The Story of Ginger Cubes/Chapter 8
[A letter from Nicholas Ribstone to Allan Russell.]
Nicholas Ribstone, |
Executive Offices |
Cable Address: |
April 14, 1922.
Dear Russell: Here are our letterheads. How do you like them? I am sending some to the hospital so you can use them for any letters you may need to write. Show them to the nurses and get their reaction. The more they circulate, the better.
This is just to tell you that I am going out of town for a little rest over the week-end We have got things pretty well lined up so far. I shall be glad when you get back so we can visit together for I want your advice. You understand advertising men better than I do, I guess. To me, a great deal of their jargon is a mystery. What, for instance, do you think of the enclosed one that has just come to me from the Gray Matter Agency? Does it mean anything?
Miss Balboa, by the way, is somewhat upset by a remark made by your Miss Cumnor, about our error in spelling the name of the Hospital. I'm afraid the mistake was due to my wrong pronunciation, which she misunderstood.
As ever,