The Story of Ginger Cubes/Chapter 13
[Confidential Report of an interview with a druggist by a Merchandising Surveyor from the Gray Matter Advertising Agency.]
Name—Higgly-Piggly Drug Store.
Address—673 Sunnyside Ave.
Type of Store—Chain.
Party Interviewed—J. K. Liquorice, Mgr.
Subject of Interview—Ginger Cubes Canvass.
Approach talk Used—General Co-operation No. 3, as per Mr. Geniall's suggestion.
What Brands of the following Does Dealer Sell—(List in order of popularity):
- Throat Tablets—Roko, Southern Soothers, Tussicules.
- Cough Drops—Lady Larynx, Lotos Cones.
- Confectionery Laxatives—Sugar Chew, Cascarilla.
- Appetizer Lozenges—Paprika Pastilles, Curlicues.
- Digestive Tablets—Stowaways, Cul de Sacs.
- Medicated Candies—Sweeto, Spicy Chiplets, Candoids.
- Breath Purifiers—Balmozone, Pineapple Hints, Clover Slices.
To What Does Dealer Attribute Success of These Best Sellers? Newspaper Advertising.
Does He Push Any Particular Brands? If So, Which? No Answer.
What Methods of Manufacturers' Promotion Produces Best Result for the Dealer? Newspaper Advertising.
What per cent of his customers suffer from Sore Thoat? Ten per cent. in winter.
What per cent from bad digestion? No answer.
What per cent from cacopneumonia (bad breath)? No answer.
What per cent prefer a doctor's prescription to a patent medicine? Fifty per cent.
What does Dealer think of prospects of Ginger Cubes? Excellent; thinks name very "catchy."
Does Dealer approve the subtitle "Digestive Dice?" Yes.
Will He Use Window Display Material? Sure.
General Remarks—Dealer suggests we investigate what effect the Ginger Cubes will have on smokers' tongue; says ginger bites the tongue after smoking, would not have percentage of ginger too powerful.
Name of Surveyor—Richmond Brown.
Analyzed by Henry W. Geniall.