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The Story of the House of Cassell/Index

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Abbott, Mary, marries John Cassell, 12
Acton, Lord, contributes to Speaker, 155
Addison on London signs, 21
"Africa and its Explorers, Story of," 168
Alexander, Dr. (afterwards Archbishop of Armagh), 196
Allon, Rev. Henry, 123
"Altar of the Household," 32, 196
"Amateur Mechanic, The," 195
America, electioneering in, 50
visited by John Cassell, 45, 48
American journalism, 50
pirate publishers, 52
Anti-slavery agitation, 45 et seq.
Archer, Thomas, and Boy's Newspaper, 154
Arnold, Sir Arthur, edits Echo, 147, 148, 150
Arnold-Forster, Rt. Hon. H. O., becomes secretary of Cassell's, 67, 77
Financial Secretary to the Admiralty, 79
in charge of Educational Department, 77, 202
member of Council, London Chamber of Commerce, 79
private secretary to E. Forster, 77
success of his "Citizen Reader," 77
"Artistic Anatomy" 202
Astronomical works, 193 et seq.
Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude, 118
Austin, L. F., and Speaker, 155
Australasia, Cassell outposts in, 95
"Australasia, Picturesque," 168
Avery, Alfred H., 196
Ayrton, Professor, and "Practical Electricity," 195

Bahr, A. W., 202
Baker, Dr. Ernest A., edits "New English Dictionary," 165
Baker, Rev. W. R., and John Cassell, 8
Bale, Edwin, and Sir John Millais, 111
as peacemaker, 138
becomes art director, 72, 99, 104
reminiscences of W. E. Henley, 99
Ball, Sir Robert, 142, 193, 195
Ball, W. Valentine, 194
Ballantyne, Dr., 188
Bancroft, Mrs., 135
Barker, T. H., and John Cassell, 10
Barr, Matthias, 144
Barrie, Sir James, and Cassell's, 69, 218
contributes to Speaker, 155, 218
Barry, Dr. William, 155
"Bartimeus," 220
"Bashkirtseff, Marie, Journal of," 183
"Battles of the Nineteenth Century," 142, 172
Bayley, Dr. Eric, 233
Bayliss, Sir Wyke, 97
Bayne, Charles S., edits Little Folks, 128
Beard, J. R., 25
Beattie, Prof. Martin, 186
Beecher, Henry Ward, entertains John Cassell, 46
Begbie, Harold, 124
Beisen, Kubuta, 179
Bell, Clara, 168
Bell Savage Inn, story of, 19 et seq.
Benham, W. Gurney, and "Book of Quotations," 166, 167
Benjamin-Constant, M., 100
Bennett, Arnold, 220
and the "National Library," 161
Bennett, W. C, 144
Benson, E. F., 124, 220

Beresford, J. D., 220
Berry, J. Gomer, 95
Berry, Sir William, Bart., 95
Besant, Sir Walter, 198
Bexhill Home established by Little Folks readers, 127
"Beyond the Blue Mountains," 128
Bible, Cassell's Illustrated, 32 et seq., 196
Bible Commentaries, 72, 200
"Bible Dictionary, Concise," 165
"Bible Educator" 29, 72, 196
Binney, Rev. Thomas, 123
Biographies, 180 et seq.
Birch, Dr. Samuel, and Ebers' "Egypt," 168
Birrell, Augustine, 155
Bismarck, Lowe's biography of, 181
Black-and-white work, 113
"Black Arrow, The," 213
"Black Watch, History of the," 183
Black, William, contributes to Echo, 150
Reid's Life of, 69
Blackburn, Henry, 97
Blackwood, Algernon, 220
Bland-Sutton, Sir John, 187
Blind, Mathilde, translates "Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff," 183
Bonney, Professor, and his works, 169, 190
Book-advertising, a new style developed, 84
"Book of Health, The," 188
Boot, W. H. J., 97, 107, 112
Boothby, Guy, 118
Borthwick, Peter, and the news-paper advertisement duty, 43
Bottomley, Mr. (see Firth)
Boulger, Professor, 192
Boyle, Robert Whelan, 16
Boy's Newspaper, 126, 154
"Brethren, The," 218
Brewer, Dr. Cobham, compiles "Phrase and Fable," 166
Bright, John, a characteristic note, 41
and the "National Library," 161
and the taxes on knowledge, 43
visits Janet Hamilton, 16
"British Battles on Land and Sea," 172
"British Isles, The," 170
British Red Cross manuals, 187
"Britling, Mr., Sees it Through," 220
Brougham, Lord, and John Cassell, 30, 35 et seq.
correspondence with Cassell, 38, 39
founds Mechanics' Institutes, 7, 35
Brown, Robert, of Campster, 144, 168
his distinguished career, 188
his sudden death, 190
Browne, Phyllis, 203
Brownrigg, Sir Douglas, 204
Bruce, Dr. Mitchell, 187
Brunner, Sir John, proprietor of Speaker, 155
Bryce, James (Viscount), 155
Buckley, Arabella (Mrs. Fisher), 202
Bülow, von, his "Imperial Germany" translated and published, 204
Burnaby, Colonel, how his "Ride to Khiva" came to be written, 178
Burnham, Lord, presides at Press luncheon to Sir Arthur Spurgeon, 92
Butler, Arthur John, chief editor, 74
D. H. Parry and, 141

Cesar, Napoleon the Third's Life of, 55–6
Caldecott, Randolph, 97
Cameron, John, illustrates "Treasure Island," 212
Cameron, Prof. Charles, 195
Campbell, Lady Archibald, 135
Canada's literary future, 90
Cantlie, Sir James, 187
Carlisle, Earls of, 16, 99
Carmania steams to rescue of Volturno, 91
"Carmen Sylva," 135
Carnegie, Andrew, and Echo, 153
Carpenter, Rev. Boyd, 71
Carr, Comyns, 99
Cassell and Company, formation of, 67, 85 (see also Cassell's [infra], La Belle Sauvage)
Cassell, John, 3 et seq.
a pioneer of petroleum, 57

Cassell, John, agent of National Temperance Society, 9 et seq.
and a fugitive slave, 16 et seq.
and Kossuth, 17
and Lord Brougham, 30, 35 et seq.
arrives in London, 7
as factory hand, 4
as host, 12
as tea and coffee merchant, 13
attends Liverpool Congress of British Association, 37
becomes a carpenter, 5
becomes printer and publisher 13 et seq.
business difficulties, 31
buys Cathrell's plant, 17
compliments from Cobden and Earl of Carlisle, 16
education and self-education, 4, 7
enters into partnership, 32, 54
fights "taxes on knowledge," 43 et seq.
his father, 3, 4
his room at the Yard, 30
his teetotalism, 3, 6, 59
illness and death, 58
invents title for Quiver, 120
marries Mary Abbott, 12
meets J. B. Gough, 53
meets Lord John and Lady Russell, 37
mission to Ireland and Scotland, 44, 58
missionary temperance tour, 7 et seq.
on American electioneering, 50
repurchases copyright of "Popular Educator," etc., 32
visits America, 45, 48
Cassell, Mark, father of John Cassell, 3, 4
Cassell, Mrs. John, 12, 33
Cassell, Mrs. Mark, 4
Cassell, Petter, Galpin and Co. becomes a limited liability company, 67, 85
Cassell, William, 3
Cassell's, a Rifle Club established, 233
and the Great War, 234
art department, 104 et seq.
binding department, 228
composing-room, 223
development overseas, 95
expansion, 88
found Echo, 147 et seq.
Cassell's, instal Miehle machines, 110
long service records, 234
loyalty of the staff, 88, 93
machine rooms and machinery, 221, 220, 227, 234
magazines and periodicals, 114 et seq.
paper store, 227
precautions against fire, 228
reading department, 225
R. L. S. and, 207 et seq.
the foundry, 225–6
Cassell's General Press, 156
Cassell's Help Fund, 234
"Cassell's Library," 25
Cassell's Magazine, 114 et seq.
editors of, 115 et seq.
title changed, 117, 118, 119
Cassell's Magazine of Fiction, 119
"Cassell's National Library," 160
Cassell's Provident, Emergency, and Pension Funds, 233
Castle, Agnes and Egerton, 118
"Cathedrals, Abbeys, and Churches of England and Wales," 169
Cathrell, William, 14, 17
"Catriona," 215
"Century Shakespeare," 158
Chambers, Robert, 118
"Channings, The," 121
Chenery, Mr., editor of Times, 181
Chester, Bishop of, 38
Chesterton, G. K., 220
"Chinese Pottery and Porcelain," 202
Choyce, C. C, 186
Christ, Lives of (Farrar's and Geikie's), 196, 199
Christian, Princess, Patron of Order for Honourable Service, 122
Chums, and its editors, 130, 131, 132
story of its origin, 129
"Church of England, History of," 175
Church, Professor A. H., 97, 195
"Cities of the World," 168, 181
"Citizen Reader," 77, 202
Clark, John Willis, 71, 123
Clarke, Charles and Mary Cowden, 158
Clarke, Saville, assistant editor to Rev. H. R. Hawels, 115
Clarke. W. H., 234
Clifford, Dr. John, 124

Clowes, Sir W. Laird, and the "National Library," 160
Cobbe, Frances Power, and Little Folks Humane Society, 127
as leader-writer, 151
Cobden, Richard, and Kossuth, 17
and the taxes on knowledge, 43
congratulates John Cassell, 16
defeat at Huddersfield, 40
his death, 58
supports temperance movement, 10, 40
Cole, Alan, 97
Collier, Hon. John, 202
Collins, Wilkie, 116, 144
Colour photography, 111
Colvin, Sir Sidney, 99
"Concise Bible Dictionary," 165
"Conquests of the Cross," 180
Conway, Moncure D., his "Autobiography," 184
offered editorship of Echo, 147
Cook, Theodore Andrea, 201
Cookery books, 203
Cooper, Peter, meets John Cassell, 51
Cooper, Sir Edward, unveils memorial to Cassellites, 235
Corke, H. Essenhigh, 111, 192
"Countries of the World," 168, 189
Craik, Mrs., Oscar Wilde's tribute to, 135
views on Women's Suffrage, 139
Crawfurd, Dr. Raymond, 187
Craythorne, John, bequest to Cutlers' Company, 22
Creighton, Mandell, 99
Crockett, S. R., 118
Crompton, Mr., and John Cassell, 31
Cross, F J., and an ex-prisoner, 28
and Richard Kearton, 192–3
in charge of publicity department, 84
Crossland, Thomas, Cobden and, 41
Crowest, F. J., 143
Cruikshank, George, and John Cassell, 12
illustrates "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 46
Cumming, Rev. John, 123
Curwood, James Oliver, 220
Cutlers' Company and La Belle Sauvage, 22
Czernin's "In the World War," 204

"Dawn of Astronomy," Lockyer's, 194
Dawson of Penn, Lord, 187
Day, Lewis F., 97, 98
"Dead Man's Rock," 219
Deeping, Warwick, 220
Delamotte, Professor, 195
Delius, Professor, 158
Dell, Ethel M., 220
Derby, Lord, 44
Dictionaries and their makers, 164 et seq.
"Dictionary of Phrase and Fable," 166
Diósy, Arthur, 179
"Diplomatic Reminiscences of Lord Augustus Loftus," 183
Dobson, Austin, 99
"Dog, New Book of the," 146
Dore Bible, 55, 196
Dore, Gustave, 54
Dow, James, and "Treasure Island," 208
services of, acknowledged by Stevenson, 214
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 219
Dreyer, Professor, 187
Duff, Mr., partnership with Petter, 63
Du Maurier, George, 106
Duncan, Dr. Martin, edits "Cassell's Natural History," 190
Duval, Professor, 202

"Early Days of Christianity," 197
"Earth and its Story, The," 189
"Earth's Beginning, The," 194
East, Sir Alfred, 107, 202
Echo, a woman leader-writer, 151
circulation during Franco-Prussian War, 149
its origin and history, 147 et seq.
Educational literature, growth of, 25 et seq.
Edward VII, King, Sir Arthur Spurgeon on, 91
Edwards, Passmore, and the taxes on knowledge, 43
purchases Echo, 153
"Egypt: Descriptive, Historical and Picturesque," 168
"Electrical Engineering," 158, 196
"Electricity in the Service of Man," 195

"Electricity, Practical," 195
Ellicott, Bishop, 72, 200
Ellis, Edward S., 203
Emerson, George Rose, 113
"Encyclopædic Dictionary," 164
"England and Wales, Pictorial," 170
"England, Illustrated History of," 33 et seq., 170
"English Literature, First Sketch of," 160, 161
"English Writers," 162
Engraving and process work, 106 et seq.
"Eugénie, Empress, Recollections of," 185
"Europe, Modern, History of," 175
"Europe, Picturesque," 68
Evans, Edward, introduces woodblock printing, 109
"Everyday Japan," 180
"Eyes and No Eyes," 202

Fairbairn, Principal, 155
"Familiar Wild Flowers," 192
"Family Bible, Illustrated," 32, 44, 196
Family Paper, Illustrated, 29
title changed, 114
Farmer, John, 203
Farrar, Archdeacon, 29, 123
commissioned to write "Life of Christ," 197
on "sweating publishers," 197 et seq.
Fenn, George Manville, 143
a letter from Thomas Hardy, 159
and Chums, 132
edits Cassell's Magazine, 115
Fenn, W. W., 97, 98
Ferguson, Dr. Robert, 25
Fiction, prizes for, 30
Fildes, Sir Luke, 106
Filon, Augustin. his "Recollections of the Empress Eugénie," 185
"First Sketch of English Literature." 160, 161
Firth (Bottomley), Mr., 150
Fish, Arthur, 100
reminiscences of Oscar Wilde, 134
Fitzgerald, Percy, 97
Fleming, George, 135
Fletcher, A. E., 171
Floriculture, works on, 191
Flower, Newman, 94, 134
becomes chief editor and literary director, 94, 219
his advent to the Yard, 93, 133
joins the Board, 94
"Footnote to History," 216
Forbes, Archibald, 142, 172
his "Life of William of Germany" and "History of the Black Watch," 183
Forrest, Sir George, 185
Forster, Rt. Hon. W, E., and Cassell's, 67
Foster, Ernest, and "Living London," 169
edits—Chums, 131; Little Folks, 126; Saturday Journal, 142
Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft, 123
Fowler, Sir Henry (Viscount Wolverhampton), 68
Francis, John, and the taxes on knowledge, 43, 44
Franco-Prussian War, the, and circulation of Echo, 149
"History of," 171
Fraser, Sir John Foster, 178
works of, published by Cassell's, 179
French, John, 19
Friswell, George, 106
Friswell, James Hain, 96
Frost, Thomas, 96
on John Cassell, 30
recollections of the Yard, 23
Fulton, Robert, 191
Furnivall, Dr., and "Leopold" Shakespeare, 158
Fyffe, Charles Alan, his "History of Modern Europe," 175

Gale, F. Holderness, 117, 118
and Foster Fraser, 179
resignation and death, 119
Galpin, Sidney C., 100
Galpin, Thomas Dixon, 64, 67
and Archdeacon Farrar, 198
John Cassell and, 31
resigns active work, 68
"Garden of Swords, The," 119
Gardner, Charles, and Charles E., 95
Geikie, Dr. Cunningham, 199

Gell, P. Lyttelton, 77
on how "Treasure Island" came to La Belle Sauvage, 207
George, Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd, a complimentary dinner, 92
tribute to "Popular Educator," 27, 93
"Giant's Gate," 119
Gibbons, Grinling, his house in the Yard, 22
Gibbs, Sir Philip, 77
Gibson, Milner, and the taxes on knowledge, 43, 44
Gift, Theo., 116
Gilbert, Sir John, 106
Ginsburg, Dr., 29
Gladstone, W. E., 38
abolishes paper duty, 45
and Sir R. Ball's "Starland," 194
contributes to Speaker, 155
"Lives" of, 180
"Gleanings from Popular Authors," 159
Golding, E. J., appointed secretary, 94
Gore, J. E., 123
Gorrie, Daniel, 75, 143
Gosse, Edmund, and "Treasure Island," 208
preface to "Pentland" Stevenson, 217
Gough, J. B., Cassell and, 53
Gould, Sir Alfred Pearce, 187
"Governor's Guide to Windsor Castle, The," 203
Graham, Stephen, 179
Grant, Albert ("Baron"), purchases Echo, 153
Grant, James, and his works, 172
"Graven in the Rock," 201
Great Exhibition of 1851, the, 17, 23
Great War, the, books on, 204 et seq.
loyalty of Cassell's staff, 88
Mr. Punch's History of, 205
number of employees joining the Forces, 234
"Greater London," 169
Greeley, Horace, meets John Cassell, 50
Green, S. G., 29
Griffin, Prof. Hall, a tribute to Henry Morley, 163
Griffiths, Major Arthur, 142, 172
autobiography of, 184
Grindrod, Dr., 6
Groom, Professor, 192

Haggard, Sir Rider, 118, 124
"King Solomon's Mines" and otherworks, 217, 218
Haldane, Viscount, 204
Halsbury, Earl of, 39
Hamer, John, as editor, 155
his interest in the National Library, 81, 160
publishing manager, 75, 81, 142, 154
retirement and death, 82
Hamer, S. H., 142, 167
edits Little Folks, 126
Hamilton, Janet, 16
Hanshew, T. W., 119
Hardy, Norman, 180
Hardy, Thomas, and "Gleanings from Popular Authors," 159
Harrison, Charles, recollections of the Yard, 143
reminiscences of Manville Fenn, 117
Hasluck, P. N., and "Work Handbooks," 141
Haweis, Rev. H. R., 150
edits Cassell's Magazine, 115
his public activities, 115
Hajashi, Count, 180
Haydon, Walter, head of publicity department, 94
Headlam, J. W., 204
"Health, The Book of," 188
"Heavens, Story of the," 194
Henderson, James, 171
and "Treasure Island," 207, 208
Henley, W. E., edits Magazine of Art, 96, 99
introduces—"Treasure Island," 207; "King Solomon's Mines," 217
Oscar Wilde on, 137
Stevenson moulds a character from, 211
Henty, G. A., 172
Hepworth, T. C., 195
Herbert, Captain W. V., 172
Heritage, Lizzie, 203
Herkomer, Sir Hubert, 106
contributes to Magazine of Art, 100
designs poster for Magazine of Art, 97

Hewlett, Maurice, 219
Hichens, Robert, 220
Hill, Davenport, 30
Hindenburg, von, his biographical work, 185, 204
Hird, B. Whitworth, and General Press, 156
Hirst, F. W., 180
Hislop, Stephen, 165
Historical works, 170 et seq.
History—of England, Illustrated, 33 et seq., 170; of Modern Europe, 175; of Our Own Times, 80; of the Russo-Turkish War, 171; of the United Stales, 171; of the War between France and Germany, 171
Hobson, R. L., 202
Hodder, Edwin—"Cities of the World," 181; "Conquests of the Cross," 180; "Life of Lord Shaftesbury," 66
Hodges, Sydney, 97
Hodgson, J. T., 100
Holliday, Henry, 97
"Holy Land and the Bible," 199
Holyoake, G. J., and taxes on knowledge, 43
Hooker, Sir William, 165
Hope, Anthony, 219
Hopkins, Tighe, 118
Hornung, E. W., 219
and "Raffles," 118
Horton, Dr. R. F., 121
Hospital Saturday Fund, 83
Houghton, A. B., 106
Howard, George (Earl of Carlisle), 99
Howitt, Mr. and Mrs., 12, 96
Howitt, William, continues "History of England," 33
Hulme, Professor, 191
Hume, Joseph, 13
Humphreys, Arthur, 10
"Hundred Days, The," 119
Hunt, Rev. Dr. Bonavia, and Quiver, 71, 118, 123, 142
edits Cassell's Magazine, 117
invents title of Little Folks, 124
on John Willis Clark, 71
Hunter, Dr. William, 187
recollections of John Cassell, 58
Hunter, Rev. Robert, 161, 165
Hutchings, W. W., and "English Writers," 162
Hutchings, W. W., author of "London Town, Past and Present," 169
on W. E. Henley, 217
reminiscences of John Williams, 73
Hutchinson, Dr. Woods, 188
Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan, 187
Hutchison, Dr. Robert, 187
Hutten, Baroness von, 220

"Illustrated Book of Poultry," 191
Illustrated Exhibitor, 17, 96
"Illustrated Family Bible," 32, 196
and cost of paper duty, 44
its world-wide reputation, 32
Illustrated Family Paper, 29
purchased by Petter and Galpin, 31
title changed to Cassell's Magazine, 114
Illustration, forty years of, 96 et seq.
"Imperial Germany," 204
Inch, Captain, of Volturno, 92, 93
Ingram, Herbert, and newspaper advertisement tax, 43
Innes, Arthur D., becomes Editor-in-Chief, 76
Ireland, Cassell visits, 44, 58
"Iron Pirate," 130, 219
Irvine, A. Bain, and the Waverley Book Company, 205, 206
"Island Nights' Entertainments," 216
Ives, Mr., and the three-colour process, 109

Jackson, Phipps, 97
James, Henry, 155
Japanese visitors to the Yard, 234
Japp, Dr., and "Treasure Island," 210
Jefferies, Richard, 99
Jellery, Henry, 65, 80; taken into partnership, 67, 81
Jellicoe, Viscount, 204
Jeune, Lady, 135
Jones, Bernard E., 89
and "Amateur Mechanic," 195
edits Work, 141

Jones, Sir Robert, 187
"Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff," 183
Journalism, American, Cassell on, 50
Joyce, T. Athol, 180

Kaye-Smith, Sheila, 220
Kearton, Cherry, 192, 193
Kearton, Richard, 111, 142
as lecturer, 193
joins the staff, 192
Keith, Prof. Sir Arthur, 187
Kennedy, John, 25
Kent, W. and Co., buy stock and copyright of "Popular Educator," etc., 31
Keppell, Francis H., 30
"Kidnapped," and how planned, 213
"Kim," 118
"King Solomon's Mines," 217
Kingsford, Dr. Anna, and Woman's World, 139
Kingston, W. H. G., 144
Kinns, Dr. Samuel, 200
Kipling, Rudyard, publication of "Kim," 118
Klinkicht, Mr., 105
Knight, Charles, originates first Penny Magazine, 132
Knight, E. H., 172
Knollys, Col. W. W., 142, 172
Knowledge, taxes on, 43 et seq.
Kossuth, Louis, John Cassell and, 17

La Belle Sauvage, 19 et seq.
as coaching centre, 23
editors-in-chief, 71 et seq.
Freemasons' Lodge, 233
memorial to fallen unveiled, 235
notable personalities on staff, 76 et seq.
old-time plays in the Yard, 22
Sick Fund, 233
social side, 230 et seq.
swimming club, 232
war savings association, 234
Lambarde, William, 20
Lancashire, labour conditions in early nineteenth century, 4
Land, birth and death of, 155
"Landscape Painting in Water Colours," 202
Lang, Andrew, 99
Langford, John Alfred, 16
Lawrence, Pethick, and Echo, 153
Lawrence, Sir Joseph, 92
Lawson, Hon. Harry (see Burnham, Lord)
Lawson Robb, publicity manager, 94
"Leader Scott," 97
Leathes, Stanley, 29
Lee, Sir Sidney, 59
Le Fanu, Sheridan, 144
Le Gallienne, Richard, 155
Leighton, Robert, 145
"Leopold" Shakespeare, 158
Le Queux, William, 118
Leslie, Henry, 111
Levy, Amy, 135
Levy, Mr., and half-tone process, 108
Lewer, S. H., 82, 191
"Life and Times of Queen Victoria," 171
"Life and Words of Christ," Geikie's, 199
"Life of Christ," Farrar's, 196
"Life of Julius Caesar," 55–6
"Life of Lives," Farrar's, 199
"Life of St. Paul," Farrar's, 197
Linotypes installed at La Belle Sauvage, 223
Linton, William, 98
"Lion" Sermon, the, and a newspaper paragraph, 66
Lithography superseded by three-colour process, 108
Little Folks, Bonavia Hunt and, 124
its editors, 124 et seq.
Little Folks Humane Society, 127
Little Folks Nature Club, 128
Little Folks Ward and Home Scheme, 126
"Little Minister, The," 218
Live Stock Journal, 66, 82, 154, 191
Lives of W. E. Gladstone, 80
Livesey, Joseph, a teetotal campaign, 5–6
Cobden and, 10
"Living London," 169
Lloyd, Arthur, 180
"Lloyd's Encyclopædic Dictionary, 165
Lockyer, Sir Norman, 194
Loftus, Lord Augustus, 183

"London Town, Past and Present," 16
Lome, Marquis of, 203
Lovell, John, 115
Low, Sir Sidney, 70
Lowe, Charles, and his biography of Bismark, 181 et seq.
Lowe, Hobert (Lord Sherbrooke), and "Popular Educator," 27
Lubbock, Sir John (Lord Avebury), 141
Lucy, Sir Henry, "Diaries" of, 176
Luff, Dr, 187
Lunn, Sir Henry, 179
Lyall, David, 124

McAll, Rev. Dr., 4
McCarthy, Justin, Cassell's and, 80
Macdonald, Mr., manager of Times, 181
Macdonell, John, and Echo, 150
Macfall, Major Haldane, 205
Machinery at La Belle Sauvage, the, 221 et seq.
Mackenzie, Compton, 220
Macmillan, Rev. Hugh, 123
Macquoid, Percy, 97
MacWhirter, John, 107
works on drawing and painting, 202
Magazine of Art, and its editors, 96 et seq.
Stevenson's contributions to, 100 (note)
Magazines and periodicals, 114 et seq.
Magnus, Sir Philip, 195
Maguire, Rev. R., and "Illustrated Family Bible," 32
Mann, J. S., 155, 173
and "Social England," 173
Manson, J. A., 143
and Dr. Furnivall, 158
and V. Gurney Benham, 166
editor-in-chief, 74 et seq., 203
his death, 76
Manson, Sir Patrick, 187
Marconi, Signor, 92
Massingham, H. W., 155
"Master of Ballantrae, The," 215
Matéaux, Clara, and Little Folks, 124, 126, 143
Mather, Professor, joint-author of "Practical Electricity," 196
Maurice, Sir Frederick, 204
Maxwell, W. B., 220
Meade, Mrs. L. T., 203
her "Beyond the Blue Mountains," 128
Medical works, 185 e seq.
"Mediterranean, Picturesque," 107, 168
Meisenbach's process, 106
Melbourne branch, and its managers, 95
Mellor, W. H., head of production department, 94
Meredith, John, and John Cassell, 8
Meredith, Mr., assistant to John Hamer, 81
Meteyard, Miss ("Silverpen"), 96
Meynell, Mrs., 97
Meynell, Wilfrid ("John Oldcastle"), 97
Miall, Edward, and the newspaper advertisement duty, 43
Miehle printing machines, 110
Millais, Sir John, 97, 100
frontispiece for "Little Songs for Me to Sing," 111
Millard, Mr., first editor of Magazine of Art, 96
Milne, D. G., becomes printing manager, 94
Milner, Lord, and R. L. Stevenson, 207
"Modern Europe, History of," 175
Molesworth, Mrs., 126
Monotype machines installed, 221
Montefiore, Leonard, 97
Moores, Major General Guise, 187
Morley, Prof. Henry, 159 et seq.
career of, 159
edits "National Library" 160
his "First Sketch of English Literature," 160, 161
last letter, 162
to his "English Writers," 162
Morris, Lady, 234
Morris, Prof. E. E., 168
Morris, Sir Henry, 187
Morris, Sir Malcolm, medical editor, 81, 86, 185
his works on "The Nation's Health" and "The Story of English Public Health," 188
"Moses and Geology," 201
Muckley, Fairfax, 202
Muehlon, Dr., 204
Mundella. Rt. Hon. A. J., 68
and postage for printed matter, 150

Murphy, Sir Shirley, 188
"Music, History of," 175
"Mysteries of Police and Crime," 185

Napoleon III visits the Yard, 55
"National Gallery, The," 201
"National Library, Cassell's," 81, 160
Arnold Bennett's reference to, 161
John Bright and, 161
success of, 161
National Temperance Society, 9
"Nation's Health," 188
"Nation's Pictures," 110
"Natural History, Cassell's," 190
Naumann, Emil, 175
Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 135
"New Book of the Dog," 146
"New Far East," 179
New Magazine, 140
New York, John Cassell in, 45, 48
Newman, Sir George, 187
Newspaper advertisement duty, campaign against, 43
Newspaper stamp duty, 43
Nicholson, E. W. B., 175
North, J. W., 100, 106
"Notable Shipwrecks," 145
Noyes, Alfred, 220
Nursing and Hygiene, books on, 187, 203
Nuttall, Mrs. G. Clarke, 192

O'Brien, Barry, 155
"Old and New London," 20, 169
Ollier, Edmund, 144, 170
his memoir of Gustave Dore, 171
historical works, 171
Orczy, Baroness, 124, 220
Order for Honourable Service (Quiver), 122
Osbourne, Lloyd, 209, 210
and the "Pentland" Stevenson, 217
collaborates with R. L. S., 216
O'Shea, John Augustus, 142
"Ouida," 135
"Our Great City," 202
"Our Homes and How to Make them Healthy," 188
"Our Own Country," 169
"Our Own Times, History of," 80
"Our Planet, Story of," 190
Ouseley, Rev. Sir F. A. Gore, 175
"Outline of History, 175
Owen, Sir Richard, 165

Packet-tea merchant, Cassell as, 13
Page, Dr., American Ambassador, 93
Page, Gertrude, 124, 220
Paget, Wal, illustrates "Treasure Island," 212
Pain, Barry, 155, 219
Paper duty, abolished, 45
agitation against, 43 et seq.
Pare, Mr., 63, 64
Paris International Exhibition, 96
Parker, J. P., reminiscences, 7
Parnell, Charles Stewart, Life of, 185
Parry, D. H., 130, 172
recollections of the Yard, 141 et seq.
Parsons, Benjamin, 25
Paul, Herbert, 155
"Paul, St., Life of," 197
Payn, James, 155
Pegge, Samuel, 21
Pemberton, Max, and the origin of Chums, 129
as editor of Chums and Cassell's Magazine, 118
publishes "Iron Pirate," 219
Penderel-Brodhurst, J., 77, 155
Pennant, on the derivation of "La Belle Sauvage," 21
Penny Magazine, editors of, 94, 133
its raison d'être, 132
Pentland edition of Stevenson's works, 216
"People's Library," 87, 164
"Peoples of the World," 189
Perkins, Dr., and "Illustrated Family Bible," 32
Perris, G. H., 155
Peters, Charles, 143
Petroleum, Cassell's venture in, 57
Petter and Galpin, partnership with Cassell, 31, 32, 48, 54
remove to La Belle Sauvage, 32
Petter, George William, 63, 64 et seq.
his death, 68
reminiscences of, by Bonavia Hunt, 64

Phillips, Alfred R., 213
"Phrase and Fable, Dictionary of," 166
Phythian, Mr., 4
"Pictorial England and Wales," 170
Picture poster, John Cassell's first, 26
"Picturesque Australasia," 107, 168
"Picturesque Europe," 68
"Picturesque Mediterranean," 107, 108
Playfair, Sir Lambert, 189
Plon. M. Henri, and the "Vie de César," 50
Plummer, John, 30
Lord Brougham and, 37
Plumptre, Professor (afterwards Dean of Wells), 29, 72, 200
Pocahontas, 20
Politics, American, Cassell and, 50
Pollen, Hungerford, 97
"Popular Biblical Educator," 29
(See also "Bible Educator")
"Popular Educator," 25 et seq., 141
tributes to, 27 et seq., 35, 93
Portsmouth, Countess of, 135
"Poultry, Illustrated Book of," 191
Power, Rev. P. B., 123
Poynter, Sir E. J., 106, 201
"Practical Electricity," and its author, 195
Praeger, Ferdinand, 175
Prinsep, Val, 100
Priolo, Paolo, 54
Proctor, John, 143
"Protestantism," Wylie's, 196
Punch's History of the Great War, 205
Punshon, Rev. Morlev, 123
"Puritan's Wife," 119
Puttock, J. H., 83–4
and Richard Kearton, 192

"Queen's Empire," 78, 170
Queen's Hospital, Little Folks readers and, 120
"Queen's London," 170
Quiller-Couch, Sir A., 118
his biography of A. J. Butler, 74
on staff of Speaker, 155, 219
"reader" to the House, 219
works of, 218
Quiver, and its editors, 114 et seq., 123
funds 122
its inception, 120 et seq.
jubilee year, 123
Order for Honourable Service, 122
"Quotations, Book of," 100
"Quotations, Classified," 167

Rabagliati, Dr., 171
Rackham, Arthur, 126
Radziwill, Princess Catharine, 205
Ralston, W. R. S., 177
Rawlinson, Canon, 29
Reade, Charles, 144
a criticized serial in Cassell's Magazine, 81, 115
"Real Siberia," 179
"Recent British Battles on Land and Sea," 172
"Recollections of the Empress Eugénie," 185
"Red Morn," 119
Reid, Captain Mayne, 144
Reid, Sir George, his "Reminiscences," 185
Reid, Sir Wemyss, as raconteur, 130
becomes general manager, 68
founds Speaker, 155
his biographical works, 68, 180
his death, 70
offers Max Peniberton editorship of Chums, 129
replies to Archdeacon Farrar, 197
Reid, Thomas Wilson, 75
Reynolds, Mrs. Baillie, 124
"Ride to Khiva," 178
Ringer, Dr. Sidney, 185
"Rivers of Great Britain," 170
Roberts, Lord, contributes to Chums, 131
Robertson, John Forbes, 97, 171
Robertson, Rev. Eric, appointed Principal of Lahore University, 99
edits Magazine of Art, 97
Robinson, Sir John, 81
Rohmer, Sax, 220
Rountree, Harry, 120
"Royal Academy Pictures," 103
"Royal Shakespeare," 158
Ruskin, John, his dislike of telegrams, 101
writes "The Black Arts," 101

Russell, Clark, 126
Russell, Major-Gen. Sir J. Cecil, 172
"Russia," Mackenzie Wallace's, 176
"Russo-Turkish War, History of," 171

Sala, George Augustus, 142
his "Life and Adventures," 184
Sanders, Lloyd, 76
Sandon, Lord, 38
Saturday Journal, 160
Saturday Review critique of "Treasure Island," 208
Savage, Sir George, 187
Savage, William, 19
Scheer, Admiral, 204
Scherren, Henry, and Encyclopædic Dictionary, 165
his "Popular Natural History," 190
{Schreiner, Olive, 135
"Science and Art of Nursing," 187
"Science for All," 189
Scott, Clement, 72
Scott, Sir Walter, reference in "Kenilworth" to Bell Savage, 20
Scott-Moncrieff, W. D., 171
Seccombe, Thomas, 189
Selous, H. C., 54, 158
Senior, William, 145
"Sentimental Tommy," 218
Serials and books, 157 et seq.
Shaftesbury, 7th Earl of, 38
correspondence with John Cassell, 42
Hodder's "Life" of, 66, 180
Shakespeare, Cassell editions of, 158
Shaw, Vero, 191
Shee, George, 150
Shore, Canon Teignmouth, 196, 199
and John Williams, 73
chief editor, 71, 176, 177, 178
edits Quiver, 123
on Professor Plumptre, 200
Sidney, S., 191
Simmons, Harold H., and "Electrical Engineering," 196
Simon, Sir John, 188
Sims, G. R., edits "Living London," 169
Sinclair, May, 220
"Sir Benjamin Stone's Pictures," 170
Small, William, 76
Smiles, Robert, 171
Smith, Captain John, his burial place, 20
Smith, G. Barnett, his "Life of Gladstone," 180
sub-editor of Echo, 150
Smith, H. Wood; first editor of New Penny Magazine, 133
Smith, John Frederick, 30, 33
Smith, Major Corbett, 204
Smith, R. H. Soden, 97
Smith, Sir Clarence, appointed chairman of the Board, 68
makes presentations for long service, 234
retires, 95
tribute to Sir Arthur Spurgeon, 89,
Smyth, Piazzi, Astronomer-Royal, 194
Snowden, Mrs. Philip, 179
"Social England," 173
"South Seas," 216
Sparkes, Mr., asked to become art director, 104
Speaker, contributors to, 155, 218, 219
its birth and death, 155
Spence, Dean, his "History of the Church of England," 175
Spender, J. A., 155
Spielmann, M. H., 96, 100
edits Magazine of Art, 100
farewell to his readers, 102
Spurgeon, Lady, 89, 90, 92
Spurgeon, Sir Arthur, a journalistic feat, 91
addresses Canadian Club at Winnipeg, 91
appointed general manager and a director, 86, 88
becomes chairman of directors, 95
entertains Lloyd George, 92
his faith in future of the House, 87
knighted, 89
Spurgeon, Sir Arthur, presentation from British press, 92
shareholders' testimonial, 89
visits "outposts of Cassell Empire," 88, 90, 91
Standard of Freedom, John Cassell's, 14

"Starland," Gladstone and, 194
Stead, W. T., his "Truth about Russia," 178
Stevenson, R. L., contributes to Magazine of Art, 99, 100 (note)
his death, 131
how "Treasure Island" was written, 209
on an offer from Cassell's, 207
"Pentland" edition of his works, 216
works published by Cassell's, 207 et seq.
Stevenson, Mrs., on activities of R. L. S., 215
Stevenson, R. A. M., 99, 100
Storey, Samuel, acquires an interest in Echo, 153
"Story of Africa and its Explorers," 168
"Story of Our Planet," 190
"Story of the Heavens," 194
"Story of the Sun," 194
Story-Teller, and its success, 140
Stow, John, and the Wyatt rising, 19
Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher, and anti-slavery, 40
Stranne, Major-Gcneral Bland, 172
Strathcona, Lord, Life of, 185
Stretton, llesha, 116
"Sun, Story of the," 194
Swan, Annie S., 124
Swaysland, W., 192,
Swindlehurst, Thomas, 6
"System of Surgery," 186

Tarleton, Richard, 22
Tasker, Mr., and Arnold-Forster, 77
Tatchell, Sydney, 235
Tea merchant, Cassell as, 13
"Technical Educator," 194
Teetotal campaign, Livesey's, 5–6
Teetotal Times, John Cassell's, 14
Temperance activities, John Cassell's, 7 et seq.
Temple, Sir Richard, 142
his "Story of My Life," 184
Thackeray, and the origin of "Belle Sauvage," 20
"Things New and Old," 78, 202
"This World of Ours," 78
Thomas, H. H., 141
Thomas, N. W., 180
Thompson, Sir E. Maunde, and "Social England," 174
Thomson, Sir StClair, 187
Thorburn, John, and La Belle Sauvage, 23
Thornbury, Walter, and his handwriting, 169
and the derivation of "La Belle Sauvage," 20
Three-colour process, the, 109
"Three Homes," 199
Timbs, John, 144
"Tommy and Grizel," 218
Topographical works, 73, 168, 169
Tracy, W. B., 143
Traill, H. D., and "Social England," 173
Travel, books of, 178
"Treasure Island," its introduction to the Yard, 207
serial issue in Chums, 131
the map of, 211
Trendell, Sir A. J. R., and Magazine of Art, 96
Treves, Sir Frederick, 186
"Truth about Russia," Stead's, 178
Turner, Godfrey, 97, 144
"Turner, J. M. W., Water Colour Drawings of," 201
Turner, Robert, appointed general manager and chairman of company, 67, 68

"Uncle Tom's Cabin," Cassell introduced to authoress, 46
published in England, 46
"Uncle Tom's Cabin Almanack," 46
"United States, History of the," 171
"Universal History," 171

Vachell, H. A., 124, 220
Vaughan, Dean, 29
"Victoria, Queen, Life and Times of," 171
Vizctelly, Henry, and the taxes on knowledge, 44
Vogel, Dr., and the three-colour process, 109
Volturno, burning of, 91
Voules, Horace, 147, 149
edits Echo, 153

Walford, Edward, 169
Walker, Fred, 98, 106
Walker, Sir John Thomson, 187
Walkley, A. B., 155
Wall, A. H., 143, 144
Wallace, Prof., and "Popular Educator," 25 et seq., 96
Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie, 176
Waller, Dr. F. J., 71, 143
Wallis, George, 97
Walmsley, Dr., and "Electricity in the Service of Man," 195
Walpole, Hugh, 220
War books, notable, 204
War Savings Association, the first City, 234
Ward, Dr. Francis, 111
Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 219
"Water Colour Drawings of J. M. W. Turner," 201
Watson, Arthur E., publishing manager and director, 95
Watts, G. F., 100
Waverley Book Company, 205; "History of the Great War," 206
Weatherly, George, 126, 154
Webb, Sidney, 155
Wells, H. G., "Mr. Britling sees it Through" 219; "Outline of History," 175; "War and the Future," 204
Weyman, Stanley, 118, 219
Whibley, Charles, 76
White, Sir William, 195
Whitefriars Club, 145
Whitelegge, Sir Arthur, 187
Whittaker, Thomas, on John Cassell, 6
on the poor of Lancashire, 4
Whymper, Edward, appointed general manager, 68
Whyte, Dr. Alexander, tribute to John Cassell, 28
Whyte, Frederic, edits "Battles of the Nineteenth Century," 142, 172
Wilde, Oscar, as editor, 134 et seq.
his tribute to Mrs. Craik, 135
in a rage, 139
on Henley, 137
Wilder, Marshall P., 139
"William of Germany," 183
Williams, H. D., edits Quiver and Little Folks, 123, 128
Williams, John, 143
and Oscar Wilde, 139
chief editor, 73, 165, 197
his death, 73
Williamson, David, edits Cassell's Magazine and Quiver, 119, 123
Willson, Beckles, 185
Wilson, J. Farlow, 9, 231
head of printing department, 82 et seq.
his "Recollections of an Old Printer," 8–9, 83
perils of serial publication, 33
Wilson, Robert, 171, 181
"Winnowed Memories," 185
Woman's Rights movement in America, 51
Woman's World, and its editor, 134 et seq.
"Women of All Nations," 180
Wood, Mrs. Henry, 12, 121, 123
Wood, Sir Evelyn, 172, 185
Woods, Henry, 106
Woods, W. J., becomes secretary, 81
Woolf, Miss Bella Sidney, 126
Woolfield, T. R., 39
Work, and its editors, 140–1, 195
"Work Handbooks," 141
Working Man's Friend, 15, 16
World's Temperance Convention, 45
Wormell, Dr., 195
"Wrecker, The," 216
Wren, M. F., 204
Wright, Lewis, 143
and Live Stock Journal, 154
his "Illustrated Book of Poultry," 191
Wright, Rev. Henry, 123
Wright, Thomas, 55
Wright, W. P., 141
Wyatt rising, the, 19
Wylie, Dr. A. J., 196
Wyllie, Charles W., 107
Wvllle, W. L., 202, 204

Yeames, W. F., 106
Young, Francis Chilton, first editor of Work, 140
Young, Thomas, advertisement manager, 93
joins the Board and becomes deputy general manager, 93

Printed in England by Cassell & Company, Limited, London, E.C.4.