæri, 140
- Wager of battle, 140, 142-145
- Warm-brook, in Borgar-firth, 52
- Wener, lake in Sweden, 54
- White-river, in Borgar-firth, 51
- Yngvar, father of Bera, 33, 55
- York, 91, 126
- Yule, 148
Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.