The Sundhya, or, the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins/Plate 2

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He repeats the Gungashtuk.

Having terminated his prayers to the Gooroo, he quits his place of repose; and filling a brass vessel, called Julpatree, he commences by washing his face and rubbing his teeth, praying at the same time, that all impurity may thus be cleansed away from him, and he be made as pure within as without. Then, proceeding to the river-side, he enters the Ganges, knee-deep, sprinkles a little water, by a quick jerk of the right-hand, over his head; and holding some in the half-closed palm of the same hand, he addresses the great Deity Bhagwan in the following words:—

"Vishnu! Vishnu! Vishnu! Adoration to the supreme Deity! the first eternal male! the resplendent sun! May the benefits that result from this adoration be bestowed (on such a person—naming himself) performing worship in Jambu Dwípa (India) in the second portion of the life of Brahma, in the Kalpa of Varáha, in the Manwantara (or reign of the Manu) Vaivaswata, at this holy spot on (such) a year (such) a fortnight, when the sun was in an auspicious sign! for I am desirous of fulfilling the duties which are enjoined by the Purans, the Smriti (law), and the Srutí (or Vedas)."

This said, he plunges several times in the Ganges; and while he rubs each member of his body in the sacred stream, he chants the following verses in praise of Gunga:—

1st verse. "When a man goes into the sacred waters, he must sing her praise thus: 'O Juggutmata! whoever shall, day and night, fix his heart and his thoughts upon thee, is righteous and holy in all his works; and he who worships thee, in the hope of obtaining a place in heaven, will not be disappointed. O Mata! (mother) all my hopes of salvation are in thy hands! Grant me every good in this life, and heaven in the one to come!'
2d verse. "Those whom thou hast endowed with handsome features, and full, lovely eyes, their beauty is consecrated to thy service, that they might gaze upon thee with admiration and adoration. O Mata! he whose hearing is deaf to the rippling of thy waters, is worthless in thy sight.
3d verse. "O Gunga! the gods descend in their glorious cars, to bathe in thy holy stream! The sinner, who hath been condemned to the regions of darkness and punishment, by washing in thy sacred water shall be purified, and received in the realms of everlasting bliss. Blessed is the land through which thou flowest, for thou deliverest the people thereof from all sorrow and evils; and gods adore thee!
4th verse. "He who strikes a Priest, commits robbery, seduces the wife of his teacher, and he who is given to drunkenness; yea, even he who hath committed all these crimes, if, when brought dying to thy sacred waters, he shall drink thereof, he shall surely see heaven.



Day & Son, lithrs. to the Queen.