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The Story of Mexico/Index

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1727334The Story of Mexico — Index1889Susan Hale


A Axayacatl, 101, 158
Ayaxzitl, 41
Aak, 78 Ayotzinco, 156
Academy of Fine Arts, 226 Ayuntamiento, 184
Acamapichtli, 90 Azoteas, 127
Acapulco, 225 Aztecs, 43;emigration of, 83;
Acatl, 76 wanderings of, 84; settlement
Acolhuacan, 98 at Chapultepec, 86; driven to
Aculco, 246 the islands, 87; found Tenoch-
Aculhuas, 42 titlan, 88; their civilization,
Agave, 34 89; extent of the kingdom,
Aguilar, Jerome de, 138 106; religion of, 107; hiero-
Agustin I., see Yturbide glyphics, 111; paintings, 112;
Ahuehuete, 22, 56 religion, 114; domestic life,
Ahuitzotl, 105 115; laws, 115; calendar,
Aldama, 248 116; cycle, 118; agriculture,
Allende, Ignacio, joins Hidalgo, 119; character, 120; priest-
241; denounced, 244; attacked esses, 121; policy of the na-
by Calleja, 246; forced to re- tion, 123
treat, 247; captured and shot, Aztlan, 22
Alta California, 190; see also B
Alvarado, 137, 160, 163, 173, 194 Bajan, Las Norias de, 248
Amaquemecan, 38, 42 Balam, 78
Amecameca, 99, 208 Barradas, 277
Ampudia, General, 318, 319, 322 Basch, Dr., 375
Anahuac, 6, 8, 12, 17, 33 "Baths of Montezuma," 57
Anaya, General, 334 Baudelier, quoted, 30, 38, 170
Angostura, 323 Bazaine, Marshal, 356, 360, 367,
Apan, 36 371, 373
Apodaca, Viceroy, 259, 262 Bocanegro, 277
Arista, General, 311, 342 Bonaparte, Joseph, 235
Atlantis, 21 Bonpland, 224
Atzacualco, 88 Boot, Adrian, 218
Atzcapotzalco, 42, 43, 51 Branciforte, Marquis of, 234, 235
Audiencia, 184 Bravo, General Don Nicholas,
Austin, Moses, 304 262, 268, 274, 307, 321
Buena Vista, 323 Chichimecs, 26, 38-44, 64, 87
Bustamente, 262, 277, 278, 285, Chihuahua, 323
287, 288 Chilpantzingo, 252
Chimalpopoca, 91, 94
C Chinampas, 228
Cholollan, 28
Cacamatzin, 130, 154, 156 Cholula, pyramid of, 14, 100,
Calderon, battle of, 247 106, 206
Calderon, Conde de, see Calleja Cholultecas, massacre of, 154
Calderon, Madame, 290; quoted, Churubusco, 333, 334
227, 273, 282, 284, 293 Cinco de Mayo, 354
Calderon, Señor, 290 Clerigos, 344
California, 313, 316, 338 Coahuila, 338
Calleja, General, 246, 247, 252, Coatlicue, 121
258 Coatzacoalco River, 106
Calzadas, 80 Colima, 62
Calzonzi, 67, 176, 189 Colorado River, 24
Campeche, 132 Columbus, 131
Canoas, 92, 127 Comonfort, General, 356
Cargadores, 4, 405 Conquistadores, 8, 12, 89
Carlotta, Empress of Mexico, Contreras, Don Pedro Moya de,
350; her character, 358, 364; 216
goes to Europe, 367; inter- Copan, 17, 71
view with Napoleon, 368; Cordoba, 5
her madness, 369 Cordova, 132
Carratelas, 292 Cordova, treaty of, 264, 266
Casa de Cortés, 28 Cortazar, General, 285
Casa Grande, 13 Cortés, Fernando, alluded to,
Casa-Mata, 268 2, 3; birth of, 135; character
Catholic Fathers, 9, 412 of, 136; commissioned by
Cazadero, 202 Velasquez, 127; his squadron,
Cempoallan, 143 138; at the Tabasco River,
Cerro de Borrego, battle at, 355 139; worshipped as Quetzal-
Cerro Gordo, 330 coatl, 141; sends gifts to
Ceutla, ruins at, 17 Montezuma, 141; visits Cem
Chaak Mool, 78 poallan, 143; destroys the
Chalcas, 66 ships, 144; interview with
Chalchiuhtlatonac, 26, 38 Montezuma, 147; conquers
Chalco, Lake, 12, 333 Tlaxcalla, 152; at Cholula,
Chapparral, 5 154; arrives in Mexico, 156;
Chapultepec, 86, 127, 156, 291, meeting with Montezuma,
338, 362, 399 157; seizes Montezuma, 159;
Charles V., 10, 177, 214 expedition to Vera Cruz, 160;
Charles II., 220 abandons Mexico, 163; re-
Charles III., 226, 233 treat from the city, 164;
Charles IV., 227, 233 gathers a new army, 171;
Chavero, quoted, 117 campaign against Mexico, 173;
Chiapas, 18, 71, 265 at Coyoacán, 175; conquers
Chichimecatl Tecuhtli, 41 Michoacan, 176; expedition
Chichen-Itza, 76 to Honduras, 177; voyages to
Spain, 178; death of, 178; F
burial in Mexico, 179
Cortes, Martin, 180 Farias, Valentine Gomez, 279,
Cotton, 92, 406 282, 307, 321, 330
Council of Music, 53 Ferdinand VII., 234, 259
Coxcox, 22 Fischer, Father, 371
Coyoacán, 175 Forey, Marshal, 356
Cozumel, 138 Franciscans, 324
Cuahtemoc, 167, 170, 174, 175, Fremont, Colonel, 316
178 Frijoles, 26
Cuauhnahuac, 92
Cuautla, 252 G
Cuba, 132
Cuepopan, 88 Galves, Viceroy, 226, 228
Cuernavaca, 28, 225 Garces, Fray Julian, 204
Cuextecas, 106 Garibay, Viceroy, 236
Cuicuicatzin, 155 Ghent, Fray Pedro de, 192
Cuitlahuac, 101 Gonsalez, General Manuel, 398
Cuitlahuatzin, 161, 166 Good-Friday in Mexico, 294
Cuitzao, Lake, 62 Gorostiza, 334
Culhuacan, 23 Grant, Ulysses, quoted, 341
Culhuas, 87 Grenaditas, Alhóndiga de, 243,
D Grijalva, Juan de, 132-134
Grito de Dolores, 242
Diaz, Bernal, 137; quoted, 127, Guadalajara, 193, 246
148, 181 Guadalupe-Hidalgo, treaty of,
Diaz, Porfirio, takes Oaxaca, 371; 338
takes Puebla, 376, 384; a can- Guanajuato, 19, 243, 409
didate for the presidency, 390; Guardias Rurales, 298
at the head of the revolution- Guatemala, 71, 265
ists again, 392; his earlier Guerrero, 259; joins Yturbide,
life, 394; in the war of the 261; joins in the Casa-Mata,
reform, 395; campaign against 268; a candidate for the presi-
Oaxaca, 395; an escape from dency, 275; president, 277;
government troops, 396; presi- his government overthrown,
dent, 398; re-elected, 398; 277; captured and shot, 278
his home, 399 Guillermo, 346
Doblado, 346 Guzman, Nuño de, 184, 185-194
Dolores, 240
Dominicans, 324 H
Dominiguez, Doña Josefa, 258 Herrara, General, 262, 307, 342
"Drinking cup of the Eagle," Hicuxaxe, 66
101 Hidalgo, Manuel, birth and edu-
E cation, 238; life at Dolores,
240; declares independence,
Escobedo, General, 374, 375, 241; Grito de Dolores, 242;
378 takes Guanahuato, 243; takes
Estrada, Gutierrez, 299, 349 Valladolid, 245; defeated at
Aculco, 246; defeated at Cal- vances to Zacatecas, 374;
deron, 247; captured and shot, enters the capital, 386; presi-
248 dent, 387; character of, 389;
Hidalgo, state of, 41 re-elected, 390; death of, 390
Historia Chichimeca, 66 Juarez, Doña Catalina, 137, 181,
Holy Brotherhood, tribunal of, 203 182
203 Juntas, 235
Houston, General, 305
Huactlatohani, 41 K
Huatusco, ruins at, 16
Huehue-Tlapallan, 19, 24 Kinich-Katmo, 78
Huehuetoca, 218
Huematzin, 24 L
Huexotzinco, 106
Huitzilihuitl, 91, 92, 94 Lane, General, 340
Huitzilopochtli, 29, 87, 88, 99, Leon, Diégo Velasquez de, 132,
105 135, 137
Human sacrifices, 102 Leon y Gama, quoted, 117
Humboldt, Alexander von, visits Le Plongeon, Dr., quoted, 78
Mexico, 224-232 Lerdo, Don Sebastian de Tejada,
391, 396
I Lerma, River, 219
"Iguala, Plan of," 261 Le Teja, 372
Indian, the name, 184 Liberales, 344
Indios, 184 Lopez, General, 377
Inquisition, 196, 216 Lorencez, General, 354
Iré-Titatacamé, 65 Loreto, Fort, 331
Istaccihuatl, 6 Louis Philippe, 281
Iturrigaray, Don José de, 224,
236 M
Itzcoatl, 96, 97, 98
Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alva, Maguey, 35
23, 44, 60, 64 Malinche, mountain of, 46
Ixtlilxochitl, king of the Chichi- Malintzi, birth and early life,
mecs, 44, 45, 94 145; in slavery, 146; given to
Ixtlilxochitl, of Texcuco, 130, Cortés, 146; becomes inter-
154, 155, 171 preter, 147; appearance of,
Izamal, 81 149; escape of, 164; life with
Cortés, 180; marriage of, 183;
J death of, 183
Marina, see Malintzi,
Jaramillo, Don Juan de, 183 Markets in Mexico, 228
Jesuits, 324 Márques, General, joins the cler
Jimenez, 247, 248 igos, 346; joins Maximilian,
Joinville, Prince de, 281 372; becomes quartermaster-
Jorullo, 231 general, 375; sent to the capi-
Juarez, Benito, his descent, 344; tal, 375; his escape, 384
governor of Oaxaca, 345; Martin de Valencia, Fray, 208,
president, 346; withdraws 211
from the capital, 356; ad- Martinez, Enrico, 213, 219
Maximilian, emperor of Mexico, Mitla, 393
350; his character and aims, Mixcoatl, 40
352; arrives in Mexico, 357; Mixtecas, 19
his reception, 358; life at Molino del Rey, 334, 360
court, 360; policy of, 362; Monasteries, suppression of, 412
appeals to Napoleon, 367; Montaño, 176
prepares to leave Mexico, 369; Monte de la Cruces, 245
goes to Orizaba, 370; influence Monteleone, Dukes of, 179
of the clerical party, 371; re- Monterey, 317
turns to Mexico, 372; at Monterey (in California), 314
Queretaro, 374; his appear- Montezuma I., 92, 98, 100
ance described, 376; a prison- Montezuma II., 101, 124; coro-
er, 378; death of, 350 nation of, 125; court of, 128;
Maxixcatzin, 171 interview with Cortes, 147,
Maxtla, 44, 48-51, 92-97 157; a prisoner, 159; death
Mayapan, 71, 72 of, 161
Mayas, 18, 70-82 Montezuma, Coude de, 220
Mayorga, Viceroy, 226 Montezuma's Cypress, 129
Meconetzin, 36 Morales, General, 328
Meija, General, 373, 378, 380 Morelia, 194, 251
Mendez, 378 Morelos, Jose Manuel, birth of,
Mendoza, Antonio de, character 250; education of, 251; joins
of, 191; his administration, the Independents, 251; de-
192-202 fends Cuautla, 252; calls first
Merida, 80 Mexican congress, 252; ap-
Mexcalla, 106 pointed captain-general, 253;
Mexicans, 51 defeated at Valladolid, 254;
Mexico, climate of, 5; relief of, captured, 254; shot, 254; his
6; early races of, 9; govern- character, 255
ment of, 10; natural resources Morelos, state of, 41
of, 11, 402; roads in, 80; na- Mound Builders, 20
tives of, 185; mines of, 229, Moyotla, 88
409; society in, 290; women Mozarabic liturgy, 413
of, 292; soldiers, 308; vege-
tation, 402; flowers, 403; N
market-place, 404; schools of,
415; literature of, 416; rail- Nachan, 71
ways in, 418 Nahuas, 19, 20
Mexitli, 84 Nahuatl, language, 19, 27; le-
Mexitzin, 90 gends, 22; family, 70
Mezcal, 36 Napoleon I., 235
Michoacan, 19, 62-69, 106, 176, Napoleon III., 349, 360, 366,
194 368
Mines of Mexico, 229, 409 Naranjan, Princess of, 65
Miramon, General, joins the Nata and Nana, legend of, 23
clerigos, 346, 349; joins Maxi- National Museum of Mexico, 33
milian, 372; advances to Za- Nevada de Toluca, 29
catecas, 374; raises troops for New Mexico, 313, 338
Maximilian, 375; taken pris- New Spain, extent of, 190
oner, 378; shot, 380 Nezahualcoyotl,. 44-61, 96, 98
Nezahualpilli, 105, 125, 130 Puebla, state of, 41
Noche Triste, La, 163 Pulque, 23, 35
Nopal, 87
Noriega, General, 384 Q
Northers, i, 3
Novella, Francisco, 263, 264 Quemadero, 216
Nueva Leon, 316 Queretáro, 19, 246, 262, 374, 375
Quetzalcoatl, 29; legends of,
O 30, 33, 131; influence of, 32;
Oaxaca, 275, 392 statue of, 34
Obregon, 229 Quinames, 18
O'Donojú, Don Juan, 223, 263- Quinatzin, 42
266 Quiroga, Vasco de, 197, 238
Oidores, 185 R
Olid, Christobal de, 137, 173,
176, 177 Railways in Mexico, 418
Olmedo, Father, 182 Rebozos, 296, 406
Orizaba, i Reclamacion de los Pasteles, 281
Ortega, General, 346, 356 Revillagigedo, Don Juan Vicente
Otomis, tribe of, 19, 152 de Güemes Pacheco de Pa-
Otoncapolco, 164 dilla, Conde de, 220-222
Otumba, battle of, 168, 170 Robbers, 297
Royal University, founded, 203
P Rubio, Manuel Romero, 399
Painala, 145, 183
Palenque, ruins at, 17, 72-76 S
Palo Alto, battle at, 311
Paredes, Don Maria, 284, 285, Sabine River, 305
307, 319 Sacramento, 323
Parian, The, 275 Salanueva, Don Antonio, 345
Paseo, 291 Salm-Salm, Prince of, 375; Prin-
Patzcuaro, 63, 68, 194, 230 cess of, 378
Payne and Zarate, quoted, 37 Salomea, Pass of, 393
Pedraza, Manuel Gomez, 275, Saltillo, 316
276, 278, 282 San Christobal, Lake, 12
Peones, 256 San Diego, 252
Philip II., 9, 199, 214, 219 San Juan de Uloa, 137, 236,
Philip III., 219 281, 330
Philip IV., 219 San Juan Teotihuacan, 168
Philip V., 233 San Luis, 19
Pillow, General, 336 San Nicholas, Colegio de, 230,
Pita, 35 238, 251
Popocatapetl, 6 Sandoval, Gonzalo de, 173
Popotla, 164 Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de,
Pottery of Mexico, 405 267; his connection with
Prieto, Guillermo, 346, 416 Yturbide, 273; at Oaxaca,
Princess of Cloth, 92 275; defeats a Spanish force,
Puebla, 204, 206, 262, 330, 333, 277; becomes president, 278;
354, 356 in Texas, 279; a prisoner.
280; defeats a French squad- Texcuco, Lake, 12, 219
ron, 281; his home at Manga Texcuco, kingdom of, 44; gold-
la Clava, 282; rivalry with en age of, 53; literature of,
Pedraza, 283; with Meija, 54; decline of, 60; the king-
284; president again, 287; at dom divided, 130
the head of the army, 308; Tezcatlipoca, 23, 30
returns from Cuba, 320; in Tezcotzinco, 56
the war with the United Tezozomoc, king of Azcapot-
States, 330-338; retires to zalco, 44, 94
Jamaica, 340; made Dictator, "Three Guaranties, The," 261
344; conspires against the Tierra caliente, 402
government, 387; banished, Tixiacuri, 66
388; death of, 388, 398 Tizoc, reign of, 101
Schools of Mexico, 415 Tlacopan, kingdom of, 42
Scott, Winfield, 323, 324, 328, Tlatelolca, 97, 167
330, 337. 339 Tlaxcalla, subject to the Chi-
Serape, 406 chimecs, 41; the name, 46,
Shining Serpent, see Quetzal- 47; Cortés goes to, 144; posi-
coatl tion of, 151; resists the Span-
Sicuiracha, 65 iards, 152; forced to make
Small-pox among the Aztecs, peace, 153; head-quarters of
167 Cortés, 172
Spanish, expelled from Mexico, Tollan, see Tula
274 Tollanzinco, 24
St. Domingo, 135 Toltecs, legend of their origin,
Sun, sacrifices to, 102 23; traditions of, 24; appear-
ance of, 26; customs of, 27;
T duration of the kingdom, 37;
Tabasco River, 133, 139 wars, 40; defeated, 41
Tamaulipas, 270 Toluca, 28
Tangoxoan II., 67, 176 Tonacatecuhtli, 27
Tarascans, 65; customs of, 68 Topiltzin-Meconetzin, 37
Taylor, General, 312, 316, 337, Trujillo, 245
339 Tula, 17, 24, 41, 71
Tecpancaltzin, 28, 36 Tzintzuntzan, 66, 67, 198
Tehuacan, 254
"Temple of the Cross," 74 U
Tenoch, 89, 90
Tenochtitlan, 43, 88, 126, 175 Ulmecas, tribe of, 18
Teocallis, 9 United States, result of the war
Teotihuacan, pyramid of, 18; with Mexico, 339; action of,
city of, 28; visited by Hum- regarding the Mexican Em-
boldt, 229 pire, 365
Tepanecas, tribe of, 43, 44, 87,
91 V
Tequila, 36
Texas, revolts against Mexico, Valencia, Fray Martin de, 193
305; annexed to the United Valencia, General, 284, 287
States, 306; in the treaty of Valenciana, Count of, see Obre-
Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 338 gon
Valenciana, mines of, 229 Xochimilco, 12
Valladolid, 194, 196, 230, 245, Xochiquetzal, 22
246, 253, 262 Xochitl, 36, 41
"Valley Confederates," 98 Xoconochco, 106
Velasco, Luis de, second viceroy, Xolotl, chief of the Chichimecs,
203 40, 42
Velasquez de Léon, Diégo, gov-
ernor of Cuba, 135; sends Y
Grijalva to Mexico, 136; is
jealous of Cortes, 137 Yturbide, Agustin de, 260; an-
Venegas, Don Francisco, 237, nounces "Plan of Iguala,"
243, 248, 253 261; takes Valladolid, 262;
Vera Cruz, 1, 4, 41, 142, 321, enters the capital, 264; made
328 president, 265; proclaimed
Viceroys, 9; number of, 223 emperor, 266; crowned, 267;
Victoria, Don Felix Fernandez, deposed, 268; leaves the
273, 274 country, 268; declared a
Vidaurri, General Santiago, 383, traitor, 268; returns and is
384 executed, 270; his character,
Viga Canal, 228, 292 271
Votan, 80 Yucatan, 18, 70, 132
"Wanderings of the Aztecs,"
picture of, 112
Worth, General, 323, 330, 331 Zamna, 80
Zapotecas, tribe of, 19, 393
X Zaragoza, General, 346, 354
Zoquipan, 88
Xicalancas, tribe of, 18 Zovanga, 67
Xicotencatl, 152 Zumarraga, Fray Juan de, 207
Xochicalco, pryamid of, 16, 28, Zumpango, Lake, 12
225 Zuniga, Dona Juana de, 183