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The Strand Magazine/Volume 3/Issue 18/Wilt Thou Understand?

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Illustrated by A. Barraud.

4180776The Strand Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 18 — Wilt Thou Understand?George NewnesG. M. G. and Jacques Blumenthal.

Written by G. M. G.

Music composed by Jacques Blumenthal.

\relative c'' {
  \time 3/4
    \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "violin"} {
  \tempo 4 = 100
      \key d \major
      r1 * 3/4 ^\markup{\italic Andante.}
      r | 
      r | 
      r4 r8 d,^\markup {\dynamic "p" \italic Espressivo.} e cis'
      cis8. b16 b8.\< a16 a8\! e8 |
      g2. |
      r8\> e4.\! \tuplet 3/2 {e8(\( fis8.) g16\)} |
      fis4. r8 r8. d16 |

    \addlyrics {
      If now I sing, though all the world be there,
      Praise to de -- clare, The

    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \key d \major
        a''4~\(^\markup{\italic Andante.}_\markup {\italic {Soave e cantabile.}} \tuplet 3/2 {a8 fis d} \tuplet 3/2 {b cis d} |
        \acciaccatura d8 a'4~\pp \tuplet 3/2 {a8 fis d} << {\tuplet 3/2 {b cis d}} \\ f,4 >> |
        <<{a4~ \tuplet 3/2 {a8 gis d}} \\ {r8 <d a>4.}>> \tuplet 3/2 {b8 <e cis>8.\arpeggio d16} \) |
        d8^\markup{\dynamic ppp \italic {e legato.}} <fis d> <fis d> <fis d> <fis d> <fis d> |
        <fis d>[ <fis d>] <fis d>[ <fis d>] <fis d>[ <fis d>] |
        << {g4.^\markup{\italic Cantabile.} g8 \tuplet 3/2 {g a b}} \\ {<b, d>8 <b d> <b d> <b d> <b d> <d e g>} >> |
        << {<g b>2 a4} \\ {<cis, e>8 <cis e> <cis e> <cis e> <cis e g>4} >> |
        <d fis a>8[ <d fis>] <d fis>[ <d fis>] <d fis>[ <fis a>] |

      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key d \major
        <d,, d'>8\sustainOn <a'' d fis>4. <b d g>4\sustainOff |
        d,8\sustainOn <a' d fis>4. <gis d'>4\arpeggio\sustainOff |
        r8\< <a, fis'>4.\!^\markup{\italic ritard.} <a g'>4\arpeggio\> |
        <d, fis'>4\!^\markup{\italic {a tempo.}}(\sustainOn\arpeggio <d fis'>16) r16 d'8\sustainOff\p\( fis8_\markup{ \italic Cantabile.} cis'
        cis4 b a8 d,\) |
        <<{e4. e4 e8} \\ {r4 r4 e,4} >> |
        << {g'2 g4} \\ {a,2.} >> |
        <d, d'>8.\sustainOn fis16 a d fis16. a32 a8 d\sustainOff |

accel. ritard.

own, And thou a - lone, And thou a -lone, a-lone, . . . . Shalt hear and un- der-

Cantabile. poco accel.

stand; And thou a - lone, And thou a - lone, And thou, . . thou a -

Appasionato e sempre crescendo. poco accel.

ri - tar - dan - do molto.

lone, shalt hear un - - - - - - - - der - stand.

ri - tar -dan - do. tempo.


rit. ritardando.